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Everything posted by Patroller

  1. Some times I do it, because it's the closest thing to tea bagging the in TOR. I do it right after I kill people
  2. By the looks of the images you should us, I noticed that you had 1-2 good healers almost every round, which is on way you can get so high dps. I play rage jugg on the Harbinger and when I play, there are never healers or good healers. I seldom get lower than 2k dps with no heals, and when i get heals, I can reach about 3-4k dps.
  3. In the new Odessen warzone, imps and pubs are being put on the same team.
  4. It's funny how the devs say they look at the forums, but if they actually do, then I believe they would leave a comment in this thread. Btw, I am on the Harbinger, and people say PvP is dying. I don't know where they get their info from, because when I walk about fleet, I see that almost half the population at times is in PvP gear, and there aren't many people asking for Ops groups.
  5. To start, I am going to predict that the rewards are going to look like complete garbage. BW needs to put more time into making the rewards worth spending the time and effort to get. The top three player classes will be: 1. sorc 2. sorc 3. sorc The reason for my prediction is, lightning and madness are over powered with insane self heals. The recent edition of phase walk will (if the sorc is decent) give them basically three lives. I say this because their first life is when the game starts, second life is the phase walk and heal up, then the third life is bubble and heal up. Possibly even a fourth life with the short CD on phase walk. Also, the rotations are easy and require little skill. I say all of this, because I have played both specs and got bored from them having an easy rotation and being overpowered. P.S. It's always a good feeling when you have higher dps and obj than a sorc with no heals on your team and twice the dmg taken.
  6. When is season 7 going to start? In the past, most seasons what lasted 3 months, with a month or 2 in between. KotFE was released in October, which means we could be wrapping up 7 season right now, and getting ready to start season 8. Since we have waited so long, I am hoping that this means the devs have been taking their time to make good rewards that don't look like a 6 year old made them. We haven't had good rewards since season 3... Seriously BW, get your **** together and start season 7.
  7. I mainly PvP, because I have done all of the PvE content in the game and am bored of doing ops and some fps. I was really looking forward to the Eternal Championship because I would have something to do again in game besides PvP. But now, BW says it's delayed because it doesn't meet their standards of quality. I appreciate this, but that doesn't mean much to me based on the most recent content. They are trying to make the bosses harder for people to kill, but lets be realistic here... If you know your class, you shouldn't have many problems. Now the release of it is being pushed back an undisclosed amount and we will have more information in 4-6 weeks, which means we won't be getting it for probably 2 months. I will almost 100% guarantee I can beat all 10 bosses in my 208 augd PvP gear. I mean, we have our comps and then I saw they have put at least 2 med stations in each boss fight area. I still wish it would be released with this coming expansion so that the community can have more than 30 minutes of story. I have honestly been so bored this month waiting, because I just want the new warzones.
  8. I do not know why but I along with many other players that I have talked to always get lag after updates. I know my computer or internet isn't the best, but why do I always have lag and fps issues after updates? 6 months ago, my fps was great and I was getting little lag, then 4.0 came and I am averaging between 5-20 fps in wzs when i used to average 60 and I have been getting massive lag spikes. Other players I talk to have experienced this as well.
  9. I did both of those but it still didn't work because i was never able to use the droid again.
  10. Over christmas i got up to the stage where you need to go to the rakghoul tunnels and complete the scans. I complete the scans today, but when i did teh scan by the sarlacc pit, the specimen never appeared. I reset the mission but now i have to do it all over again which sucks. This happened to others i talked to as well. This really needs to be fixed. Also, they need to remove the rakghoul event as part of the mission to obtain Dr.Lokin... They should send us to Taris to get samples. After all, that's where you meet him.
  11. So I'm a sub and I'm currently on a waiting list even though the sever says standard population...
  12. Oh man, you got me good. I post a thread that took 2 minutes to write and you're telling me to get a life. You must be twelve. Also, 8 hours of content maximum after waiting a year is not much content at all.
  13. Bioware needs to stop wasting money on making bad looking gear and content and spend time on true endgame and new warzones.
  14. I was very curious about why swtor has started to lack in content as a game and i decided to go to BioWare's website and found out there are 32 job openings, most of which are essential to swtor. Here's the link http://www.bioware.com/en/careers/current-openings/?locations%5B%5D=44&locations%5B%5D=45&locations%5B%5D=43#job-listings I know this isn't just for swtor, but at least it explains some of the reasons for lack of content...
  15. I would also like to get new personal star ships, and finally have a use for the escape pods on our ships. They can be another way to exit the star ship or go to a certain area in game. We could click it, and then we end up seeing a cinematic of the escape pod launching, we see a ship belong to our faction pick us up, and we end up back on the fleet even if we were in space around rishi, or oricion, etc
  16. I getting to the point where I am fed up with BioWare and the dev's not listening to the players. I heard and seen lots of people unsubscribing because on the lacking everything in this game. There are lots of posts where people have said what they want to see change in this game and be added. I remember filing a bug report to customer service, but then got a random response saying please post your ideas and concerns in the forums, our developers check them frequently. For one I found this to be a weird response for a bug report. Two, from the most recent content, I can tell the dev's never read the forums. Everyone agrees on the same thing, more content, better CM, and listen to the players. I have a few ideas of my own and some i agree with that others have said. PvE 1. Its been a year since we have had any new operations, and I feel that 2 most recent were lacking in depth of content and story. Because of this, I feel we need 3-4 new operations. They don't even have to be connected to KotFE. I wouldn't mind seeing a planet story arc for odessen which leads up to a operation to finish it off. 2. We need new flash points. For one, they need to be longer like the old ones rather than the ones from SoR which you can complete in 15-20min, and they shouldn't all be the same like star fortress. 3. This one sounds stupid, but can you make it so elite bosses are hard to kill? please 4. We need better planets. Out of all the planets starting with the 2.0 expansion, the only ones i like are oricon and odessen. Makeb was too big and all looked the same, rishi was just disappointing and i didn't like it and yavin was just the same thing for 3 sections. PvP 1. NEW ARENAS! Its been 2 years and the 2 most recent 8v8 arenas are TERRIBLE. We need at least 4 new 8v8 arenas that are not like huttball at all, and we need 4 new 4v4 arenas. 2. Make it so there is can option for 8v8 regs, 8v8 ranked (like season 1), 4v4 regs, and 4v4 ranked. So many more people would pvp. 3. I'm going to express my true feelings for this one. Seaon 1, 2, and 3 rewards where amazing for ranked. Ever since then, you guys send like 5 minutes making rewards and they end up looking like complete garbage. Like, to the degree where bronze cartel items look better than them. 4. I know this is a lot to ask and I will probably get hate for this, but balance classes. There needs to be a complete rework of the classes. Cartel Market: 1. Everyone had hope when we heard about the new packs, but when learned it cost 200cc for 2 items when an old pack would cost 300cc 4-6 items, we knew it just wasn't worth it. Bring back the old packs with 4-6 items for 250cc. 2. I like your bronze, silver and gold rating system. But the prices are INCREDIBLY unreasonable. Bronze should cost 50-100cc for a mount or armor pack. Silver should cost 200-300cc, and gold should cost 500-600cc, that way a subscriber can get their monthly cc and do something with them. 3. Why would take all the packs off of the CM before Christmas? I have a few friends who were going to buy some items, but then found out there was nothing there they wanted. You guys could have done a special sale on everything over Christmas and made money, but instead, you took everything worth value off Companions: 1. I like how we are able to get so many companions, but i HATE how it is such a grind to get all the comps, and then need to do it again for another character. You NEED to make it so they are legacy bound and you can spend 5cc or 10000 credits to unlock them for your other characters, because its not worth doing all the quests and star fortresses again. 2. Make it so we can choose to kill each companion and not just select/certain companions. 3. Nerf the heals of companions. They make content too easy. I know there is a lot more to fix, but I feel like this is a good start. PLEASE READ THIS BIOWARE If you guys have any other ideas, feel free to post them below. (sorry for grammar and spelling errors, was in a rush when i wrote this )
  17. Great post but sadly (even though customer service say they do) the devs will never read this post... Its like offering ideas for pvp rewards, gear, planets, basic combat.. they just dont care and wont read it
  18. Patroller

    Sorcs and pvp

    I expected these responses and im going to guess you people play sorc. Right? No skill require? EZ game? Sorcs are easy, *******s play madness, takes no skill. You say everyone's trash because oh, wow, sorcs can do so much dmg... How to play madness: DoT > DoT > Root > Run > Heal > LoS > AoE > DoT rinse and repeat no skill
  19. Patroller

    Sorcs and pvp

    I have played every class for PvP, and don't do too bad on most classes. I'm currently maining an operative for PvP, have just made a jugg, which is fun, and am leveling my sniper. I can kill almost anything with my operative, except for healer sorc. Jugg, i can kill anything but madness sorc because of all the roots, and on my sniper, i can kill everything but madness sorc, because they just line of sight me and DoT me... I know some of you will say reroll to another class, or you suck. I have played madness sorc, lightnning sorc, and the healer spec sorc. I almost never die to a melee class, i never die to anything really, except in a 4v1 against me. Before i hit 60 in 3.3 with my sorc, i remember a hypergate where i did 1.9mil dmg, and 1.2mil healing, 0 deaths. Then i got bored or sorc because it was too easy. Now that sorcs has phase walk as well at GOD BUBBLE, they are incredibly hard to kill. Tbh, you don't have to be good at sorc to play it. It is the easiest class in game and takes little to no skill. It has started to piss me off that the top players in ranked are sorcs. The worst part is they think they are good, because they almost never die. But we all know sorcs don't take much skill to play. The reason why sorcs are so over powered right now, is because some of the devs play them. The devs either need to get good at the game and play other classes or just not play and let the top players in the game decide what should happen and balance out the classes. Sorcs need a major nerf. The game hasn't been balanced since before 3.0. BW needs to do balance the game. Sorry for my rant, but i feel this is one of the biggest issues in game. One more thing... Stop making the pvp rewards look like trash and make new wz's...
  20. Much appreciated BW for fixing this bug. Now hopefully prices will return to normal in game.
  21. Patroller

    Best pvp class

    Sin needs a good healing buff tbh. As deception spec, 1 healing ability is pretty ******, even pts have more than that.
  22. Patroller

    Best pvp class

    I want to do ranked with the tank so should i be jugg or sin?
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