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Everything posted by snowgoon

  1. Infamous. DOA and Exiles have been fairly consistent. I hear Ascension will have a team shortly as well.
  2. Anyone else loving how Doge speak seems to be taking over the server? Wow!
  3. Need a job, man. Gotta make some mad space scrilla tbh.
  4. Hello I'd like to apply for this position. Give me an I! Give me an N! And so on. And that's just a taste
  5. Someone reported Cox?? Lame. Teamspeak was hilarious. "Get on Cox!" EDIT: Let me know if you guys are queuing tonight.
  6. Very fun matches tonight! Hope to make this a weekly thing. Thanks to DoA, Infamous, Sicktwisted, Sith Academy (I think?) and Evo's bunch! EDIT: I may fraps some videos if this becomes a regular thing. Stay tuned!
  7. Hi there, May I suggest that you add which faction you mainly play? Regards, Bethanie.
  8. Yes. Kaonstantly under siege. .....I'll show myself out.
  9. Sounds like fun. Bethanie Shadow Tank Exiles "Wow. Such stealth. Very shadow." Edit: I can help organize pub side if you need.
  10. If you mean 4v4's I can probably get a team of us scrubs together could be a lot of fun. Try to coordinate with me in game and I'll let you know! Regards, Bethanie
  11. Mitigation vs. endurance. I've tried to come to a conclusion on this on my own, and I'm leaning more towards endurance in pvp. What are some of your guys' thoughts?
  12. Yes, this was posted about 30 minutes prior to the kick. They're working on....something....on BC.
  13. They are working on the pvp queue issue and a login issue. Edit for link: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=7127162#edit7127162
  14. Glad to hear this. This is a good attitude to have. It's a game, pvp is fun. I don't think the balance situation is as dire as some would suggest. Welcome to BC. Regards, Bethanie.
  15. I have an excessive amount of these comms, and I won't be raiding DP/DF until the new year. In the meantime, my 69/72's are pretty well itemized for mitigation. The purchasable gear appears to be very heavy on accuracy over defensive stats, and I'm wondering if it's worth it to purchase....well anything.
  16. ...and we'd like to find a semi-casual raid group. The shadow is a tank and the sage is a healer. - both have considerable raid experience. We recently ressubed to find our server is pretty slow, so we re transferring in the hopes of revitalizing our raiding career. We're interested in a close-knit, laid back yet productive group to raid with.
  17. There is no need for that unpleasantness. It isn't uncommon for you to chime in to conversations you aren't a part of either. EDIT: inb4 "Gotta do something about that anger" response.
  18. I would pvp late at night on my pub, but I don't like it when you shoot stuff at me
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