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Everything posted by EvgenijM

  1. 192 gear can be reverse engineered (198 gear can not) Every item requires Matter Transubstantiator (among other materials), which is grade 11 exotic crafting material (purple). These mats drop in new OPs, from last boss in 16man SM and 8man HM, and also from every boss in 16man HM. Matter Transubstantiator can't be placed on GTN for some reason. No idea if it is a bug or intended. Regards
  2. Hello, crafting Advanced Skill Barrel 37 (+124 Cunning +104 Endurance) Materials required: 1 x Matter Transubstantiator 2 x Exonium 2 x Doonium Whisper or message me on Jazzu (Imp side) or Anamalia (Rep side) Regards!
  3. Hello, crafting Advanced Might Hilt 37 (+124 Strength +104 Endurance) Materials required: 1 x Matter Transubstantiator 2 x Exonium 2 x Midlithe Crystal Whisper or message me on Jazzu (Imp side) or Anamalia (Rep side) Regards!
  4. Only yellow and orange missions give you purple mats when they crit. Green and gray give more basic mats when they crit, but no purple.
  5. I personally believe situation with relics after 2.4 is a disaster. Whatever role you play (tank, healer, dps) and whichever BiS combination of relics you get, whether they are PvP or PvE relics or a mix of both, they will NOT work as intended or specified in their description. To put it another way, whatever 2 relics you get, they either are not working now or will not work after some time later.
  6. Thank you Amber for letting us know. Could you also give us any insight about bugs with some other relics? For example: Obroan Relic of Focused Retribution procs every 20 seconds instead of 40 seconds mentioned in description (how about Dread Forged?) Obroan Relic of Focused Retribution does not work in warzones at all Description for Dread Forged Relic of the Shrouded Crusader says it gives bonus for 20 seconds, while previous tier relics worked for 30 seconds (e.g. Underworld Relic of the Shrouded Crusader). Regards!
  7. The description for all 3 tanking relics says 20 seconds. Maybe it was intended?
  8. Same here :/ I wonder how many more relics are bugged...
  9. First response from Bioware about Power proc relics
  10. Happened to me on Jedi Knight too. In The False Emperor flashpoint (Story mode) I engaged HK boss. Doc did not start healing me after I got some damage and simply kept attacking the boss. I selected myself and used his 1st healing ability (Ctrl + 3). He started to heal me after that and bug did not reappear on next opponents. I was alone in FP (no group), Doc's abilities were not disabled, he was in healing stance, I had no pets with me. Regards
  11. Hello! So far there have been numerous bugs and questions about the way new relics works after 2.4 1) The relic which makes you invulnerable for 6 seconds (many people know the name of it already and exploit it in PvE and PvP) 2) Obroan Relic of Focused Retribution procs every 20 seconds instead of 40 seconds mentioned in description. Have not tested Dread Forged Relic of Focused Retribution but I will not be surprised if it procs every 20 seconds too. 3) SA PvE and PvP relics which proc at the same time and stack Power (e.g. Underworld SA + Obroan SA relics) Now, I understand that #1 is clearly a bug and you said you are going to fix it. Could we have some comments about #2 and #3 too? For #2, 20 seconds interval seems to make much more sense than 40 seconds and would make the relic comparable to Boundless Ages. Because if it is really should be 40 seconds, Focused Retribution relics are worthless stat-wise. As for #3, please say if it is intended or if you plan to fix it. Current situation with relics make us purchase relics which might become useless with next patch. We are confused on which relic should we purchase and if their functionality will be changed. This makes hard to gear characters not to mention the outcomes of using bugged relics in PvP to gain unfair advantages. Just inform us of your plans for changes in relics please. Regards!
  12. I have not tested Dread Forged Focused Retribution, but Obroan Focused Retribution procs every 20 seconds instead of 40 mentioned in description. Not sure if it is a bug in relic or description, and if they plan to fix it.
  13. Obroan Relic of Serendipitous Assault and Underworld Relic of Serendipitous Assault proc at the same time, stacking Power bonus and do not share cooldown
  14. I have to agree, Brontes sounds sexy
  15. Highest tier gear is now purchasable for comms. Craftable gear is now 2 tier lower than BiS gear. This never happened before.
  16. A lot of good points, mate! Now when isotops are back let's see what other changes will be done to return crafting to live. You are right, making MMGs easier to get could really give crafting another chance. And I totally agree, everyone needs to adapt, that's how it is. But we can't really do much without developer's intervention here
  17. Isotops are coming back to vendors: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=6806022
  18. What casual players are you referring to? Level 55s who never do ops? Well, these people never needed end-game crafting and the thread is not about them. If people do Ops, 16-man SM are easiest OPs. Even clueless and unskilled players can complete them. Allowing even unskilled players to purchase BiS gear (not to mention skilled players) is something which made end-game crafting mostly obsolete.
  19. Running SM OPs in 16-man group gives you Ultimate comms for every boss. Add WEKKLY comms here (including the one for 3 x HM FPs) and You will easily hit 150 limit a week without doing any HM content, not to mention NiM. And 16-man SM OPs are the easiest OPs of all. Practically a run-through. You have half of the team who are experienced and overgeared, and another half might not even know the tactics and still complete it. And about the quality of grade 78 gear for comms. True, it is not too good for tanks, but quite good for DPS and healers. At least it is better than optimal 72 gear you were ordering from crafters before. And You can get 72 for farming HM FPs and doing weeklies in daily locations. I agree, some items which you can't get for comms, like hilts and barrels might still be popular. But as if it was not enough, they removed Isotops from Basic Gear Vendor. The prices for Isotops gone crazy now. And this will seriously lower the amount of people ordering 72 gear.
  20. Grade 75 and 78 mods can't be crafted in this patch
  21. They were silent about this untill last day. Lead Designer Jesse Sky mentioned that Kell Dragon won't be craftable in 2.4 about a week before the patch. But his posted was deleted shortly afterwards. Anyway, the reason crafting took such hit is not the inability to craft 75 or 78 itself. Before 2.4 we had a world when BiS gear could not be crafted or purchased with comms. I believe this was a perfect decision, since to get best gear you had to work really hard, doing NiM Ops. Not everyone had a team or skills to complete NiM bosses, so grade 75 gear was a reward for hardcore progression gamers. In per-2.4 world crafting 72 gear helped people to optimize their gear and gear up to complete harder content. Well, this part did not change after 2.4 - we still can't craft BiS gear (75 and 78), but now people can get BiS gear for comms. And to get those comms they can do 16-man SM Ops and Flashpoints - the easiest stuff in the end-game which basically is a run-through with current gear. Of course, current BiS gear for comms is not too good. But even non-optimal gradee 78 mods you get for comms are same or better than optimal 72, because the difference between them is now two tiers. Same as before tanks got worse mods again, but healers and DPS can get a lot of good mods for comms. What was developers' reasoning behind this? I frankly can't come up with anything reasonable. Was it the idea to make it easier for people to get grade 78 gear? But it's disappointment and loss of challenge for others. They plan to make 75 or 78 craftable soon? Or was it simply the easiest thing to do, since shifting gear tiers for all ops would require a remake of existing content and huge amount of testing effort. And they just took the easier path? I don't know. Guess we have to wait and find out. But for now it looks they had no plan at all. The decision looks incompetent and not well-though. We might need to speak up and say this loud to them, but frankly I myself can't yet come up with any serious solution on how exactly this situation could be fixed now.
  22. Nerfed? I am sorry, but "killed" would be a better word. Who will craft grade 72 now, when you can do HM Flashpoints to get it for Elite comms. Not to mention that running 16man SM OPs and farming Ultimate comms will get you grade 78 gear.
  23. If that additional time will help them to avoid "heal to full"-type answers, please let them take their time! Still, in spite of it's ugly nature, "heal to full" turned out to be a one of the best SWTOR's mems
  24. Had the same issue several times. Workaround: I pressed Alt+F4 and launched the game again. I was not kicked from the group, reappeared on the exact same spot and was able to move. My theory that this bug happens when I was trying to move forward during Flashpoint's intro cut scene, by pressing W key or left and right mouse buttons.
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