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Everything posted by Whizle

  1. It's not a PVP event. It's an event. Bioware threw you a bone with two extra missions that grant warzone coms. If it were just a pvp event, they would have left ilum alone and put the whole event right in the middle of the pvp zone.
  2. Newsflash, no one is going to hang around when the event is over and bioware isn't giving you a terminal. Enjoy your few weeks of fun. Fact is that 99% of the game's players don't care about open world pvp. You trolls just happen to be a very vocal minority.
  3. ugh... so you pvp'ers just don't get it. We (read pve'ers) don't like you very much. You are all trolls, and this is why you can't have nice things. You're correct; we don't have to do the pvp quests. Guess what? A bunch of us have stopped. Those who continue to do so, are inclined to do it in a civilized manner (read lines). Some of us have even taken to attempting to police the line from savage barbarians such as yourselves. Perhaps if you didn't behave like trolls, there would be more interest in open world pvp. If you were out killing people so that a member of your team could deposit and orb, that would be fine and understandable. Instead you run around killing for no reason. It's senseless. You get no valor, no comms, no credits. You're just being trolls. This is why no one likes you. This is why no one queues with you for ranked. You have less than 100 people who feel the same way you do on a server with a thousand people. You are an insignificantly small population. Bioware shouldn't listen to you. Unfortunately, for all the accusations of crying pve'ers, you are some of the biggest whiners in the game. WHAAAAH...Bioware, the pve kids quit playing with us again, make them bring their toys to our house so we can beat them up agian....WHAAAAAH. TROLLS...you are all trolls.
  4. I hate to be mean, but you have had some of the most naive posts I've read all day. Seriously, your faith in the goodness of bioware is borderline delusional. Yes, they said there would be new gear. Obviously there will be level 51-55 green, blue, and purple items that drop. How will those items compare to current 50+ gear (black hole/campaign and hazmat/dread guard)? If my dread guard gear will still be better than level 55 purples, then I don't need to worry much about getting it. They've said new gear will drop. They haven't said there will be a new end game gear level.
  5. What are you going to do with your level 55 character that you weren't doing with your level 50?
  6. Honestly. If you think a new planet with five levels is worth paying for, then by all means go do it. Please just hear me out first. You are doing all players a disservice by pre-paying for so little promised content. I will respond to a few of your knee-jerk defenses: a. "but...but...it's sooo little money" First, you are already paying a monthly fee. Would you have paid $10 to get 'section x/HK'? That's essentially what is happening here. Can't you see that they're trying to make us all F2P players who pay for new content? Yes it is the cheapest MMO expansion ever. It is also the most lackluster expansion ever. We don't know any of the details. Which brings me to the next knee jerk defense.... b. "they said they'd tell me more in the coming months" This doesn't mean that you'll learn about any new content in the coming months. They have told you that you are getting a planet and five levels. If you pay for that now, what incentive do they have to put more content in? They already have your money! If every subscriber kicked in ten dollars today, they wouldn't throw in a new operation and 3 flashpoint and a new warzone out of the kindness of their heart. By paying upfront for a vague promise of content you are removing all leverage the consumer has. Make them commit to a new operation. Make them commit to new gear progression. Make them commit to new flashpoints. Make them commit to advancement of the class story line. Stop throwing away money on fluff. You make us all look bad.
  7. LOL at all the people who have already paid $10 for something they know so little about. The ONLY OFFICIAL statements about this patch are 'Five Level Cap Increase + New Planet.' That's it. Oh, you heard it will have a new race? Where is that in the description? Oh, you heard it will have a chapter 4 class story line? Where is that in the description? We don't even know if the story line was written by the same people who did the original game because of the major layoffs. We don't know if it will have the same quality voice actors. ...and you don't even know when it is coming out. You've just given bioware $10 of your money to hang onto for up to 6 months while you get nothing.
  8. 1. Release Date? - 'Spring 2013' isn't a release date. It's a season. March? April? May?! How can you expect us to pay for something in December when it won't be out for potentially 5-6 months? We were originally led to believe, via developer interviews on fan sites, that this content would be ready in January. Now you're pushing it back? 2. Subscribers have to pay? - We pay you every month to keep this game going. We should get updates for free. That's why we pay a subscription. If we wanted to pay for expansions, we would play console games. You aren't selling SW:TOR II. You're selling new content. You've essentially turned us all into F2P status players. Shenanigans. 3. New Content? - You just say there are 5 more levels. No mention of Cathar? I can't believe that was an oversight by the advertising team. I'm guessing that means we won't be seeing the new race in this expansion. I hope for your sake this means we'll see it before then. New operations, warzones, flashpoints? What do we get with these five levels? Will there be new class abilities, or do we just put 5 more points in the existing skill tree? Will you be raising the legacy cap? What new legacy unlocks and features will be available if you are? Will this be a continuation of the class story line (chapter 3), or is it just a side quest? Did you hire the same story-writers and voice actors for this expansion? I'm sorry, but I don't think 'new planet + five levels' in some ambiguous date in the future is worth my $10 right now. It's worth the extra $10 to have the security of finding out what kind of content is actually going to be in this update. If things continue like they are, I don't see myself being a subscriber in May anyway.
  9. I was under the impression that 30/50/50 (w/o dark ward) was ideal for sin tanks, but I've read that this is changed with the introduction of dread guard gear. I've heard some people say 60% for absorb, and others say 70%. Which is it? Where does diminishing returns start to kick in? I've heard some people say to take shield as low as 40% because of dark ward being up (getting a boost to 60%). Is this true? Is 30% still ideal for defense chance? What about relics? I currently use the two PVP constant relics, but I've heard that the dread guard healing relic is BiS for Sin tanks. How should I make up for the stat loss if I do switch to the dread guard relic?
  10. Please bring back the deposit based on listed price. The new system doesn't disincentivize people from taking down an item enough. This will lead to rampant undercutting which will make it hard for those of us who have to grind smaller items (farmed mats, aug kits, augments, gormak crystals and energy-cells, stims, and adrenals). If you're going to remove a fee (or at least make it smaller), it should be the GTN commission. The commission is totally unnecessary credit sink.
  11. Just an update. I RE'd and learned the Dread Guard Relic of Ephemeral Mending (or something like that). When you learn the DG relics, the name changes to Warstalker. The stats stay the same though, and they are 'bind on equip.' cost to make: 4 Synthetic Energy Matrix; 8 Molecular Stabilizer; 12 Corusca Gem; 14 Upari Crystal; 16 Primeval Artifact Fragment (might have the fragments and upari backwards).
  12. I know you can RE them to learn the schematic, but does anyone know if they are BoP or BoE?
  13. Side bet on which will get released first: a) Dr. Dre's Detox b) HK-51
  14. I recently completed my Hellfire set via GTN purchases. I had zero luck getting any pieces on Quesh. I have heard that pieces drop with some frequency on Hoth now though. I also really only wanted the helmet as I prefer the rest of the Mercenary Elite set. Though, just after getting it I found the [Prototype] TH-17A Elite War Medic Helmet, which I actually like better than the hellfire.
  15. It's False Emperor for me. It's popped like 4-5 times in the past week. I started turning it off.
  16. I recently attempted to do LI HM through group finder just because I wanted to try to get the daily. Admittedly, I was unprepared. I don't think I was under-geared (rakata earpiece, implants, belt, bracers, matrix cube, and champion relic all aug'd...plus a full warhero set), but I had not studied the fight. I got booted twice. Once the others were nice about it. They didn't actually boot me, just asked that I leave and suggested I study up on youtube before trying again. The other time, not so much. I guess I can understand, but both times it was a group that obviously needed a healer and had requested that group finder fill the role. As the person before me said, at least one person made it on to my ignore list. You can't magically wish up a full rakata healer who has ran the flashpoint 10 times to escort you through. At some point you have to deal with people who want to learn. If you don't have time to hold hands, then just be upfront about it with the person.
  17. There is great fresh 50 guide on Darth Hater. I ran my dailies everyday to get the rakata earpiece and implants. Crafted my own rakata belt and bracers using bca from the GTN. And used PVP gear to supplement. I've been running hard modes for about a week (at least one per day for the daily). I'm two pieces away from full columi or better.
  18. Huttball sucks and it pops too frequently. I hope 1.3 has a new map/game. If you want to stay on the ball, you have to constantly move. As a merc healer, that's hard because only one heal can be cast while moving. I find that in these games, I help my team win but my stats are low (even my objective stats). It doesn't feel good to win but know that you were dead last in the rankings. I don't care so much about the stuns and knockbacks and such. Everybody has them and they're a fact of life. The pulls do suck though. The friendly pulls more so than the enemy pulling you into a hazard. Personally, I prefer Civil War/Novarre Coast. Most of my friends/guildies love Voidstar. Different strokes for different folks.
  19. It's tough. I was getting a piece per day for battlemaster. It feels like hitting a wall when you finally finish the set though. I'm looking at about a piece per week for War Hero. My guildies told me start with mainhand weapon, because the stat boost is so high (even if the cost is too). I have a lot more respect for the people who have had to grind out a full war hero set. Especially the ones who worked hard for pre-1.2 battlemaster.
  20. Weeklies don't pop until Tuesday morning.
  21. I do need the comms. I just recently hit 50. I still have 4 or 5 pieces of recruit gear. I don't even have an alt yet.
  22. Those of us who completed the weekly on Tuesday would sure like the extra 201 of warzone and ranked warzone comms. We completed the same weekly in the same allotted amount of time, but we were punished because we did it before the patch hit. Shouldn't we be rewarded for playing more? Don't you want us queuing?
  23. ^^^^^THIS! Holding the attention of 2-3 DPSers for even 30 seconds does a great service to your team. So what if you die 8-12 times per match. As long as it's not 1v1, you're helping your team by being a healer tank. If they get distracted by a training dummy and let the ball score or doors/bridges open, it's a quick win for your team.
  24. This thread seems ridiculous to me. I hit 50 on Thursday and started doing pvp because several people told me it was the quickest way to gear up. I did get owned while playing, but a kind soul whispered that I needed to go get some recruit gear if I wanted to live. So I drop my bankroll on a full recruit suit (no big deal, money is cheap when you're 50 and I made it all back in a day). Played through memorial day weekend and I'm more than half way to full battlemaster. Not only do I feel like I can compete, I feel I can contribute to my team's victory. If you have a substantial amount of battlemaster gear and still can't hold your own, then you probably need to rethink tactics/strategy while in game. The difference between me with high 40s pve gear and a recruit set was night and day. Plus, I can see the difference with each battlemaster piece I add.
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