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Everything posted by jediakm

  1. Your sense of honor reminds me of a mandalorian, along with your vengeful nature. i always wanted to be a mando in any star wars games i play, so good for you. I think merciful actions do carry benifits as well, but my knight will tend to kill sith, especially if i think he'll just grab his lightsaber if i let him go. also, if you do go dark side, you should probably imbrace it fully, feel its power flow through you. But, it's your charector, don't let anyone tell you different. Sincerly, Dragonbolt, Knight of the republic
  2. Personally, i went damage because whenever i play a game like kotor, the jedi knight is always more tank like, and I wanted a change. also, I thing you can mow through large groups much more quickly.
  3. But those that are true sith look down upo those that are mostly human. and there are those that join, making up more than 2 percent. and since when has hk known everything? lol
  4. Well, the sith really become what they are in swtor becuase banished jedi land on koriban, so there could be some confusion there. But I think I agree the dark jedi are just fallen jedi, and if you want to be really restrivtive, there are always just the true sith, instead of the order as a whole.
  5. I agree, altough, if revan really did think he was about to die, he would just use his force bomb, which darth bane learned from a holocrhon which revan had made, he is just the kind of guy that would take the emperor out if he was about to die anyway. Also, I am pretty sure revan is a light side jedi, besides having been on both sides, the killing of malak generally can be described as his return to the light. The entire idea of the force is that you have to pick a side, and revan is too powerful to just side line it like that. And to get to the topic of the force, I have to take the siths veiw point the force is conflict, shown by the fact that there is the light and the darks side in the first place.
  6. Well, it has a nice way of complementing the first kotor, i supose, but I think revan will always be my favorite Sith/Jedi also in the second Kotor, the draw of the darkside just isn't there like it is with revan. Plus, the sith lords that play the ultimate darth juist aren't as oposing, although i liked that you could level up passed 30.
  7. I think it is a little late for disney to change the direction of their movies. the Revan story is my favotite, I think he would rival darth Bane, but it wouldn't make awhole trilogy, unless the drew it out, like peter jackson did with the hobbit, which was stupid. Getting back on track though, the swtor theme is flexible enough, you could make a story out of any of the charectors story line. I think that if they did, they would probably use a jedi like before. It would be really intriging if they didn't. But if they did use kotor, I am pretty sure they would not make a movie out of kotor2, cause it sucked.
  8. well, in all there have been like two captures of sithlords by the jedi, and thats not always becuase the sith gave the jedi no option. for example, Count douku
  9. I have been waiting to see how they are going to cover the exile of fallen jedi to koriban, and have been waiting for it for over two months. get a move on, Bioware!
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