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Everything posted by GeneralRhodes

  1. The movies disagree, with statements like 'the oppression of the sith will never return' and 'once more the sith will rule the galaxy' So clearly they did at some point. Alot can happen in nearly 4000 years
  2. Indeed. Frankly they wouldn't go f2p unless they needed to. I'll bet good money that a sudden large influx of new players is going to screw eve for at least a year, given the effect it'll have on the internal economy, and when that gets screwed the rest of the game gets affected with it, like any real world economy. So, i'm not sure they thought this thing through as much as they should have
  3. November. and it has some pretty prohibitive restrictions along with the f2p side of things
  4. UO is 19 years old. It was released in september 1997 That said, i've moved on to running and developing a Meridian 59 server, which is 2 years older than UO. Ironically one of the system designers for SWTOR is the original designer on that game
  5. With money apparently. Ten bucks says some kids end up in therapy over this http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/37219280/clowns-trying-to-lure-children-into-woods-locals-in-south-carolina-say
  6. I'm still waiting on some sort of explanation as to why the alliance is staying on odessen, considering that everyone and their dog now knows where they are and could wipe them out in one strike. One of the many things about this chapter that made no sense
  7. I'd say the better question is why did they change voice actors if they're supposed to be the same entity? I mean they had the same actor right up to ziost, which was the prequel to this expansion. Did he want too much money or something? That aside, i'd say neither. Lich king sounds weird and valk sounds like something that is half way between a calm psychotic and a creepy pedo. I keep expecting him to offer me candy or something
  8. OP missed what is probably the most blatantly stupid move of all - the fact that the alliance is remaining on odessen. Stop and think about that for a second. Scorpio knows where the base is, Arcann knows where the base is, Vaylin knows where the base is. Common sense would be that the very first thing she would do is throw everything at it ASAP to eliminate her only real threat. The very first thing they should be doing is evacuating to a secondary location. Then again, if the leaders of the alliance had any sense they would have distributed their forces and resources among several bases to avoid the risk of an accidental discovery or betrayal that would get the entire alliance wiped out. Not doing so is as stupid as stupid gets, especially considering that Lana had an intelligence background and should have known this. Does she not understand how a resistance cell works? Also, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9QEsjd1WZuY
  9. Nor was it at any point, nor will it ever be
  10. Don't be foolish. A second season has already been announced and has been known about for awhile now.
  11. I stopped reading at 'hire interns' That is class A stupidity right there. Yeah...Programming interns, with no experience, expected to work on a large scale online game No one in their right mind, in any company anywhere does something like that
  12. You know, you have a serious attitude problem. You have called people 'morons,' 'idiots,' 'entitled' and repeatedly claimed they 'wouldn't understand' (which is yet another way of belittling them as some kind of idiot) all the while telling them to shut up and not to ask questions. You are the one with the problem. You're acting like an ignorant, belittling child. In other words lets blame the victim then. And blaming the victim again. Common sense says that if people keep saying something is wrong, its because something IS wrong and needs to be addressed. If you don't address it you will keep getting the same response. You know what the definition of insanity is and all that, right? Just how many times are you going to belittle and attack the community exactly? Just because you claim something doesn't matter doesn't mean that you are right (hint: you're not) and you have the audacity to accused others of 'entitlement.' Pot, meet kettle. Except that appeals to a silent majority are always lies and are always a logical fallacy. There is no silent majority. Claiming this is some tiny number of players isn't just ignorant its idiotic. So you blame the entire community for the actions of an individual then. Note that this silence was going on long before that incident and has literally nothing to do with anyone or anything that was not directly involved with that incident. So thats a bs excuse. Actually it does. Thats part of behaving in professional manner in a business like this. The fact is, criticism is the nature of the business and if you can't take it you shouldn't be doing the job in the first place.
  13. No. Asking for a toggle, while it may or may not be implemented as a result, is not 'a form of discrimination' by any stretch of the imagination. Nor can it be claimed to be such. Sexuality, like violence, blood, bad language and things of that nature, falls under the umbrella of mature content that can result in requiring parental controls. As such it is a very valid request. One which many online games already have implemented. Need I point out that this game is accessible to those 13 and older. A company has to be careful about what minors are exposed to, as parental complaints regarding minors can get ugly real quickly. That being said, the idea of a company trying anything as stupid as accusing anyone of 'discrimination,' let alone warning or banning someone for asking for a parental control for mature content, is absurd. That is the kind of thing that gets a company in all kinds of trouble. Start throwing false accusations of discrimination and sanctioning accounts because someone asked for a parental control regarding mature content and see how fast that customer reports you to the state attorney general and for violations of consumer protection laws, among other things. Now, thats not to say that they would bother to implement a toggle, but to claim bioware would be so foolish as take any kind of negative action against a customer for making a legitimate request for one, particularly one that could very easily get them into serious legal trouble, is all kinds of crazy.
  14. Uh now that you mention it the same kind of applies to both names if you reverse them I'm kind of wondering if this is a developer joke. I mean thats bizarre if its a coincidence
  15. 1. Nobody has said anything about any giant serpents 2. Nobody has said anything about any family crests 3. The emperor is a non corporeal being that inhabits bodies, not any kind of serpent or anything else
  16. No, that isn't what the devs said. What they said is they are taking a break until january and starting development of the next chapter starting in january. I wouldn't even consider expecting it to be available until march at the very least
  17. That 'info' is total bs. I stopped reading at 'Valkorian is Vitiate. Confirmed. ( he said, "lets say that he’s the emperor" )' Utter nonsense
  18. By 'we' you mean 'you' If they are just going to do what they did in shadow of revan and have some pointless 2 minute garbage mission I would rather never see another class mission again
  19. More specifically it was aimed at a specific, currently unspecified companion. Though it sounds alot like its referring to kira
  20. The better question is: why does overseer tremel looks disturbingly like obama?
  21. I know they still sell then in canada, I get mine from EB games. Though I have noticed, several times, when I go to buy them that they'll have around 5 or 6 boxes of them on the shelf and when you actually go to buy a couple it turns out they either only have one card to sell or none at all. Which is odd considering they ship 1 card to 1 box...so how is it they have all these boxes, on the shelf for people to buy, but few or no cards?
  22. You are not going to get a dev answer, and you very much can find a definitive statement about it. It says it will be delivered when the expansion is launched. Read the fine print.
  23. I have a better question. Ever notice whenever someone is trying to belittle and attack the community for having legitimate concerns they always accuse them of being 'whiners?'
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