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Everything posted by Darh_Hellraiser

  1. I am well aware of the multiple bugs that were created from the secondary loadout addition. Just because something doesn't have a fantastic bug free start doesn't mean it can't be changed or improved upon to create more possibilities. Similar to how if you compare texture detail to what it has become today on armor and planets. I would also never try to compare those two ideas as if they are the same. Just doesn't make sense to reply about something having bugs at launch as the reason why it wouldn't be possible. Anytime they do an update that "fixes" things they had to modify something that wasn't working. When they added re-names and legacy renames they had to change the way things work. Kind of a pointless statement. It would also be useless to say "it's hard" to do when so many people have been asking about it.
  2. There was a bug when the loadouts were first introduced that if you had the gear stored in a legacy bank then it would pull them out when you equipped the gear. That's all I was referencing. I'm not saying in anyway that it is optimal. However it would still be way easier than what it is now and it never made sense why it was fixed without any kind of better system being implemented.
  3. I definitely do not agree with all of them but it is much cleaner and organized than it was before.
  4. Broadsword please don't leave us hanging with this. I saw you made some much needed improvements to the GTN. Please give us slots for gear for our loadouts. There is no reason not to since the gear is already legacy and everyone already switches gear anyway. It is absolutely insane to use more than half of my fully unlocked inventory just to have my gear for my loadouts. If i play healer I would be using 75%. Just let us either pull it from the legacy bank like it used to before the "fixed" it or just give us slots similar to how you use slots for outfitter. It would make the game a million times more enjoyable. Right not it is just tedious and obnoxious to have to go into a bank and swap all the gear every time you swap toons or use more than half your inventory like i do just to have the slots so you don't have to be inconvenienced. This would in no way be game breaking just reduce the unnecessary transfers of gear over and over and over again anytime you want to run things. Please and thank you!
  5. I am honestly surprised they haven't done this yet.
  6. That would be a great idea as well honestly. I'd even take that over the search bar!
  7. This is kind of two ideas in one. I wanted to start off by confirming this is not me complaining, at all, about having too many companions. That being said, it would be great to have a search bar for companions instead of scrolling down a long list of companions every time you want someone like I-08. My other idea would be to let you add the companions to the quick bars similar to how we can add crew skills to them. Just be able to drag them right down to the quick bar. I think it would be cool to have a set companion for each loadout, personally. Thank you!
  8. Dear Broadsword, Pleas give us outfit slots for out gear so we don't have to keep 3 sets of gear in our inventory at all times to switch on the fly. Before anyone says anything about "well you can keep in in a cargo hold and then summon it" just no that is annoying especially since it has such a long cooldown. This is a huge inconvenience and would make so much more sense to just have the gear sets with the loadouts. It's not like people don't already just swap gear to different toons anyway considering it's almost all bound to legacy these days. This is a feature that realistically should have just been released with the loadouts. There was a "glitch" that improved way of life tremendously by allowing you to store it in the cargo bay and when you switched it would pull from there. That would be awesome if we could make that a "feature" instead of preventing people from enjoying the loadouts and using them to their full potential. While we are on this topic can we please key bind loadouts as well?
  9. So this was the case a long time ago. Unfortunately people ruined it by griefing certain missions like the scoundrel who hid in the heroic area on Ilum. I personally would love to see this make a comeback I feel like the game was much more exciting when it was like this. There is just no way to stop the trolls from ruining it for everyone else.
  10. What role were you when you attempted the world boss? Sorc Dps/Sin Tank How many players and companions were with you when you fought the world boss? 4 players started with three tanks and 1dps but I switched halfway through to dps I think two healer companions Did you find the world boss appropriately challenging? I thought he was a fun fight. He is a bit confusing because even though I dodged most of his attacks he seems to still hit regardless. He also kept hopping around the battlefield and managed to hop into a group of adds which was annoying. Were any of the world boss abilities confusing or unclear? Yes the hopping part. If he is going to leap across the field then can we at least not let him hop into the elites that already pretty powerful? Were you able to successfully defeat the world boss? Yes we were! What did you like and dislike about the world boss? I loved that the mechanics seemed pretty straightforward for the most part I think it was mostly a big that I just took continuous damage. I did not like the MASSIVE lag spike everytime he uses that missile attack where each person gets 3 red circles. I am on a computer that was brand new about 6 months ago, all new components. We had 4 people and it lagged so bad it actually froze a little everytime that attacked happened. Since this is a world boss I would say this needs to be fixed ASAP cause when people start running this in 16m or more you are going to have a ton of upset individuals that are lagging out mid fight. I think the middle blasts are just too intense. Were there any issues or bugs you encountered with the world boss? I continued to take damage from any attack he did other than the missiles with the red circles. I was a ranged sorc at 28m away and still was taking damage. Also the immense lag spike from just 4 people is insane. Also when he started jumping into adds it was pretty annoying. Didn't really seem flush with the fight at all so I am assuming that is a bug. I believe someone may have had a tank companion (that died pretty much instantly) out that pulled him in which case should be fixed so he can't be pulled by tank companions.
  11. Yeah basically just something more we can do between rival guilds or something that puts your guild on the map besides just conquest. I love all the singleplayer aspects of the game but they have so much group content. Imagine you have a rivalry with a guild and now you'd be able to settle it. Also I love the idea of a new tactical and some new skins as a reward.
  12. So if you read the post fully I'm talking about making it a place you'd actually want to spend time or give it more functionality other than, less than, the same things you can already do in a personal stronghold.
  13. You are absolutely correct that prog stuff and any guild event is considered "guild stuff" or activities. I just meant like actual full on guild only activities since you can literally pug any of those activities you just mentioned. There are plenty of prog groups that don't require you to be in their guild as well. So saying any content is guild content just because you can run it with a guild would be a desperate debate at best. When I say true guild activities I mean activities you can only do in a guild.
  14. Alright I think it's time we genuinely discussed true guild activities. I know there is conquest but that is it and it's kind of sad. What if we had like a 3 system full scale guild battle. 1st Phase: Starfighter with the map being the two guild flagships and some asteroids. You could run it as a team deathmatch or even a new type of starfighter where they have to destroy certain objectives or even capture certain objectives. 2nd Phase: Would be a full out war on board whichever ship loses the dogfight in space. It could be set up like a voidstar except you would have to have a main engine room to fight in should the attacking team get to it. 3rd Phase: Would be a be an arena match in the main entry point of the takeover where the guild leaders and 7 members of their choice would fight in as a last stand to fight off the invaders if they kept them from disabling the ship. We could make it so the 3rd phase only happens and we could limit each part when initiating the challenge. I think this would not only help improve overall player skill in pvp and starfighter but also make it more fun to be in a guild. We could even offer rewards to the winning guilds. Since people like to take advantage of things like they did with ranked we could even turn it into a group finder thing. I just feel like this would be more fun and more beneficial to the overall skill of the community than JUST conquest. Especially since there are guilds like sanctuary and kort that suck people in and then every time you get any of them in your group for stuff they have no idea how to do anything in the game other than conquest. Obviously you could set different kinds of rules such as Player limit and such. What do you guys think? Good idea or waste of time?
  15. Howdy, I just wanted to chime in and ask if we could start getting some upgrades to the guild flagship. Would it be possible to add a few things? Combat training dummies - so guildies can help each other learn the rotation New floors - Would love to decorate more and do more with the ship. Activities - would love to see more activites for guild flagships since there are literally none New abilities - I would love to see more abilities like the bombing run and the orbital strike and the extra buffs when you land a planet New Ships - Might even be cool to be able to choose from different style ships like a zakuul ship or a gravestone or even pub or imp ships PvP Arenas - This would be great for pvp guilds or any guilds in general to practice pvp At the end of the day the guild ships came out so long ago that when they did they were supposed to be a safe place for guilds and their members. However nowadays there is little to no reason whatsoever to go to a guild flagship or even really to have one. I know we are trying to fix the economy so this would be a great credit dump. I just want a place for all my guildies to hang out at since it would be way more beneficial than just standing on the stairs at fleet. Since the chat still syncs with fleet you would still hear all of it just with more everyday use items in the same space. There are even decorations that you cant put in the flagship simple because it was never updated with the new hooks introduced. These are just my thoughts. If you guys have anymore ideas please feel free to comment below!
  16. FELLAS!!! Are we using PVP AS LORE NOW?
  17. Been playing since 2012 and I gotta say I could not agree more. I was so happy to finally have an actual rotation and it was taken away that fast. So sad honestly.
  18. I know there is a mount and decos but they talked about giving us one in the story. Like a fully functional one. So since they have one as a mount the only other option would be a companion or pet and it better not be a pet. That would honestly be so disappointing.
  19. Any news on when we will be receiving this basilisk war droid we were promised at the end of Ruhnuk? We were told it would be coming and we even got an alliance alert just to hear him talk about his flag. That's cool and all but I'd so much rather have a basilisk war droid than hear him talk about his flag. I'm thinking big like the wampa companion but ranged instead of melee.
  20. You Shabir, I just wanna know what did madness did to you guys over at bioware? Y'all kept this class so far into the ground after you killed it when you took away affliction healing. I mean it's literally been so dead since practically launch that most players didn't even know about it LMAO. Now it finally sees the sun and you come in here "madness is performing too well in pvp" are you kidding? You're kidding right? Juggernaut does MASSIVE DAMAGE absolutely MASSIVE and it has a shield that not only makes you invisible but ALSO HEALS YOU basically back to full health unless you just completely stop your dots that *spoiler alert* you can't and your whole rotation. WHILE THEY ATTACK YOU there is literally no reason this ever should have been an ability on a dps spec and surely not as long as it lasts. Yet you mean to tell me the 1/4 health bar you get back from force leech and deathbrand is TOO MUCH???? Do you guys listen to yourselves when you speak or do you read what you write in these posts? Also removing things to try and reduce the usage of force lightning to literally put the healing back on to prioritize what you just tried to reduce is the most clear case of insanity I have ever witnessed. Ya know that whole theory about you purposely trying to ruin the game so people will stop playing is sounding more and more true everytime you guys make an announcement lmao. Thanks for killing my favorite game ever created. I truly hope you're happy to be killing off people's dreams of playing this game. Also thanks for killing people's hopes of playing madness again. Lmao targeted dps on lightning sorc just stop. Stop lying to your players. Lightning is not "over preforming" you literally hate people that play your game. Just say it already the new update is literally proof in writing.
  21. Hello, to everyone on this post. I have played this game for quite some time now. I do have an opinion on this and I would also like to be heard however you don't have to agree you should understand a few things. 1.) Swtor IS an mmo 2.) It is more rpg focused than most MMO 3.) 6.0 was not in anyway a savior to the game. Those things being said I'd like to take the time to explain. When you say MMO it stands for massive multiplayer online we use this to refer to games like swtor and wow and RuneScape and many others. So for the people complaining they don't want to do group content that is perfectly fine and definitely something you don't necessarily have to do. At the same time, just because you don't want it DOES NOT mean other players playing the same MMO do not want to. I get how frustrating it can be especially since most of the guides online will basically make you laughable at best in an operation. There are plenty of guides that will not do that as well as guilds and players more than willing to help. I think this brings me to my second point. Swtor is more rpg focused and definitely provides more than enough content for single players that don't want to do group content. You are more than welcome to do so however it's not fair to force that way of playing on other players. You do not NEED 340 gear to do any single kind of solo content in the entire game. If you can't clear it then the best way to adjust would simply be asking for some help on ways to improve your class. When I stated my 3rd point it is because I played through it. The entirety of 6.0 made everyone so incredibly lazy that almost everyone you tried to do group content was so blatantly ignorant that it was next to impossible to get stuff done. I'll never forget running things as simple as eternity vault and karaggas palace on story mode and consistently wiping with a group full of end game gear. It was the most absurd thing I have ever witnessed. It made players lazy by giving them rewards for literally just playing the game. They tried to mask it behind using vendors and tech fragments but realistically it was a log in reward based gearing system in the sense that if you logged on and did anything you would get the stuff required to have endgame gear. I could be wrong about this but I don't think there is a single other MMO out there that doesn't involve some kind of grinding in order to get the top gear. Who knows maybe there is either way sounds like a waste of time with little to no feeling of accomplishment whatsoever. So for all the die hard fans of doing absolutely nothing impressive whatsoever in order to achieve top tier gear please stop trying to ruin the game for people who want to enjoy the game and actually work for something. This gearing system they have now does not stop you from doing anything. If you have 330 gear you can clear operations IN NIGHTMARE all the way to God's of the machine. YOU DO NOT NEED 340 GEAR it simply makes it much easier and is basically bragging rights at this point. Considering that you have to have a very good understanding of your class and put in the time and effort of mastering your class you very well should be rewarded with more than just an achievement that does absolutely nothing and maybe a mount or two. If you are playing the game strictly to dress up your character that's fine however it's not fair to other players to try and force them to do the same. Progression teams are not hard to join. There are definitely some that are obnoxiously picky, at the same time, there are more that are willing to train and play every week with ALL SORTS of different time zones and schedules with you if you're willing to learn. If you are not then you are fine in 330 and do not deserve 340 simply because you want it. If you believe that should be the case then to be honest they shouldn't have gear at all because what's the point of anyone and everyone can get it whit absolutely no effort whatsoever? That is exactly what 6.0 turned the game into. It made it so obnoxiously easy that there was no point in playing and pretty much no reason at all to even do operations. Which is why we now have so many players in an MMO that thinks they can't do operations simply because they never actually had to learn. Operations can be a blast especially with the right teams. The entirety of 6.0 was not a savior it was a plague that now we have to deal with and has players literally arguing if an MMO that we all love should be like an MMO or a single player game like the original Kotor series. This is not Kotor it is swtor they are different games and while it is understandable why you'd want swtor to be Kotor that doesn't mean it would make sense to do so. Kotor was a phenomenal series however this is a different kind of game that, again, is still similar. I hope this helps shed some light on some things so that people can have a better understanding of why they did the gearing system this way. If you don't want to play operations with other people that is perfectly fine I respect that all that I'm asking here is can we please respect the people that do the same way they respect the people that don't? Single players still have 330 gear which is more than enough for every single ounce of soloable content in the game and the sociable players can have their rewards for putting in the work to do what it takes to get that gear. Arguing over the simple fact of wanting something just to have it without earning it is pure laziness. That's not even a stab at anyone it's a literal fact. Thank you for those that take the time to read this and I hope this helps better explains this obnoxious outdated debate.
  22. they already have big companions and people use them all the time. Personally I think it makes one's character look even more ****** that they tamed such a ****** companion. Also, almost every person I've met wishes lysslo was like the guardians instead of just being normal size or at the very least the size of khem vall or scourge.
  23. idk man I use the nathema voreclaw all the time and I love it. It's a phenomenal tank. Always a ****** sight to see it tanking a bunch on npcs as well. Granted it is sometimes annoying but only in situations where it doesn't actually matter. As for the people saying no one wants it, that's just crazy. It has been proven time and time again that the rancor is the most beloved creature in all of star wars, at least by the majority of fans. As a side note, the only cool stuff bioware makes anymore is on the cartel market. They gave up putting cool stuff in game a long time ago. They even ruined the one chance we had at gaining an awesome geonosian companion by making him tiny as hell. I'm not getting my hopes up anymore for in game stuff but I definitely agree that in game would be so much more worth it. Just seems like something they would wanna make money off of.
  24. Bioware please explain how in the world you guys didn't actually put a rancor as a companion!?! You put wampas and nexus and voreclaws but no rancors? You could literally make one the size of the voreclaws and call it a day. You are always looking for new ways to make money on the cartel market well what class wouldn't want a rancor? Plus you already have the skins from the mounts! You could use those for the customizations! I'd personally spend 5000 cartel coins just on that comp alone I'm pretty sure just about every bounty hunter would as well. Come on bioware make a companion everyone would buy and please don't forget the customizations when you do!
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