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Posts posted by IxBlazinDxI

  1. Lookie here more garbage spouted by an wantabe elitist.


    That's very impressive.


    Lets set up a series of duels. Say 25 duels, we will hang out at the imp fleet and I will spam your challenge to the fleet. You will fight the first 25, level 50 non-mercenaries we can find. I bet you can't win more than 1 (maaaaaaaybe 2) out of 25.


    Come on super dude, put your money where your mouth is.


    Oh I forgot 1v1 is such an important archetype in this game, oh wait...what is your mains name? Funny how people never let anyone else know who they are in-game.

  2. None of this is directed at you, personally. I have no idea how you play your Merc. However, judging by what I've seen posted on these forums, and what I see on the battlefield, a lot of Mercs don't use all of their tools.


    Concussion Missile: This is an in-combat use mezz with a 60 sec cooldown. It's a highly useful tool for a variety of situations, including an escape ability.


    Heals/Cleanse: If I had a nickel for every time I saw other Mercs finish a match with 0 healing, I wouldn't need to pay my subscription fee. Why, oh WHY aren't you people healing yourselves? I also see a lot of Mercs running around on fire. /facepalm


    It just seems to me that there are a lot of bad players who expect the devs to fill the gaps in their game, when they're not even utilizing a class (not just Merc) to it's potential in the first place. "OMGWTF class X are so OP," says the Merc who stood there and tried to facetank a melee class. Well...duh.


    Some specs are a lot more forgiving for PvP. Other classes have options, even if one spec may be a bit gimped compared to others. This is not true for Merc, as Arsenal is seriously outmatched by Pyro for the mobility factor alone. Snipers can cast from the safety of Cover and have more control utility. Sorcs have more control and can escape. Mercs have neither of these, so casting as a Merc in PvP is frankly, a waste of a roster slot. 9 times out of 10, if there is an Arsenal Merc on my team, he's cranking out half as much damage, with double (or more) deaths.


    Yeah, it's nifty of have a wish list for the dev team. But on the same token, the Merc fills a niche and it takes the right kind of mindset to fill that role.


    Agreed. Pretty much echoed everything I said.

  3. You know what I don't see? I don't see Mercenaries constantly kicking *** and taking names, night after night, in PVP. Why? Because Mercenaries only kick *** and taking names when they are not being attacked in melee. And since 99.99% of PVPers know Mercenaries are easy kills, they are normally in melee.


    I totally agree with you because most Mercs are garbage. Im on POT5 now...come get facerolled.



  4. You know, i gets so angry when i read missleading posts such as the one you just wrote.

    Its all about showcasing how great you are and how the rest of the community are just useless.


    What's misleading is the fact that many players automatically assume Merc DPS is trash. They read forum posts that are misleading: Mercs are gimped, Mercs aren't a viable DPS class, Roll a PT etc. and it's simply not true. I choose to dispute this school of thought and defend my class, not boost my ego as I don't need the validation of the forum community. I play my Merc well and to the best of the AC's ability and that should be the goal for anyone playing any class.


    Mercs are extremely fun to play. Do I wish we had a few changes...sure, but I think that can be and is said about every class. For example, I would like to see our Cure disregard the global cooldown. I would like to our Jet Boost to root on KB. We're getting our interrupt and that's nice. It will make burning down healers a bit easier and help us against Sorcs who are extremely efficient at kiting but are also super squishy. Our so-called "nerf" the 10m range on Electrodart? You should be using that as a gap widener or as a finisher in melee range to begin with. Now that's not to say that I have never used it to set up a Death From Above however that doesn't make it a nerf for a Merc, it's only a nerf for the PT's. TBH if Mercs had the utility of other classes we would be OP.


    Furthermore I never said or implied that "...the rest of the community are just useless." You and people like you spout that type of nonsense. I personally believe class balancing in this game is just that, balanced.

  5. Most (not all) people who post on here have NO IDEA how to play Merc deeps in a PVP environment. I am solely speaking about Pyro deeps in this post. I think Arsenal deeps is extremely limited and rely on too many variables to be effective in any given WZ.


    I've facerolled every class/spec in this game and just because the player is a baddie, doesn't mean the class is. Mercs are without a doubt the most poorly played class in the game. Hands down. Take PT's and Mara's for example, people say they are OP but in reality they are just more forgiving and don't require as much skill to put up nice numbers. Mercs are much less forgiving and require a little more skill to put up nice numbers. That doesn't make Mercs inferior as a DPS class, just more of an acquired taste. Mercs are not for everyone. Mercs are a little more surgical, requires more thought and situational awareness is paramount.


    Mercs have great ranged deeps and can mix it up melee for a little bit, although Rocket Punch and Flamethrower is best used as finishers. Pyro Mercs are not a burst class and that isn't a knock against us. People get tunnel vision with "big crits". We will rarely crit over 4500k and you know what that's fine because we have the best sustained damage in the game.


    But what really sets us apart is we don't need pocket heals, we don't need a guard, we don't need to be perched on a ledge, we don't need to be paired with an "insert class here" to truly make us shine. We live up to our name: Mercenary, gun for hire.

  6. I'm in kinda smilar boat myself. I have my Bounty Hunter at 12 and he is waiting to taek his advanced class. I've seen in this thread reasons to kinda take eitehr one, but nothing to really answer the question.


    So, that being said-let me ask it in a slightly different way...


    On a PVE server, getting very little if any help from anyone, which of the two classes is capable of dealing out the MOST damage, while still being able to take the hits that you'll get in say a HEROIC 2+?



    On a side note-what the best skills to take? I was leaning towards Cybertech myself, becasue I have others that have armstech and armortech.


    Well Im assuming you're talking about dailies on all 3 planets. A reasonably geared Merc (Pyro or Arsenal, I prefer Pyro for dailies) will let you solo all dailies (minus End Of Torvix) in a little under 2 hours once you have the fights/routes down. Having a reasonably geared Blizz/Skadge (tank) is a must for soloing the heroics. I prefer Blizz cause a Jawa tank is pretty cool.


    Cybertech is a good choice and a money maker as well.

  7. Like I said in another post, if there's any merc/commando that claims he could stand against equally geared & skilled maras/vanguards/assassins, please feel free to post your winning strategies and/or videos.


    Oh, and btw, you're on the Fatman right? where the mercs are so amazing rights? well I don't deny that they know their trade, but that doesn't mean they can stand in a 1v1 against other classes.


    I'm kinda surprised by your post buddy, sice you're on the Fatman, they held a tourney not so long ago to see who was the strongest 1v1 player, and let me tell you, mercs didn't even got close.


    Here's the link to the video btw:



    Forgive me but there's not a 1v1 archetype in this game nor will there every be, so who cares honestly. Fatman is like any other sever, filled with poorly played Mercs, Maras and PT's. Furthermore I never said Mercs are the best DPS class. Mercs however, aren't reliant upon variables like some other classes. I do great damage if my CD's are up or down, if I have heals or not, guarded or not, attacking or defending and I dont need a "buddy" to roll with me.

  8. I've leveled 6 characters to 50 (Merc is my 7th) and have 350+ Valor spread across them. You could say I've been around my fair share of PvP in this game, and have a firm grasp of how every class works, and their role on the battlefield. That said...


    From what I've seen posted here on the forums since launch, and also what I've seen in the matches themselves, there are a lot of DPS Mercs doing it wrong. Make no mistake, this is a support class, not a front line class. You're not a Sentinel or Rage Jugg who can just leap into the fray, smack down a few opponents, and keep on truckin'. And with a few glaring exceptions, that's how I see a lot of DPS Mercs playing. Those who have a better understanding of their role fare much better.


    Couldn't agree more.

  9. Oooooh, looky here, we've got a hotshot, lads.


    Its not about me boasting or being a hotshot, its simply saying you guys are doing it wrong with your PYRO merc. We do amazing damage. If you're playing arsenal in pvp you're doing it wrong. Agreed most dps mers are terrible at pvp which is why I choose to prove otherwise. Dont blame the class blame the player. And that goes for all classes, Ive seen every class do awesome damage. Player Skill > Class/Spec

  10. Once again, I never said Pyro Merc was better or worse than a PT. What part of that statement don't you Pyro PT fanboys understand. It was never a matter of "Oh such and such is better". My original post was if you aren't doing well with your Pyro Merc you are doing it wrong. It's ALOT harder to put up big numbers with a Pyro Merc than a Pyro PT, no argument there. Mercs were once the most poorly played class, but that title now belongs to Mara's. Im not a FOM kinda guy though. And seriously for the new Mercs that happen to spec Pyro DO NOT use PowerShot in PVE or PVP. Maybe that's the reason the guys that use it are struggling. Long cast time making you a turret whilst hoping a 45% proc, procs when you should be kiting throwing up 800-900 dps with your Rapid Shots alone (parse it) waiting for a RS/TD/UL. Pyro Mercs aren't a burst damage class, so don't try to be.
  11. Im not going to point out the VAST difference between Pyro PT Vs. Merc because I honestly dont care anymore...Its old hat, and I really dont want to ruin it for you if your enjoying Merc Pyro...Im happy for you!


    If you ever get curious though read through one of the 50 threads that point out in detail the numerous pro's PT has over Merc. Also a thought...Merc doesnt have DMG problems in Pyro or Arsenal for that matter...Its being able to get DMG out in a fight under pressure...thats where the Pyro spec is better, but still inferior to the PT version by straight math...Their Pyro tree is not identical...Go read a talent Calc....then factor a gap closer, low teir dmg boosts for skills in their main rotation...Gaurentee'd snare, and CgC procs...Its a long list pal.


    First of all I never said identical I said NEARLY identical. Second, how is it hard for a merc to "get DMG out in a fight under pressure"? That's a ridiculous statement and comes down to player skill more than a class/spec. Third, no where in my post did I say Merc Pyro was better or worse than a PT Pyro. Merc doesnt use a gap closer we use Electro Dart to WIDEN the gap. Merc has a slow that procs consistently and cylinder procs just as often and for free whilst doing more damage via Rapid Shots than FB. Rapid Shots, Unload and Incendiary Missile are FAR superior to a PT.

  12. In all honesty, if you aren't doing well in PVP as Pyro Merc you are doing it wrong. Pyro PT's and Pyro Mercs are nearly identical. Sure they have the 90% armor pen on RS which is amazing but Pyro Mercs make up for it with our IM, Unload, and the MOST slept on attack Rapid Shots. Rapid Shots is amazing. It's free, 30m, an instant, does good damage, procs your cylinder, and allows you to kite like no other. I mean the only time you have to stop moving is to Unload, then it's right back to melting faces. If a Pyro Merc uses Powershot in PVP or PVE for that matter you are doing it wrong. Pyro Mercs are so fun to play in PVP and PVE.
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