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Everything posted by Chrisweaver

  1. I faced 4 sages with 1 pt, 1 jug, 2 sorcs in a solo ranked today and won. Of course when facing any 4 of the same class you will have trouble facing the comp. the trick to defeating sorcs is focus fire and cc.. When the sorc stuns himself switch to the next target and eat at their health. Always make sure to carry a grenade for when the force barrier ends so you can negate the added shield+ uninterruptible buff. After that it is possible to make the specs scatter and be picked off 1v1. A good pt can take a sorc down to 50% health in a couple globals by himself with a good pull. By timing this with other burst specs you can destroy a sorc so quick he won't realize he should have used his barrier earlier. IMO specs don't outclass Pts,Jugs, and assassins, and I see plenty of all of these classes in the ranked scene. At least enough to counter the sorcs. Marauders can be competitive if they are skilled I think the main point of this thread for any dev reading should be this: Nerf Op/scoundrel!
  2. There are achievements for killing people on oricon and yavin 4. So there is some incentive. And if people don't partake in the killings then the title becomes more exclusive.
  3. 4 veg jugs with h2f capability and anti kiting/rooting abilities. Whoever has the better sorc/jug wins. Veng jugs has really been underrated which is silly considering what it can do now. Most people are still rolling their other alts I suppose. or 3 jugs and 1 sorc who can bubble his teammates.
  4. So a few points: •There is not a single class out there that can not hit 1.2 mil dmg, 350k is high end self heals, the average is closer to 150-250k on the Bastion at level 60 pvp. Not sure why you are trying to balance around reg war zones anyway but that is another discussion. •150-250k healing is not OP those are mostly self heals as that healing is considered their defensive CDs. Sorcs and Merc are suppose to have off heal capabilities because they are not a "pure" dps class. You guys do realize dark infusion was taken away from sorcs already? Meaning the dark heal they do have is a more resource heavy heal. •Sorcs only move that make them immune to EVERYTHING is a self stun called force barrier. This is a 3 minute cool down so once it is blown and the buff is over they are almost naked. Some people decide to negate that buff by stunning that person once the barrier ends and others cry nerf, I recommend the first. •Sorcs can be rooted and and interrupted a lot if you are actually watching their cast bar. Polarity shift which makes the uninterruptible, it is on about a minute and a half cd. You know what to do when a sorc is uninterruptible ? You use your knock back or that spare grenade I know everyone should have. • you want to kill a dot class 1v1? Burst him down with a single target spec. If you cannot kill them in time this is probably because you need to get your skills up. Class balance does not revolve around 1v1s. • Madness is so 2000 and late, it's all about lightning now. Personally I hope all the bad attention stays on madness so they don't my precious lightning. • For that one guy in this thread that said sages weren't the same as their mirrors...lol you silly
  5. The way I imagine huttball and the arenas is this, you have been kidnapped in your sleep and when you awaken you are put in the match (similar to the movie Predators). If you decide you won't fight by the Hutt's rules then you and your team get gassed. This should be how Rps see the arena when they wake up and are paired up with Pubs or Imps.
  6. There are still plenty of people playing Marauders. I have been seeing generally half warriors and half inquisitors in the warzones(with a good mix of both advanced classes), not to many agents or Bounty hunters though. However thinking about it these warriors my just enjoy the warrior story line as it is the best in the game...
  7. So one thing I would love is a imperial trooper npc who is kneeling down in sniper position with a sniper. For the tattooine stronghold especially I would love having some sniper cover.
  8. If you haven't made the sorc use their barrier before the acid comes then you have failed the match and deserve to lose in the acid end of story..
  9. as far as I know there is no way to get your credits back. What I would like to see one day is a way to sell your stronghold to others. It would be sold at 100% completion and all the decorations would be set in stone. That way you could make unique customization and sell your ideas and hard work. The decorations would be set in stone so that you couldn't buy someones stronghold and take their decorations out.
  10. Just a few thoughts on sorc heals, The cast time for dark infusion(DI) needs to either be lowered, or at the very least switch resurgence to increase the crit of DI by 60% and reduce the healing cost of dark heal by 30%. DI cast time is way to long to only heal for 5k, however when it crits it can heal for 9-10k and it become worth it. I understand the point of DI is for it to be a long longer cast time in order to make up for its force cost, amt however the force cost does not make up for the cast time, especially with energy no longer being a problem for sorcs.ATM DI could not even be in a rotation in 4s, as dark heal can be used to instantly crit for 6k and each rich of innervate heals for about 3.3k. The second thing I have issues with is whether or not my instant dark heal procs. It is 65% chance however if you are unlucky you can get a resurgence+innervate without proc'ing the instant dark heal. This is only a problem I have with rng, some people like it others don't care. There are definitely times where it will proc very consistently and in times like those the healing goes on par with OPs IMO. I don't have a fix for this and it is not to big of a priority however. Overall I think the Devs have done a lot to help sorcs out. I think a lower cast time of 1.9sec for DI would go a long way into making them a viable 4s healer. In solo queue I believe the OP and Sorc are about even and the outcome has more to do with your comp and skill. Edit: One thing I forgot. The proc for instant dark heal should be 2-4 seconds longer. There are quite a few time when I am cc'ed or saving the proc for the right moment and it will expire requiring me to cast a couple other heals just to get the proc again.
  11. I was doing a few solo ranked matches this morning. I think the changes to sorc definitely make it a viable heal class in solos. I was able to out heal the operative I was face and was able to pull 2000 hps. Imo not to much more I could ask for without becoming a bit OP. I will have to see how they do in 4s maybe tonight.
  12. Just going to pop in here to say a couple things. Besides no cross server the ranked scene has died for mostly these two reasons. •People can't take a single loss without feeling defeated and decide never to queue again •People complain about you when you win.(sportsmanship) Both of these issues have to do with our own egos. I understand how important these games may seem. I understand when people lose their first thought is not ,"alright what can we do better as a team?". Instead the first reaction is,"This was not my fault, the reason my team lost was because the other team was SO overpowering that there was no other outcome possible besides my team losing" This is the line of thought that leads to threads about nerfing classes and stopping premades. I applaud Rahc for coming out and saying if he had more practice on his dps they could have stopped us. Because Llightning Sorc and an Arsenal Merc are in no way overpowered and within the realm of possibility to beat. The fact of the matter is I enjoy playing a Sorc and Deal enjoys playing his Merc so we played the class. It was one of the first times we played that comp and we happened to win with it. Complaining because a support class does their job of off healing is rediculous and unreasonable. Complaining when a random comp like this wins is something that really irks me. Another problem is complaining about what strats are used. I hear almost everytime we win,"don't stand on the ramp, fight us in the middle, of course double madness, you've got a sorc, tank tunnel". This is a common psychological technique used for hundreds of years by people who are weak, in order to manipulate people who are stronger into lowering to their level. In the words of Darth Bane, “Glory is of no use to the dead.”“Honor is a fool’s prize” . I wont feel better about losing just because I played by my enemies rules, I accept losing when I did everything in my power to win but just get outplayed. There is no reason I should stop playing classes I've enjoyed since almost launch because other people have a tough time fighting against it. That is THE purpose of ranked, to push yourself to the limits of what your classes can do. My guild runs 4s about half the week.We have a good time because it is the only form of pvp that has any real challenge to us(yolo seem a waste of time with all the trolls, wz are just relaxing killing grounds). We do not win most of the matches (half of the losses someone on our team is d/c or comps are shutting down lol,the other half are synergy issues/enemy skill). You will not see us complaining about what sorcs people may be in, whether its double carnage, carnage/snipes, OP healer vs Merc healer, tank tunneling. Because we don't care. We believe with enough skill you can take out any comp. When we lose we will keep queuing, constantly striving to work on our teamwork until we win. So you can understand the frustration when we finally get into the groove and win we get people complaining and rage quitting matches. Take your losses like a man, learn from it, find what you can do better and work from there. You weren't complaining the 5 matches you beat the comp don't complain the first match you lose. Lastly, I assure all of you, if this kind of sportsmanship continues there will be 0 teams queuing 4s. With an expansion coming around we have a chance to create the environment that encourages teams to queue 4s as more people come back into the game. However it is up to the 2-4 teams that queue to make that ranked community a friendly place to play.
  13. I think that speaks more to the skill and gear of those 4 players vs the skill and gear of the sorc/ jug. And the fact that it is a reg match and anything is possible in regs. I've escaped with my life facing 4 players on my sorc, that only means the enemies don't have a proper understanding of how to shut down a sorc.
  14. Lol 2 more days till I'm back from Hawaii! Ooo pewpew I wasn't tryin to call people out but there you go! Lol play exactly the way I know how to counter or you are OP. Just wait till the tihaar emote works then its on and crackin no matter how many d/cs we have every match lol.
  15. Lol well they did think snipers had enough dcd. Yes every class is going to get buffed in 3.0 that's why all this talk about sorcs and assassin being overpowered is just silly. The balance in the game is not that bad it's a million times better than it was in 2.0 and gets better all the time.
  16. Yes I will go "on record". Sniper and mauraders were given enough dcds in order to make up for their lack of heals and taunts(although sniper can get a liiiiiiitle offheal but not much however if they no longer become the focus it does give a tiny bit more breathing room,maura can get self heals in right spec) these are not just my opinions but the Devs have stated this. I would definitely call berserk, ballistic shields, heal debuff, and the chance to catch assassins in stealth better team utilities than double assassins bring. Difference in opinions on which is better i guess, but to say snipers do not have great survivability is not true(especially engineering where you can reset your CDs ,you also forget to mention snipers are the only class that can't be jumped too something every class is envious of). Ruin may not be the best be the best word. However if you cc/root a assassin at the correct time you can mess their assassinate proc up,which when combined with the CD proc is where the burst used to take down an enemy comes from. Otherwhys it's just a bunch of dots which operatives should be able to heal through with ease.
  17. Go ahead and remove all weekly caps from pve reps too while you are at it please
  18. Maurader/sniper comps also have insane burst potentionial and amazing survivability (and better team utility) , is that supposed to be broken? No it's not, its a play style. Double madness just happens to be another playstyle that works in 4s. Losing a couple matches to it does not make it a faceroll spec same with playing sniper/Mara. To the OP. While I can agree to dots stopping while the player is dead, Dots should still tick while the sorc is in bubble and assassin is in stealth. People overestimate how squishy sorcs and assassins truly can be if you know them in and out. Sorcs dcd are weak and their last stand is a self stun leaving dots up before the barrier goes up is a strategy to get around the self stun. Assassins have a have better cool downs, however timing ccs on an assassin(like a maurader) is the key to ruining their dps. As for the change to force shroud. No changes needed. Look at your opponents health bar before you cc them(similiar to a jug). As for mauraders undying rage. Eh I could live with that change, however I feel like it might take away from the uniqueness of jugs( and jugs has not had to much love until recently). I think another utility would be better for them(which we will most likely see in 3.0).
  19. Any chance we can make an option to show the fleets general chat in guild strongholds? I realize it's easy to get to the fleet from the stronghold but I would like easier access to the fleet's chat in order to look out for deals people have there.
  20. Sorc balancing meeting Devs discussing 2.4
  21. You know I have a theory about the rewards. They are making the rewards lets say, not too desirable, because in theory if they make rewards meaningless then people will not care what their ratings are or whether they lose or not. This will mean more teams can queue up for things like ranked 4s and not have a fear at losing a few matches. Then when there becomes an actual population of people in ranked and elo becomes affective, theeeen they can bring out cool rewards, maybe even 8v8s :-O . Btw the Devs had already stated that the rewards after season 1 were not going to be as grand. I'm not sure if you did not believe them or what the case. But you shouldn't have been subscribed. PvP because you enjoy it , the reward is the bonus. Kill Jedi because you enjoy it and its the right thing to do, if you get a prize that's great too. To any Dev reading this. If the prizes are going to stay this dull please change the season limits to 2 months. Tell the boss to let go of the person responsible for creating rewards. Message me 2 weeks ahead of time and I will give you the list of menial rewards, for free just cuz I like you guys.
  22. Gentleman gankers is a pretty good owpvp pub guild. Owpvp doesn't happen as much as it should in this game. But if you start hassling people at the spawn of Oricon there is a good chance you can fight a good sizable group. Tatooone also but I haven't seen one there in a bit.
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