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Everything posted by Glumish

  1. I'm confused. Nobody in this thread ever said Mandalore the Preserver existed during the Battle of Restuss. Just that the gear from Restuss looked like his.
  2. I guess the art team is just bored and wants to show off what they can do, I can't imagine drawing robes and trooper gear allows for a lot of variety. But I do agree it doesn't seem Star Wars-ish. It doesn't help that all of the Star Wars gear is on the cartel market.
  3. Someone never played KOTOR 2. Nobody says she has to be dark side, but we are saying that there should be a choice to turn her. And really, a class based on the Emperor is supposed to be light side? The guy who kills people just because he doesn't need them?
  4. Guess all you have left now is Talos Drellik. http://sweet.pp.fi/talosslave.jpg Mmm that hot piece of meat.
  5. Most of the people who play this game are likely rich, ever notice how many cartel packs are bought every time there's a new one? Yep.
  6. The power supply is what provides your computer with DC from the home's AC line. The more power intensive parts you have, the better power supply you need. 300w won't cut it for most builds of today. Also, this thread is kinda old, you should've just made a new one instead of necro'ing an old topic.
  7. Wow, I've been buying 1050 cartel coins worth of cargo space for only 200k on the GTN? Dang those are credits well spent. Now I know that the people posting them up there for that much are either stupid rich or stupid.
  8. I really don't get this post because most of the gear in this game is actually pretty lore friendly. In fact there's even plenty of hints to the movie sets within our own.
  9. Agreed. The only dailies that are really worth it if we're looking at credit per minute are Section X, Black Hole, Makeb Weekly, and CZ. The Makeb and GSI dailies are such a waste of time and too scattered compared to the other dailies to actually get them done efficiently. I haven't really bothered with Belsavis and Ilum to be honest. Though, the Bioanalysis daily brought up that someone was whining about is incredibly easy, especially compared to the Area quest in that same zone. You don't even need to kill any of the mobs if you just CC them and run around looting the various eggs/waste and then finish up the other stages of the quest.
  10. I really need double xp weekends to come by, I have so many alts to level. :c So many..
  11. It took me 5-6 days /played time to get from 1-55 on my Sith Assassin. I did a lot of AFKing from time to time to make meals and such as well as messing around doing stuff in fleet. I did the bonus series quest line on almost every planet and used up all of my exp boosters I gained in the later levels (30-55). If I didn't AFK it would have probably been around 4 1/2 days /played. 50-55 took a lot longer than any of the previous levels for sure, but I split it up over around five days and most of my 50-55 leveling was done with dailies. Note as a stealth class i got to skip past a lot of pointless fights as well.
  12. Just tank to full. You mean "Rock is fine, nerf scissors." It's supposed to go both ways to show that people will lie that the class they obliterate is fine while the class that wrecks them is overpowered.
  13. Superman was always a boring superhero. There I said it. http://www.readjunk.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/news_0413_justinbieber_starwars.jpg
  14. GW2 flopped? Lol you must haven't have played it recently, I go on there at midnight server time and get put into the overflow shard because too many people are in the zone. Plus it actually... has servers compared to this game, a lot more. But I don't disagree, ESO will flop. It's getting overhyped just like SWTOR, Final Fantasy, and D3 just because of the brand name. At least Everquest Next is looking to change the MMO genre, and that game is practically being ignored as of right now.
  15. Yeah because changing the look of it for everyone who likes the look currently is a sure way to fix the 'problem' and won't piss those people off. You just don't get it do you? You're complaining just to complain.
  16. I really doubt you didn't see the color of the crystal before you went out and got one. Seriously, with the fact that you can preview them in your collections. Some people actually like the color of the crystal, it's just it doesn't make sense that it's called Blood Red.
  17. WoW did the same thing. Not only that but their servers were constantly going down for years to come. I remember my server having full days off constantly during Wrath of the Lich King. Proof: http://www.threadmeters.com/wow/nhMO6q/Emberstorm_and_Whirlwind_down_again/ Also, GW2 has great PvP compared to the games mentioned here. Arenanet is one of those mythical companies that focuses purely on PvP.
  18. http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/File:Imperialknights.jpg The white crystal from swtor looks no different. In fact the Imperial Knights have whiter blades.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDq2a3zy_6M I know it's a long video, but if you've been ignoring Everquest Next thus far and want to know anything about it, that's the video to watch. Seriously, that game has shown to have far more potential compared to its competitors. Even if it releases with half of the features mentioned it'll be revolutionary. It's a sandbox game to the extreme. In a matchup between SWTOR, GW2, and WoW I would have to give the most balanced class system to GW2, with SWTOR close behind. WoW's class balance has always been ridiculous, and there's been so much time for them to balance classes.
  20. Which is probably close to the normal price anyways and doesn't require a legacy level of 40. But yeah, that's correct.
  21. Yeah it confused me when I first got that mission. I didn't understand it at all and I stood there for a moment trying to recollect why my light side character couldn't turn in the corrupt senator. Then I realized: Bioware logic.
  22. I didn't even try it because when people linked me videos of how it innovates and how great it is... it's obvious exaggeration. In fact they aren't even trying. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8N4m2BbQik Tell me how any of that sounds new, it really doesn't. Right now I'm enjoying SWTOR and GW2. I'm going to give Everquest Next a try when it comes out because while SOE gets a lot of hate, I've never seen them fail to produce a sandbox MMO, and that's what I like. Plus EQN at least looks promising. ESO is a big maybe, I'd be more into it if the fans who spam it all over the internet didn't refer to it as "Skyrim Online."
  23. Except the tauntauns are being put on the CM, and Treek is already on the CM. Sure, you can get them ingame if you put in the effort, but the fact that you can just throw money at half of the stuff you can earn removes the sense of gratification in earning it. Maybe it's just me. Also you say people are complaining want free stuff. You do realize that people posting here are subscribed.. So therefore, they're already giving this game money, right? Do you really think a Cartel Market feature is the basis of all other MMOs, because it isn't. Everyone on these boards is paying for the game. Your logic that nothing should be 'free' would imply you want Bioware to make everything cost cartel coins and we have nothing to work for ingame, as long as we live in the upper class of human society we can afford everything. Seems legit bro.
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