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Everything posted by LadyDarkkitten

  1. Ah the good old days back when force lighting was also a CC The level of salty tears flooding the forums kept me in martinins for a good 3 months.
  2. Any interest in making an actually good pvp guild to teach the newbies? Could call it "pvp academy" or something. then running courses where we queue up with newbs and teach tem to not suck while between matchs making them dual us 50 times and teaching them how to actually handle a merc/mara/sniper etc.
  3. I just went and checked his youtube channal history. there you go Edit: my fav part is at 13 mins 45 secs with the capping of that third node. I'll raise my glass to that beautiful play.
  4. Cos ya dont heal me and after the 3rd time I died from re directed guard damage while you hid healing yourself in the corner I went f this! *don't care about s7 rewards. I'm a dps jug so i was never gonna get them anyway.
  5. Actually you will find jug tanking the easiest to pick up. Its very intuitive once you start to play it. Basically just your standard rotation puts up a variety of short term defensive buffs. If you level a class in immortal spec and treat it as a dps while you level through the story it will make alot of sense to you and I really reccomend it. The shadow is a class thats really easy to screw up. Its the most skill intensive of the tanks and as a rule good shadow> good jug/pt > weak jug/pt > weak shadow. It is a lot of fun though. Can I reccomend if your new to the tanking game you come watch these guides? Now they are about wow, but the theory applies to swtor too. This is how I learned to tank back in cata wow/1.x swtor. Now I know he talks abit , but for basic how to tank theory his basic guides and workshops can teach you alot. Like the theory of "the deathball" this is where we use line of sight to gather a group of ranged and melee mobs together and hold them with our Aoe, allowing our dps to aoe them down quickly. Hope that helps.
  6. matchmaking should be in on day one. Its the single biggest change I would make to swtor and also to wow. Blizz missed a big opportunity with their ranked BGs when they brought it into wow in cata, they should have made it solo ranking/queuing and applied it to the random bgs, rather then making a seperate team bracket. I would absolutely love if in wow 20000 guys had just left my bgs and moved up to rankings where I rarely saw them. Then I could have had a good time playing with people at my level and getting better by beating them/losing closely to them, slowly moving up the ladder as my skill increased and I could handle better opponents. Same thing in Swtor. I had a great sin v sin scrap about an hour ago, guy opened on me as I started capping his base on novarre. he left me at 10% health and I had the base 80% capped when his back up arrived to see me off. A couple of moves different and he would have won, but he did enough damage and lived long enough that his backup dealt with me. So GG him. I want to play with that guy again, hes a similar skill level (I think) sadly it won't happen as we are both lost in a sea of morons and pros. i want to play with people at my level
  7. No your making a false assumption there and misrepresenting what I said. I never decide going in that the games a bust and I'm going to leave. That example I used stated that my team wasn't responding. This is the default norm btw. Sometimes I get people come to my calls and those guys all things being equal get my mvp vote and /hugs for it. IF they don't come when I call, IF they ignore when I tell them I used all my cd's, IF they respond with insults when I tell them I can't hold forever v "x", then there isn't anything I can do about that. Just now in the half a dozen games I've been playing this morning I've been called a "tryhard *****" and "no you just suck" (that latter into why I lost a base 1v4 when my team ignored me. there comes a point where you have to recognise you can't carry a team. I wish I was some demigod pvper, but sadly I'm not. I can't 1v2 people forever to hold a node. I can't 1v1 the best players on my server, sooner or later they either kill me or drive me off at 5% health into stealth. I can't survive 4 people pounding on me on any class for longer then a mintute or two. eventually they are going to kill me and if its on my rage jug probably inside 15 secs. I can't hold a base indefinetly without help and if thats the standard expected, its not something I think is realistic. Sometimes I just can't contribute to my teams victory. Sometimes I need a bit of help just to stay alive, espec if the enemy team are focusing me down. Sometimes I can't guard the node alone and I need back up, as I am out classed by the enemy attacker. If my team ignores that, then I'm having a bad time and if your going with the whole military thing of the chains only as strong as the weakest link, then yeah its time I left for my teams chances of success and my own sanity. Any kind of deserter debuff will not stop me leaving. It will only add delays into when I can requeue (I'll just go do some dailies instead or browse the gtn while I wait it out) and lengthen queue times. Any kind of account lockout (ie 24hr ban) will just cause me to play somethingelse. I'm not alone in this because this is how pvpers handle it in wow and other games that impose leaver penalties.
  8. the tank specs have a utilty that makes the aoe taunt do extra stuff. Most people don't take this as its garbage. Hatreds built into tree abilty makes the aoe taunt a strong defensive cooldown for that class. Deception has blackout for a less powerful dr, but ofc blackout has other benefits as well to the sin boostinf its force regen.
  9. Yet I would argue that its sometimes selfish to stay in a match if your not able to contribute. Examples being theres 5 of you in a void star who are healers and there stealth sapped and rolled through the other door. Now its your turn to attack with just 3 dps. Do you stay? or do leave knowing the dps who takes your place is going to increase your teams chances of winning? Or you logged your shadow and entered a ACW. You recognise several on the enemy team including guys you know can take you 1v1. You can't guard the off node, they take it off you and your team doesn't respond to your calls. Nor can you take their off node as the guy defending it can solo you and you both know it. So he doesnt even need to call for help, he just sees you off. Do you stay? do you just lurk around in mid where your teams desperately trying to cap it and being broken on the wall off enemy sorc healers? Or do you keep fail defending your off node and every time you get killed and lose it, join 3 more of the team zerging that mara or apt who wrecked you off it? knowing that after they all run off the mara will comer back and kill you again? Or do you leave, knowing your replacement might be a better shadow/scoundral who can hold the node or even (gasp) a healer who would give your team a snowballs chance to ACTUALLY take mid. What do you do?
  10. You couldn't remove guard in the current meta, burst damage is too high amongst the dps classes.
  11. Once lost an opg that was neck and neck as it entered the final round. Then it bugged and one shotted my entire team. I was running with 3 guys to the north at the time with a blue and no enemy around us. Whole team went poof and the other guys won. Was a lots of "eh?" and "***?" in the wz chat.
  12. I watched the second vid. Was entertaining. If I was going to offer any criticisms (I'm just nitpicking cos your call me a noob comment ), you called snow when you were at grass and you took the time to correct your spelling while an operative was opening on you? lol you pedant My spelling is bad at the best of times. Made me smile anyway. Also you could use your taunts more. I only saw you use single target taunt once, when there were several opportunities to use it and your aoe taunt your using a defensive cd and not for the team (or thats how it looked) in which case probably could have used it a bit sooner v that operative. Maybes thats just the difference in our playstyles though, I'm an ex tankassin so I normally look for ways to peel for my team, use CC, taunts and interrupts to try and break up incoming enemy dps. I don't normally just dps. anyway look forward to watching more.
  13. Not sure if you understood what I was saying? in the real world the us military doesn't play nice to its ENEMIES. key word here: ENEMIES. You don't have (or certainly shouldn't) individual generals empire building and pursuing personal power by sending the men under them onto unneeded suicide missions, dirty black op missions then cutting them loose afterwards and sending them to court martial so they get life in prison or to dangerous behind the lines missions then canceling their extract and leaving them to die. (all of which Garza does). The US military might not be a perfect institution, but it isn't corrupt! I reject totally the idea that "if the usa military wasn't corrupt and didnt throw away the lives of the men and women who serve in it for no reason beyond poltical expediency and to advance the power of the generals calling the shots, there would be no 50 states or America for that matter". You can value the lives of the people who serve in your armed forces and STILL defend freedom. Its not an either or.
  14. This is why I don't like gear resets. It renders all the effort of gearing up worthless. kinda feels like being cheated. I just hit 65 this week on 3 wz toons that I leveled via pvp. I have had so much fun with them. Its a shame I can't play them any more. They all have around 24-29k wz coms in them. Thats enough to gear themselves in 2 months OR now. So I have to stop playing them. Doing otherwise feels like cheating myself. I wish we could have item destruction instead of gear resets. Its a far better mechanic.
  15. Anyone up for making a leveling pvp group on harb? lets do something unconventional like 4 pyro mercs.
  16. Watched that hypergate and it was like a montage of everything that I hate about harbringer pvp at 65. 1) running around in a premade deathball 3-5v1ing the undergeared guys on the opposite team? check 2) ignoring objectives, in fact running away from objectives you could cap in order to chase another kill? check 3) abusing the buggy engine (thanks for demonstrating the one handed handstand trick to hide in the walls while you regen. didn't know of that one) CHECK. 4) sorting the end scoreboard by total damage done, not by objectives or by kill blows (despite the fact thats what wins hypergates). Check. On the other hand I give you bonus points for killing targaryen after the tool chased you into the tunnel. Hes someone I always enjoy watching get murdered.
  17. This basically. Stealth classes are the quickest way to level either by class stories (skip the trash and complete missions fast) or flash points (skip trash kill the bosses) or via wzs (in the loser team getting spanked? just go hide and wait out the slaughter. in the winning team? enjoy.) Also I would rather face 4 ops then 4 snipers or 4 mercs. At least the ops will be rolling around one of the objectives. The snipers will be setting up in the centre of hypergates or sat on the top pipe of quesh ball, or parked right out side the spawn zone of voidstar. Theres literally no counter to them as a melee all you can do is engage in your own personal re enactment of the first day of the battle of the somme.
  18. Not sure if you are aware of this: http://dulfy.net/category/swtor/4-0-class-guides/ It should help.
  19. I'd argue resolve is a FAR superior mechanic to diminshing returns. Being kept in a perma sheep>cyclone>fear>sheep>cyclone>fear chain, which thanks to gladius they can see when you use your trinket so the next person in the chain just casts their CC. Thats not fun. To sit there as their focus target being kept chained cc'd for 3 mins until your team is all dead. You might argue thats "skill", but I beg to differ thats just practise of a cc chain on a focus target and it ruins the fun for the person perma cc'd. the abilty to perma lock someone out of playing their character until you killed them is one of the things I really don't miss. Glad you can't do it in swtor.
  20. Basically this. Harbs the basement server for quailty pvp and the republic side took a pick axe to the floor of the basement. As far as I can tell they are still digging...
  21. The reason for sniper over gunslinger is because of the missions more then anything else. Same reason why I say go scoundral. Scoundrals aren't hard to play at all while leveling. they do kill slow, but its the difference between killing one elite (sometimes you just sleep dart the elite and pick up the mission item) and having to spend 30-50 secs/pack clearing all the trash in front of the elite. Agent missions typically have 4-6 packs I have seen smuggler missions with 12-14. Thats alot of time killing mobs and spamming supressive fire! Now ok if you do that with a friend it goes faster, but for solo play? ugh.
  22. Are you talking about augments or stats in general? because the answer if its augments is 7 shield and 7 absorb augments. you might adjust the ratio of these as you get upgraded implants and such. as a rule I try to keep my shield and absorb balanced. You should NEVER augment defense. The reason for this is defense has a very steep diminishing return curve and by the time you get to augments you already have 5 enhancement and 7 mods worth of defense. This will put you deep into dr and your defense augment will be doing virtually nothing for you.
  23. It is (one of the hardest). Its also one of the squishest while leveling. With 2 companions set to heal that shouldn't be an issue, but it is a factor if you guys are new to the game. Espec with that advice to set one companion to tank. Its also not fast or bursty dps until you get into your late 30s/40s. it matures alot slower then the jugs. as for the gunslinger... The republic smuggler line is best played as scoundral so you can slip past mobs. Theres alot of unnessercary mob packs in those missions. Particularly if your leveling solo going gunslinger would be a poor choice to tackle this storyline. It will be alot slower for you. Now factor in your preference for melee classes... It doesn't make sense. If he said its a great story go scoundral that makes sense. If he said try sniper (imp agent version) THAT would make sorta sense, even If I disagreed. Gunslinger? solo? ... That advice is poor. So poor I think it might be trolling you. I don't know why he would do that though in new player help. Maybe he will come back and clarify his reasons.
  24. quivering potatoes good, so is Trixxie. Der schiender aka nighttrain really knows his stuff too. If we are comparing notes about people who we pay attention to that is.
  25. On the subject of immortal>>> yes play this with your partners sorc. it will go really welll. Lighting Sorcerer will work well for sure. Your seeing the sorc storyline with your partner though right? I would suggest a different class so you can enjoy more story. Honesly the reason to play this game is the amazing stories. You will hopefully see all 8 eventually. They are really cool. Try making a teleketic sage if you want to go this route. its the same thing as a lighting sorc, just jedi consular storyline Gunnery trooper is good as well. Its very similar to playing a wow hunter. I enjoy it alot. You said you were an arms warrior though, thus why I was steering you towards the tactics vanguard/advanced protype powertech. Have you played a BM hunter in wow? or the old style survival hunters from cata/mop? did you like them? The other thing I would point you towards for sheer power while leveling that would fit your play style would be the rage jug/focus gaurdian. Its the warrior burst spec and for leveling its shockingly overpowered. Its a bit more involved then the apt, but not hard. If you chose to level a jedi knight you could try it as this dps spec while leveling the tank spec jug with your partner. This also would be a great option. Again I'm trying to toss you some ideas from what you have described yourself enjoying in wow as well as simplicity, combined with my experience of having leveled all the class and specs in the game. I hope its helpful to you and please do ask if you have any more questions.
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