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Everything posted by malignment

  1. I don't understand why everyone is talking about what class / abilities are OP. that's a discussion to have after they actually make mirror classes Mirrored. Until then, we're comparing apples and rotten apples.
  2. The mirroring in this game is pathetically bad. Not going to write a TLDR wall of text, Bioware, just go through skill by skill and make them IDENTICAL. Examples, - Mirror skills should do the same TYPE of damage. - Mirror skills should have the same COOLDOWNS. - Mirror skills should trigger damage exactly the same ! /rant Everything about this game so far is lolletsmakeSithBetterThanRepublic. We had a voidstar match (I'm republic) the other day where we attacked first opened the first doors inside 1 minute, got to the second set of doors, even planted once (which was disarmed). Then when we defended they breached the first set of doors with 45 seconds left on the clock and did not put down either bridge. Guess who won? Imperial won. Epicly craptastic coding.
  3. From the wording of the patch notes, it seems like they are just making the dailies MORE grindy in that now you have to kill people along with all the rest. Which sucks, because they should make it so the daily/weeklys are completed by getting enough "points" and "points" are earned for killing people/taking objectives/defending objectives... Basically PvPing in ileum should earn you "points" to encourage people to just interact normally instead of just doing hat they have to do to complete the quest.
  4. I'm pretty sure for *PvP* the expertise will more than make up for the "better" stats on other gear.
  5. Some of you Internet know it alls amaze me with your ignorance. I bought that entire lvl 50 blue set, a champion bag, and then hit 1000/1000 again and had to start buying lvl 40 junk. I just hit lvl 41. When I do finally hit 50 I'll at least have a set of expertise gear that I can work on upgrading. Calling it garbage and a waste of comms makes you look pretty dumb.
  6. Yes, I'm aware. So, what if the PvP gear was just about the same as the PvE gear? Maybe PvE gear is slanted towards longevity and PvP towards burst. Then we don't have the stupidity of yesterday of yore nor the stupidity of a net 40% advantage for being in PVP gear versus someone who isn't.
  7. Who cares if PvP and PvE gear are competitive. Remove expertise and cut the healing rebuff in half (which I'm assuming is there to Counter the expertise buff)
  8. So you can force leap at me from 30 meters away more often than I can push you 10m away. Cry moar
  9. I have tears coming out my ears
  10. Translation: I have pulls, so they're okay.
  11. You kidding? Yeah ranged shouldn't have a way to escape from melee range of a melee guy (that has force leap) EVAR..!!$$ Also, do you know how many times someone has used pulls on me to plunk me down in acid or fire then stun me ? CRY MoAR
  12. Did you look? There's a pve rakata set there, and all the PvP battle master sets (which by the way, set bonuses are same for all PvP tiers, and you get for instance, the 2 piece bonus if you have on one piece of centurion and one piece of champion.
  13. http://knotor.com/item_sets
  14. What I've heard is they Bloom late game.
  15. You rolled empire, so there's 4 of you for every 1 republic player for starters.
  16. malignment


    I dont know of a way. Wish you could. Also, the scoreboard should show levels and advanced classes IMHO.
  17. Good ideas. Yes, basically anything would be better than the uber-crap that is open world pvp right now.
  18. Spark volt, even though your math is off by an order of magnitude, I think something should change. Perhaps be able to turn in uncompleted pieces for 30% of their commendation value.
  19. Wrong. They did cross-realm in a bad attempt to make queue times less horrible for Alliance, which was the result of huge population imbalances. SWTOR has made a more elegant solution to that issue by allowing same faction warzones (hence why the Sith are complaining about 24/7 huttball instead of hour long queues). Now, yes, they need many more warzones, especially ones that allow the same faction to fight eachother.
  20. Hmmmm, lets try that again.
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