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Everything posted by Swaption

  1. I think if I sit there and spam rapid shots I get better dps than that...
  2. An old alt became gm of an inactive guild. Has guild bank (1 tab). Name is fairly plain. Please post here if interested.
  3. Why is there even a need for OTP for forums? Its not like there are catastrophic consequences if someone posts under your name for a day or so...
  4. However, it is also becoming true that skilled players generally will have a gear progression that is different from true new 50's (as they will be on alts). A good dps alt might be in tionese, but will at the very least pick up a WH barrel/hilt (via comms) and will perhaps have various BoL'd 61/63 gear and crafted 63 mods. Even a true fresh 50 who knows what they are doing will have a 61 pvp barrel/hilt, bm/wh relics, and pvp off pieces. Any less demonstrates a lack of planning or understanding of game mechanics (or ilum glitching). So if you condition on the gear level of the player, you will find a dependence with skill level. Rotation wise, there are basic common sense errors that are really inexcusable at lvl 50. Things like reapplying dots uselessly or not managing resource should really not be happening (unless you are really overgeared and facerolling).
  5. Rotation is only important for less geared people or certain classes. Of course a full 63 sniper can do decent dps with just snipe/ambush, but if the same sniper is in tionese your group will be slow. Or if a deception sin only uses maul, you will also have issues.
  6. I will often remove a dps from group as tank/heal (or leave myself), but only if they have at least one of the two following problems: 1.) Gear: Should be full tionese, and at least recruit in the off pieces. If there are any greens/blues (other than recruit) I will votekick immediately. Wrong spec gear is a similar reason. (same applies with Columi gear for LI) 2.) Rotation: Tionese gear is only enough if you actually know your class and rotation. If I see a dps using a garbage rotation, that would also be grounds for removal in my opinion. One suggestion for you if you feel the tank/healer are leaving due to your gear is to quickly announce at the beginning of the FP that you are a new 50, but you know what you are doing and parse at least xxxx (make sure its a good number and you can actually hit it) on the ops dummy. Most of the players who would otherwise be intolerant of crappy gear will respect the fact that you know your rotations and parse your fights.
  7. If it wasn't clear from context, I was referring to your earlier comments. In that case there is no mainstat "need" roll and its just whatever the group decides on. Standard ettiquette is only very clear for mainstat upgrades.
  8. You seem like an intelligent person, but your understanding of why the need/greed conventions are the way they are is wrong. The foundation of the system is in maximizing overall utility. An upgrade for a player character leads to greater utility to that player than an upgrade for a player companion. As for everyone having a "chance" for loot, this system makes the chance/roll essentially occur before the loot is dropped. If no item drops that you are entitled to need on by this convention, you already lost the roll that occured when the game was deciding which piece of gear to drop. It does not mean you didn't get a fair share of the loot. Any argument otherwise ignores the prior probability inherent in the drop roll. Furthermore, even if you completely disagree with the system and reasoning above, you have to recognize that it is largely fair if everyone follows its rules (if anything, it must be fair by symmetry). If you decide to break these rules while everyone else follows them, you will come out ahead of those who follow the rules. You do not have to agree with these conventions, but you must recognize that they exist and are considered the default rules by a huge majority of the community unless otherwise noted. Finally, if you choose to act differently but want to do so in a fair and mature way, you should announce your roll conventions ahead of time. That way, the system is still fair, albeit suboptimal. If you find a group of people that agree with you, then there is no problem at all. However, you will most likely find that doing so will most likely get you kicked from the group without further discussion.
  9. I've run pvp with my guild. What you are forgetting is that the ability to call inc as a node guard via voice chat is a huge advantage. You can easily lose 1 gcd to typing a call when you get ambushed by a stealther, and that gcd can make the difference between dying and holding the node. In many cases, a single node cap will decide the match.
  10. In lowbie warzones I'm currently running my merc in pyro spec and hitting ~300k quite regularly (as well as topping damage charts). While pyro is obviously inferior to arsenal in pve (for boss fights), with proper dot management and aoe timing the damage output in pvp is absurd.
  11. One clear advantage is that premades typically are on voice chat with one another while pugs have no real opportunity to communicate in real time (typing "inc # snow" can be the difference between life and death). It would even the playing field alot if the game had built in voice chat.
  12. They should be made BoL because it is really just a question of convenience. All BoP does is force you to open the packs on certain character (leading to space issues). And its not like this is going to force you to buy more cargo slots (as I'm sure most people like me have already the max number of bays). Furthermore, I don't think we were warned beforehand that the certificates would be BoP (vs BoL), so it would only be fair for those of us who opened our first packs on alts (during the first few hours of launch) to have the opportunity to transfer the icertificates to another character in our legacy.
  13. I agree as well. I opened several packs today on an alt without knowing that the certificate would be BoP. If anything, BW should offer a one time ability to transfer these via legacy and announce for future reference that packs can contain BoP items.
  14. I was wondering if we could still buy end game mods (from crafters) in 2.0. Not really looking forward to another grind...
  15. Start off by saying that you haven't done the fight before, not that you are a "noob." People are almost always willing to help you with a new fight mechanic, but you may just be kicked if you tell them you don't know basic mmo mechanics at level 40.
  16. 2 Tionese dps with a columi heals may not beat the soft enrage on lorrick. Also most group finder groups will kick an undergeared dps because it is easy to find a replacement.
  17. Ambush is inferior to smash in every way other than the fact that it is ranged (and can have knock back potentiial). While an ambush crit may be comparable to smash dmg, ambush is single target and not a guaranteed crit. The expected damage from ambush is in fact much lower once you take the 100% crit of smash into account.
  18. The ToS (and standard of conduct) are vague enough that extortion can be interpreted as a breach after a clarification by BW. Considering extortion as a "third" option does not excuse it, as the same argument can be made for blackmail (which is illegal). Again, the problem is extortion, not that players are camping and killing. No one is complaining about dying repeatedly. The logic there is that if someone wants to pvp, then they can go camp and kill other players in Ilum until they are bored. The attempt at what should be a pvp instance being turned into a credit farming opportunity is what bothers most people (and also with the assumption that most of these griefers would reduce their behavior if extortion were not permitted). The best example is to consider the consequences if well geared premades in pvp were offering to throw the matches for credits.
  19. The debate is whether extortion constitutes griefing/ToS breach. Just because I am capable of reciprocating the action does not make it excusable or acceptable. Would you tell people who die to warzone hackers to get the exploits/mods themselves?
  20. The problem isn't that they are camping the objective and killing people. The problem is that they are asking for credits to stop doing so. The analogy is if I queue up with a premade for a WZ and then offer to throw the game for credits.
  21. There's a difference between fighting to control the pylon and charging for access. FFA pvp does not mean extortion is acceptable.
  22. Those are not valid counterexamples. Charging for tanking an op or running a fp involves a player charging for removing an obstacle that is a part of the game and not of the player's own creation. In this case we have players creating an obstacle and then charging others to remove it. If a guild on your faction does attempt to extort you for completion, let them know that you consider it griefing and will blacklist their members from your pug runs and will kick them from group finder groups when encountered.
  23. Just stay in leveling gear for now until they fix the repair cost issue.
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