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Posts posted by Sillon

  1. The ones that pop into my mind first would have to be:


    Darth Baras (ARRRRRGGG I CANNOT BREAK HIM!), Darth Jadus, Darth Vowrawn (it's hard to tell the dif-fer-ence), the Lady of Pain (melts me everytime), Lord Malichose (into the deep prison hehe), Darth Marr


    I am a huge fan of the Imperial accent so naturally all of my favorite voices are Sith (aside from the Lady). You combine the Imperial accent with the brooding evil of a Sith. mmm I just melt.

  2. There is no reason why my warrior would keep Quinn around after the stunt he pulled. He needs to be jettisoned out of my ship's airlock asap.


    I do like Mako, except she seems to not know what the hell we are doing. She blows her top whenever I kill someone for the bounty. "I don't even know who you are anymore!", she nags. Uhhh HELLO!? I'm a frickin' BOUNTY HUNTER! I'm HUNTING BOUNTIES! What did you think this was? A tea party?

  3. So it looks like I'm making another agent character. While my original agent loved watching Kothe get blown to bits by turrets (really one of my favorite scenes in the entire story because **** you for mind controlling me, you Republic wretch), I need to see this! Thanks for the post OP.
  4. I really think this Emperor behave a lot different than Vitiate. Vitiate just wanted to consume the galaxy for himself. But this emperor seem want to conquer and let the powerful beings work for him. Which one was an act?


    And this is what is intriguing to me about the expansion. We get up to 16 chapters in which we get to explore what his motivations are, and we really get to *hopefully* flush out more of that story. What is he up to? What does he really want? How do we stop him? etc.


    Vitiate was always a pretty mysterious character and if he is, in fact, Valkorian, then we get to spend an entire expansion learning about just who or what he is and what, if anything, we can do about it.

  5. Remember this blog entry? :D


    Heavy foreshadowing. The chopping block is calling.


    Excuse me while I hit the liquor store, curl up in a corner and weep. He will be my fav forever.


    While I am seriously bummed, I trust that it will be done "right" and, besides, we all know that revenge and anger and powerful motivators. xD They won't know what hit 'em when I am unleashed upon their sorry rear-ends!


    Also, I appreciate the screen shot and the info! I am so hungry for news and info about the new expansion. Even the stuff that I may not like, because the fact that I feel a connection to these characters is just an example of the good writing BW is capable of.


    No Marr no!! Wait it's just taken out of context right!? Valkorion is just inviting Marr to tea at noon tomorrow, right? It has to be!


    Oh I see, our characters will jump in and save Marr here? That has to be it. Marr can't die. He just can't! *begins crying* DON'T KILL MARR! I have a feeling that I'm going to be upset tomorrow.


    *sigh* I know what's coming. R.I.P. Marr. You'll always be my favorite.


  7. First off let me say that I agree with just about everything the OP said. I main my sorc and while I enjoyed Makeb, the start of Rishi was very jarring. It picked up as we went along, but the beginning was not a great fit. I would have done anything for a *zap this person for sassing me* choice and it felt way too campy for a member of the Dark Council. I haven't leveled a warrior yet (it's next on my to-do list) but I imagine that I'll have the same feeling there.


    That's the challenge with these single story lines. They need to be able to be done by all classes, so we get some areas that feel right for the force users and some areas that feel right for the smugglers/BHs. That's the one concern that I have with this idea of a single story line. You can't make a one-size fits all solution that feels right for everyone. By eliminating the organization and the structure of our factions, they are trying to force our force-users to feel like the other non-force using classes. For example, my sorc. isn't going to be a Dark Councillor anymore so there is no need for the reverence, so they don't need to write it into the story. I have faith that the story itself will be good and the companion thing will be a non-issue because we've seen BW's ability to craft story. I just hope that in making us the "Outlanders" that they don't strip the rest of our characters away to fit us into that role. Empire or not, my sorc will still zap anyone who sasses her or disrespects her.

  8. There is no such thing as too much Manaan, so they don't have to worry about "overdoing it" or anything. There can always be more of the planet in the game. Hopefully we see something!


    I want a full planet storyline, a stronghold, I want to be sent back there (kinda like we end up going to Nar Shadaa multiple times) again and again. Can you tell it's one of my favs? lol

  9. No matter what ends up happening, I don't think Vitiate will just end up going *poof*. He will have some role to play in the new expansion, or we will wrap him up in the first Chapter or two of the new expansion.
  10. While I believe that there are times when killing is a more light side choice (like instead of torture, or putting out of misery), in most cases where an Imperial player kills a Jedi, it's a dark side choice regardless of the player's intentions of reasons for doing so. It'd be nice to have more options that reflect different points of view but at some point we just need to bite the bullet.


    I always justify it to myself like this: just because you ended up with some unintentional dark side (or light side if it so happens) points in this situation, doesn't mean that the character didn't pull the trigger for, what they felt were the right reasons.

  11. Well, the whole goal of the Revanite Forged Alliances conspiracy was to demolish the core of the Sith and Jedi orders. Players took that bait nicely.


    Well when presented with an opportunity to take out one of the keys to the foundation of the other faction, it's tough to not jump on that. Can't really blame the PCs for the Forged Alliances conspiracy. The Revanite rot ran deep, and the cost was great on both sides.


    I don't blame the PC heroes for the fall of their faction, I blame the Revanites. They rotted each faction from the inside out and took out large chunks of personnel and resources. If we didn't know Revan's intentions then I would've sworn that he was aligned with Valkorion. Set the stage for him nicely.

  12. Specifically, the Silencer turns out to have not been that game-changing a weapon after all. Fleet-killing superweapons aren't a shocking new development for the Empire or Republic and after a few victories won by Silencers the Republic and other belligerents adapted their fleet tactics to negate the Silencers. You have a choice on Rishi between trying to make the Silencers more effective or accepting that that advantage is lost and not sink more resources into a weapon of marginal use.


    Either way, the Inquisitor's superweapon isn't super anymore and is unlikely to feature in the future. Pyron's fleet will probably be destroyed or otherwise negated in the expansion.


    Exactly. It is explained during our time on Rishi that the Republic has adapted their tactics to limit the usefulness of the Silencer. Also, it is explained that the radiation (or something...can't remember exactly) from the weapon itself is causing Imperial casualties aboard the vessel as well. You either have to scrap it or try to change it. I personally chose to scrap it, but either way I don't think we'll be seeing much of it anymore.

  13. That's not all I want to know though. In plain English, what DO we know? I read a lot of stuff but I will be honest, I just had a hard time keeping it straight in my head.


    Yeah, it's tough to wrap our heads around at this point because we have so little information.


    There are a few threads with discussion and theories floating in the forums here and in Story and Lore. They may provide some ideas, but apart from what you've read there really isn't anything else that we 100% know. Be careful though if you do look through other threads because they will likely contain spoilers from Shadow of Revan content.


    In time we will have the blanks filled in, but in the meantime all we can do is speculate and hope.

  14. The more f2p that click referrals, the fewer to complain about not having unify colors :p


    lol oh the noise, the noise, noise, NOISE. Although I do love unify colours. Don't think I could live without it.


    If they get their companion just for the referral link, it's no big deal. It's just one piece of the summer sub-dealey (granted, a pretty big one). When we are enjoying the expansion early (and for free), we will drink in their sweet QQ.

  15. Meesa believe we needs to give Chancellor Saresh emergency powers!


    I almost spat out my water from sudden laughter when I read this, so thank you for that!


    I would sign this, and then turn around and sign it again. I certainly hope that she meets a "tragic" end in the new expansion.

  16. To answer OP: We are frozen in Carbonite at the end of KOTFE Chapter Two, and thawed out at the beginning of KOTFE Chapter Three. That leaves two chapters to either wrap up, or in-universe postpone Vitiate.


    That is my hope. If we do not get some tie-in story with a theoretical 3.4 then hopefully we get a smooth transition in the first 2 chapters of KOTFE. I have a feeling that we will see a tie-in somehow because with all of this emphasis on story development, it would be pretty weak storytelling to just axe the entire Vitiate line and move into something new without a transition.

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