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Posts posted by Sillon

  1. why we still on this? It's the Scions. End of speculation.


    While I agree that it's the Scions for reasons already listed in this thread (knowledge of Zakuul mythology and Gods, on Iokath with us currently, clipping in cinematic) it is not the "end of speculation".


    All of this is only speculation until we know for sure from either an announcement of new content OR we see it in game ourselves for a certainty. BW could still make the betrayer someone else at any time and claim the Scion robes was a mere "placeholder" model.


    Until we know, we don't know. Let the speculation continue!

  2. I really only RP in my head, but I am operating under the assumption that following Acina's death, Vowrawn will take over leadership of the Empire until we get a more concrete answer. I can add this to my head canon this because I, like my character, don't know who would take over the Empire. However, given what I've seen with the Empire (Vowrawn was present at the Empire's surrender to Arcann and is an Imperial Minister now - after KOTET Ch 2 we get correspondence from him) it is a safe assumption to make while my Alliance Intelligence tries to gather more concrete information to move forward with.


    It is a little bit of an issue though given how rarely we get story content now and a lack of any clear direction or ascension within the ranks of the Empire. For example, when we see Acina's throne room she does have ten seats (I think? might be 8 or 12) gathered around the room as if to suggest she has her own council. If so, then we know nothing of how they operate or their responsibilities much less who they might be (good work Alliance Intelligence.... >_>)

  3. Jadus being set as the next "big bad" would be pretty terrifying (I LOVE his VA), especially for my IA, but I don't see how that would have a whole lot of "WHAM" for Republic players who really have no idea who he is. I would also hope he didn't get "Emperor Vitiate" treatment where he is just some mysterious powerful Sith who seems immortal. I'd love to see more of Jadus though in some form. Where's he been? What's he been up to? My SI main would love to meet (and perhaps romance) him.


    This doesn't help me try to conjure up an idea regarding the betrayer, though. It only helps to set up a motivation (do it for Jadus!) Theron doesn't strike me as the type that would do it. He serves the Alliance because he believes in it. The betrayer is not just trying to bring down the Alliance, but spark a 3-faction intergalactic war (why else lure all 3 factions to the same weapon at the same time) in the process. That also rules out Satele to me. Warmongering doesn't fit her character.


    I don't know where we're going, but I'm super thrilled to see how we're going to get there! I just hope we get another chapter or two to develop the story some more before any sort of fall launch.

  4. Please bare with me as I do a bit of gushing off the bat here:


    - OHMIGOODNESS did you see my character in the throne room getting briefed and the NPC bowing before leaving in the first scene. My INQ began as a slave in the Empire and now she is a powerful faction leader OMG. Getting to command the Eternal Fleet with voice commands was ****** and very rewarding to see after the struggles we've had in getting here.

    Especially when we are getting fried on the throne on Iokath and we command the Fleet to save our butts. Just seeing how far we've come was very rewarding to me



    - I really like Acina. Her voice actress is spectacular and I enjoyed getting to do a little scheming with her. Even exchanging the little quips regarding "bringing gifts" made me chuckle given the circumstances (little jokes during the war on Iokath).


    - Seeing more of Theron's character was nice. Usually we just get the spy and the slicer, but we got to see more of a personal side of him and the weight he carries.


    - The overall story was nice, if not spectacular. I need to play the Republic-oriented side to see what story I missed. Seemed like Malcom went from Republic hero to crazed weapon fanatic pretty quickly as a Sith. I need to see if anything else led him to that moment.


    - I look forward to having my Trooper select to side with the Empire just to see Dorne's reaction (if there is one).


    - I wish that my INQ was able to lay a little bit of "we sided with the Empire to bring down the Eternal Empire while you, Republic dog, just hid in your holes. So much for freedom and righteousness!" Laying a bit more smackdown on the Republic for not helping aid our campaign would've been nice.


    These are just my initial impressions from someone who is a big fan of my inquisitor character. The point of all of this is that it has left me wanting more. More conquest. More leading the charge. More commanding my fleets and armies. More of my inquisitor's sultry voice. I'd say that they've done a really nice job. Now onto the daily grind!

  5. At this point I have no idea who this mysterious betrayer might be, and I like it that way. Let's see where we are going to go with this story line in the future. I will say this though: I am intrigued. I am interested and I am wondering. I hope that whoever it is, that the story of their betrayal is handled well (none of the awkward, bungled handling of the Sith Emperor post-Ziost).


    We'd better hang on because we may have a bumpy ride ahead. There are traitors among us!

  6. I can't understand how this can possibly STILL be a problem, but it is. I've run into it on yet another character (see my posts in the beginning of this thread). It seems to be a predominantly dark side issue as I haven't had this with any of my light side characters.


    The only way I've been able to move forward is by submitting a ticket and asking them to manually forward me. It's worked before when I had this issue, hopefully it'll work again.

  7. I'm having a little trouble with email verification on another account. No matter how many different emails I set the account to, I do not receive any verification email. Since my email cannot be verified for the account, I am unable to subscribe to the game on that account.


    I'm just curious if I'm the only one who's ever had this problem and if anyone happens to know a solution to the problem.


    N.B. - I have tried multiple different email accounts (all of which I own) from multiple different email providers. No verification email has ever been sent to any of them; not in the Spam, or anything on this 2nd account of mine.

  8. I'm going to echo the sentiments already put forth in this thread. Thank you to everyone who put this story into our hands. (some spoilery stuff below)


    At the end of KOTFE Ch 16 I came to these forums and I was fuming. I had never been so dissatisfied with a story in my gaming life (at least, in a game that I played FOR the story). I cancelled my sub and stomped around because of what I felt was a drawn out, unsatisfying experience.


    Well KOTET left me with the exact opposite impression and showed me another example of why I was so hard on BW after KOTFE. I knew what they could produce and what kind of story they were capable of and the delivered with KOTET. I got almost everything out of the story of KOTET that I had hoped for. I actually found myself after the end credits at the end of Ch 9 wandering around the Odessen base looking for the next story mission because I just wanted more. I yearned for more. I wanted to see my character being the Empress she fought so hard to be. I just wanted MORE. That is a much better, much more satisfying feeling than I was left with after KOTFE.


    I thoroughly enjoyed this story and look forward to seeing different arcs and responses on my different characters. This is also a change from KOTFE. I have characters still sitting at level 60 because I dont want to have to slog through KOTFE. Meanwhile I am actually looking forward to taking my lvl 65s into KOTET so that they can reach the top of the galactic power structure as well.


    I know that this is the end of the story for now, but I hope it isn't the end of our characters' stories altogether (the doomsayers cant help but worm their unfounded doubts into my mind). I really just want to see more of our galactic story. I hope we get the chance soon!

  9. I chose to save Torian because it fit better with my little head canon. I prefer Vette but my character had to do what was best for the Alliance.


    Torian was still my envoy to the Mandalorians. I needed him alive to ensure that that relationship stays as strong as possible. The last thing that I want is the Mandos rebelling against me now that I have this shiny new chair. With Torian dead, I would lose an ally in the Mando war camps. Since I don't have the Shae Vizla companio, this was my only route.

  10. It's amde clear that while extreme, the populous of the republic and even the alliance still like her. I imagine that her puppet chancellor will take after her.


    Then I look forward to taking my shiny Eternal Fleet to Coruscant to wipe out this "puppet" Chancellor and the entire Senate once and for all. If the Republic doesn't bend, then I'll break them (in my head canon - I don't think BW will write that particular storyline lol)


    Seeing the look on Saresh's face when I ended her was priceless. I wish I had fed her some lightning first but, oh well. The punch was a nice touch.

  11. Sad? I was having a gosh darn field day. My original hope for this expansion was that I would at the very least get to kill Koth for his betrayal, but they let me kill everything this time around. I got to kill Senya for betraying me, I got to kill Arcann for being the Emperor of douche, I got to kill Vaylin for not eating a gosh darn snickers, I got to kill Scorpio for betraying me (and for that comment she made about HK-55 when he died), and I got to kill koth which is the best **** ever.


    I just wanted Koth's head to mount on top of my life day tree, instead I got about 6 heads. I mean it sucks that I'm going to need more trees, but 'tis the season after all.


    That's my take on it as well.


    I've only played through the story on my sorc so far, but she was really pissed off after KOTFE. She isn't FULL dark side (eg. I went Peacekeeper at the end - the galaxy has seen enough tyrants for now, at least publicly anyway muahahaha) but if you betray her, you're dead meat. I played most of this story with a big smile on my face as I bounced from retribution kill to retribution kill. There was almost 1 per chapter which I really enjoyed (I'm adding Saresh in Ch. 2 to my sweet, sweet kill counter too). I didn't have to wait long until I got another taste of vengeance.


    The best part was when I force choked Koth exclaiming "I can reach you from here.". No the pest part was when I snuffed out Koth while he gave a sad little "Goodbye Lana". HA! No! The best part was seeing Saresh's face when I told her that she was going to die. Ohhh so many good parts and I didnt even get to mention Valkorion or his family.

  12. (some story spoilers in my little ramble below)


    I have to say that I was really impressed by Acine. Her VA and writing was really enjoyable and made me look at her differently.


    Going into the chapter on my Sorc (my first character) I was planning on treating her like dirt. After all, while the Empire fought against the Eternal Empire, she bent to them and possibly dispatched a Dark Councillor or two in order to ingratiate herself to Arcann and secure control of the Empire. The way that I saw it, she was not the last Dark Councillor standing. There was still me and I hoped that I would get the chance to knock her off her pedestal once or twice. My attitude changed however over the course of Chapter 2.


    I can understand why she did it though. It wasn't just a brazen powerplay for control of the Sith. If the Empire fought, it would lose and more people/worlds would be destroyed as a result.


    My sorc ended up having some playful back and forth with her and we even shared a kill or two

    R.I.P. Lorman, you useless twit



    If we get more story in the future I really look forward to seeing more of Acina. She will remain in control of the Empire...for now. My Sorc is always watching.

  13. I've had this once or twice, now when it happens, I alt/tab out of game, open task manager, find this game, right click, end task.


    Yup yup. I had this issue a couple of times since 5.0 so now when I want to close the game, instead of logging out I just manually kill it via Task Manager. No fuss, no muss, no cleanup. It's definitely an issue though. Players shouldn't have to manually kill the program in order to log out cleanly.

  14. There is also the mysterious reason why the convo with Theron can be restarted consistently about talking to Vette. It doesn't reset any of the story but that convo can be consistently repeated via talking to Theron.


    Yes that's also strange because that Theron scne isn't the most recent cutscene.


    When we first arrive, we find and talk to Theron who sends us in to Vette (this is before the Purifier droid ambush and before the bug we are talking about). We can go inside and talk to Vette BEFORE the ambush to trigger that cutscene no problem, but after the ensuing ambush things go buggy and we get left out in the cold.


    It might be an error that occurs in that first Vette cutscene (where she asks ARIES to talk about GEMINI, Eternal Fleet, Gravestone blah blah blah) so when we go to talk to her again following the ambush to start the second one, the system cannot recognize where exactly we are and therefore cannot trigger the appropriate cutscene? I don't know. Hopefully someone does...soon. I really really want to continue the story.



    my problem isnt the mobs. and i can kill them all in one go its after you kill them it supposed to jump right into a cutscene when it does that it bugs out


    Yeah, we've been harking on this issue for a while so the issue may have been diluted across several pages. To be on the safe side, I'll state our problem with this bug again here:


    Following the Purify droid ambush, it appears that a cutscene with the instruction "Speak to Vette" should trigger. For those of us with this bug, however, this is not the case. Vette appears and is entirely clickable. There is no problem with the mobs that spawn during the droid ambush, or any of the previous cutscenes. When we click on Vette to activate the cutscene manually, the initialization occurs, but fails to load. Instead we get returned to a view of our surrounding environment at the moment when we clicked on Vette, except our characters have moved to the entrance to the room near Theron, Lana and Torian and our weapon is drawn (at least this is the case for me in this moment). We can close out of this and return to the world by closing the scene with the ESC key.


    Essentially, everything surrounding this event functions as normal, except the cutscene itself does not ever load. Because of this players who experience this bug cannot progress past this moment in Chapter 4. Since this bug has existed since Early Access (judging from the date of the initial posts) and still nothing regarding this problem has been acknowledged, you can understand our frustrations.

  16. I had the same problem with Vette not appearing but I was able to summon her as my companion while still in the story and i was able to talk to her and advance the story. Not sure if it works for everyone but it did for me.


    Thank you for trying to minimize our concerns but that is not the problem that we are having. We see Vette, we can summon her and we can talk to her. The problem is that her cinematic fails to load. We cannot progress the story because we cannot get her cinematic to play properly.

  17. It must be another issue because I've now had 3 tickets deleted without any response. I really hope that they aren't this bad at CS. They can't be this bad at CS, can they? It must be an issue with their tickets system. *end trying to convince myself*


    Another day and nothing works. Another day and no response or acknowledgement of an issue. This is unbelievable. They launched the game and then vanished. It looks like customers were duped again. Loyal subscribers were scammed. They sold us their "expansion" and then left us to suffer. This is absolutely egregious.


    I don't know what else to say. I've submitted multiple bug reports, multiple tickets, and we haven't heard anything from anyone. Is this what gaming companies have become? Making us feel like this? I just want to play the game on my weekend. Apparently I thought too much of this development team.

  18. I figured it out might sound funny but click on theron then u can proceed need to talk to him a second time then it will proceed when u click on vette


    Doesn't work for me. I go through the conversation with Theron again but the cinematic for "Talk to Vette" still does not load properly. At least I can explore the different dialogue options in that Theron conversation...see what I missed.


    Replaying that Theron conversation also reminds me of a simpler time...when this bloody game worked properly. Ahhh the memories.

  19. It is indeed a sad situation.


    Although i, like many of you, would like a fix, i would settle for an answer, an aknowledgement of them being aware of the situation in question, even if it's something along the lines of "We're having difficulty reproducing the bug in question, and as such have yet to get a fix."


    At least, it would shows that they are aware of this bug, or that they care.


    Yes that's what's getting at me the most. It's not the problem, it's the silence. New expansions and content will have bugs. I know that and it's okay. But shouldn't people be watching for bugs? Responding to player issues? Saying....SOMETHING, or ANYTHING? You just launched an expansion and left us to sit here and sit at the same spot because there is LITERALLY no way to advance since the cutscene won't load.


    It's beyond ridiculous at this point. If you don't want to manage a game environment then just close down ,and go home. However, they sold us this content, gleefully took our money and then flew away, leaving us stuck. Great stuff.


    Update - It looks like my second ticket was also deleted with no response. At least there's nothing in my ticket window. Third time's the charm? if not, I am going to rip this game out of my system.

  20. It was one of the several things i tried when i first got the bug. Run around the entire map trying to initiate the conversation, all to no avail. Tried it again after today's maintenance and still nothing.


    It's kind of funny, that my "dream" was to use early acess to finish the story on my main (which is the only i'm thinking in doin' the new chapters with), only to be stopped on a chapter with the name "Where Dreams Die".


    Maintenance today didn't fixed it, and i really doubt that they even care at this point. On the bright side, "It is now possible to complete the Makeb Mission “Descent into the Core.”" :rolleyes:


    Yeah same here. I've been around the map trying to initialize this bloody cutscene but I get nothing. On the "plus" side it looks like the ticket that I submitted last night was deleted without a response (side effect of the new patch maybe or do they really just not give a damn?) Customer service wooooo. I submitted another ticket and cancelled my sub. This is nuts. There has not even been any acknowledgement that this is an issue and no fix in today's maintenance. Absurd.

  21. Just got to this part and I am experiencing this bug as well now. Doesn't look like they've fixed it or even acknowledged that it's an issue.


    I've tried relogging, exiting and reloading, dismissing Vette and resummoning, and repositioning but nothing works. I can click Vette no problem but the cinematic fails to load afterwards and I just end up sitting there viewing the screen until I hit the Exit key to return to where I was before. This was an issue that was reported during Early Access and it's a little frustrating that it made it to "launch" without even any acknowledgement.


    Regardless, I submitted a bug report and opened a ticket in game. In the meantime, I'll go back to WoW. They don't usually have these kinds of problems.

  22. I believe this is a deliberate response to some players in 4.0 saying everything is too easy, particularly with the new companion system.


    It's a good move by the studio in my view as it offers more options to players. It's voluntary, and it's difficult, so it's for those that like something that is a pain in the backside, rather then a cake-walk.


    Wait until they release a Mastery level. :D


    Ohmygoodness I expect Mastery level will be brutal lol I will dip my toe into it for sure just to see how quickly I die. I suspect that you'll have to use CC in regular packs, single target and burn down everything and bosses - well I just don't even know what gear level will be required but i suspect that it will be quite high.


    I dipped my toe into Veteran mode full of curiosity and redid Chapter 1 of KOTFE. It was glorious because for the first part you dont get a companion at all. I was caught off guard by how much damage was done to my sorc by the regular little trash packs of Skytroopers. I only died once but once the surprise wore off they never got me again. What was impressive was the focus required on the final Elite Skytrooper "boss".


    I had encountered a level of difficulty that I'd never had to experience in solo play in SWTOR before. It was fantastic. I had to be alert, heal myself often, my smart with my shields/interrupts and knockbacks(which I am thankful worked or else I'd never have beaten it). In essence, I had to actually think about what I was doing. It was wonderful and it made me realize just how mindless Story mode really is.


    Things certainly dealt more damage, but I wonder if they also nerf companion output. I don't think that they did. I think that they balanced it around a competently levelled healer companion and your character. As i said, I had no comp for the first half so it was a bit trickier but once I had Marr the only thing that really was challenging was the boss fight.

  23. I 100% agree this was the worst story ever! I canceled my subscription to express my disapointment


    I've ranted enough about my distaste of this "final" chapter in KotFE, so I won't do it again here. I've been talking about the story issues and what needs to happen in the final chapter since Ch 12. Chapter Sixteen was the most frustrating and unsatisfying piece of video game story content that I've ever consumed.


    Sadly, the only way to really send the message to BW is to cancel the sub, which I've also done. They aren't big enough anymore that they can afford to lose too many loyal customers (they aren't WoW for example), but I'm tired of getting my hype train in full gear just to be disappointed. BW Austin as a developer has lost all of my confidence and support.

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