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Everything posted by Rezarect

  1. I think they should add more than 50 slots! Well, it's not called an Auction House is it? It's a Trade Network. Well, more like a Shopping Mall rather than an Auction. I don't think BW intended on making it that way. This thread should be moved to the Suggestion Box. I don't see how this is relevant with Crafting....
  2. aye! Now that we can mail to each others factions, I can just send my toon some stuff that doesn't normally sell all that good on the other sides GTN.
  3. Honestly, it will take a long time for the ship GTN to become stable. Who has that much credits to spare to buy one of those? I think they should just make all the GTN neutral. Having a GTN in your ship will become SO handy! They should also put a mailbox in the ship as well! It doesn't make sense when it's the future, yet we still have to land on a planet to receive mail?! Lol it's like they don't have some sorta email, pff cchh
  4. sign me and my hubby up! This is mainly for my hubby, but I do find it annoying that I get logged out when I'm clearly not away from my keyboard. My hubby likes to surf the web while he crafts, since now it takes over 30mins to craft stuff. He sends all his companions out and waits tell they come back to do our quests. It's quite annoying. At least make it to where if your clicking on things in game that you aren't away from the keyboard. That's just a pure oxymoron right there. lol Thank you!
  5. sign me up! I'm only lvl 28 and I've almost filled them all up. I don't like having to open my bags to throw my bombs around. And I like to have a neat set of buttons, where some slots aren't being used, its so I can section off my more important actions from my other not so important action buttons. example: http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy48/reza_86/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-04-16_14_45_17_110854-2.jpg I was only 26 at this point nor did i bother learning my melee skills because of the lack of space. Now that I bought all my skills I need the space more than ever. http://i776.photobucket.com/albums/yy48/reza_86/SWTOR/Screenshot_2012-04-16_14_45_17_110854-3.jpg I know I can replace my medpacks for more skills (which I have done) but that's only 3 buttons, plus it looks crammed and unorganized if i put my heals next to melee skills. Plus I'm using more bombs now since I can create them, so there's three more slots I need. thanks
  6. lol at least its not like that one time in EQ2 where the servers were down for like 2 or 3 days straight!...actually i think they did it twice.... It better not end up that way BW.... >_>
  7. INFILTRATOR!!! Brought to you by: Home Depot - You can do it. We can help.
  8. LOL MY GOD! Leave the UFO's out of this! They are innocents!!!
  9. LOL =D your post made me wake up my hubby!
  10. LOL that would make it seem like there were actually more players than there really are. What if there were only 10 REAL consumers here..BUM BUM BUUM
  11. Yeah It does. I was always making new toons on different servers because my main server was down.
  12. I suggest you give me a couple extra days on my billing cycle for all these "unscheduled maintenance" problems, or I'm unsubscribing an going back to playing RIFT. I planned on playing a game I pay monthly for, all night tonight. All night Mon. night too, but I understand that was a scheduled night to do "maintenance's". So you have taken away 4 out of 8 days since the legacy patch so far. If you do your next scheduled "maintenance" next week that will be 6 days this month. That's 1 day from a full week you've not let me play..... I understand that its only 4 hours. But who really keeps track of that sorta thing. And when the patches happen, they happen at night for me (westcoast). I work all day and the night is my only chance to play! Thank you!
  13. I suggest you give me a couple extra days on my billing cycle for all these "unscheduled maintenance" problems, or I'm unsubscribing an going back to playing RIFT. I planned on playing a game I pay monthly for, all night tonight. All night Mon. night too, but I understand that was a scheduled night to do "maintenance's". So you have taken away 4 out of 8 days since the legacy patch so far. If you do your next scheduled "maintenance" next week that will be 6 days this month. That's 1 day from a full week you've not let me play..... I understand that its only 4 hours. But who really keeps track of that sorta thing. And when the patches happen, they happen at night for me (westcoast). I work all day and the night is my only chance to play! Thank you!
  14. I think the only reason why people don't want addon's and such, is PROBABLY cause they don't know how to use them, or cause they are casual. They're not obsessed players about damage. They don't want to be ruled out of a raid JUST because they don't have an addon. I don't think it should go that far, but I do like having some addons that other people can't see. Like a PERSONAL dps chart, map addons, inventory addons, a personal threat meter, because I don't like dying. Nothing where your guildies/players will exactly see how a casually player you are. There should be rules about personal space and how they like to R&R.
  15. um... really?... They actually give you options for that already. Don't bring him/her a long, bring another companion.
  16. If you don't like add-ons, mods, or macros. Than simply don't install/use them. Easy. That's the beauty of customization- you can do whatever your heart desires! But if you do want the options, at least it's there for you, any way you want it. That's the way you need it. Lol just like the journey song.
  17. it's just another option for subscribers to customize their playing field- to make them unique in a sense. If you don't enjoy them, just don't install any. Easy. Oh and plus it gives the game developers a heads up to what the customers really enjoy. Sometimes they listen and install them into the game. Like WoW's developers.
  18. Server Merge! You've got to force people to be on top of each other. lol I don't mean like that, but in a way to fight for their EXP! is it really that hard? you save time and money by clearing up these low populated servers, and if you need to create more servers there right there, ready to go. example; when I go into an open dungeon, and I see a bunch of players fighting the same mob I need, and we're just standing around, I get frustrated. Frustrated cause they're killing everything I need and wasting my time -and theres as well. So I would say- hey why don't I group with these people instead of waiting around trying to kill my last boss or mobs. One thing leads to another, and BAM, you're in your first guild! That's why wow is so popular, it's not so much playing the game anymore, but now it's become a social network. You don't want to let a guildy/friend down just becuase you wanna watch tv, play with your cat or get some exercise alone. I have met 3 or 4 of my guildies from wow, and we still try to meet once a year at BM.
  19. "Think we've all been spoiled... I'm seeing a lot of threads about people saying they're going to quit [sW]TOR if some issues aren't fixed. That's cool, I respect your decision, but you're being stupid. Looks like we've all been spoiled from playing other MMO's having very few bugs that the moment we see some that aren't fixed immediately, we blow up the forums about quitting. Yes, these issues are annoying, but if vanilla players quit WoW because of the shtty servers, it wouldn't be where it is today as one of the best MMO's ever made. With new MMO's comes issues, whether it be in-game or server issues, it's going to happen. One does not simply fix these issues overnight. It's going to take time to fix them." quoted from a player on mmo champions forum. and i completely agree! sorry if the original poster finds this - i'm just spreading your words of wisdom. i've been playing mmo's since 2004, i was 18 at the time, and eq2 was my first mmo. there were sooo many bugs and i personally ignored them and just had fun with a GAME! cause that's all it is...an R&R. I like swtor so far. these are just the things i like in general about the game. I love how you can customize the UI. I like how you have your own ship to really feel like your traveling around. I like how the GTN has a search bar. I love having companions! They do all the grunt work for you! I can't think of the hours wasted in many MMORPGs, an searching for nodes and camping nodes, just to craft a single item lol. I love having my companions craft items for me, while I'm out on quests or in a dungeon!! I like the pet they gave us in the legacy patch. I loove how you can have multiple windows open at once, instead of just two. lol I used to have to rush to search for something on the GTN, before my companion came back from a mission. haha or I had 10sec to put something up for auction on the GTN before the GTN window just disappeared, and POP my mission reward window came up lol haha. I like giving and receiving buffs, yay! I like the no CD on companion gifts. I like having to ride the speeders/hover-bikes almost anywhere. I remember when blizzard came out with that in wow. you could ride your horsey in ironforge and i looooved it. I like the class quests. I reeaally missed that in EQ2. everyone hated it- having to really understand their wizards or whoever class lol. I thought it was a good way to get you motivated in your class role and/or your toons role. There is a lot more but i can't think right now- too tried lol I really want to see SWTOR beat wow or other mmorpgs'.
  20. I really thought SWTOR had potential. I will be sad to see some players leave. But hey, there will always be an MMO aroound. But honestly, they OBVIOUSLY think their true loyal supporters are lvl 50. I don't think I've heard any MMO personally put down their customers this badly!
  21. totally agree...I am personally one of these kind of players also. And they are ruling out our style of game play....weak....purely weak BW.... They're just scared cause Guild Wars 2 is coming out. /lame
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