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Posts posted by Ventessel

  1. There are certain battles that will act as a filler between big battles. That was the original intention of Ti vs. Unduli, but that wasn't the case. I expect that Kolar vs. Fisto will be one of the shorter ones, as those two probably won't draw as much of a debate as other more popular characters like Exar Kun or Darth Bane.


    I am surprised this match dragged on for so long, though.


    Every match will drag on like this, if you hadn't realized that by now. All it takes is one person playing up someone's strengths and then other people who think otherwise will weigh in to counter those points. Instant escalation.

  2. Ah so this isn't prime vs prime, then this match doesn't interest me as it's random level of power vs prime.


    I think it's attempting a comparison at equal points in their development, since Galen died before arguably reaching his peak. Basically, when each of them had reached a comparable level of training in lightsaber combat and Force usage.


    I'd say Jaina during the YV War would be a good benchmark to measure Galen against when we see him at the time of TFU.

  3. Well the Thought Bomb is a ritual that requires many Sith to accomplish, so I don't think it can be a 'personal use' ability. But I do believe there are similar abilities within the realm of Sith Magic, though these would most likely be rituals as well.


    Sith Magic is a very strange topic. There is no real evidence of what it can and cannot accomplish, aside from creating abominations and alchemical things like Sith armor/swords. It's kind of a very nebulous topic, since there are many renowned "Sith Sorcerors" with only sketchy information on what they were able to do with their rituals and arcane talents.

  4. Bearing in mind that Jaina is being considered at the same age as Galen, I would probably hand the fight to Galen. His training was much more demanding and intensive, and he accomplished things at that age which placed him at the level of skill expected of a Jedi Master.


    Given the time to grow and mature, Galen would likely have become just as formidable as either of the Solo twins.

  5. I think that as skilled and powerful as Plo Koon is, Qui-Gon is stronger.


    Remember, this is the Jedi who was so in tune with the Force that he rediscovered the method for becoming one with the Force and still communing with other Jedi. He was only killed by one of the most talented Sith Assassins ever trained, who had to plan carefully and lay a trap that exploited the advantages of Juyo over Ataru in tight confines.


    Qui-Gon respected Plo Koon, who was a Jedi Council member and skilled duelist, but that does not mean that he is by any means a match for the superb swordsmanship of Qui-Gon. Count Dooku and Yoda considered Qui-Gon to be one of their greatest students, and Qui-Gon could go toe-to-toe with Mace Windu, a feat only ever matched by Yoda himself. Qui-Gon's training produced Obi-Wan Kenobi, himself possibly one of the Order's greatest swordsmen. Even in his later years, Obi-Wan still retained certain aspects of Qui-Gon's unique variant of Ataru.


    Qui-Gon's strength in the Force is tremendous, although his focus on the Living Force leads him to allow the Force to act passively through him rather than trying to outwardly control it. This makes him a fluid and lethal combatant, able to react quickly and easily to changing circumstances and stay cognizant of his surroundings.


    Plo Koon's ability to alter the environment would give him a small advantage, but his attacks will not prove lethal. Qui-Gon's powerful connection to the Force will allow him to weather these attacks, and while it does not take tremendous effort to affect small changes in the environment, using energy that is present in waves or storms, conjuring whirlwinds out of thin air will be taxing, and wear down Plo Koon.


    Qui-Gon's superior mobility and ability to adapt to the surroundings will enable him to press the attack and drive Plo Koon back, preventing him from exploiting his unique Force Powers to full effect. Even if he gets off an unarmed attack on Qui-Gon, that does not mean he will be able to disengage easily.


    Ataru specializes in fighting a single adversary, perfect for this situation. Qui-Gon had difficulty re-engaging Maul because of the narrow platforms and the fact that Maul used Obi-Wan as a shield of sorts to keep Qui-Gon away. There will be no such obstructions here, and Qui-Gon will be able to leap straight back into the fight with Plo Koon, hounding him until he slices through the Kel Dor's defenses.


    It will be a memorable duel, no doubt, but Plo Koon will be playing for time all along, and eventually his luck will run out and Qui-Gon's masterful swordsmanship will win out.

  6. Chapter Sixteen


    Admiral Bwua’tu brought his fleet out of hyperspace well beyond the range of the interdiction vessels patrolling the Corellian system. His navigators were skilled, and the fleet arrived in precise formation. Picket rings were established by his frigates, and the modified Dreadnaught-class carriers launched waves of assorted TIE Interceptors and X-Wings.


    Several nearby patrols were quickly eliminated by coordinated attacks from the frigates and fighters. Bwua’tu transmitted the code to the waiting rebel fleet lurking on the far side of the system, and the various ships cobbled together by the Corellians began approaching their homeworld from the opposite direction as the Bothan fleet.


    Bwua’tu groomed the sleek fur on his head back with one hand as he walked across the bridge, eyeing the tactical displays that showed a three dimensional image of the system. The core group of the Fourth Fleet, comprised of the fleet carrier Peacebringer and the Mon Calamari Star Defender Dauntless, along with their escort ships, was forming up and moving towards the Bothan fleet.


    Already, the leading fighter squadrons from the Dreadnaught carriers were closing to engagement distance with the outlying elements of the Fourth Fleet. They were heavily outmatched by the interceptors launched from the Peacebringer, however. The Alliance had equipped her fleets with the latest designs of fightercraft, including the E-Wing Interceptor, an evolution over the fabled X-Wing that combined the fire control innovations of the heavier B-Wing fighters with the shielding and maneuverability that defined the iconic X-Wing.


    The pilots who flew with the Fourth Fleet were also exceptionally skilled, rated second only to those of the Third Fleet who had Wedge Antilles to thank for their intensive training and selection programs. The pilots in Bwua’tu’s fleet were mostly from Fondor or Commenor, and while they included many veterans of the Yuuzhong Vong War, they were untested as combat units. Bwua’tu knew that he would lose a fighter engagement, and worked to close with the enemy capital ships as quickly as possible.


    The planetary defense forces garrisoned on Corellia, primarily A-Wing interceptor squadrons, had scrambled when their allies launched their attacks. Hundreds of Corellian fighters swarmed up from the surface and flew to engage the blockading frigates. Each frigate had a handful of her own fighters supporting her, and they tangled with the Corellians in the skies below the orbital factories, lasers flashing back and forth.


    The other capital ships in the Fourth Fleet, mainly Republic and one newer Nebula-class Star Destroyers, were strung out across the system to support the interdiction operations. Bwua’tu watched on his tactical displays as four warships raced towards his fleet, recalling their patrols from the edges of the system.


    His own fighters were getting mauled against the ace flyers of the Fourth Fleet, with their superior fightercraft and numbers allowing them to quickly pick apart his own fighter wings. However, the assault group of his fleet, composed of the Bothan Assault Cruisers, was rapidly closing in behind the fighters. Bwua’tu gauged the speed of the Fourth Fleet’s Star Destroyers and made his decision.


    Stepping over to his control station, he issued the order,


    “Assault Cruiser captains, take your ships forward and engage at will. Break into fighting pairs and concentrate on the Peacebringer, I want her destroyed before she can bring her fighter screens back. Escort frigates, support the fighters and leave the carriers.”


    His captains carried out his orders promptly, and the Assault Cruiser that he was on paired up with her sister ship. The assault group accelerated past the fighters, letting the Carrack frigates join the fray to tie up the Fourth Fleet’s interceptors. The six Bothan Assault Cruisers tore past the escort vessels protecting the Peacebringer, absorbing their broadsides with their reinforced shields. Two cruisers broke off to engage the massive Mon Calamari warship, the Dauntless, while the remaining four moved to surround the fleet carrier.


    The escort frigates of the Fourth Fleet split apart, some moving to counter Bwua’tu’s frigates, while others reversed course and turned in wide arcs to come about and protect the Peacebringer. The Bothan cruisers were heavily armed, and they delivered punishing volleys of turbolaser fire at point blank range to the Peacebringer. The Dauntless was more than a match for the two cruisers engaging her individually, but together their combined firepower forced her to concentrate power to her shields and limited her offensive options.


    The Star Destroyers of the Fourth Fleet raced across the system, but they were sluggish capital ships designed more for power than speed. The melee above Corellia intensified as the reserve fleet cobbled together by the Corellians came into action against the frigates blockading the planet. Fighter wings struggled to stay together as they danced in and out of the orbital factories, darting down to assault the frigates from time to time.


    The Peacebringer was flagging under the combined firepower of four Assault Cruisers, while the Dauntless held her own. Several escort frigates had moved to support the fleet carrier, firing on the Assault Cruisers. The shields on the Peacebringer were weakening, not designed to withstand close range fire from capital ships.


    One of the cruisers attacking the Dauntless began to reduce her turbolaser volleys, diverting power to shields as the Dauntless hammered her relentlessly. The frigates joined in, and several blasts impacted on the cruiser’s hull, tearing open her armor.


    The Bothan’s X-Wing Squadrons were severely battered, and the TIE Interceptors had been almost completely eliminated, but the addition of the Carrack frigates had allowed them to inflict equally heavy casualties on the E-Wings of the Fourth Fleet. Debris from the chaotic melee floated past the frigates as the remaining fighters danced around, dodging green and red laser trails.


    Bwua’tu stood on the bridge, carefully watching the Star Destroyers make their way across the system. He looked out of the forward viewscreen at the Peacebringer, and saw her shields flicker and die as streams of heavy turbolasers poured in from the four cruisers surrounding her. Blasts pounded her hull and opened huge rents. Flames erupted along the length of the vessel and the engines pulsed and slowly went dark as the ship lost power.


    The combined firepower of the Dauntless and her escort frigates broke through the shields of one of the Bothan cruisers, and the two ships attacking her broke off to flee towards Corellia. Their heavy armor absorbed most of the damage inflicted by the lighter guns of the frigates, but the turbolasers of the Dauntless punched a number of grisly wounds into the first cruiser, whose shields flickered on and off sporadically as the repair crews raced to restore power to the generators.


    Bwua’tu pressed down the key to open a channel to his entire fleet,


    “Target the frigates, inflict maximum casualties and avoid the Dauntless. Cover the carriers as they fall back to Corellia.”


    The Dreadnaughts swung wide around the remnants of the Fourth Fleet’s carrier group, joining up with their Carrack frigates as they did so. The fighters were breaking off, the remaining squadrons of the Fourth Fleet moving to attack the Assault Cruisers.


    The Dauntless shifted power from her shields to her turbolaser batteries and slowly turned to engage the four cruisers that had disabled the Peacebringer. These cruisers scattered among the Fourth Fleet’s escort frigates, using their maneuverability to prevent the Dauntless from lining up a broadside. As the mingled with the frigates, they allowed their armor to protect them while they concentrated on delivering repeated volleys from their heavier guns.


    Bright green turbolaser fire knifed through the weaker shields and armor of the frigates and inflicted terrible damage. E-Wing fighters flew in to protect the frigates, racing past the cruisers and firing torpedoes against their hulls. The projectiles arced in and impacted with bright flashes, leaving smoking craters in the cruisers’ armor.


    As the fighters engaged them, the cruisers were forced to shift more power to their shields, and the turbolaser fire became less frequent. Bwua’tu led his assault group away from the Dauntless and broke contact with the frigates, leaving many drifting helplessly through space as they burned and broke apart.


    The field of space around the assault group was littered with the broken remains of fighters and frigates from both sides, and the debris glinted as it reflected the light of Corellia’s star, turning slowly in the vast abyss of space.


    The Dauntless raced to catch Bwua’tu’s assault group, but it could not keep up. The Bothan fleet regrouped as it approached Corellia, and the remains of the Fourth Fleet’s carrier group turned to join their Star Destroyers.



    Elohirnok saw the indicator light flash from green to red as the ship suddenly broke her connection with the station. For a terrifying moment, the Sol Eternal fell towards the surface of Corellia before he got the engines online and activated his maneuvering thrusters.


    Elohirnok’s heart raced and he seized a headset, shouting into it, “Someone get on our guns! And find General Antilles!”


    As he flew out from behind the orbital station, he saw an amazing sight. Hundreds of fighters clashed above Corellia in a deadly ballet, spitting colored flashes of light and exploding silently. Wedge Antilles ran into the cockpit behind him, and stopped suddenly.


    “What in the hell is going on?”


    Elohirnok shook his head slowly, “I think the fleet is attacking Corellia. Those are the planetary defense squadrons out there.”


    Wedge looks around, glancing down at the sensor displays on the console, “That’s not all of it. Look at the ship signatures, there are dozens of vessels bearing down from the opposite side of the planet, and there’s a huge cluster further out.”


    Elohirnok looks down, frowning, “Radiation signatures are off the charts, there must be some heavy fighting going on. Who in the blazes could they be fighting?”


    “I think I have an idea about that, and I don’t like it.”


    Turning around, Elohirnok fixes the general with a solemn gaze, “Now or never general. I can launch an escape pod down to Corellia if you want, or you can stick with us. I think we’re fugitives, too, so it might be less awkward than before.”


    Wedge looks out at the hectic scene before them and then over towards the marbled green surface of Corellia. There is a long silence and then he says, “I’ll go down to the planet, perhaps I can reason with the leaders of this rebellion. I don’t want to see my planet destroyed by a senseless war if there’s anything I can do about it.”


    “Very well, sir. Signal me when you’re ready for an ejection pass, I’ll swing as close as I can and cover your descent with chaff in case any of these fighters decide to take an unhealthy interest in you.”


    Wedge nods and leaves the cockpit, making his way to the escape pods. Along the way, he passes Sventrare, who is slumped near the docking tube in dull shock.


    Lachance and Thrash are manning the defensive turrets. Wedge hurries past them and climbs into an escape pod. He presses the intercom to the cockpit and says,


    “Alright, standing by for launch, Lieutenant.”


    Elohirnok pilots the ship down towards Corellia, staying clear of the fighter engagement as best he can. Lachance and Thrash fire on any fighters that fly too close, chasing them off. As the ship approaches the atmosphere, Elohirnok levels out and jettisons three escape pods, one of the Wedge’s. As he angles away from the planet, he also deploys several canisters of chaff, light metal fragments and fake beacons designed to disrupt targeting systems.


    Haytham enters the cockpit and sits down beside Elohirnok. He looks slightly fatigued, but otherwise calm given the circumstances.


    “Elohirnok, I’ve just received word that Luke Skywalker has called for a gathering of the Jedi Order on Ossus. The Academy there will be a safe location for now, until you can sort out what to do.”


    “The blockade appears to be in disarray for now, select the coordinates for Ossus in the navicomputer and I’ll plot a course there.”



    Luke Skywalker walks with his wife, Mara Jade, along one of the stone balconies that wraps around the Jedi Temple on Ossus. It is newly constructed, but was built using stones from the ruins of the Jedi Praxeum on Yavin Four where he began the Jedi Order.


    They walk in a comfortable silence, enjoying the respite from the congested atmosphere of Coruscant. Ossus was once a beautiful world, but desolation unleashed thousands of years prior had left the planet’s surface scarred and desolate. Very little grew here, and many areas of the planet were still irradiated, but it had once been the home to a vast library and academy for the Jedi of old. Luke felt a surreal connection to them when he was on Ossus, and thought that the planet served as a valuable lesson for the younger Jedi.


    Ossus was a relic of the old times, but also a beacon of what he hoped would come in the days ahead. Rebuilding, restoring the forgotten traditions of the Jedi, but always wary of the dangers they faced. The faint hum of approaching engines made him turn, and he saw a small transport flying down towards the academy’s landing pads. Numerous craft were arriving, since he had called all available Jedi to the academy.


    Suddenly, Mara gasped and stumbled. Luke reached out to her, concerned.


    “Mara, what is it?”


    She put a hand to her forehead, looking anguished, “I’ve just felt something in the Force, something terrible.”


    “Is it Ben?” Luke inquired, a sinking feeling settling over him, fear gnawing at the back of his mind.


    Mara closed her eyes, shuddering, “I think so. It was such a flash of overpowering anger, and then… nothing.”



    Admiral Cha Niathal, a dark skinned Mon Calamari whose eyes were more oblong than most of her species, met Jacen Solo in the depths of the Crix Madine Military Reserve. Far from prying eyes, they sat down in a large circular room filled with low holodisplays that projected images of various sectors of the galaxy alongside planetary information, reports from Alliance intel, and estimates of economic activity.


    Jacen looked over the myriad displays, saying, “My my, Admiral. You’ve been busy.”


    Niathal blinks slowly, “So have you. Are you prepared to begin your operations on Nar Shaddaa?”


    “Within the week. I plan to have transports ready with the necessary supplies by tomorrow. Any news from Corellia?”


    Niathal taps her fingers on the arms of her chair in a steady tempo, replying in a carefully level tone, “It appears that Nek Bwua’tu has renouned his oath to the Alliance. He recently led the First Fleet against Kuat, and reports from this morning indicate that Bothawui has lent her fleets to the Corellians’ cause as well. Regiments from Fondor have landed on Kuat and taken over the shipyards. We face open rebellion.”


    “What has Cal Omas said?”


    “He committed half heartedly to bring the Third Fleet up to standby. They were at minimal readiness, most of the crews were either receiving retraining or on leave. They’ll be returning to Coruscant immediately, but it will be at least a week or more before the Fleet is prepared for action. The loss of the First Fleet makes our situation quite precarious, but Omas refuses to take drastic measures for fear of losing his popularity.”


    “What about the Second Fleet?” Jacen asks.


    Niathal sighs, “They’re on patrol near the path of the Vong invasion route. Colonies out there are still skittish about stragglers, even though there hasn’t been a confirmed Vong attack in seven years. Pirates are a concern, though, but not so desperate that we can’t spare the fleet to suppress a rebellion!”


    Jacen stands up and walks around a display highlighting the Core Worlds, centered on Coruscant. He pauses, looking over the reports from Kuat.


    “What did he propose to do about the rebels’ attack on Kuat?”


    “Nothing so far. He’s formed a special branch of the advisory council to draft emergency measures. They’re a bunch of inept nerf herders, though. Not a single military officer on the council, either.”


    Jacen finishes looking at the reports and turns back to Niathal, “How much support do you have in the Senate?”


    “Some, but not enough to overrule Omas. I’m meeting with a lot of the Senators who are on the fence, but too many of them fail to see the significance of Corellia’s defiance. Once word of the attack on Kuat becomes public, however, I think Omas will be forced to raise troops and prepare to put down the rebellion with force.”


    “Very good. I must go to Ossus for a meeting of the Jedi, my uncle has called for every available Knight and Master to return immediately. I suspect that he wants to address the rebellion as well, I will do what I can to sway the Jedi to intervene against the rebels forcefully, before more systems join them.”


    Jacen leaves the meeting room and heads for his personal StealthX fighter, outfitted for long range reconnaissance, which is docked in the lower hangars of the compound.



    The tattooed man stalks through the shadows on the Advent Dawn, carefully avoiding the bustling traffic that moves through the halls. He is able to divert the attention of guards and watchers with the Force, and slips through to the most secure areas of the vessel.


    He makes his way into the inner sanctum of the intelligence chiefs, where Colonel Raven keeps his quarters. He finds the correct room, but the door is sealed magnetically. Hurrying off, his footsteps soft and silent, he mentally reviews the layout of the deck he is on.


    The man slips around several corners, reaching out with the Force to sense for other presences, but he is alone. He reaches a small maintenance room and opens the door, stepping inside. The room is cramped, with shelves taking up the space near the door and a large air circulation unit roaring loudly on the other side.


    The tattooed man walks over to the unit and finds where it joins the wall. He pushes with the Force and peels back the metal duct from the wall, exposing a narrow vent. He smiles to himself, shaking his head as he worms inside headfirst, replacing the duct behind him telekinetically.



    The Jedi Order convened on Ossus in a massive gathering chamber in the academy. Tiered rows of benches form an oval around a central speaking platform, with stairs leading up from the narrow ends of the oval to wide stone archways at the top of the chamber.


    Luke Skywalker and the other members of the Jedi High Council occupy the innermost circle of the chamber, sitting calmly in their Jedi robes. Behind them, the tiers slowly fill up with other Jedi. Most of them are younger Knights, trained in the decade following the Yuuzhong Vong War which took such a heavy toll on the Jedi’s numbers.


    Tam Solusar and his wife, the head instructors at the Ossus Academy, join Luke in the inner tier. Kyle Katarn walks down the stairs and takes a seat, followed shortly by Corran Horn and Zhayne. The last member of the council to arrive is Seba Sebatyne. Other Jedi are still filling in the seats, although the chamber is more than two thirds full at this point.


    Jacen Solo walks in quietly, wearing his Jedi robes over his GAG armor. Sventrare Dermo has taken a seat close to the stairs, and Haytham Kenway sits opposite Jacen Solo near the outermost tier. When a minute goes by without any more Jedi Knights arriving, Luke Skywalker stands and a hush falls over the chamber, slowly spreading outwards until the entire congregation is silent.


    Luke extends a hand with a sweeping gesture to the assembled Jedi, saying, “Welcome to Ossus, my fellow Jedi. Thank you for arriving promptly, for we have important matters to discuss.”


    Luke walks out onto the central speaking platform and projects his voice across the audience chamber, “As you are mostly aware, Corellia has announced her secession from the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. Fondor, Commenor, and Bothawui have joined her in this action, and even now their combined fleets clash with the Alliance over Kuat and Corellia.”


    Turning as he speaks, Luke continues, “Many prominent officers and soldiers have sided with Corellia, and this divide has exacerbated the fault lines that already exist in the Senate. The Chief of State, Cal Omas, has asked me to provide Jedi Knights for an expedition to retake Kuat and capture the heads of the Corellian resistance government. I turned him down.”


    Several members of the Council, notably Corran Horn, frown at this and a murmur ripples through the assembled Jedi. Zhayne speaks out,


    “Master Skywalker, what do you mean?”


    Luke calmly turns to him and says, “The Jedi Order exists to advise the Alliance government and to protect the people of the Alliance, not wage war on them. I could not authorize the use of Jedi Knights in a mission to attack our own people.”


    Kyle Katarn folds his arms over his chest and says skeptically, “Corellia is in open revolt, isn’t it our duty to protect the Alliance from fragmenting?”


    Luke shakes his head, “There is no clear moral high ground in this conflict. I will not commit Jedi Knights on behalf of the Alliance without proper justification.”


    Jacen Solo stands up and calls down loudly, “The attacks on Coruscant, the assassinations at Crix Madine, the sneak attack on Kuat, are these not justification for our intervention?”


    Before Luke can respond, Haytham is on his feet shouting back, “They had plenty of provocation from the Alliance themselves! I was there at Corellia when the Alliance blockaded the planet and began slaughtering the workers in the factories who resisted.”


    The room erupts with hundreds of Jedi taking one side or another, shouting to be heard over each other while Haytham and Jacen trade jabs from across the room. Luke looks around, a stern expression coming over his face. He gathers the Force into himself and unleashes a large wave of energy, just strong enough to rustle cloaks and jostle anyone standing.


    He raises his voice to be clearly heard and says commandingly, “Silence. As Grand Master of the Jedi Order, I have made my decision and announced it. The Jedi Order will remain neutral in this conflict until its resolution. If necessary, we will support peacekeeping for both governments.”


    Jacen becomes apoplectic at this, “That’s ridiculous! We’re sworn to uphold the Alliance. Would you have every Jedi here turn his back on that oath?”


    Luke faces Jacen and says evenly, “The Jedi Order is independent of the Alliance. We serve the Force, and keep the peace. I do not think it is right for us to become involved in what is essentially a civil war.”


    Haytham adds, “The Alliance brought this rebellion on themselves with their heavy handed tactics.”


    Most of the younger Jedi Knights are looking to Haytham and Jacen, while the older Masters nod at Luke’s reasoning.


    Corran Horn says, “As a Corellian myself, I can’t condone the methods you’re using to suppress this rebellion, Jacen.”


    Jacen retorts, “I’m the only one doing what’s necessary to preserve the Alliance. Have you asked yourself what will happen if the Alliance fractures? The Empire would encroach on our territory, and countless systems would splinter away when they saw that the Alliance was too weak to maintain herself.”


    Haytham shouts across the chamber, “Would you bind them to you by force? With your Guards? Is it not a Federation of Free Alliances?”


    Jacen says, “It is an alliance to preserve freedom for its members, but it can’t do that if it disintegrates. This is the first internal strife to shake the Alliance, if we don’t weather it by standing strong and holding the Alliance together, everything we fought for during the war will be lost.”


    Many Jedi are nodding in agreement, and voicing their support for Jacen. Luke looks around, gauging their reactions.


    He says to Jacen, “We fought against the Vong during the war, but only because they invaded our galaxy. The attack was unprovoked and aimed at our total annihilation. This war is entirely different, we have no right to impose our will on the systems who wish to leave the Alliance.”


    Haytham continues, walking down the stairs towards the center of the chamber, “We should impose a truce on the two parties, prevent the Alliance from simply slaughtering the Corellians like Jacen would have them do.”


    Luke cuts in, “No. The Jedi Order will not get involved in this war, it would lead to endless fragmentation and infighting.”


    Jacen says, almost casually, “It already has. Ben was killed at Corellia.”


    Luke stops mid-step and says to Jacen, “What?”


    A deathly quiet fills the room. Mara Jade lowers her head, quietly realizing the significance of what she felt through the Force, but had refused to accept. Jacen seems to loom above Luke as he continues,


    “Your son died fighting the Corellian rebels. Are you just going to let his sacrifice be in vain?”


    Luke appears stunned, struggling for words, “No, I should never have let him follow you…”


    He walks, dreamlike, towards his seat and sinks into it.


    Jacen speaks confidently, “The Jedi Order needs to intervene to stop this bloodshed from escalating. Our full strength can stop this rebellion and preserve the Alliance!”


    Haytham, midway down the stairs, stops and calls out, “You have no right! The Jedi are not the Alliance’s Kath hounds, our task is to protect the people, not grind them into submission.”


    Luke looks up at Jacen and says, “Go, return to Coruscant with your Guard. I will hear no more from you.”


    Jacen appeals to the Jedi around him, “Remember what you are sworn to do, uphold the Alliance or else the galaxy will fall into disarray! Those of you who would fight for order and security, for the principles that the Alliance was founded on and the Jedi Order sworn to defend, join me!”


    He walks towards the doors nearest him and nearly half of the younger generation of Jedi Knights makes to follow him, joined by many veterans of the Yuuzhong Vong War. Luke watches them go, numb with horror at his son’s death.


    Corran Horn stands up and shouts, “Where are you going? To crush Corellia into the dirt?”


    Haytham looks to Luke Skywalker, “Give me permission to defend the Corellians, to impose a peace and protect the innocents who will be slaughtered by the Alliance.”


    Luke does not answer, but Corran Horn walks over to his side and stands with him. Haytham looks around at the remaining Jedi, who are a mix of younger Knights and older masters who had been trained in the days of the New Republic.


    He makes towards the entrance opposite Jacen and says, “I go to defend Corellia from Jacen and the Alliance’s storm troopers.”


    Many Jedi join him. Not as many as followed Jacen, but enough that the hall looks practically empty as they file out. Corran Horn follows him, alongside a handful of other masters, but none from the Council. Kyle Katarn stands up at the last moment and attempts to shake Luke into action.


    He says, “Luke! Listen to me, what are we going to do?”


    Luke does not answer, but Seba Sebatyne does, “We will remain neutral, here on Ossus. There is the matter of the assassins who attacked Crix Madine. There were Force Sensitives among them, we need to root them out and discover their masters.”


    Kyle grows angry, “No, what are we going to do now. The Order is splitting in front of our eyes!”


    Luke looks out at Kyle, his eyes sorrowful, and says, “Old friend, I cannot compel the obedience of the Jedi Order, that would make me no better than Jacen in his misguided ways. We will have to trust to the Force to show us the correct path.”


    Kyle turns and makes to follow Jacen, saying as he goes, “I swore my allegiance to Galactic Alliance, and you may not like it but it’s our duty to defend her. Against all enemies, even those from within who would weaken us fatally.”


    The audience chamber empties out, there is only a meager fraction of the original Knights remaining. Many masters remain, but most of the younger Jedi Knights followed either Jacen or Haytham.



    The Sol Eternal is docked at the Jedi Temple on Ossus, while the Jedi hold their counsel within. Elohirnok, Kael, and Lachance sit in the crew lounge while Thrash goes to find Haytham.


    Kael looks at the other two men. Elohirnok appears fatigued, his normally crisp flight suit is matted with sweat and his blond hair appears slightly grimy. Lachance’s cold grey eyes stare out evenly from underneath the white medical wrapping on his head.


    Breaking the silence that has settled in, Kael says, “You two are welcome to remain with me on Nar Shaddaa until you clear your names with your government, but I do need to get back home.”


    Elohirnok muses for a moment and nods, “That should work for the time being. I’m sure I can get in touch with Colonel Raven and sort this whole mess out now that that overeager Jedi isn’t interfering.”



    As the sun sets on Ossus, numerous craft leave the Jedi Academy. Among them is the Sol Eternal, flying gracefully up into the sky and disappearing from sight. Elohirnok sits at the controls, guiding the ship away from the scarred surface of the planet and into the depths of space.


    He sets his course for Nar Shaddaa and attempts to establish a holocall to his sister. He doesn’t get a reply, and keeps trying until the ship finally makes the jump to hyperspace, cutting him off from the universe and propelling him into the whirling void.




    Author's Notes:

    This is the last chapter in this installment, the first act of this story. The Jedi Order is fragmented into three pieces, the Galactic Alliance is rent by civil war, and Nar Shaddaa is poised to become a battleground between Chorba the Hutt's criminal empire and Jacen Solo's Galactic Alliance Guard.


    Lurking on the fringes are the Exchange, the Imperial Remnant, and the mysterious Force Users who participated in the attack on Crix Madine.


    I'm probably going to put up a cast of characters and brief plot summary alongside the first chapter of the next installment for clarity's sake. I also uploaded this story to Fanfiction.net, so if you want to read it over there (the format is a little nicer and easier on the eyes) I posted it under the same title and pen name. Linked Here


  7. It would seem that Vent has stolen her font. :jawa_wink: Nice to see you back with your old look Rayla.


    In my defense, she was using a dark purple font when I adopted this one. As they say, finders keepers.


    But with regards to the battle, it would seem that Koon's sole chance of survival hinges on a few gimmicks that are useful in certain situations (fighting in space, manipulating the environment) but will not overwhelmingly change the tide of battle. The fact remains that Qui-Gon Jinn is the most talented student of Dooku, and a duelist on par with Mace Windu. He may not be the equal of Windu, but he is at least playing in the same league, which cannot be said of any other Jedi, save for perhaps Anakin and Obi-Wan at the peak of their abilities (and of course, Yoda).

  8. And no, not every Jedi would tire like Qui-Gonn facing Maul. In Tatooine, they fought for a very brief period, with Maul using single-handed saber, and still Qui-Gonn was exhausted after the duel. In Naboo, Obi-Wan fought using the same Ataru, using the acrobacies his master didn't, and was in a much more better shape at the end of the combat.


    Fighting in the heat of Tatooine would leave anyone breathless. Remember, he had just hiked all the way back from the city Anakin was in, and in the blazing heat of two suns. He then proceeded to fight with Maul for a short time before running and jumping onto the ship, where he was out of breath. Not cripplingly exhausted, just out of breath and tired. That's hardly an indication that he doesn't possess the endurance and fortitude of a Jedi Master.


    Furthermore, Obi-Wan was tired by the end of his duel with Maul. When he stopped at the end of the tunnel in front of the ray shield, he was sweating and breathing heavily. There is no indication that he was more or less tired than Qui-Gon.



    Just to ilustrate Koon's abilities as swordsman, some quotes from Wokieepedia:

    So he was not limited to Djem So, and he was regarded as a great saber duelist, even by Qui-Gonn himself.

    All you've shown there is that Qui-Gon respected him, so he will not underestimate Koon. He'll move to end the duel quickly and decisively.


    You didn't actually highlight any of his feats or abilities other than what is already obvious, that he's a Djem So master with training in Ataru. He doesn't use Ataru often, due to his inherent strength and lack of flexibility favoring Djem So heavily.

  9. Disengaging is no guarantee for Koon, either. If he manages to break off, like Maul did, Qui-Gon will remain calm and either fight him through the Force or continue to shadow Koon and wait for an opening to re-engage with his lightsaber.


    If anything, breaking off gives Qui-Gon a chance to catch his breath and prepare for a renewed assault. The longer he fights Koon, the more he will learn to anticipate his style and follow the natural motions of the Living Force, exploiting weaknesses of Koon's movements. Djem So is a power style, and can be just as exhausting as Ataru in a sustained fight, so if the duel drags on, Koon runs the same risks of exhaustion as Qui-Gon, except that he doesn't have the agility to recover from a disadvantaged position if pushed into one.

  10. Maul was able to drive Qui-Gon off, but then again he is also one of the most skilled combatants to emerge in the Prequel Era and was fighting in an environment that heavily favored his style over Jinn's. Plo Koon might simply find his leg amputated by Qui-Gon if he attempted such a kick.


    Furthermore, any temperature manipulation will affect Plo Koon equally, slowing him down even more. Qui-Gon's unflappable concentration will also allow him to exploit any lapse in Koon's defenses that would result from him switching to Force-based attacks, creating a fatal opening. Since Koon focuses heavily on Djem So, rather than Niman, he would have more difficulty fluidly integrating those type of attacks into his fighting.


    Furthermore, Qui-Gon is just as strong, if not stronger than, Plo Koon in the Force. He simply prefers to focus on pure lightsaber fighting, since he is an almost peerless duelist. He is not defenseless against the Force; in fact, his natural and powerful connection with the Living Force would make him prepared to quickly repulse any attack using the Force without interrupting his own assault.

  11. Everyone here seems to assume that Qui-Gon will tire out at an unnaturally fast rate. What you fail to realize is that any Jedi would have been exhausted after a fight of that length with Darth Maul.


    The reason that Ataru will tire its users out quickly is due to the heavy reliance on acrobatics, something that Qui-Gon mostly eschews from his form, instead focusing on refining his technique to deliver a crushing offense and keep up his awareness of attacks from multiple enemies and blasters.


    So what you have is essentially a very deadly dueling variant of Ataru that complements Qui-Gon's sublime connection to the Force perfectly. As he breaks down Plo Koon's defenses, the Kel Dor Jedi will not be able to create any distance from Qui-Gon due to his lack of mobility and the inherent slowness of his favored form.


    Whenever he attempts to break away, Qui-Gon will be able to "stick" to him and keep pressing in, relying on his acute senses and the flexibility of his form to use the terrain to his advantage and keep driving Plo Koon back. Unlike Darth Maul, Plo Koon will not have planned the encounter to lead him into an enclosed space, and so he will eventually be eviscerated by Jinn's superior swordsmanship.


    As for employing Alter Environment, conjuring mist won't help at all, since Qui-Gon's affinity for his surroundings would actually give him the advantage in reduced visibility. As seen early on in TPM, Qui-Gon is perfectly comfortable fighting through gas that prevents him from breathing and reduces visibility.


    Even assuming that Plo Koon could reduce the oxygen content of the air (something Qui-Gon will instantly detect, since he was able to identify the gas being used by the Trade Federation immediately, thanks to his awareness of the "here and now"), this would require immense concentration.


    Regarding Alter Environment: "A greater knowledge in physics would result in more precise control, and a larger range of methods this power could be used, as well as improve the time it took to enact. However, a being would need to monitor the effects in order to keep them from spreading to disastrous consequences."


    Something as specific as removing only a particular type of molecule from the air would require immense concentration, and if Plo Koon were to attempt to focus on this, Qui-Gon would press his attack the moment he sensed the Kel Dor's concentration breaking away from his already faltering defense, and kill him.


    In a way, Plo Koon's extensive options with Alter Environment could be his downfall, providing him with a fatal distraction.

  12. How is killing four Mandalorians listed as a point in Jaina's favor? That's got to be one of her least significant accomplishments.


    During the Mandalorian Wars, Jedi would kill dozens of Mandalorians. Galen Marek slaughtered elite guardsmen and stormtroopers by the bushel during his missions after being betrayed by Darth Vader. Taking on four of Karen Traviss' vaunted Mandalorians shouldn't even cause a well-trained Force User to break a sweat.

  13. I hear ya. I would have preferred Force Lightning to be an ability that only the most powerful could use, but now everyone uses it.


    Yeah, I've found it's refreshing to play around with ideas in my fanfic for balancing out the relative powers of the Force with different Jedi, etc. Also watching the OT can be a nice break from how it seems like a lot of Star Wars games/stories these days are inundated with flashy, overtly powerful uses of the Force.


    I always got the feeling in the movies that the Force was more invisible than visible. Luke using the Force to make his shot on the Death Star, or pull his lightsaber to him, or Darth Vader casually blocking Han's blaster shots.


    It was shocking (heh, pun accidentally employed) to see Palpatine's raw application of the Force. Literally warping reality to his will and torturing Luke. I would really love to see that sense of mystery and unseen power restored to the Force in the new films.

  14. Aurbere's the expert on Plo Koon here so I have a query: how much concentration/time does it take for Koon to alter the enviroment? Is it more or less instantaneous? Can Koon perform it in the midst of battle? How long does it last?


    I trust you won't lie to me and tell me Koon can call down lightning and summon flaming infernos that will burn Jinn and the whole swamp to the ground. :jawa_wink:


    Oh, turns out there was this obscure comic where he did just that...

  15. Plo Koon is skilled, but nearly on the level of the real swordmasters like Maul, Windu, and Dooku.


    I think that Qui-Gon is going to cut him down like a dog in the street. His initial attacks will exploit Plo Koon's lack of mobility to the maximum. The swamp will make it easier for force Plo Koon into terrain that will trip him up (murky water, vines, unsure footing, etc.) while Qui-Gon's mobility and speed will allow him to outflank and outmaneuver Plo Koon.


    Qui-Gon's incredible affinity with the Living Force allowed him to rediscover the technique of becoming one with the Force, something not even Yoda knew until Qui-Gon figured it out. His swordsmanship is augmented and focused by this affinity, and his concentration on the "here and now" gives him superb focus and awareness of his surroundings.


    All other things being equal, Qui-Gon's swordsmanship is in a league beyond Plo Koon's. He can spar equally with Mace Windu, and while he probably couldn't beat him that often, he was still a worthy opponent who was considered to be a peer of the greatest swordsman known to the order at that time.

  16. Chapter Fifteen

    Things heat up in the penultimate chapter of Act One. This is pretty lengthy, weighing in at almost 7200 words, nearly double the length of some of the shorter chapters I've put up.


    Thrash finishes changing the dressing on Lachance’s head wound, and hands the assassin a small bottle of liquid.


    “Take this for the pain if you want, it’s engineered for minimal side effects so you shouldn’t do anything too loopy on a full dosage.”


    Lachance eyes the bottle skeptically, “I think I’ll be alright for now. Thank you again.”


    “No problem, I put people’s internal organs back all the time. You may consider wearing a helmet, though. Until the bone finishes bonding with the implants, your skull will be a little soft.”


    Gingerly, Lachance touches the side of his head with his hand.


    “How soft are you talking?”


    Thrash shrugs, “I’m not really sure, but you should be cleared for light duty. Like I said, maybe wear a helmet for a few months.”


    “You’re some doctor.” Lachance quips.


    Thrash gathers up his medical supplies into a small black case, “Ha, I’m no doctor. The autodoc handled all the surgical measures, I just did what it told me to.”


    “Oh. How very… reassuring. I was concerned that your medical license might be questionable, and now I learn that it’s nonexistent.”


    “The droid was perfectly qualified. Or at least it told me so.”


    Thrash walks to the door of the medical bay and says over his shoulder as he leaves, “If you start vomiting uncontrollably or hallucinating, try to find me immediately.”


    Lachance looks concerned for a moment watching Thrash leave. He stands up slowly and paces back and forth across the room, and once confident that he is in no imminent danger of losing his footing or hallucinating, he kneels down next to the bed. Reaching underneath the frame, Lachance withdraws a small blaster pistol with a three inch barrel and tucks it inside of his jacket.


    Stepping out of the medical bay, Lachance trails a hand on the bulkhead as he walks down the passageways. He passes the crew quarters, where Haytham and Sventrare are engaged in a heated discussion. Moving on, he reaches the cockpit and finds Elohirnok adjusting the controls.


    Several panels have been removed from the central console and various wires and electronic components are spread across the deck. Elohirnok is on his back, head and shoulders underneath the console. Blue sparks periodically light up the underside of the console, casting shadows across the cockpit.


    Lachance silently steps over to one of the chairs on the side of the cockpit and takes a seat, watching Elohirnok work. After a few minutes, Elohirnok slides out from beneath the console and sees Lachance.


    “Hello there. How’s the head feeling?”


    “Perfectly fine. Tuning the controls?”


    Elohirnok sits up and sifts through several of the components in front of him.


    “Actually, just routine maintenance. Apparently Thrash’s friend isn’t much for repairs that aren’t critical. His methods are also rather unorthodox.”


    Lachance looks over the various parts scattered about on the deck, but is unable to identify any.


    “Can you disassemble that while we’re in hyperspace? It seems a bit reckless.”


    Elohirnok continues sifting through the parts, locating the one he needs.


    “It’s really no problem, I’ve disabled most of the secondary systems. All we really need is power generation and basic flight controls for the hyperdrive. The navicomputer is on its own circuit anyways.”


    “Interesting. Are we expected to return this ship to its owner anytime soon?”


    “I think that question has been complicated by recent events. By my count we are in possession of a wanted fugitive, a borrowed ship, and are in transit to carry out a military operation against the planet which is simultaneously the homeworld for our passenger and the owner of the ship. For now, I think the ship is safest if we hold onto it.”


    Lachance frowns and puts his hand to head. He takes out the bottle given to him by Thrash and opens it, draining its contents in a swift gulp.


    After closing his eyes briefly, Lachance says, “Speaking of passengers, what do you make of Kael?”


    Elohirnok slides back under the console and replies in between adjustments, “That, I’m not sure of. He says he’s involved in reconstruction work on Nar Shaddaa, which I suppose I believe, but there’s also the question of why he was flying over that facility in the first place.”


    Lachance muses, “It could have been a coincidence. Adumar isn’t that far out of the way.”


    “Yes, but I don’t really believe in coincidences. I find it very odd that he arrived when he did, and I think I want to keep him where I can see him for now. I put in a request for information with Intelligence, since I couldn’t find anything on his background myself.”


    “Do you think he’s a spy?”


    “I don’t know what I think he is, but until I find out, I don’t like it.”



    Stefan Del Versio looked down on Nal Hutta from the viewport by his seat in the shuttle. The entire planet was a toxic cesspool. Centuries of waste and chemical discharge had saturated the environment, turning it into a yellow-green mire of slime and radiation. The native Hutts ruled over their dominion from squat, round palaces scattered throughout the unnatural swamps.


    The shuttle descended through murky clouds and slowly turned to enter an enclosed hangar bay beside one such palace. Stefan stood up and shuffled off the shuttle alongside a few dozen other passengers. He was dressed in cheap, dirty clothing and had allowed his beard to grow scraggly and unkempt.


    The passengers spread out, most heading to the exits of the hangar bay. A lucky few were met by relatives or friends, and some others by expectant business partners. Most continued on, dejected and forlorn, out into the industrial wasteland of Nal Hutta.


    Stefan imitated their hunched posture, keeping his eyes low. He left the hangar bay and was immediately assailed by the stench of the chemical swamps. The noxious air was pervasive and inescapable on Nal Hutta.


    Following a roughly paved path, Stefan made his way from the spaceport to a cluster of buildings a half mile away from the palace. Here he found a low structure, steps leading down to a submerged doorway several feet below ground level. Stefan clambered down and rapped sharply on the door.


    With a scrape, a panel on the door slid open, revealing a wide yellow eye with a dark vertical pupil.


    “Ah, Mr. Del Versio. Your appearance is changed, but your scent remains the same.”


    “I will have to amend that in the future, but for now it is sufficient. Kindly open the door, Ssla Rivok.”


    “As you wish.”


    The panel creaks closed and several bolts are loudly withdrawn. The door swung open and a slender, green-scaled Trandoshan gestures Stefan inside before pushing the door closed behind him.


    Stefan looks around the room within. It was a low-ceilinged chamber, with circular tables and chairs arranged in the center. Dim lighting emanated from the corners of the room, and a dark skinned Togruta with pale white horns curving up the sides of his head stands behind a small bar at the far side of the room. Two doors lead off from the main chamber.


    Apart from Stefan, there is one other patron inside. A middle aged woman dressed in a simple flight suit, her blond hair pulled up into a simple bun. Stefan straightens up and walks serenely over to the table, completely discarding his downtrodden guise.


    The woman stands and extends a hand to Stefan, which he shakes, smiling pleasantly.


    “Commander Telluria, it is a pleasure to see you again.”


    She returns the smile, “Likewise, Mr. Del Versio. For a while there, we were beginning to suspect you had dropped off the face of the galaxy.”


    “That was intentional, Commander.” He pulls out his chair and waves his hand graciously, “After you.”


    Commander Telluria sits down and Stefan does likewise. The Togruta bartender walks over and inquires if they would like anything to drink.


    Telluria looks over at the bar and says, “I’ll have a Meridian Special, no ice and take care not to let it get cross contaminated.”


    Stefan raises an eyebrow at her order, “Nothing for me, thank you.”


    The Togruta moves away and Stefan leans across the table towards Telluria and intones quietly, “The last Blacknife resurfaced on Corellia recently.”


    Telluria crosses her ankles and folds her hands on the table.


    “You’re certain?”


    “One of my men identified him from Tatooine. He’s working for the Alliance now.”


    “Damn. If they’re sheltering him, we’ll never get our hands on him.”


    “I wouldn’t say never. I was able to get in contact with him, and piqued his interest. I owe him a favor, and he helped me escape from Alliance custody. All told, I would say it worked out rather nicely. I imagine he thinks I will be quite useful to him, and I intend make sure he continues to think so.”


    Telluria smiles slowly, leaning back in her chair, “Fascinating. Could you tell if he remembers?”


    “He did not appear to recognize me, although Blacknives always were rather introverted. I couldn’t say for certain.”


    “Do you plan on going to Chorba?”


    “That’s why I’m here, isn’t it?”


    “If you can establish yourself as his ally, this will work to our advantage quite nicely.”


    “Where is the Blacknife now?”


    “Corellia, I would suppose. He’s running errands for Raven.”


    Telluria scowls, “He’ll be a problem, he always has been. Was he able to interrogate you?”


    She looks suspiciously at Stefan and he squirms under her gaze.


    “No, he was off-world when I was brought to Coruscant and I escaped shortly thereafter.”


    Relaxing, Telluria says, “Good. Lord Naegros will find him soon and convert him.”


    Still looking quite uncomfortable, Stefan replies, “Are you sure that is wise? Raven may be more valuable to us intact.”


    Telluria laughs softly, “Perhaps, but he has caused enough trouble that it may be far simpler to dispose of him via Lord Naegros’ particular… methods.”


    The Togruta returns with Telluria’s drink, which is a black liquid in a tall, narrow glass. Thanking him, Telluria takes a small sip.


    She looks discerningly at Stefan, “Chorba is integral to the revolution. See that he remains that way. Learn what you can about the Blacknife, and keep me informed.”


    “Of course, Commander. I trust that things are going smoothly for you?”


    Telluria drains her glass and stands, “When there is something you need to know, I will tell you, Mr. Del Versio. Good evening, and thank you for your service.”


    She walks briskly over to one of the side doors and leaves through it.



    Ben Skywalker arrives in the Corellia system and his shuttle docks with the Alliance Intelligence vessel, the Advent Dawn. He and his troopers march down the boarding ramp into a spacious hangar with black, reflective floor plates and smooth metal furnishings.


    The hangar is filled with small shuttles and fighters, small droids weaving around flight crews and personnel, fuel lines and cargo containers here and there. A young man in a crisp uniform meets them and directs Ben’s troopers to a mess hall where they can grab a meal while Ben meets with Colonel Raven. The young messenger leads Ben through the ship’s twisting passageways until they arrive at a small conference room.


    Ben pulls out a seat and the messenger says, “Colonel Raven will be here shortly, he wanted to speak with you personally.”


    “Alright, thank you.”


    The young man excuses himself, and Ben waits.


    Eventually, the door opens and Colonel Raven enters. What is left of his hair is cropped short and kept neat, and his uniform is immaculate, as always. He shakes Ben’s hand and greets him.


    “I’m so glad you could be spared for this assignment, young Master Skywalker. I requested you personally from Colonel Solo.”


    “Thank you, he mentioned that you needed Jedi Knights.”


    “Yes, you will be spearheading an operation to disable Centerpoint Station. It presents a considerable danger if the Corellians should be able to activate it, in the past Centerpoint Station has been used to destroy entire fleets and we cannot risk that it will be fired.”


    “I understand.”


    “A fellow Jedi Knight, also recommended to me by Colonel Solo, will go with you and your troopers. A unit of engineers will join you to disable the station permanently, your job is to ensure their safety and the success of their mission.”


    Ben nods seriously, “I look forward to it, sir.”



    Elohirnok takes the Sol Eternal out of hyperspace near the edge of the Corellian system, where hyperspace interdiction devices had been strewn across the spacelanes by the Fourth Fleet. Gravity well generators had no effect in realspace, but were capable of projecting shadows into hyperspace that imitated the effects of planets or stars, forcing ships to exit hyperspace.


    He flashes his identification codes to a nearby squadron of interceptors, and the squadron leader gives him the go ahead to approach the main body of the fleet. Corellia is the fourth planet from her star, and the Alliance warships have taken up a position just far enough from Corellia to be within easy interception distance of any ships making a run for it, but still far enough away that her planetary defenses are of no use.


    The rest of the team is gathered behind Elohirnok in the cockpit, and the console blinks with an incoming transmission. Elohirnok flicks a switch to his left, patching the signal through. Colonel Raven’s small blue image appears above the console.


    “Special Missions Team, good work getting here promptly. There is a developing situation in one of the orbital factories above Corellia. Our forces have been infiltrating and securing the orbital platforms steadily, but there are still thousands of civilian workers in the factories who were trapped there when we initiated the blockade.”


    Static crackles and Colonel Raven’s image stretches and blurs before reforming.


    “One of our commando teams went to secure an orbital factory, and CorSec sent a response team up from the planet to go in behind them. We have the airspace back under control, but they landed troops and are holed up inside the factory. Assist the commando team in flushing them out.”


    Thrash asks, “What about the workers, sir?”


    “The technical staff in the factory are actively resisting us, and aiding the CorSec men who went aboard. Capture them if possible, to avoid any undue incidents, but your primary objective is eliminating resistance. I want to put them down hard before the rest of Corellia starts to get any ideas.”


    A distasteful expression comes over Thrash, “Sir, are the Corellians using the workers as hostages?”


    “Not really. We’ve captured some of them, but they were assisting the rebels as much as they could before that.”


    Elohirnok cuts in, “What is the expected resistance, sir?”


    “Difficult to say, initial reports from the commando team indicated upwards of thirty hostiles. They were well armed, and the commandos have taken casualties. Proceed with caution once aboard, but get there quickly.”


    “Aye, sir.”


    Elohirnok ends the transmission and sets a course for Corellia. Thrash cracks his knuckles and rolls his shoulders.


    “Suit up.” He says with a grin.


    Haytham nods quietly, and turns to leave the cockpit. Lachance, still bandaged, takes a seat beside Elohirnok.


    “I think it would be best if I stayed aboard and kept an eye on the general and our newest guest.”


    Elohirnok looks over at him, “Couldn’t hurt. I was considering what to do with General Antilles. I think we’ll send him planetside in an escape pod after we secure the station. We’ll need to report it as a misfire or something, attribute it to battle damage.”


    “That could work. I’m not entirely comfortable with harboring him onboard.”


    “I try not to get involved in political squabbles. General Antilles is no traitor, but he’ll have to just keep his head low until this is over.”



    Sventrare and Haytham stand in the crew quarters, preparing themselves. As Sventrare tightens the laces on his boots, using four arms to tie both at once, he looks over at Haytham and asks, “Does this mission feel wrong to you, Haytham?”


    “That’s difficult to say. I think that the Alliance is reacting too harshly, they almost seem to be deliberately provoking the Corellians.”


    “Admiral Niathal and Cal Omas claim that they need to act firmly to keep the Alliance intact.”


    Haytham kneads his brow thoughtfully, “I wonder if perhaps Corellia is in the right. When the New Republic collapsed after the fall of Coruscant, the galaxy was in chaos. The Galactic Federation of Free Alliances was formed in desperation to repel the Yuuzhong Vong, but few systems had any choice in joining.”


    Sventrare finished with his boots and straightened up, “But Corellia signed the charter documents. Doesn’t that bind her to the bylaws of the Alliance?”


    Haytham says harshly, “What kind of choice is it between joining the Alliance and being utterly destroyed?”


    “It is still a choice, even if it seems obvious. Corellia enjoyed the benefits of joining the Alliance, but now she doesn’t want to pay the costs of the war. That seems fundamentally unjust, Haytham.”


    “Sven, the Alliance is more corrupt by the day! You know that, it’s obvious. The New Republic was ineffectual because the Senate couldn’t decide on anything, but the Alliance is far too centralized. It’s too simple for political appointees to skim off the top and manipulate the system to their benefit. What has the reconstruction achieved in the past decade?”


    Sventrare folds his arms over his chest and pauses. Haytham continues, “Are the Jedi bound to be the enforcers for the Alliance? Is that all we are? The gauntleted fist of the Senate?”


    “No. We protect the people of the Alliance however possible.” Sventrare says slowly.


    “What about Corellia? What about the workers that Colonel Raven only wants us to avoid killing so it doesn’t inconvenience his image? I’m getting quite sick of being his attack dog!”


    “Then we’ll rescue the workers, Haytham. Lieutenant Halal can see to assisting the commandos and we’ll make sure that the civilians are protected.”


    Haytham nods grimly, “Yes. The hell with Raven, he can complain to us all he wants after the mission.”



    Elohirnok guided the ship into the upper atmosphere of Corellia, docking with the orbital factory. The landing bays were supposedly secure, but they took no chances. When the docking clamps were secure, Haytham and Sventrare led the way down the docking tube and into the landing bay.


    Climbing down from the docking tube, Elohirnok and Thrash followed the Jedi across the landing bay. Opposite them, two men wearing grey fatigues and combat boots stood holding blaster carbines. They wore various accessories, from grenades to medpacks, and stood with a relaxed air about them.


    One of the men stepped forward, “Hello there, I’m Swarm. This is Mug. You’re the Special Missions Team?”


    Elohirnok answers, “That is correct. What’s the situation?”


    Swarm says, “Well we’ve trapped the rebels down in the crew quarters, and are slowly flushing them out. There’s also some resistance from the reactor technicians. Another team is moving up to secure the bridge.”


    Haytham says, “The reactor seems most critical, we’ll go there first and then assist whichever of your teams needs it.”


    Swarm nods, “That works. Mug and I are heading back down to the crew quarters. Do you have the station layout?”


    Elohirnok says, “We do, they were transmitted to us en route.”


    Swarm gestures towards a set of turbolifts which have been jammed open forcibly, “The reactor techs cut power to the lifts, so we’ve had to use cables to get between decks. It slows us down, and they ambushed us the first time we were moving through, but the rebels are pinned down now.”


    He turns and walks towards one lift. Slinging his carbine over his back, Swarm reaches out and grabs onto a cable hanging inside the turbolift and swings out, locking his feet over the cable and shimmying up quickly. Mug follows him.


    Elohirnok takes out a datapad and calls up a deck plan for the station. The others gather around him, looking down at the datapad.


    Thrash points to one of the turbolifts, “It looks like that leads directly to the engine level. I’ll go first.”


    He jogs over to the turbolift, looks down, and swings out into the black abyss. He disappears down the cable without hesitation. Sventrare moves down after him, leaving Elohirnok and Haytham standing near the entrance to the turbolift.


    Haytham looks cautiously at the edge of the opening, apparently weighing his options. Elohirnok raises an eyebrow, “Something wrong, Haytham?”


    “I really can’t stand heights. This is perfectly suicidal.”


    Elohirnok laughs, “After you, then. If you fall you can land on someone else, not me.”


    “How reassuring, Lieutenant.”


    Elohirnok jerks his head towards the turbolift shaft, “Come on, time is a wasting.”


    Sighing resignedly, Haytham grabs the cable with both hands and carefully lowers himself into the chasm. He moves methodically and steadily, with Elohirnok a few feet above him the entire time. As they descend, Elohirnok keeps an ear out for any unusual sounds, wary of an ambush.


    Eventually Thrash reaches the doors to the reactor level, which have been pried open. He swings into the room beyond, and the others slide down after him.


    The reactor room is a huge circular chamber, with a set of three turbolifts on two opposite sides of the room. The ceiling is approximately fifty feet high, and a multitude of catwalks crisscross the upper sections of the engine room. Twisted, incomprehensible snarls of piping intersect above their heads and electrical cables and tubing flows across the floor in rivulets and tributaries, pooling beneath the deckplates through access ports cut into the floor.


    In the center is a giant reactor, pulsing and glowing with a faint blue light from its core. A transparent shield surrounds it, standing fifteen feet away from the reactor, with two doors permitting access. A series of consoles and control panels surround the reactor inside this shielded area.


    Three commandos are standing off to the left, with eight men kneeling in front of them. The prisoners are dressed in work clothes, and their hands are bound behind their backs. Two commandos patrol the catwalks above with sniper rifles, and two more are inside the shielded area with two technicians.


    Strewn across the floor near the turbolifts are the bodies of four technicians with weapons nearby, and one dead commando. Blaster marks score the walls of the chamber here and there.


    One of the commandos up on the catwalks calls out, “Hey! Strike team is here.”


    Haytham and Sventrare walk over to where the prisoners are being held. One of the commandos near them steps forward and says, “You’re late to the party, Masters Jedi. We’re just cleaning up now.”


    Haytham asks, “Are these men workers on this station?”


    The commando scowls, “We’re not sure. Some of them were armed when we came in, and when the smoke started to clear, they all surrendered. They killed our man over there, Nexu. Until I’m certain, they’re all considered hostile.”


    Sventrare looks the prisoners over, “Surely the workers here will have legitimate credentials, and the rebels will only be dressed as technicians.”


    The commando joins him and says, “You would think so, but most of these guys didn’t really pay much attention to the work regulations. People don’t carry around their credentials all the time when they go to work, so we’ll have to bring them in and verify all that. It’s a major pain, I’d just as soon space them all.”


    Sventrare looks horrified, “What? Why would you do that?”


    “Saves on paperwork, you know.”


    Thrash and Elohirnok approach the doorway to the shielded area near the reactor and enter. One of the commandos has a blaster pistol out and is shouting at the two technicians.


    “I’m going to count to five, and if you haven’t deactivated that sequence, he’s dead!”


    He points his pistol at one of the technicians, and glares fiercely at the other, who stares impassively ahead. Elohirnok steps over to them and inquires, “What seems to be the matter, trooper?”


    The commando with the pistol turns slightly towards Elohirnok, keeping the weapon trained on the technician.


    “This is the head technician and the reactor maintenance chief. They set the reactor to enter an overload sequence when we boarded the station, and according to our estimates we have about ten minutes until the reactor overheats and melts a hole through the station.”


    Elohirnok looks at the head technician, “Can you stop it?”


    The man continues staring ahead, “It’s irreversible.”


    The commando lowers his pistol and shoots the maintenance chief in the stomach, shouting, “********! There are safety protocols, backup failsafes. Unlock the console and activate the damn sequence now!”


    The maintenance chief clutches his stomach and slumps against the console in front of him, groaning.


    “Don’t. Let ‘em burn.” He wheezes out, face contorted with pain.


    Thrash moves over to one side, exchanging a look with Elohirnok. He takes up a position on the other side of the two commandos, holding his blaster carbine low.


    Elohirnok watches the chief technician warily, “How do I unlock the consoles?”


    The technician doesn’t react, and the commando steps up into his face, his voice soft and dangerous.


    “I will leave you and your entire crew to burn if you don’t cooperate.”


    The technician glances over towards the row of prisoners, and then resumes staring ahead. The commando, his anger evidently just barely in check, aims his pistol at the maintenance chief.




    Thrash starts, looking concerned.




    The commando raises his voice, stepping back from the head technician.




    The technician looks over at the prisoners again, then down at the console in front of him.


    Elohirnok says, “There’s no reason to do this. Reset the controls.”




    The technician’s face hardens and he spits at the commando, “Fascist scum.”


    The commando fires his weapon into the maintenance chief’s head, then raises it and shoots the technician in the face. The head technician sprawls backwards, collapsing onto the floor in a spray of charred bone and blood.


    Elohirnok steps up to the console and begins examining the controls. Thrash has aimed his carbine at the commando, keeping it at waist level. The other commando in the shielded area is standing by the door, watching.


    The first commando asks, “Can you deactivate it?”


    Concentrating on the controls, Elohirnok replies, “I’m not sure. It’s a complicated system and I’m not sure what they did to it. I think I can delay the meltdown, but I have no idea for how long.”


    “We’ll have to evacuate.”


    The commando takes out a comlink and begins speaking into it, detailing the withdrawal plan to his partner on the bridge.


    Outside, Haytham and Sventrare examine the prisoners. One of them beckons to Sventrare, and he steps over to the prisoner. The man jerks his head down, indicating for Sventrare to come closer to speak to him.


    As Sventrare leans down, one of the commandos calls out, “Wait! Stay back!”


    When Sventrare is between him and the commandos, the prisoner springs to his feet and runs towards to the turbolifts, keeping Sventrare behind him as a shield. The three commandos scramble to line up a shot as the prisoner skids around the corner of the transparent shield and bolts into the turbolift entrances.


    When the commandos are distracted, the other prisoners scramble onto their feet and begin running for the turbolifts on each side of the room. Chaos erupts when the snipers in the catwalks above begin firing down, and the commandos on the ground fire indiscriminately, gunning down several prisoners.


    Haytham ignites his lightsaber and slices through the carbine held by one of the commandos, pushing another off his feet with the Force. Sventrare ignites his lightsabers and jumps towards the turbolifts. As he lands, the blaster fire stops.


    Thrash and the two commandos by the reactor rush out from behind the shield, and Haytham stares down the third commando who had been guarding the prisoners. The man slowly lowers his weapon holding up his hand towards Haytham.


    The reactor room echoes with the sound of blaster fire, and the prisoners all lie dead. Most of them were cut down by the two snipers, who are both training their weapons on Haytham. Seeing that the prisoners are dead, Haytham adopts a neutral stance and deactivates his lightsaber.


    Sventrare does likewise, looking around at the still smoking corpses scattered in front of the turbolifts.


    “What the hell?” He yells at the commandos.


    One of the guards answers him, “I warned you. It was a trick, Master Jedi.”


    “Why did you shoot them all?” Sventrare shouts.


    The commando with the pistol steps over from the door to the reactor, saying, “They were all either disguised rebels or cooperating with them. They planned to overload the reactor and destroy the station.”


    The guard who warned Sventrare says, “Master Jedi, you could have been killed. Next time, stay out of our lines of fire.”


    The two commandos attacked by Haytham eye him warily, “Whose side are you on, Jedi?”


    Haytham snaps, “My own. I won’t tolerate that treatment of prisoners.”


    “They were escaping rebels! They tried to trap us on the station and overload the reactor.”


    Elohirnok steps out from the reactor room and raises his voice, “I activated some safety measures, but the reactor temperature is still climbing steadily. I would advise getting out of here with all haste.”


    The commandos immediately move towards the turbolift. The two snipers climb down from the catwalks, folding down the stocks on their rifles. Sventrare stays behind for a moment to look over the prisoners, but none of them were still alive.


    Sventrare felt inexplicable rage filling him as he watched the commandos who had callously dispatched the prisoners climb up the cables in the turbolift shaft. He clenched his fists and almost lashed out with the Force, but stopped himself. He closed his eyes briefly and followed them up the cables, clamping down on his anger to keep it under control.



    Colonel Raven is sitting at his desk when an urgent message blinks on his datapad. He almost ignores it, since the reports are pouring in from all fronts, but since it was flagged as a top priority message, he opens it and reads it quickly.


    As he reads, his eyes narrow and he exhales slowly.


    “Those cunning bastards,” He says quietly.


    Picking up a holocommunicator, he sets it on his desk and initiates a transmission to Jacen Solo. As soon as the connection is made, he says, “Colonel Solo, I have urgent news.”


    “Is it Ben?”


    “No, he’s fine. His mission on Centerpoint Station is proceeding smoothly, I believe he is on his way back to the fleet. This is about General Antilles.”


    “You’ve located him?” Jacen asks urgently.


    Colonel Raven smiles coldly, “Yes, and I think you’ll find this most interesting. It seems that Special Missions Team Seventeen smuggled him off Coruscant. Perhaps their sudden withdrawal from Adumar was no mere coincidence, either.”


    “Going rogue, eh? Where are they now?”


    “On an orbital station above Corellia,” Colonel Raven replies.


    Jacen folds his hands behind his back and says, “Take Ben and Tahiri to apprehend them. I would prefer to avoid an altercation with Haytham and Sventrare, but we must keep Wedge Antilles out of the hands of the rebels. It would be disastrous if he joined them.”


    Colonel Raven makes a curt nod, “I understand. There’s nothing to fear, I’ll contain the situation.”



    After leading the attack on Kuat, Admiral Bwua’tu transferred command of the fleet and joined up with the Bothan fleet which had been built in secret. His authentication had only been required to achieve initial surprise, and now his successor would oversee the Fondorian volunteers who were storming the orbital shipyards and landing on the planet to capture the key facilities.


    Large numbers of assault droids augmented the volunteer forces, who were equipped with top of the line weaponry supplied by Chorba the Hutt’s network of arms dealers. Admiral Bwua’tu was impressed with the organization of the rebels.


    The Bothan fleet was comprised of six new warships, designated as Bothan Assault Cruisers. They were long, angular vessels with square paneled siding and large, powerful thrusters covering the rear of the ship. Designed for speed and maneuverability, they packed a serious punch and had shields modeled on the famed Mon Calamari systems, featuring double redundancies that allowed for easy repairs under fire.


    Backing up these ships were a dozen refitted Carrack cruisers and eight of the aging Old Republic Dreadnaught-class battleships. The Carracks were outfitted as picket ships, specializing in anti-fighter laser cannons and point defense missile batteries. The Dreadnaughts had been fitted as carriers, and thanks to their spacious design, were easy to modify.


    Admiral Bwua’tu had conferred via hololink with the commanders of the CorSec police forces docked on Corellia, and with a large force of independent vessels that the Corellians had assembled near the outskirts of the system. They were prepared to break through the blockade over Corellia when the Bothan Fleet engaged.


    Admiral Bwua’tu checked in with his ship captains, and confirmed that the fighter squadrons knew their areas of responsibility. Because of the hyperspace interdiction that the Fourth Fleet was conducting, Admiral Bwua’tu planned to exit hyperspace far from Corellia and approach at sublight speeds to keep his fleet together and pick off roving patrols from the Fourth Fleet.


    Hopefully, they would take the bait and move to attack his ships, allowing the CorSec-led forces to attack the interdiction vessels and fighters over Corellia, restoring their control over the space around the planet.


    Receiving final confirmation from his captains, Admiral Bwua’tu signaled his navigator and the fleet blurred forward, tearing into hyperspace.



    Elohirnok was the first one back into the landing bay. The docking tube that led to the Sol Eternal was across the room from him, over fifty meters away. A large fueling cart was parked near a shuttle in the center of the hangar bay, and other commandos were climbing out from the turbolifts to his left and right.


    Standing next to the shuttle was Colonel Raven, flanked by Ben Skywalker and a petite blond haired Jedi whom Elohirnok did not recognize.


    As the rest of the team moved up behind him, they paused, looking at Colonel Raven, who walked towards them with Ben Skywalker at his side.


    Raven extended his palms towards them cautiously, moving slowly, “Gentlemen, I don’t want to cause a scene. Would you please disarm yourselves?”


    Elohirnok’s hand moves to his blaster, “Why?”


    The docking tube opens up and Lachance stumbles out, prodded by a GAG trooper. Kael and Wedge Antilles are next, escorted by a half dozen men clad in charcoal grey plated armor. Haytham places his hand on his lightsaber and steps in front of Colonel Raven.


    He asks, in a loud clear voice, “What are your stormtroopers doing here?”


    Ben shouts, “You’ve betrayed the Alliance, Haytham! You were siding with the rebels and helping Antilles flee to Corellia.”


    Haytham snaps back, “You had no right to send men to kill him. Colonel, please stand aside.”


    Sventrare puts a hand on Haytham’s arm to hold him back as Ben unclips his lightsaber. The commandos behind them scatter to the sides, giving the Jedi a wide berth. Thrash moves cautiously to stand beside Haytham.


    Elohirnok looks straight at Colonel Raven, “Sir, you and I both know that General Antilles is on our side. He’s loyal to a fault.”


    Colonel Raven looks over at Ben, then back at Elohirnok, “Just stand down for now, Lieutenant. We can sort this out later.”


    Ben ignites his blue lightsaber and levels the point at Elohirnok, “Throw down your weapons, and you won’t be harmed.”


    Sventrare pushes past Haytham to confront Ben, “How should he believe that? I just saw your men slaughter helpless prisoners. Only a fool would surrender to your kind!”


    Haytham and Elohirnok step back from Sventrare, exchanging a nervous glance. Colonel Raven places a hand on Ben’s shoulder, saying, “Easy son, don’t let him provoke you.”


    Ben brushes Colonel Raven off, addressing Sventrare, “You’ve never seen war, Sventrare! We have to be harsh to preserve peace, or the galaxy will fall apart.”


    Sventrare glares at him, snarling, “I’ve seen your work, Ben. You call yourself a Jedi? The men you’re working with are no better than the Empire was, or the Vong!”


    “How would you know? You never fought either!”


    Sventrare is shouting now, his lightsabers in his hands, “I know what it means to be a Jedi, and a Jedi never condones murder!”


    Colonel Raven backpedals, stepping away from Ben. The other Jedi, Tahiri, looks on nervously, holding her own lightsaber near her side.


    Ben places both hands on his lightsaber, settling into a low guard stance, the tip of his blade trained on Sventrare. He says harshly, “Sometimes you have to make a choice between a few deaths now, and countless others down the line. You’re lying to yourself if you think otherwise!”


    Sventrare says, “What would your father think if he saw you? You’re an embarrassment to the Jedi code.”


    “What do you know about my father, Sven? He’s fought all his life, what about you? Are you afraid to fight for the Alliance, is that why your master ran and hid when the Vong invaded?”


    Sventrare ignites his lightsabers, the green glow bathing his face in an alien light, and steps forward, “That’s enough out of you, insolent pup! Don’t you dare insult Master Zhayne.”


    The commandos have slowly moved as far away from the Jedi as possible, and Elohirnok, Thrash, and Haytham have also moved off to one side, keeping an eye on Tahiri.


    Ben moves towards Sventrare, raising his lightsaber, “You’re a coward and a traitor. Drop your weapon!”


    Sventrare lunges forward, twirling his lightsabers in two downward slashes. Ben steps aside and slashes at Sventrare’s feet. Sventrare jumps up to avoid Ben’s lightsaber and directs an offhanded blow at Ben’s head.


    Ben twists out of the way and cuts at Sventare’s wrist. Sventrare blocks with his other lightsaber and pushes Ben’s weapon aside, thrusting at him. Ben skips back and raises his hand, blasting Sventrare with the Force.


    Sventrare is kicked off his feet and into the air. He tucks and rolls to land on his feet as Ben leaps towards him, lightsaber raised above his head. Sventrare parries as Ben lands, and the two exchange a ferocious series of blows at close range, fighting to get inside each other’s guard.


    Sventare’s superior size and strength allow him to repeatedly batter aside Ben’s lightsaber, but Ben moves with each hit, sliding around Sventrare’s attacks and following up again and again with quick slashes.


    Kael watches them from across the landing bay. The GAG troopers behind him are completely focused on the flashing lightsaber blades beside the shuttle, and Kael slowly inches away from them, catching Lachance’s eye.


    Haytham watches Tahiri, both of them uneasily keeping an eye on the other’s lightsaber. Elohirnok’s hand remains on his blaster, and he gauges the distance to the GAG troopers beside Kael.


    Ben steps in close to Sventrare and pulls his lightsaber up in a tight cut, leaving a shallow mark on Sventrare’s leg. He steps behind Sventrare and spins around, bringing his lightsaber around.


    Sventrare lifts two arms above his head, blocking Ben’s attack behind his back. He pushes Ben’s lightsaber up as he turns, slashing low with his other lightsaber. Ben springs off the ground, somersaulting over Sventrare’s head in a Force powered leap.


    Sventrare pivots to follow him and swings both lightsabers up, slashing at Ben’s back as he rolls through the air. Ben catches the lightsabers on his own at the last second and pushes off with the Force, sailing through the air to land on top of the shuttle.


    Sventrare paces back and forth below him. Ben strikes the edge of the shuttle with his lightsaber, showering sparks down on Sventrare and shouts, “Surrender! I have the high ground.”


    Haytham calls out, “Be careful, Sven!”


    Kael takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. Thrash nudges one of the commandos beside him and whispers, “This could get extremely dangerous if those Jedi go all out.”


    The commando nods and points towards the turbolift, where the commandos are slowly moving to take cover. Sventrare gathers himself up for a leap, bending his legs and channeling the Force.


    Ben looks down at him and raises his lightsaber, “Don’t try it.”


    Sventrare braces himself to jump. Kael begins to sweat and shake slightly, and Lachance looks at him curiously. Suddenly, the shuttle flies off the ground and crashes into the ceiling of the hangar bay with tremendous force, crushing the fin on top of the shuttle. Metal creaks and squeals as the shuttle is pressed against the overhead.


    Tahiri and Haytham both turn to look at Kael, whom they can feel channeling the Force. To them, he is alight with the bright glow of the Force as he concentrates. Tahiri ignites her lightsaber and throws it at Kael, screaming.


    Lachance shouts a warning and Kael drops down at the last moment, Tahiri’s blue lightsaber swirling over him and slicing the wall behind him. The GAG troopers are stunned, unsure what to do.


    Lachance shouts, “The Jedi are killing everyone! Run for your lives!”


    Elohirnok draws his blaster and starts firing, killing two GAG troopers immediately. The other two look around, raising their weapons, but Lachance stabs one in the back with a vibroblade and Elohirnok shoots the other in the head.


    Kael twists on the ground and pulls Tahiri’s lightsaber into his hand, chuckling to himself. The commandos scramble for cover in the turbolifts, and Thrash sprints towards the docking tube. Elohirnok and Haytham are not far behind.


    Chaos erupts in the hangar as Colonel Raven and Tahiri both shout contradictory orders at the commandos, while Lachance continues bellowing about the Jedi.


    Kael stands up and tears the docking tube doors open with the Force, hurrying inside. Sventrare stares at the shuttle, which is wedged against the ceiling, and then makes a Force powered jump towards the docking tube. He lands at a full sprint, tearing towards the doors. He is the last one through, and behind him the commandos have begun firing at the docking tube.


    Blaster bolts spray the docking tube as Sventrare ducks through. He can feel the heat as they scorch the metal behind him. Up ahead, Elohirnok races to the cockpit and begins the engine ignition sequence. As Sventrare reaches the other end of the docking tube, he can hear the commandos climbing into the tube.


    Hauling himself out of the tube, he sees Kael standing calmly beside the exit. Kael smiles, waves him through, and then rips the tube in half with the Force, severing the connection as he closes the doors on the Sol Eternal.



  17. It's happening with pretty much everything, I feel. Force Lightning was originally a Palpatine only ability, now every Sith (even Jedi) use it.


    Battle Meditation, I believe, is still an innate ability. Though it is odd that so many people have it. Satele Shan is understandable, considering that she's a descendant of Bastila.


    Just something we have to go with I guess.


    This is true. I could understand if Force Lightning were the pinnacle of Dark Side abilities, an awe-inspiring power that few Sith could ever master, but at this rate it appears to be the first thing anyone learns from the Dark Side. I thought that Force Choke was by far the more common ability because it was instinctive, and that Lightning required significant refinement and practice.


    It is extremely aggravating that Battle Meditation is just another learned ability now, no more unique or interesting than Mind Trick.

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