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Everything posted by xxprimalxx

  1. So you dont want your defensive cd's touched but its perfectly fine for sorc/sages to not have any? I will quote from healer thread. Que with a tank and get guarded and quit qq'ing. If healers cant play solo, neither should you. suggestion: either remove saberward or reduce output damage 75%and while active. Too much you say? Well learn to run away, learn to LOS.
  2. Pretty sad. Logged on last night to a message. Almost entire guild unsubbed. GM, all officers and the raiding crew quit. The 4 people that logged on immediately left guild and joined a new start up. 33 core members in one shot. On top of that i tried pvping in wz's and for the first time imps only had 4 and in one game 5 joined. Thats it. Fleet had a max total of 50 where i am used to seeing 100+ Just makes you wonder if next quarter they show less than a mil subs left in the game
  3. Im betting on horrible pugs and/or you ran in premade or guarded as there are viewable protection points. Given out. Either way healing numbers have never been in question.
  4. I commend mathieus on hos "this, " response and 2nda the motion The issue has never been sorc/sage actual healing numbers. The issue is to be an effective combat healer you cannot stay still to cast. Sorc/sages do not have that ability. Their bubbles and 1 hot spell is not enoigh to offset incoming damage and their main heals require you to stand for an extended period in regards to pvp.
  5. And yet another explaination why sage/sorc healers need a review on defensive terms. For pvp. They are viewed as easy targets and a laughable healer. Unless they are facing unskilled or under geared opponents you will be at a huge disadvantage. If 2v2 teams were active there would be very low if any teams utlizing them in any combination.
  6. The more likely scenario would be Op gets the opening on sage marauder immediately force jumps and proceeds to face **** you sent goes after Op who starts to kite since he has superior mobility to sage. By the time the sent has Op down to 95%a health( yes only 5%if health loss) marauder and Op who is also hitting with mobile attacks (which sorcs dont have) sage haas died. .arauder is now on sent while Op tops their health off and they bugger sent
  7. Its a trick question. Unless the marauder, Op team is extremely retarded or undergeared. They are wipe the floor with the sent/sage team and will probably do it one handed while holding an ice cream cone or beer
  8. While informative this post also confirms bioware took a. Major hit with losing that many subs. This forum post puts a corp spin trying to remai n positive in a stressful situation. Basically EA shook the money tree and laid down the law that investments needed a profitable response. You lost 400k subscribers, so you need to term X amount of emploees to remain profitable.
  9. Because having a team gear you up soto you can solo que and be a pvp god against undergeared pug players suddenly. Make the games more fun!
  10. Sooo you allowed a sage to sit and freecast on you?! Truly epic
  11. Lets see how ranked pvp is going to fix game. ranked pvp starts. Game is now having to be balanced around pvp instead of pve. obvious game imbalances all ready in the game become more obvious. most teams now contain fotm op classes. bio in response to the constant complaints nerf abilities pve'ers get mad and unsub changes turned back pvpers get mad and un sub games goes to f2p 1 yr later game barely has enough players to fill 1 server lets all vote for rated wz's IMO. Fix the other issues before adding content that will cause more issues.WoW took years before adding ranked anything.
  12. And here we have yet another example of the mindless, low brow, knuckle dragging creatures called "deepeeess"
  13. Ok. Get the sleep out of your eyes and pull.your head out of your but t. HEALING is not the problem. SURVIVING long enough to actually cast a heal is.
  14. What most people who are thrilled being able to solo kill sages/sorcs arent getting is they are not complaining about overall healing. They are complaining about survivability and they ability to do your job (as in actually use a healing spell) since they can be dropped by 1dps from between 3 to 5 gcd's
  15. What he really said was most dps players were so bad they didnt know nor could they understand how to properly cc and interrupt healers. So they raised the skill cap higher for healers and dumbed down the skill cap for dps where a chimp wearing a tophat singing mary had a little lamb and swinging a wet noodle could kill a healer while drooling on his feet.
  16. And this is an example of misinformed misinformation being passed. There is a known bug in regards to force shroud (marauder version, not sure of jedi version name) that renders the marauder invisible after a rez. I believe it activates if sheoud is active when he dies. Not sure. I would bet your experience with the knight was probably a result of this bug. Or a similar bug. I do not remember which skills marauder has at 17. Perhaps a little more research on bug forum would present the answer before you wave a battle flag of. Hackzors!!
  17. I agree that bioware has created some of the ill will, however the web and any social media be it facebook, forums, and yes mmo's have fostered this type of behavior. Being anonymous has allowed both children and adults to lash out at others when they are harboring any type of angst. Be it issues with family, job, or a relationship they feel the need to rant and belittle someone else to make them feel better. Instead of trying to help someone to understand the game and be a better player they trash talk and try to sound all gangster to. Fit in with their idea of social acceptability.
  18. I have noticed issues with graphic bugs interfering with rendering the blue light. I have had issues where the light district does not render but i can see the character interacting. Usually a game restart will fix. In voidstar a known bug will sometimes rez one of the opposing team (and in some cases entire teams uppon death) behide locked doors. So far i have participated in 2 such games while on defense then we ended up the entire match with.attackers setting bombs from behind the doors while we stood out front removing them. Was funnyy and irritating at the same time
  19. Tanks dont dps? My tank powertech cam do more burst than my tank assassin. If an assassin uses dps gear,.they sacrifice tanking ability. It is a tradeoff any tank has when deciding how to gear. Same goes for a certaim mmo's warriors in arens. Yes they can be difficult to deal with but not impossible.
  20. Roll.a sorc. Go into pvp try to cast a 2.5 heal ANYWHERE near fighting against a competent dps.
  21. Ive seen those highly edited most premade sage and sorc videos. Most of which are ...yeah highly edited.
  22. Which is why they dont have solo ques right! Oh wait....
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