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Everything posted by Keymod

  1. I just want to know if any more today instead of breaking my F5 button.
  2. The Razor will be origin but i hope we get a transfer ASAP.
  3. If it is i will be quite upset since the last wave was very small
  4. Same. So much for releasing the Kraken.
  5. Yet the last wave was all PvP. This just doesnt make sense
  6. Seeing yesterday i would expect not. How ever they just released more about 20 minutes ago and it was all PvP do the next wave better be all PvE
  7. They better not wait the whole weekend to finish transfers. That would be horrible planing.
  8. Are they announcing more today. This is when they stopped yesterday.
  9. You have to be mad like i am. We are a dying server and they just ignore us and many others.
  10. I wish that would happen to my server. Hopefully tomorrow they will.
  11. Canadians ftw yes I'm Canadian. Anyways dont worry 50 other NA servers haven't been transferred including me
  12. If they open a third we will be screwed it will be the most under populated
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