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Everything posted by Akuryu

  1. There is a big difference between a player dying and only being able to pan their camera around their corpse, and allowing players/spectators to freely roam around the arena with a camera. If there was a spectator mode I'd be sure to always have guildies "spectating." And by "spectating" I mean "sitting in vent telling me exactly where the other team is moving."
  2. It's 7PM on the East coast. I've been sitting in a ranked solo queue on The Shadowlands for over an hour. I had forgotten I even queued for it.
  3. I don't know what would be involved with fixing the relic so that it works as intended, but I am sure they could issue a quick patch that rendered the relic useless. Just edit it so the effect never activates. (ie right now it says 30% chance... change that to 0% chance.) That would buy them some time for a proper fix.
  4. Akuryu

    WTB 2v2 and 3v3

    Even smaller scale PVP is not the answer. Besides, with the state of healing/tanking in this game it would be impossible to kill a good op healer in 2v2.
  5. My SWTOR PVP dream setup: Queue Arenas -Solo or group -Ranked or unranked -4 arena stages (the 3 we have now plus the one in development) Queue Warzones -Solo or group -Ranked or unranked -4 warzones types (the ones we have now: civil war, voidstar, novare, hypergates) Queue Huttball -Solo or group -Ranked or unranked -4 huttball stages (our current one, the one in development, and two more. Vary them up.) Cross server queues implemented to ensure the queues for all 3 of these types pop regularly. Have dailys and weeklys for each of the 3 types to encourage people to try them all. Every 4-6 months add one new stage for each PVP type (ie after a few months they would add 1 new arena, 1 new warzone and 1 new huttball stage into the rotations). With each of these "PVP" updates would come a new season of ranked and a new set of gear. Also- none of this will ever happen.
  6. I've experienced a lot of this too. Virtually every arena that pops while queuing for regular warzones, at least one person says "I didn't queue for this..."
  7. Ranked warzones pay out ranked comms. With regular wz comms payout busted (most you get is 80 for a win), you'd be crazy not to queue ranked if gear is what you need. Even a loss in a ranked arena is 60ish ranked comms... equivalent to 3 regular wins.
  8. Ranked warzones pay out ranked comms. With regular wz comms payout busted (most you get is 80 for a win), you'd be crazy not to queue ranked if gear is what you need. Even a loss in a ranked arena is 60ish ranked comms... equivalent to 3 regular games.
  9. Queue ranked? See that's the problem. You have the option to only play arenas if that's what you want. We do not have the option to only play warzones.
  10. There is no matchmaking in unranked queues. I had an arena where my team was 3 tanks 1 healer. We couldn't kill anything. Still won though. PVE acid ftw. -_-
  11. There is no matchmaking in unranked queues. I had an arena where my team was 3 tanks 1 healer. We couldn't kill anything. Still won though. PVE acid ftw. -_-
  12. I haven't done any arenas yet this morning, but regular warzones on The Shadowlands are packed with op healers. My last team had 4 op healers, and our opponents had at least 2. I'm sure that has nothing to do with ops being the default healer for arena.
  13. The last thing this game needs is more buffs to healing... ANY healing. I know, I know... Merc healing blah blah. I get it. But frankly if you move merc healers (or sorcs) up to op heals level then you might as well rename "PVP" to "heal me bro." And don't try to pass this off as a l2p issue. That's bs and you know it. The best of the best rated PVP teams going up against each other never got through the first door of voidstar. They never capped mid in civil war. Have hypergates where no pylons are capped for 10+ rounds. On and on and on. And you can bet that 2 very skilled arena teams with excellent healers will see the PVE acid before anyone ever dies. It's not because these people didn't know how to play, or lack the DPS, it's because heals FAR outpaces DPS in this game. If one of your DPS got 1.5 million total damage, you can bet there were a couple of healers running around with 2 million+ heals.
  14. I have never left a warzone because we were going to lose. That said, I have no interest in playing arenas. None. I prefer objective based PVP. Unfortunately Bioware has decided to force arenas upon us, whether we like them or not. So whenever I get a queue pop for an arena, I'll be leaving it. I don't care what the teams look like, I'm leaving it right away. Sucks to be the team I was on, starting short handed, but that is the corner Bioware has backed me into.
  15. It was really cool of you to put that together. I'm sure it will be a big help to new players especially. I've been PVPing a long time and even I picked up a couple tricks in there. Thanks!
  16. Notice how nobody argues against every good comp including an ops healer? I've been playing MMOs for more than a decade and in my experience MMO communities (particularly PVPers) never universally agree upon anything. That the opinion on ops healers being best is virtually unanimous should be a massive red flag to Bioware that this class needs to be toned down.
  17. Akuryu

    Space PvP

    So much wishful thinking in this thread. Lets not forget they just scrapped 8v8 ranked in favor of 4v4. It seems clear that the developers feel the future of SWTOR PVP will be smaller scale engagements. There is also the engine to consider, which has proven it cannot handle large-scale anything.
  18. Akuryu

    Space PvP

    Where do you see that?
  19. Akuryu

    Space PvP

    Didn't really see anything in there that indicated PVP. Probably just some PVE space missions without rails.
  20. I'm generally not impressed by warriors/knights, no matter how well they play. That's not to say there aren't good players that play them, but come on... you picked the ezmode class and you know it. Whether you feel they are overpowered or not, there is no denying they are the "safest" choice. Bioware is never going to nerf them the way they nerfed Mercs last year, or powertechs this year. Fanboys expect the Jedi/Sith to be the strongest, and for that reason they likely always will be. I will always respect a good commando healer, Merc DPS, AP powertech, etc before I get excited about a warrior's numbers.
  21. That madness assassin guy back on page 2 is all "pyros will be able to snare 20 people, explode healers, kite melees into oblivion and cure cancer all while running the huttball!!!!!! All hail the new lords of PVP pyrotechs!!!!"
  22. I didn't realize until today that even now, 4 months after the class was neutered, there are people who still hold a grudge. Some of you got burned so hardcore by powertechs 6 month ago, that you still feel the bruises today, and you're deathly afraid of this class ever becoming viable again. Relax. Your unkillable ops healer/Jugg tank combo is safe. None of these changes effect Pyro's ability to do damage. Powertechs will have a few extra defenses and live a tiny bit longer is all.
  23. I'm sorry, but if you think 25% damage reduction (or even 30%) is going to make you an unkillable god, you must not PVP on a lot of different classes. Snipers and DPS assassins have similar damage reduction cooldowns. Don't even get me started on the warrior classes. Every class I just named is capable of hitting for 8-9k, something pyros still won't be able to do. Because they stripped pyrotech of it's burst these are necessary changes (and the first really positive ones that have given me hope since 2.0).
  24. Akuryu

    Large scale pvp...

    Final Fantasy XI allows PS2 (yes 2), Xbox 360 and PC players to all play together on the same servers. It's been doing it for 10 years now.
  25. I can't say much that hasn't already been said. Truly disgusting. Further proof these developers do not play their own game (maybe in a bubble, but not on a real-world server with real people). You people put as much care and thought into these responses as you have into the class itself, and it shows in every warzone that is filled with warriors, snipers and op healers.
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