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Posts posted by Daethorz

  1. Sick feeling in my stomach, i think Gw2 & MoP are going to rip swtor apart like rabid dogs on cocaine..

    Please add Swoop racing & other minigames immediately?

    "Please hit the abortion on the self destruct button immediately?"


    In Reality i have done all i can to help, nothing makes me angrier than sitting back watching something sink and not doing anything about it.

  2. Pay to compete not pay to win. I dont want BETTER than you can get. I want the same. Pay to compete not pay to win.


    The shop in GW2 is annoying too. Nothing thats going to help at all so whats the point? The mmo genre needs to shift away from this stupid minority hate towards buying powerful weapons and stuff.


    No we need to eradicate the people who think they should be able to buy everything for rl cash.

    L2P, earn your gear. Everyone else does, Gaming is the last front where we don't cater to rich kids.

  3. ... you want a game to go p2w.... your comment does not make me a happy person.


    Why can't i just buy god mode and spam a command killing every other player in the game?


    And wear gear with 999999 to all stats and fly around planets killing all players? yay!




    Games are invented to put in effort, get new gear and have fun.


    "Yo dude ill pay u to play halo for me!"

  4. It is running on SSD in my high end rig, and it doesn't make a difference.


    Odd, my SSD cut my load times by like 80%

    Examples: I load ship in 5 seconds, fleet 8 seconds, most flashpoints 8 seconds, corellia like 35 seconds, boot windows to login in 7 seconds


    Mabye you have it plugged into a 1.5gig sata slot.

    Mine is in a Sata 6gb slot.


    And im physicked for 12gig sata comming next year

    Ill probably save up to buy a gaming laptop /w a super faster 12gb/s ssd :cool:

  5. Example:

    "Dude you ganked me you mother $%()%&*(#%#*(#*%)*#%*(&@*($&@$@(%#@*%$@*(*$@)%**@$*(*%)@*$(@(%&@()($@(%()%@()#)*%@#_)*$@*$_@%(@(*@_)(#@)*%&)@#)@+_%*(@*#(#@()%&@_)(#()@%&@_)(#()*@%&$_)$(#*(&%_)(@$&*@$%@" (Censored)


    Got the idea? lol

  6. The issue being that if you check the system specs I can't see any mention of SSD being required to get good performance from this game.


    The sad realitiy is that their min specs are a complete lie, there's no way to get a decent experience on the lowest settings with what they advertise.


    That's the new EAware for you.


    Lol this is true, nvidia 7800 would run at like 1 fps..., i think they mean minimum to not have your computer melt.

  7. To the insider I would say rationalize all you want if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy and gives false excuse for your failure.


    The simple truth is that the kernal of swtor is so great that it is amazing but the conceptualization and implementation and design in some ways is so bad that the game had to fail.


    Bugs, bugs, and more bugs. Mind numbing travel times. Mind numbing load times. Abiity delay. Lag. Linear quest chains. Linear worlds with no possibility for exploration. Sterile worlds. Run problems on a large number of user's computers. Terribad CS. Lack of anything to do at cap for non raiders (games over go somewhere else). The list of muck ups, screw ups, and bad design decisions and conceptualizations goes on and on and could fill pages if one wanted to flesh them out and just touch the surface of a few.


    So to insider I would say believe what you want and if that brings comfort that is fine. If you want the truth then look in the mirror.


    I give alot of credit to bioware for having a fairly clean game, there where way more bugs in classic WoW and so on. Load times is going to be a issue for all new mmos, they simply use more data than ever before because of new higher resolution models, this can be combated by upgrading to the latest generation of hardware, called a Solid State Disk, The first day of 2013, i will say anyone without a SSD has a old computer.


    But yes, they need to improve on everything you have posted, but once again i press the issue, they need to add more endgame features, or they will NOT hold on to the players they currently have and the game would go P2W and die infrount of us, and i do not wish to see another starwars mmo fail, because if it does, it might be the last.

  8. From the sound of it you have a PC from around the 2005 era.


    Everything about it is really outdated, a entirely new computer would serve you well for years to come, if you get the right one.


    If you do go all out, i suggest a 560ti for price & power, but your power supply will need a dual-6pin pci power plug for a 560ti, and one 6pin for a 550ti.


    And bottleneck means the graphic card would, well, it would try to pump too much data to fast and it would simply be slow.

  9. Bestbuy purposly tries to rip you off to make themselfs money.


    Your graphics card is Extremely outdated, and so is your entire computer I'm guessing.


    From my experience, SWTOR needs the following to run at high graphics:


    1. 3gb Ram Minimum
    2. Nvidia 550ti (Runs Fairly Warm at max graphics, I expect lower cards wouldent handle it.)
    3. A Quad-Core Processor



    To stop the 3 minute loading screens, a SSD(Solid State Disk).


    Its not easy to figure out CPU's based on the GHZ speed, in my mind the biggest determining factors is the amount of cores & the technology it uses(the nanometers), you can figure these out with a software program called CPU-Z


    A 550ti would most likely be bottlenecked in your computer because of your processor, not to mention other things depending on how old your computer is.

  10. This shouldn't even be a debate, the playerbase needs to unite and demand the removal of autopilot for space battles, and the addition of kotor content such as swoop racing.

    This game IS based of KOTOR afterall.

    That would be like making world of warcraft without Orcs.


    But ofcourse the vast majority of mmo players want to do nothing but fight and troll eachother, i offer constructive criticism, not just flat out criticism.

  11. I find it ridiculous how people think Swtor would make a good F2P Game.

    EA owns Bioware who owns SWTOR.


    IF SWTOR goes F2P it will most likely end up as a full blown P2W(Pay 2 Win)

    Buy Gear, Levels, New Companions, Faster Mounts, Better Stims, Who knows, With Cash Only, those who don't put up tons of cash to be the best, get eaten by the ones who do buy the stuff.


    Pay 2 Win is the Cancer of MMOs.

    As i have said, SWTOR will have NO REASON to go P2W if they get their stuff(censored) together and give us content that makes SWTOR's Endgame DIFFERENT than World of Warcraft.

    I'm sick of posting the specifics of what they could add on multiple posts, if you want my examples go to my signature post, i put alot of thought into my ideas and actually visualize them in the game.


    Bioware has obviously misunderstood its playerbase, bioware/ea thought we wanted WoW in space, when we want Kotor as a mmo instead. They have a chance to fix it, but every week and release of a new mmo will dig them into a deeper hole.

  12. Has been suggested since beta. I wouldn't hold by breath.


    And that's going to be their downfall, they are ignoring the most important things this game needs.

    Until Swtor has Swoop Racing and Pazzak, this is World of Starwars.

  13. I think they need to put their ENTIRE team behind two things Immediately after patch 1.4, which i hope is all of the E3 Content.


    The Two Things:

    1. Fix Space Combat, Remove the Auto-Pilot, fix or Replace all of the old missions with new ones for this.
    2. Swoop Racing, put their entire team behind it, make it good, make multiple tracks, make gear that actually has looks, i want to see pieces of gear as actually Being on the swoop, put in a engine, it literally now has a huge engine, etc.

  14. There are many Issues with Bioware since SWTOR.

    1. They Don't Communicate well.
    2. They Don't use their own Website as a source of communication.
    3. They have designed SWTOR's Endgame Just like WoW.

    Its not even debatable, SWTOR's Endgame is Just like WoWs now, personally I want to play Knights of the Old Republic, not World of Starcraft.


    To Fix it: Add Swoop Racing, Non Autopilot Space Battles, Multiple Minigames Such as Pazzak with the ability to Gamble on planets such as Nar Shadda, a more of a explorer feeling in the game, right now it FEELS linear, you go to this planet, then this one, you HAVE to!, once again this could be fixed by placing certain things on certain planets, make Nar Shadda a Gambling Hub, make Tatooine a Swoop Racing Hub, they would be avalable for all levels because swoops would not go on a level basis, they would go on a gear basis(In my mind) which would be obtained by doing tons of races and completing challenges.


    They could also do alot of good by adding Extra Mission hubs on planets allowing players to do separate missions instead of the same ones for every character of that faction that they level, this could do alot of good.


    And I personally am EXPECTING patch 1.4 to have all of the E3 content and to be here before September, atleast if they want my sub, getting boring of sitting in orgrimmar(fleet) again.

  15. By Existing.


    Entertainer is a Profession, not a way of life.


    No Guns, No Melee Weapons, No Service.


    The mentality of wanting a Entertainer class is the same one people have with Pandas in world of warcraft.

    And i left there because of it.

  16. I also loved my entertainer in swg (pre cu), i even bought a second account due to it. The 1st time i played one was due to hologrinding and that being one of my suggested classes (musician) and i was blown away with how fun they were to play. I would never have even tried one without that holocron. The social interaction that you got whilst doing them was unrivaled when compared to the combat classes.


    I used to have a ton of people come upto me just so they could get there armour on and i let people tip me whatever they wanted and never demanded x amount. I would talk to them, ask them what they were upto and if they had done anything in the game lately. I would end up finding who was going after who, who had done what, what was the gosip on what was coming etc and found it totaly shocking how freindly people were to you simply because you were not competition to them. Half the time it was a way of them blowing of steam cos hey everyone likes someone who listens to them.


    If it were to come here i would want to make sure it didnt give a buff that was required or op, if they gave presence or something that would be cool but the simply rp things it can bring to a game is great.


    Odd thing is you mention entertainer peeps scream blue murder but ask anyone why they have such a reaction they cannot tell you, they cannot answer how it would impact upon there game or how it would change how they play. Quite odd.


    Because it makes no sence...

    This is a Universe At War

    not hello kitty island adventure

    if we get entertainer i also want the Cook class, he scours the universe cooking the meanest of meals!

  17. SSD drives are expensive, or they were 6 months ago when I built a new PC.


    I went with a 2B hard drive (Sata III, 7200 RPM) and the longest load times I get are around 45 seconds.


    U can get a 128 gig for under $100 now, and a 256 for around $200

  18. And it's these sort of ideas which BioWare listened to too much during the development years. Sure, a new planet is content, for 4 hours. Then it's done. What then? Another new planet the next day?


    No, game development can't out perform the speed by which gamers go through it. Single player games are 'beaten' in 15 - 20 hours on average, if you're lucky you strike a game where you take about 30 - 40 hours to do it. For an MMO, such figures are nothing. With the multiple story lines, SWTOR can offer that to a certain extent, it taking about 100 hours to reach cap due to a certain grind factor along, that times 8. But instead people will just say it's all pretty much the same anyway, so that trick doesn't hold up.


    The MMO crowd, or the P2P one at least, simply isn't interested in questing for the big part of it. The entire community has based its existence around 3 pillars:

    - PvE raiding

    - PvP unranked

    - PvP ranked


    The 4th pillar found in it afterwards is the social factor, however that has never been a true driving force in thriving MMO's in the west. Only secondary to a core crowd of players those would slowly drop in.


    yes this is why i feel Swoop Racing is probably the most important thing to swtors future.

  19. Sorry, but i don't find a new operation to replace a already existing operation to be Content.


    WoW Example: Dragonsoul Replaced Firelands that Replaced Bastion & BWD.


    A New Planet = Content

    New Feature giving players something to do = Content


    Anything that adds More Playtime to the game is content, with the current track of mmos, they just replace a old raid/operation with a new one, they refresh the content that is already there.


    A new operation or raid is a minimal form of content, many players won't even play them, and eventually it may become a farming ground, like the group finder system, and that gets dull, really fast.

  20. They'll keep the game going as long as they can. The next move will probably be a "mega server" then F2P. Then it will be time for Micro transactions!


    Level 50 = $5

    Best pvp gear = $15

    best pve gear = $15

    All mounts = $20

    God powers = $100

    lol i can only amagin... because i wouldn't play with even one of those


    They need to get rid of the dead servers. open up a low pop server for people with bad computers, no reason they should pay to keep the lights on for 100 players, its not cost effective.

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