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Posts posted by Daethorz

  1. This thing is going South real quick. I've never seen a big-name title start to decline as rapibly as SWToR.

    The silence from the dev's is deafening. I believe they've entered the reality phase of this game.

    This is whats probably been said in the offices:


    We put tons of money into a great IP and thought it would be a cash cow for years. Well, the subcribers are smarter than we gave them credit for. We couldn't pull the wool over their eyes for very long at all.

    Ok, lets wrap it up with the least amount of mess as we can.

    It isn't the game we wanted it to be, but we are not throwing anymore money at it.


    The snowball is becoming larger again going down the steep hill, this time it will pick me up.

    This game is about to lose mass amounts of subscriptions, and i don't know if they have a plan to stop it.

    F2P sounds like a bad idea, because P2W kills mmos and ruins their names.

  2. Swtor was my first Bioware game since Kotor.


    I am not impressed, and this game has made me not want to buy any more of their products, just like cataclysm made it so I wont buy blizzard products anymore.


    Thousands of people have given the same damn perspective, That's why swtor keeps losing people, because bioware is not listening but we are all yelling the same things at them, this game has the same damn boring endgame WoW does, and we don't like it.


    This game is World of Starwars, they have alot to do, the endgame needs to be beefed up, non-class missions need to not be so linear, the list goes on and on.


    My suggestion list in my signature has some of my most thought of ideas.


    The people who say they will play nomatter what are the plague of mmos, its why WoW now has 1 content patch per 8 to 12 months, and its small.


    This game has TONS of potential, everyone senses it, it makes some people want to stay, I wanted this game to tap its potential, but bioware is silent and even the E3 content shows us nothing but more of the same old endgame piled on, we need new features, like the ones in my suggestion list, if they improve the game while not going pay 2 win, I will also return in the future.

  3. I want a whole game experience. Not just end game. This game is close if they would just listen to people. Communicate and put out some new content. I like the game but its no good to me if everyone else quits.


    Endgame is the biggest problem right now, heck i enjoy leveling new classes through the same empire content, simply because of how well made the class storys are.


    I do agree this game needs non-linear mission content, such as extra cities on tatooine with alternate missions, and so on with other planets.


    My list of suggestions would really give endgame a breath of life, but even my highly thought out list is not enough.


    This is a mmo afterall, we pay $15/mo expecting new content, a new operation/flashpoint is not enough for me, and thats why i quit WoW, i wanted new CONTENT, firelands actually added a pretty cool, yet small zone, i wanted every patch to be like that or more.

  4. This relates to the point I've been making for a month or more.


    Something is clogging up the works. It isn't simple bug fixes. It isn't rolling out the content they had on the shelf. Something else, clearly very big, is coming down the road. No marketing hype, no details, not a peep about what is going on. Lots of management level and game design/concept/direction changes. Fewer technical layoffs than world-builders, video editors, and related "creatives."


    It all points to something mainly technical. Enter a new hire from EA in California, whose programming focus is entirely ecommerce focused, and the continued existence of a bright, younger, Sr. Project Manager in the area of ecommerce. Rumbles and discussions about viability of subscriptions. Etc.


    To my mind, this means they are reworking the existing game into the F2P/cash store model. It would explain having to grind out reworking so much. It may also be why a NEW hire coming in, has such a focus. I can't see any other reason for that. Likewise, a Sr. PM is expensive and certain to have multiple active teams, none of which I can see having work to do with what little ecommerece was already out there.


    In fact, even with a level cap, an in-game store would be little used given how dirt easy it is to level and get XP. A larger cap, rebalanced XP curve, makes sense for such a move, and still doesn't account for the slow-down.


    Just my thoughts.


    If they are putting work into a F2P system with a stupid cash shop I hope they enjoy their future completely dead mmo, i would never come back unless the cash shop was useless, and i would never buy out if it regardless.


    If they just add a new endgame, revolutionary mmo experience, even the guy above, my suggestion list too, srsly.. this game is so bland.


    Swtor is a Big Double layer cake, with no frosting.

  5. Please do not follow in the footsteps of WoW. Why are you talking about a level cap when the end game right now is mediocre at best. Fix the end game issues first, then maybe 2 years from now increase the level cap. All you are going to do is create a huge imbalance between classes (which still needs tweaking without new abilities), annoy the pvp community (which is already not too happy), and cause all my gear that I just spent months grinding to be obsolete. I will certainly leave this game, as I did with WoW if you are just going to care simply about taking people's money. No one who has worked so hard over the last several months wants a level cap increase. I think I can safely say we'd all rather see you just add new content and continue to fix the end game issues.


    The only issues at endgame is having the Same Endgame as WoW.

    They need to fix it immediately, it is why people are leaving, because the endgame is no better than WoW, it is worth subbing for a month or two to see the storylines but beyond solo player this game sucks.

    I was just very blunt.

    My Suggestion List has fairly detailed ways to fix it.

  6. The Underlying Problem is having the same Boring endgame as WoW.


    WoW's Endgame: Sitting in Orgrimmar Waiting for PvE or PvP Que, or you can go off and do your daily's again.

    Swtor's Endgame: Sitting in Fleet Waiting for PvE or PvP Que, or you can go off and do your daily's again.


    Fix: My Suggestion List, found in my Signature, for those who don't want to read it and help tell bioware we don't want world of starwars, Its simple, minigames, give us reasons to go off fleet, add swoop racing on Tatooine, Nar Shadda, add pazzak, dejark & other star wars minigames to casinos so we can gamble credits, space exploration, on and on and on.

  7. Agree with you mostly, excluding the bulk of the cash shop, i dont feel like being nickled and dimed to death, economy yo!


    Minigames are swtor's only hope!


    And no, bioware has already shown us they dont hire innovative thinkers.

    Thats why we are playing spacewow

  8. Honestly, asking for endgame content ingame starts a war, people troll the **** out of you.


    And they wonder why this game is going down in population at record levels, we get bored, we know what we want, we ask for it, we get no answer or acknowledgement, we try to talk to other people about it to spread its popularity so bioware hears about it, and get trolled relentlessly, so we quit.


    "Down with Progressive thinking! We don't like innovation!"

    "The worlds flat DON'T QUESTION ME!"

  9. I blame the community's for a lack of end game. In SWG their was literally no end game at all, it was up to the players to make their end game, and it was incredibly enjoyable for those that played the game. Players choose to sit on the fleet, no one forces them to sit on the fleet trolling people in general chat.


    That's why so many people still play WoW, they are amused by very little, they will go outside and kick a rock around for hours on end and be content.


    I'm not like that, i need constant amusement, if i don't have it ill log off, if i don't get it for awhile and decide its not worth the $15/mo, i simply will look for something that will.

  10. SWTOR is not a terrible game, it just needs a lot of work, unfortunately they released the game way earlier than it should have been released. They promised to deliver Kotor 3-4-5 in one game and they delivered on that, it's just the game is missing a certain something for me. I still enjoy the game, but all of the games that I have really enjoyed, whether its an MMO or an Xbox game, have all had some part of the game where I was incredibly impressed. Swtor honestly lacks that for me, it's good in a lot of areas, but not mind blowingly awesome in any one area.


    Its missing a "Certain something" for everyone, and that's something unique and fun, something WoW dosent have.

    Its sad, hopefully they will get it right before they trash it with a P2W system, if they do fix it ill be back, that is if they can pull me away from GW2.


    My Ratings for Swtor:

    Leveling 8.5/10 (Non-Linear questhubs would make it 10/10)

    Graphics 7.5/10 (Skyrim would be 9.5/10 for me)

    Endgame 1.5/10 (WoW is 1/10)

    Endgame for me is keeping me busy and amused, right now its so repetitive and short-sighted that its... unplayable, Tons of minigames, offrail space combat, etc from my suggestion list, each one would add like .5, swoop racing, well made could be like 1.5 in ittself.

    Graphics in Swtor kinda remind me of oblivion though, loading grass when you move near it, highly noticeable, id like a option to turn that up a ton, i will upgrade my graphics card for it, lol.

  11. Don't forget about pillar lores, they're way more important than bugs that have been around since LAUNCH.


    The lack of communication and worthless information from them lately has been astounding.


    Indeed, as of a few weeks ago it hit me, this is not worth $15/mo, hopefully it will be in the future, RIDICULOUS AMOUNTS OF POTENTIAL, but none of that seems to be popping up at the moment.

  12. Yes, demands for cross server LFG(not WoW like at all:rolleyes:), demands for easy insta travel/teleporting(not WoW like at all:rolleyes:), demands for race, class, gender changes(yup, not WoW at all again:rolleyes:)


    Well personally i havent asked for those, and those people need to **** and go back to WoW.


    Look at my suggestion list, and tell bioware to too.

  13. It's like politicians they never actually answer the question you want answered. It would be nice for some of the forums hot topics to be addressed though.


    Politicians actively screw over the people and know it, usually mmo company's arent like that, but i guess we have a acception.

  14. you guys can make fun of him if you want but that fact still remains that the negativity that our own community presents is having a major impact on the people who are on the wire about the game.


    Biowares fault, all we asked for was a game different than WoW.

    And we got delivered a fresh pile of SpaceWoW followed by silence from the company who made it, are they so ashamed they would rather commit suicide than speak to us?

  15. "Blatant" and "abused" are a pretty strong words given the sheer volume of threads which criticize or are downright negative rants on the game, yet remain open.


    Because the vast majority of comments on the forum are negative. 90%?, 99%?

    prob cuz we have no endgame so we all go rage on the forum

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