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Everything posted by Skaara

  1. Which is why we criticize the developers ... you have read the thread title, right ? Oh, you're making this too easy lol
  2. Nah, that's a sad excuse if I have ever heard one. They can do better and they know they can do better. Somewhere along the line the lost their passion for making games and it become clock in clock out scenario because they probably hate their jobs. I can imagine a few reasons why like being held to an unrealistic subscription quota that they would never hit so they did what they had to hoping they could get that bottom line. It makes me hate EA even more.
  3. How about someone who did their job (that they receive a salary to do so) and looked into the issue ? I know, it's so crazy it just might work.
  4. Actually, it does. While you were off quitting and not supporting this game we were. YOU QUIT; not us. You should remember that next time you want to spout off to loyal customers.
  5. It truly astonishes me how someone who hates Mmo's so much goes out of their to play them and then complains when they are mmo's
  6. Single player games are that way ----> Try to not let the door hit you where the good lord split ya when they make changes to get subs back.
  7. They should really just remove it. I was really on board for level sync at first when I thought it was actually going to encourage people to group up on lower level planets but all it did was make everyone even more distant and anti-social. The content is still face roll but at least before it felt like my gear progression meant something.
  8. Always someone else's fault, right? Maybe we can go back to blaming the players.
  9. You don't know that either For all we know they just posted that from their laptop while sitting at home getting drunk. I can see why it would be hard to actually fix the game when they can't even bother to try.
  10. That is mostly because of bitraider I believe. My downloads starting going faster anyway once I removed it. There are some threads around here on it if you want to go that route but you will have to download everything all over again.
  11. It just seems like an unrealistic request to put at the feet of the devs when there are already so many issues going on. What you need to do OP is after you get everything installed just back up your install folder to a usb flash drive or multiple data dvd's. This is easily something you can do yourself.
  12. I'm confused. So you would rather wait a week for it to be shipped to you ? Or you think people would actually spend money on a disc to a free to play game ? Patience is a virtue you know. I need more clarification. Sounds like a massive waste of time and resources to me but maybe I just need you to really break it down for me..
  13. They have to be trolling us ... I just can't buy any other explanation.
  14. You could also just find a friend and queue up together knowing your just going to vote kick so you can use a healing companion. You don't need a pocket healer if you don't want to go to the trouble.
  15. Sounds about right to me. It's going to interesting to see what changes they roll out to try and regain the subs that they lost just upsetting the people they made this expansion for. Maybe next time they should focus on customer retention instead short term profit. Now they will be even worse off when those players don't come back AND they chase their new casuals away all at the same time. Brilliant.
  16. So other developers go on 2 month vacations with multiple broken events with the excuse of sowwy guys ... better luck next month. Yeah, your opinion is pretty much null and void now.
  17. I'm sure lots of things that we aren't being told have changed.
  18. Agreed, it's better than being ignored. I guess I just don't think he deserves praise but if it will help our CM's fragile ego so he can feel safe within his own community then so be it. It really speaks volumes about his ability to do his job though.
  19. Just out of curiosity ... what have we been told besides were gonna tell you stuff later and you can buy crap in the CM for a limited time. Seriously ?
  20. I'll just say it since no one else will and I wouldn't even surprised if a mod warns me but it's because the game is filled with entitlement players (pretty much the entire current generation with some exceptions) who are lazy af and they believe the universe revolves around them. /thread
  21. I guess it would be asking too much to push the Rakghoul event up first since there is a companion locked behind that content ? I'm not really sure how that wasn't already taken into consideration. I actually don't expect anything to happen but it would be helpful for those that need it.
  22. lol ... you might as well just go. I don't want you to quit because we need subs but if 7 days is the make it or break it for you ... well, you will disappointed.
  23. It really isn't. I don't even have the patience to teach anymore knowing they will just be replaced with more on the next run. It's not even elitism ... it REALLY is not hard.
  24. So far off the mark it isn't even funny. I want the game to teach them to become better players by not turning the game into an interactive movie. I want them in operations but there is no point in learning the game if the game doesn't require it.
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