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Posts posted by Cirinia

  1. It would be really nice for a game to save class dialog choices made by player and then allow him/her playback it later one after another (just like a movie). That way we could really make our own saga (as advertised if I recall well).


    Edit: I'm aware of 3rd party software for that but just imagine chatting while waiting for PvP/Group Finder etc and watching all things You have done before:)

  2. Male human living presently on Earth is looking for female player of the same species for cooperative experimental play on following terms:

    1. Contact only through game (no RL email exchange etc.)

    2. I'm playing female character with body type, race and class chosen by You.

    3. You are playing male character with body type, race and class chosen by me.

    4. No leveling solo (yes that means we play on those characters only together) but gear support from other alts is allowed.

    5. Light side only (either Empire or Republic).

    6. Server Nightmare Lands.


    Edit: I would want to play that way up to lvl 50 for story line mainly. Nightmare Lands is not necessary but that's where my main characters are.

  3. Lack of stealth for sniper was a bit of disappointment for me too and that was the reason for me to choose operative over sniper. Both advanced classes should have stealth ability but working differently and sniper imho should get weaker version useable in Cover mode only.
  4. I have 3 stealth characters so far and each of them experiences issues with cloaking in combat so I have developed two habits before using Cloaking Screen or similar combat cloaking abilities:

    1. Switch companion to follow mode and wait 2-3 secs (I forgot skill name but it is 2nd from the left usualy, armorlike icon).

    2. Check if both companion and You have any DoTs running.

    if You fail to do one of those two above You might decloak right after using Cloaking Screen etc and probably die right after it:)

  5. This is what I do:

    1. Step one: remove any desire for success before RE item (attain peace of mind).

    2. Step two: perform reverse engineering. If You have really managed to get rid of success desire game will detect through mind scan and grant a success otherwise if will detect cheat attempt and make RE fail:)

  6. I'm playing both male and female characters. In my mind they have their own life and I'm just the manager for the time they are bound to my will.

    In one of the other MMOs I have played before I have selected female warrior just because it was funny to watch how so called "weaker sex" runs around with big sword and defeats enemies with ease:)


    I do not see anything wrong with woman playing male character.


    P.S. I'm neither denying or confirming my RL toon sex. If You want to guess go ahead. You have 50% chances of being correct, providing I'm human;)

  7. Dromund Kass is dark but after that both sides have access to the same planets just in different order.

    I have enjoyed Sith Warrior story line a lot and for me it is 2nd only to Imperial Agent. I have characters both on Empire and Republic sides, all chiss, all light side too (I simply cannot force myself to accept dark side choices...).


    P.S. Trying to be good on "bad" side is really enjoyable:)

  8. For me it is Imperial Agent, Operative. Few reasons below:

    1. Healing skills.

    2. Stealth.

    3. Story line.

    4. Really nice looking ship unique to imperial agent alone.

    5. High class flexibility: You can be dps with healer companion, healer with tank/dps companion and most importantly You can sneak past all those unworthy cannon fodders on the way to mission objective:)


    For solo play I recommend having stealth bonus maxed in skill tree all the time.

  9. Right now I'm not interested in moving my characters to different server due to my work related time issues: I can play and stay logged for long time but I have to be ready to go afk anytime for undefined period of time, which naturally cripples group play.

    I'm enjoying uncovering each class story and creating crafting alts network at the same time. I'm not sure how high population server will affect that (daily missions for example).


    I'm not sure what will happen to Dune Bantha server but if You do want to shut it down at last move all my alts to the same place. I can survive name/legacy changes but not destruction of my crafting network:)

  10. Generally speaking I like the idea of Free Character Transfer but right now I'm not interested in it.

    Two main reasons below:

    1. I have lots of work now and I'm often interrupted by RL so group playing is out of question for most of the time.

    2. I enjoy peace and lack of crowding on my present server "Dune Bantha". I can explore each class story (which I like to do), create crafting network of my alts (another thing I like) and do not waste time in queue for materials and quest objectives due to other player presence. I'm leaving endgame stuff for later when I have more time to play in group.


    Thing I miss in game now:

    1. Crafting management via web page.

    2. Group ship operations (multiplayer), like Death Star attack peformed by Luke Skywalker and his wing.

    3. Equipment research done not by reverse engineering: progress bar, research tree etc.

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