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Posts posted by JMullane

  1. I've been playing through the class quests in a group of two. Been encountering a few odd bugs while grouped. Here's one...


    Sometimes, when in observer mode watching my group mate's class cut scenes, his companions will appear naked to me. And vice versa when he see my class cut scenes.


    Sometimes it seems like this is random, but I think I've narrowed it down a bit.

    It seems to happen without fail whenever the cut scene involves a companion that he does not currently have summoned.

    For example, the Agent's finale included the whole array of Agent companions, and all were naked except Dr. Lokin, who he had summoned. The Trooper Chapter 2 finale (taking down the Gauntlet) - all my companions appeared naked to him except Tanno Vik - who I had summoned for combat.

  2. I'm getting a bug lately that I haven't seen before...


    In a group with my friend, sometimes when I click the Mission Log button, the log pops up and the first mission in the list is hilighted, but the mission description window shows info for one of my groupmate's missions.


    For example, last night I brought up the mission log on my Trooper, but the mission information showed the description for a Smuggler class mission that my groupmate was currently on. It fixed itself after I clicked on a different mission in the log.


    And for the rest of the night, every time I brought up the mission log it first showed the description for a Flashpoint Daily mission that I hadn't picked up (but my groupmate had).


    He also had my class missions popping up when he clicked on his mission log. So some circuits were crossed in multiple ways for us. If I encounter it again I will try to pin down some more specifics for recreating the bug.

  3. Oh my, I remember reading about this bug a long time ago. I've been slowly working through all the class stories in the game. I've finally gotten Yuun on my Trooper and I am surprised to see this bug still alive!


    There's a larger issue if such a bug can go unfixed for so long after being publicly acknowledged. It seems that a bug that significantly weakens a companion's abilities should be a more of a priority.


    Maybe it didn't deserve an immediate fix, but having it stick around for many months makes me pretty sad.

  4. There is a conversation bug me and my friend came across in the Smuggler Story's Chapter 2 finale mission [Heist of the Millenium].


    This bug happens when you speak to Senator Dodonna in the Secret Republic Shuttle Pad on Nar Shaddaa after defending the senator from a beast attack. The conversation starts, "So, Captain, are you the bad luck that keeps getting me attacked, or the lucky charm who keeps rescuing me?"

    This bug occurs when Akavi Spaar is your summoned companion.



    During the conversation, Dodonna will flirt with you, and Akavi Spaar will protest in response. Dodonna says, "You need to get your pets leashed, love. This one looks like she bites."

    If you then pick the response 1. [Flirt] Forget her. - you'll say, "She's got no claim on me." But then, the camera will switch to a bugged out exterior shot and you will hear Risha's voice (instead of Akavi's) saying, "Fine! Just don't expect to find me waiting when you're done."

    It's as if a response from Akavi was not correctly implemented, and Risha's response plays in error, and the camera bugs out because Risha is not summoned.


  5. I understand the desire to see a zoomed out view on the character selection screen.


    But the views in the bugged version have problems...

    - The ship backgrounds are incomplete. When you can see the edges of the background, it is revealed that they are not the actual ship interiors. They are simplified for performance. They are mostly a cockpit (or other visually interesting setup) attached to a nondescript room.

    - In some backgrounds, the geometry is incomplete. Most noticeably in the Inquisitor, where the starry sky is visible through the roof of the room. But others as well.

    - I don't know why people like that it cuts off at the knees. There's so much empty space above your character's head. It makes them look tiny and off-center.


    Frankly, I think it just looks like a bug.


    That's not to say I wouldn't love a zoomed out view. But it would have to look polished, instead of the current sloppy version.

  6. Please don't leave the bug as-is.


    In my opinion, it looks like a bug. Especially for Sith Inquisitors. In addition to the ceiling being clipped off, it's clear when zoomed out that it is just a small square room with the partial background of a cockpit built in. It looks very strange.

    That and each character is lined up so their face is mid-screen and the bottom cuts off at the knees. Off center and awkward, like a bad photo.


    I do think a lot of people like to get a good look at their outfit in the selection screen, but I don't think this bug is an acceptable way to allow that.


    I also think a lot of people like to get a breath of fresh air in how their old familiar login process looks. But I think that will wear off and we'll be left with an ugly bugged screen.

  7. I love the Interface Editor feature, and how you can save Interface layouts from one character and load them onto another.


    Something I've always wanted is a similar way to save Key Bindings that I've set up for one character and load them on another character. I usually set up my interface so I have 2 Action Bars on top of each other, one using number keys as hotkeys, and the other using the F-keys as hotkeys. It would be so much easier to setup if I could save and load key bindings.


    It would also be wonderful if the same could be done with Chat Window settings. I like to break up my chat channels into 2 or 3 windows for different categories of chat, but it takes forever to setup. I'd love to save and load this to new characters.

  8. There is a bug on the Belsavis Inquisitor Class Mission "Prison Break". The bug occurs while trying to achieve completion of the objective "Defend the Galactic Relay".


    Both my friend and I have experienced this bug while playing in a group of 2 on two separate inquisitors at two different times (Both groups consisted of ONE Inquisitor and ONE other class). Here's what happens:


    There are THREE locations to plant a galactic relay and defend it from waves of attackers. We perform this task once at each of the three locations, but they don't seem to update with a completion message, and the markers remain on the map.


    After the third time, we attempt to plant the relay a fourth time on any of the three markers, and that fourth time it gives completion credit and sends you to the turn-in stage of the mission.


    My best guess is that the quest thinks you need to plant and defend FOUR galactic relays to get credit (and additionally it is not showing your progress as you complete each single plant and defense). This guess is just based on the fact that it took exactly four tries each time. It certainly could be something else.

  9. There is a bug regarding the display of Daily Bonus Requisition for individual ships in the GSF Hangar screen.


    When you first open the Hangar screen on a particular day, mousing over your ship selections at the bottom of the Hangar window (the icons with the little purple "x2" indicators to show daily bonus req) will always show the bonus requisition from the previous play session. If you had 122 Bonus Req left on your Gunship, that's what it will show. If you did all your Bonus Req last time, no icons will have the purple "x2" symbols on them.


    Mousing over the icons also shows the incorrect amount of bonus requisition remaining on the tooltip.


    The Hangar interface won't update to the correct values until you respawn after a death in a GSF match.

  10. Wow! That is a nasty bug!

    It almost reminds me of this occasional graphic distortion I get when the interface is loading portraits into group member unit frames - sometimes it's just pixelated noise until I get closer to my groupmate. Never had this issue with text though. Hope they investigate this one.

  11. I tend to play with a friend, so we watch each other's class conversations a lot.


    Pretty often, we'll end up seeing each other's class conversations with no equipment on - just underwear. This normally happens when a conversation begins upon zoning into a class phase. It seems the game cannot keep up with loading the equipment models and sometimes gives up. This happens with player characters and companions if they are involved in the conversation scene.


    Occasionally, the game won't even load the character models, and we will just see a disembodied weapon throughout the conversation - for characters and companions.


    The most recent instance of this for me was the Agent Conversation entering the Tenebrous toward the end of Chapter 3. Kaliyo was showing totally naked here for the observer.


    Also, the behavior of companion headpieces being shown is totally unpredictable. For example, most Inquisitor and Agent conversations that begin on their personal Starship activated by clicking on the Ship's Intercom will have a conference meeting with companions all wearing headgear - probably not intended. We noticed this on most intercom meetings in chapter 3 of Agent and Inquisitor storylines.

  12. There is a bug involving companion affection bars when they get into negative values.


    When you open the Companion's character window (showing their equipped gear), the affection bar does not display correctly if that companion's affection is a negative value. Instead, it shows the affection level of your last summoned companion.


    I am also not sure the Crew Window affection bars are updating properly when they become negative. I got Xalek into a negative value of -4, and then I continued to get minus affection, but he seemed to stay stuck at -4. Eventually, I got a few positive gains and he seemed to stay at -4 until suddenly he popped back to a positive value. So perhaps once you get negative it stops updating the value until you get back to a positive number.

  13. There's a bug involving the voice introduction to Galactic Starfighter Missions (ex: "This is Admiral Ranken to all ships. This repair outpost..." etc.)


    The vocal slowly fades in after loading the ship selection screen (along with the music fade-in), which means the first bit of the vocal is often inaudible. It was probably intended that the vocal start at full volume while the music fades in underneath.


    I know this is a small bug, but it grates on you after hearing it hundreds of times.

  14. Whenever you dismiss your companion, they begin to say their "Dismiss" vocal cue (ex: "Standing down." for M1-4X), but the vocal either doesn't play at all or gets cut off mid-cue. It is extremely rare for me that a companion actual says their dismiss vocal cue correctly.


    I know this is a minor bug, but these kinds of things grate on you when you see them happen hundreds of times, and I imagine I'm not the only one who thinks that.

  15. I experienced an odd bug 2 days ago. Wanted to know if anyone has ever had this happen before.


    I had my Artifice Crafting window open, and suddenly my queue to enter a Starfighter PvP Battle popped up. I clicked to enter the battle. The first odd thing I noticed was that the loading screen image didn't load - it just showed a black area where the image usually is. However, the loading bar completed and it then popped me into the team ship selection screen.


    I noticed that I could only choose from Scout or Strike Fighter. I have always also had Gunship available, but it didn't show this time. Even after getting killed and going to the respawn screen, it never showed Gunship as an option.


    VERY strange, and very annoying. I have only seen it this one single time, so thankfully it appears to be rare. Nothing odd about the circumstances except that I rarely have my crafting window open while accepting a Starfighter Battle.

  16. There is a bug involving right-clicking on your Companion.


    Upon logging in, sometimes there seems to be a bizarre mix-up if someone else near you has the same type of companion summoned. This can result in the following behavior:


    When you right-click on your companion, you normally get a bit of response dialogue (Azshara says, "I'm ready, master.") However, when this bug occurs, instead of YOUR companion replying to you, another person's companion will speak to you. You click on YOUR companion, but THEIR companion turns to look at you and starts moving their lips and speaking to you. If you walk away, eventually you will not be able to hear or see their companion replying to you, so your companion will just sit there unresponsive.


    The bug can be corrected by moving away from anyone with the same companion summoned and dismissing/re-summoning your own companion.

  17. The tricky thing about fixing this is keeping in mind that if there is indeed a bug with Twi'lek male faces 2, 3, and 4, and when it is fixed it will revert those faces to a better quality face, all characters created between the appearance of the bug and the fix will suddenly have their face change to something the owner has never seen properly displayed before.


    To be truly fair, you should allow male Twi'leks a free face re-customization when the bug is fixed.. assuming that functionality is possible. Seems like this has been going on for a long time, so there's probably going to be a fair number of new Twi'lek male characters that weren't viewing the face correctly during character customization.

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