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Posts posted by GraceandDanger

  1. Just did this again with my female Twi'lek smuggler. Gets me everytime. :D


    Gorry: Come on, Foursen. Say it just like I taught you.


    4-SEN: The Republic lackeys will drown in lakes of fire and blood, master. Death to all who oppose the people's will, master.


    Gorry: Oh. Hello. You're, uh, different from most of us true believers. Er, not that that's a bad thing.


    4-SEN: Master, I detect the presence of several non-functioning humans. Specifically, the bodies over there. *points* Setting alert status red.


    Smuggler: By the stars! Republic troops have invaded our base!


    Gorry: Oh no! Foursen activate combat protocols! We've got to warn the others!


    The female smuggler's voice just delivers it perfectly.

  2. Male Secretary: This is the office of Admiral Fraabaal of the Imperial Navy. Do you have business here?

    Female BH: Can't I just be here to talk to you?

    Secretary: Yes, well, um ... are you? Just here to talk to me, I mean? Oh, I see. You're making fun of me.

    Mako: I can't imagine why he'd think you're making fun of him and his ... big, important desk.

    Secretary: Now, if you'll excuse me, I am very busy.

    BH: I have a job slip from your boss, moron.


    I love the second part to this dialogue after the admiral scolds the secretary and lets you in.


    Female BH: I bet you'll get a demerit for that.

    Mako: (laughs) You're terrible!


    That poor secretary lol.

  3. My biggest problem with Mako is that she comes off as though she's about 12. She's cute and sweet. But between the type one body type and endless fan girling, I feel like I have a teeny bopper as my side kick.


    Now I'm playing female, so the romance itself doesn't squick me out. (Although I suspect it would - highly - if I were playing a male BH.) But...it's hard for me to see this squeeling teenager working at all with my tough, brutal mercenary.


    I don't know, I never got the "fangirl" vibe from her. Is she young and somewhat naive? Definitely. But she always comes off (to me) as very business-like.

  4. My merc is a professional, honorable, and all around pretty decent guy so Mako absolutely loves me. :cool:

    So yea, she is definitely LS aligned so DS bounty hunters won't like her very much.


    What I have noticed so far (my merc is lvl 29) is that Mako has a bit of vicious streak in her, at least when it comes to things regarding Tarro. So she isn't a complete goody-goody, compared to someone like Vette anyway. :rolleyes:

  5. My sorc killed her because although annoying her was fun at first, her constant popping up and getting in the middle of things got old real fast and Thana eventually served her purpose in the end. There was no need to keep her around.


    That said, she would be fun as a companion, if a bit dangerous to keep around. But by that, Thana would fit in just fine with pretty much all the companions.

  6. My zabrak sorc and my human commando are both fem body type 3 and they seem to work well enough for me. I somewhat agree with a few of the posters in that they could've toned down the muscles in some areas but its not so bad that it's a complete turn-off.


    Then again, I only use body 3 and 4 for females anyway.

  7. I have to say, Kaliyo did annoy me at first (and my female agent as well, who wanted to shoot her in the face rather than work with her) but she's starting to grow on me. And since I play my agent as a loyalist with a bit of a wild side, Kaliyo is actually fitting a lot better than I thought she would. As a result, my agent is more civil towards her now.
  8. In the Sith Inquisitor torture quest, after you shock Alif once, you can make him sing a song (can't remember the lyrics sadly). After that, you have a choice to shock him again to which the SI says, "You need to project your voice!"


    Some of the SI's lines are just classic.

  9. also as strange as it sounds, the male sith warrior voice sounds strange coming from a human type 3. I could see it come from a sith pure blood type 3 though.


    I don't know, the male voice sounds perfect to me on my human type 3 warrior. I guess it depends on the look of your character but the more I play character, the more voice fits imo. Now for the female SW, the voice is definitely tailored to Sith Purebloods.


    For my female Twi'lek SI, the voice definitely seems a little too heavy on the accent for a Twi'lek but I love the voice acting a lot so it doesn't bother me much.

  10. Name: Keluna


    Class: Miraluka Jedi Sentinel


    Alignment: Dark Side. Fights for the Republic and Order but is completely ruthless in her actions.


    Bio: As a Padawan, she felt she wasn't appreciated enough for all of her talents and as such, clamored for attention. Once she became a Jedi, she toned that back somewhat but still has fits of overconfidence and lacks humility at times. She is generally polite and respectful to her superiors and loves helping people in need. However, she is absolutely ruthless towards her enemies, especially Sith and Imperials, to the point that she almost lacks mercy. Also, she has a tendency to let her anger get the best of her in the heat of battle. In her mind, the best way to protect the weak is to preemptively strike down all who may threaten them, a living blade.


    I basically see her as a zealous crusader. In the flow of the game, she usually acts polite when she is talking to quest givers, while occasionally quipping about how strong she is. However, in the heat of battle (a cutscene after a fight for example) her emotions start to get the best of her and she'll threaten Sith Lords, high-ranking Imperial officers, and anyone other enemy she can't get her hands on without a second thought. And if there is a option to give a enemy mercy over executing them, she does the latter without hesitation.

  11. Got a few here. Some may be more fleshed out than others, as I've just started playing this game a few weeks ago and I'm still developing stuff in my head. :rolleyes:


    Miraluka Jedi Sentinel: Since she was always told how powerful she was as a Padawan, she tends to have fits of overconfidence. She sees herself as a living blade. She is loyal to the Order and has a strong hatred towards the Empire and the Sith as a whole. Very merciless, she doesn't believe in giving her enemies second chances and isn't hesistant to strike them down regardless of pleas for mercy. While she is aware that she is prone to going to the Dark Side with these kind of traits, in her mind, she feels as long as she stays loyal to the Order, everything will work itself out. (Dark Side)


    Miralan Commando: Your typical straight edge, heart of gold soldier. Extremely loyal to the Republic and its citizens. Always willing to help someone out without an alterior motive and she never lets anything get in the way of her fulfilling the mission at hand. Does have a playful side when she's off duty. (Light Side)


    Zabrak Powertech: Straight-forward and hard-nosed. While she acts tough on the outside, she really is a big softie on the inside and likes helping people in need. However, she really doesn't like anyone to see that side of her, as it will "hurt her rep". Extremely protective over people she considers friends and family. She has no particular loyalty to the Empire, just sees them as the people who pay her the most. (Light Side)


    Twi'lek Sith Assassin: As she was a slave for half of her life and treated like complete dirt, she pretty much hates just about everyone that isn't her ally and isn't shy about spreading that long festering hate with others. Very spiteful. Has no love for the Republic or the Empire and simply sees the Sith as the fastest way of building her power-base. Loves killing and torture especially. (Dark Side obviously)


    Human Gunslinger: All about the credits, which makes her outright heartless most of the time. Will accept any job if there if credits are involved and won't even consider a job if there isn't credits in it for her, no charity work for her. Loyal only to herself, quick to crack a joke on anyone and is a shameless flirt. However, she hasn't told off Corso yet so maybe there is a soft spot there...(Dark Side)


    Human Sith Juggernaut: A very large and intimidating presence, he is actually a very honorable and somewhat kind person. Would rather come to a diplomatic solution then fight if he could help it and is a smooth talker in pressure situations but doesn't hold back if he is pushed to fight. While he realizes he would probably make a better Jedi than a Sith, he sees this as an opportunity to maybe reform the Sith into something better in his eyes. (Light Side)

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