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Posts posted by GraceandDanger

  1. Why ranged tank with double bladed Lightsabre?



    Simply for the fact he has several abilities that he can use from range and he has a basic attack that he can use from range. He'll attack with his lightsaber when he's in melee range also but its not necessary for him. On the flipside, Khem has no ranged attacks at all so he has to be in melee range to do anything.

  2. Just throwing my in support that I wish we could turn Ashara darkside as well. However, I'm holding out hope that is a more long-term, relatively speaking, subtle corruption since it does remind me of the whole Anakin/Palptine deal, as someone mentioned earlier in this thread. For all her spouting on about her still being a Jedi, Ashara is supremely self-confident person, bordering on arrogance, which isn't very Jedi-like traditionally. I still have faith that DS Inquisitors are just stringing her along bit by bit, building her up until we have that moment where we can finally turn her. :wea_03:


    And as fun as turning Jaesa was, it was kind of a brute force turning the Sith Warrior put Jaesa through, if that makes any sense. There wasn't much subtlety to it. :p

  3. Always choose the option to kill someone and always say that you're going to kill people and/or destroy things. Also, make sure to tell people to get to the point (because he dislikes talking).
  4. I love all of the Jedi Knight companions (yes, even Rusk. I found he complements a DS JK very well.)


    RIsha and Akaavi are my favorites so far of the Smuggler's companions (haven't gotten Guss yet though)


    I like all of the Trooper companions in their own ways, don't really have a favorite over another.


    Vette is far and away my favorite Sith Warrior companion and probably my favorite overall. I just love everything about her.


    Khem, Xalek, and Talos are my favorites for the SI companions. I like Ashara too but I feel she could've been much better written...


    Mako is definitely my favorite of the Bounty Hunter companions. I've used her almost exclusively on mine.


    Haven't played a JC or IA enough to really make a decision on them yet.

  5. In beta, if shocked Vette enough, she would eventually go insane and commit suicide by throwing herself out the airlock.


    Why would anyone want to do that? :( Even on my DS SW, I shocked her a few times at first but I couldn't bring myself to do it anymore.


    IMO worst are Skadge and Akaavi.


    I haven't recruited Skadge yet on my BH (currently in the process of completing Belsavis) but he's annoying already so I'll give you that. But you shut your mouth about Akaavi, she's awesome. I love how she's essentially the straight man to my smuggler. And she's puts out some pretty nasty dps too.

  6. I'm currently at Hoth with my smuggler and I've thought the story has been ok to pretty entertaining so far. However in my humble opinion, I think the smuggler's storyline is one of those deals in which the PC really makes the story shine more than the actual story itself. Whether thats by design or not, I'm not sure but that's how I see it.


    I've just fell in love with my smuggler's character and it's really the reason why I've played mine so much lately (that and gunslinger's are fun). :cool:

  7. I just got Akaavi and got this gem of a conversation.


    Akaavi: Do not begin to think I am yours. This is a convenient arrangement, that is all.


    FemSmuggler: Just humor me. It's two syllables: "Hell-oh". I know you can do it if you put your mind to it.


    Akaavi: Hello.


    FemSmuggler: Pretty soon, we'll be braiding each other's hair and talking about boys.


    Akaavi: Long hair is a detriment. It gives your enemies a handhold in a fight.


    I love Akaavi already. She plays off my smuggler so well. :D

  8. I literally just did this quest like 5 minutes ago. :p


    I flirted with him then faded to black, mainly because as much as my smuggler hated him, she was curious if he could back up his rep as a "ladies man". However afterwards, I told him him was...unsatisfying. His reaction was priceless lol.


    Then I opened with a dirty kick, cheap shot, pulse detonator, and then proceeded to blow him away. Then I gave Corso Torchy back and all was right with the galaxy. :cool:

  9. I've played two Sith warriors up to the end of chapter 1, one LS and DS and I've enjoyed them both greatly but they're pretty different in the way you accomplish stuff.


    Dark side is basically a massive power trip and anyone or thing that decides to even think about opposing you gets destroyed, consequences be damned.


    Light side is much more interesting in terms of character interactions because you often build alliances with unlikely people and characters react you to much differently. You definitely affect the Empire but in a different way which I feel works.


    Light side sith fits my personality and how I usually play better but I have to admit, the things you do to people as dark side is often cruel and highly entertaining. :cool:

  10. I leveled my Jedi Guardian dark side to 50 and for the most part, it actually felt pretty natural. I think I enjoyed it much more than I would have had I leveled her light side. There was a couple of "pointless evil" decisions that I remember coming across but they were few and far between. And without spoiling anything, your ending dialogue is somewhat affected by you going dark side, which I felt validated the whole thing.
  11. Here's all of my current characters, along with some connections between characters.


    Synala: Level 50 Dark Side Jedi Guardian. Rival to Juliya and mother of Akessa and Quele.


    Juliya: Level 45 Dark Side Sith Sorceror. Rival of Synala and mother of Kerress


    Aiceus: Level 43 Light Side Mercenary. Older brother of Arvasem and Ridria and father of Juvai. Also an ally of Juliya.


    Arvasem: Level 35 Light Side Sith Juggernaut. Younger brother of Aiceus and older brother of Ridria. Also father of Faine.


    Ridria: Level 33 Light Side Jedi Shadow. Younger sister of Aiceus and Arvasem.


    Kerress: Level 33 Dark Side Sith Marauder. Daughter of Juliya


    Akessa: Level 32 Dark Side Vanguard. Daughter of Synala and older sister of Quele.


    Faine: Level 30 Neutral Gunslinger. Daughter of Arvasem.


    Quele: Level 18 Dark Side Sith Assassin. Daughter of Synala and younger sister of Akessa


    Juvai: Level 9 Neutral Imperial Agent (Soon to be Operative). Daughter of Aice.


    As far as possible future characters, I want to make a Cathar something but not quite sure yet. Also want to make a Sith Pureblood. Will probably end up rolling them on a new server.

  12. On a gunslinger, if you cast vital shot while you're not in cover, it makes the bang....bang sound you're talking about because it's two separate shots. However, if you're in cover and you cast it, the gunslinger shoots both guns off at the same time so it's one sound.


    It shouldn't be making two sounds on a scoundrel either way though so I assume its a sound glitch.

  13. Funny story, I just played my merc in pvp for the first time today (lvl 37) and I happened to be specced arsenal.


    That was probably some of the most painful pvp I've been in for some time. From my first opponent (a sent obviously) on, I just felt doomed. No type of mobility, no interrupts, just useless. The one or two times I got left alone, I was able to unload into people but that was few and far between.


    Definitely won't be embarassing myself like that again. :(

  14. Let's not forget that the Consular is the strongest in the Force, out of any other Class. Ever.


    You're the second-coming on the Messiah essentially with your power in the Force, while the Jedi Knight is the will of the Force, essentially "The Chosen One".


    I don't know, I think the SI could give the Consular a run for their money, if you're just talking raw power in the force.

  15. How are you gonna feel when there will be 300 players on the fleet with Nihilus mask on day of F2P release , not good right? Same here :/


    I fail to see how 300 people wearing a mask affects my gameplay. If its some immersion thing people are complaining about then, I stopped caring about that when I first started playing and I saw 50 something people running around with master titles and such.


    It's an mmo people, not a single player rpg.

  16. My DS Vigliance Guardian. I just finished the story on her last night and man, I feel sorry for any Sith that comes across her.


    Probably one of my favorite lines when you face Fulminiss: (paraphrasing here)


    Fulminiss: I'm surprised to see you here Jedi.


    JK: Surprised? Maybe when I start slicing you into a bunch of pieces then maybe you'll have a more appropriate reaction.


    That line just sealed it in my book. :cool:

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