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Posts posted by pegasussgc

  1. So does not making it optional, I find this argument invalid, as it can be applied to both sides equally.



    This is the only argument I have seen. Frankly having spent all my play time last night doing older content, this just doesn't wash. We are *faster* now, more powerful, *and* the loot is better.


    Please give us one concrete, "I went here and couldn't do this" example, so we can have an actual discussion.


    Seriously, check the other threads, login and try to do something quickly. Its a face roll. I did the whole Ilum string in about 30 minutes, didn't get knocked off once. I had zero trouble driving around mobs I did not want to kill.


    However, I realize that is my personal impression, and not very helpful to this argument. So, here is my concrete example to argue against, even using your vague and hazy example.


    Level Sync on: Person you help gets 125,000 XP

    Level Sync off: Person you help gets 2000 XP



    You named one, and it was more of a generalization than an argument. I saw no examples of content you have trouble with now, issues with gathering nodes, just a general "its not as good" statement.


    You say you want a an open and mature discussion, so please, elucidate your concern. My personal experience with lower content is that it is even easier than it was before, so your assertion baffles me.


    Post 65 the content is on the existing planets.


    For expansion in the future they can design more instances, planets, new areas, and the backstory for them.


    Change them game world so they can tell stories in the existing universe


    Level Sync effectively allows encounters to be designed without having to spend all that production time and money. They now have a giant area in which to tell stories and publish new chapters with out worrying if the new area will be barren in 4 months when the next bit comes out.


    Look at the history:






    Lots of effort went into these places for them to be a ghost town.


    The game is about the STORY


    1 - Level sync turns the whole game into a medium to tell star wars stories

    2 - Level sync turns turns operations and flash points into something that can scale, which means less work for new ones, now hopefully they won't have to "redo" them every time there is a level cap increase.




    PVP arguments either way are irrelevant, I agree. Neither side will make a good point here.




    There is no challenge. I skipped mobs just as effectively on Makeb, Ilum, Oricon, and Alderaan as I did pre sync.

    Clearing an area is easier.


    Please tell me what would change if it was switched off. This is a straw man argument I cannot have a response to, as having it on does not make things any more difficult. Please, show me or tell me where you are having difficulty. I can't find anywhere.


    The main point is this is a major change that is going to allow more story content to get added. I would hate to see it get screwed up trying to implement some sort of toggle.


    It isn't something they did to gimp you; this is made obvious by the fact that everything is still face rolled.


    It a MAJOR game change; there are lots of facets other than the number above your head changing.


    Where to put them, how to determine difficulty of encounters.


    So to summarize that into a reason against a toggle:


    Right now, every battle has a baseline. Every player will be within X power, X health, X accuracy etc. As a result, every battle can be incorporated as a STORY element. Anywhere.


    As you level , you gain Passive and active abilities ; these never go away, you will always be able to face roll when you are synced.


    To enable a toggle, now each encounter has to be set to a certain power level. so WHERE the encounter is, is level dependent. Now there is a lot of game world that is unusable. Which is where we were last week.


    So, in a nutshell, the best reason to not have level sync toggle is:


    We will get more story. More Content. and previous content will no longer be taken away from us.

    The trade off is ... well, nothing, it is easier to float through older content than before.


    Its a mechanism, not a punishment. The number beside your portrait literally means nothing as far as fighting mobs. (Until you are talking about higher levels, as you do not sync UP)


    At this point I would summarize my argument as "Level Sync is working, allows more content to be published"


    So what reason would make the additional work of re coding encounters to be single level again would be worth losing Tython / Belsavis / Hoth / Korriban / Hutta as place we can go back to for fresh story?


    To clarify, by re-coding encounters, I mean the additional work that is making sure the high level mobs dont agro under level players, adding terrain features so low levels don't wander in, setting up another loot table for each new bit of story, etc)


    I am trying to be ordered and polite, but I am getting tired writing :p


    I will probably write a summary post later in this thread that will hopefully be more succinct and getting people to maybe reconsider sync toggling.


    I 100% agree, well said.

  2. Hi.

    I have a lvl 60 Jedi Consular.

    I had previously maxed affection with Qyzen Fess pre-4.0. He is now Rank 10.

    Now when I look at Legacy =>Companions =>Jedi Consular =>Qyzen Fess I see that there is a pending uncompleted 'alliance alert mission', which is named "Stalking the Score".

    How do I find/activate this mission?

    I have already gone to my ship and there are no pending conversations to be had with him.

    I tried giving him a few gifts and raised the affection a bit, but that did not trigger any conversation need.


    Advice/Ideas please..??


    You won't get Stalking the Score until level 65, after chapter 9. It is an alliance mission.

  3. I'm not going to comment on the whole post, just one aspect of it.

    I don't agree that everything up until 4.0 has been rendered meaningless. Each storyline is one long journey, giving your character....well his/her character. It was your character putting his or her imprint on the galaxy, as Valkorion puts it. Things change and in this case the galaxy changed, the Republic and Empire are no longer powerful. They are struggling to survive and lashing out at each other (while the Eternal Empire is keeping them from advancing economically) in a futile attempt to exert some control over their fate.


    The very fact that you can see now in KotFE how far each has fallen, because you have experienced the pre-4.0 story, makes that story not pointless at all.


    TLDR: Just because the galaxy has changed, it doesn't mean all that happened before is pointless.

  4. I would also like to see many of the vendors returned, or at least a clearer path to getting this gear. Although I am happy about the alliance supply crates, or whatever they are called, dropping some of this gear as a legacy bound version.


    That being said, the attitude shown in this thread is reprehensible and I most certainly do not agree with the OP's actions. I think the devs deserve to be shown some respect for this expansion which includes many QoL improvements. I'm afraid the actions of the OP will encourage the devs and community managers to be less active on the forums.

  5. To all the people freaking out over this, have you all never read a book? Your imagination is meant to be used to give the characters a voice. In the case of the Alliance system you already know what your characters sound like, so it is a very small imaginative leap to fill in the gaps.


    This Alliance system just has way too many interactions for it to be fully voiced.


    It's one thing to not like something, it is another to act childish and pitch a fit over it. The people ranting endlessly about this system obviously have something else going on in their lives that's contributing to this tantrum they are having. I suggest they take some time and focus on those real life issues before devoting so much time whining about such a small issue.


    Lastly, to the people who want to give constructive criticism, how would you have implemented the alliance system assuming you couldn't use voice actors?

  6. I honestly didn't even notice that my character wasn't speaking until someone pointed it out. Now I do notice, but I really don't have a problem with it. It is after all, ONLY for the ALLIANCE SYSTEM. The alliance system requires returning to contacts numerous times and it just wouldn't have been feasible to have your character's VA do all the lines for that.


    As for the people calling for the dev's heads and for them to be fired...well you guys/gals need to get a grip. This is such an overblown controversy. I have a feeling that if it had to be fully voiced, then the alliance system would never have happened. I personally am glad it did.

  7. What? Not...



    HK-55: "Demand: Are. We. There. Yet?



    I prefer:


    Tora: "Where have you been all my life?"

    My character: "Stabbing things"



    As for the expansion, I am loving it. I wasn't so sure about the alliance system at first, and I'm not a huge fan of the Star Fortress, but I'm really enjoying going back to all the worlds searching for allies. I'm sure it will get boring after while, but for now it is pretty fun.

  8. For those who are saying it is only for the Alliance stuff and there was 9 chapters of main story...You are wrong, The Alliance is chapter 9!! And the whole chapter nine(except its beginning) is with this retro style conversations. (I mean the quest when you are suppose to speak with Oggurobb is still according to my quest log a main story quest from chapter 9 and it is already in this Kotor like retro style and without any warning)

    And even if it was just for the alliance, it is still a wrong decision to change it like this, it doesn't fit to this game and its supposedly cinematic storytelling whatsoever.


    I would rather wait a bit longer for them to finish proper voice-overs than this! So immersion breaking. And it is not just about missing voiceovers, even the subtitles are in the wrong place and most of the screen is hidden behind some black wall. And the font is way too big....


    I honestly too thought it is a bug at first (actually I started writing the ticket for it). Then I realise that my JK is mute and it is probably some bad kotor joke. You know, I'm kinda attached to her voice and now I don't have the heart to continue playing it until it's fixed(I consider this as intentional bug)


    This outdated conversations are just wrong, aspecially for this game and I hope I will never see something like this in SWTOR again.


    EDIT: I pretty much disagree with everything thay said about it:

    I think it is exact opposite. My character is ignored now if he/she can't talk, storyline is more chaotic thanks to this and cinematography? there is NONE in comparison with original SWTOR conversations!

    Because Chapter 9 is called the Alliance. And it is just the intro to the alliance system.

  9. I think it is mainly a budget or time issue, they are now releasing one expansion a year, they probably didn't have the time or didn't get the funding to get full voice acting in these alliance quests. I understand their reasons for it happening, if these are indeed the reasons.


    Having said that, the immersion is gone. I loved having my wise cracking smuggler pull a smirk whilst saying some cocky chauvinistic line. You will never get that from just words. The cinematic's and the Voice acting is what made me fall in love with this game, and is what keeps me coming back every time there is new content.


    I sub a couple months before everytime and always buy the expansion as soon as it comes out for the story. Please, please, please Bioware even if it costs a little more and takes a little longer, get back to full voice acting. I love that part of the game and to have it in the Star Wars Universe makes it all the better.


    It's only the alliance missions that use the classic conversation style. All the main missions are fully voiced as usual.

  10. While I disagree with most of your points, I do agree that the combat is too easy. It is a bit of a faceroll, especially with the very powerful new companions. On the flipside I was hearing people complaining they couldn't beat some enemies in enemies while on zakuul and in the Star Fortress, so I guess you can never underestimate how bad some players truly are.
  11. When a ton of people agree on change being bad, it is bad. A turd is a turd no matter how you dress it up.


    It is perfectly fine for people to have their own opinions about a story and the 4.0 changes. Anecdotally, I've been hearing nothing but positive things in gen chat. Hearing about how people love the story, how awesome it is, what their favorite dialogue has been...that gives me the impression that a lot of people like the expansion so far. This is from people in-game, not on the forums. It is really difficult to quantify just how many like the changes vs those who don't. Personally, I take more stock in the opinions of people actually in the game and playing it, then those who played for 5 minutes and rage-quit. I'm not saying that is you, but there are definitely a few like that whining on the forums.

  12. Yeah, same here. I was a little worried it would be too short when the first few chapters went by so fast. It ended up being about 9 hours worth of play time for me to finish through chapter 9 and that seems fair. The story exceeded my expectations, the companions have a lot of personality and good dialogue. I'm really excited to see the monthly chapters.
  13. I'm not sure what your price range is, but here is a build that will run anything at 1920x1080@60fps on high (may have to turn off MSAA though): http://pcpartpicker.com/user/pegasus912/saved/V7VgXL


    If you get a premade with those parts it will cost you double that. I know it can seem daunting to build a PC these days, but it really is like Legos now. Just look up a video on Youtube about how to put it together and you'll be able to put one together in no time. Honestly the only part that takes "work" is loading all the drivers and OS. I hope that helps, and good luck!


    Edit: I'd actually recommend getting a bigger hard drive, I forgot I put a 1tb in that list, 2tb is a better deal.

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