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  1. Same thing happened to me yesterday on last boss of Dir7....
  2. Biochemist is an end game raiding/PVP tradeskill. Once you hit a certain gear point then all other tradeskills become worthless to you while biochem will still be useful. Make all your reusable stims and medpacs and then pick up Slicing and Treasure Hunting if you want to make money......
  3. And by the way if you even read my post you would know that you wouldn't be able to just enter a WZ from time to time and rip anything apart. Do you know what the expertise stat is? Do you know what it does? If you just enter from time to time then chances are your valor level is low which in turn makes your expertise low. Expertise increases your dmg done to other players, reduces your dmg recieved from other players and also increases your healing done to other players. This stat is the single most important for PVP.....You could be in greens with lvl 70 valor (700 expertise) and wipe the floor with that fully geared raider if he never PVPs.
  4. It isn't forcing anyone to do anything. If you just want to PVP then thats fine grind WZs....buy your gear off the GTN or craft it. If you want to PVE then all you gotta do is zone into ilum and make your way through an open world location with risks of getting ganked. I think the current system is stale and boring. My favorite time in WoW was back in vanilla when you had a sense of reward for getting that raid boss down because you actually had the best gear in the game. This was before resilience was introduced and PVP was alot more exciting to get into. Whats going to happen when ranked WZs come out? More people are going to be alienated because even more powerful PVP gear is coming out. At any rate, I myself know it to be a system I would like to see....
  5. Every new MMO out there faces the same problem these days. Its like its 2 games in 1. One side caters to the PVPers and one side caters to PVEers. Now how could you go about bridging this gap and bringing these 2 styles of gameplay together while keeping both sides happy? SWTOR already has a system in place that I think with a little tweaking would achieve the ultimate goal of MMOs! Having 1 game for the enjoyment of all. How many PVEers are upset that you can just skip most content by grinding WZs and getting high rated gear good enough for end game raids? They will avoid any open world events/planets because of they choose not to get PVP gear and their PVE gear is almost useless in PVP encounters! How many PVPers are upset about the lack of content for their choice of gameplay? 4 WZs over and over, right? No world pvp? No reason to do Ilum? My solution to this problem of epic proportions: Remove PVP gear from the game. If you want to gear up then you are going to have to learn how to PVE. Most PVPers say they don't like PVE because it is too easy and that its more fun to play against a thinking human than a scripted AI fight. Well if its so easy then they shouldn't mind getting the best gear available in game by doing something easy. Not only make it so PVE gear is the best gear in the game but also make it so that to get to these end game raids you will have to travel to open world locations. Remove end game from IMP/PUB fleets! Stick a raid out in Ilum. Have one in the middle of the Tatooine world pvp location. Create world traffic where people would be forced to come into contact with one another. Now wait PVPers! Don't say NAY just yet! Hear me out! So you like PVPing? You want to be rewarded for your efforts? For your time spent in WZs and there has to be some reward for those massive world pvp battles right? Valor ranks are your reward! Each valor rank will increase your expertise stat!! Lets say there are 70 valor levels and each level gives you 10 expertise? At level 70 valor you will have 700 expertise!!! So in this new system the PVPer and the PVEer both want the same gear! They both value the same stats for their particular class/spec. The game will have more players pushing content! It will be easier to find groups for those HM FPs/OPs. Crafted epics will be that much sought out! If you want to be more competitive in PVP then you better level your valor rank up more than the guy you are fighting against. Maybe even go a step further....every 10 levels of valor you get more than just a 10 expertise increase. Maybe throw in some other stats here and there(Not too much though because we don't want to make force it down the PVEers throat for that extra stat boost!) In this system as a PVPer you are going to have to reach out to those "No skill PVEers" so they can help teach you what raiding life is all about! You can't stand in that red circle on the ground bro!! SWAP targets when adds come out dude!!! But at the same time the PVEers are going to NEED you hardcore PVPers to help fight your way into the zone to the OP entrance! Sorry man but your keyboard turning is fail! BACK UP 5 meters from that marauders master strike kid! Kick that sorcerer when he casts lightning plox?!? This is a rough draft of an idea but I think it has potential! Next generation MMOs definately need a new system than what this game spliting PVP/PVE game designs have to offer. I really think this idea could remove the feelings of bias towards either side of gameplay. The more you PVP the more powerful you are in PVP. The more you raid the better your gear! In this system a level 70 valor guy wearing crafted epics will be able to take down that full rakata PVEer if he doesn't work up his valor ranks. At the same time you take 2 PVPers but one goes the extra effort and starts clearing content and gets the raid gear then he is going to be able to dominate that crafted geared(welfare epic) guy! Pretty much wrote this out off the top of my head. Would love to hear some constructive feedback from both sides(PVPers and PVPers) to see where this idea could go.
  6. That is unacceptable..... I guess the reroll is sounding more and more like the viable option!
  7. The only reason I can think of NOT to do server merges is because when the patch goes live there MIGHT be a big influx of players for a few days/weeks while everybody tests out the new stuff. So once the patch excitement dies off and the servers go back to low population (My guess is a week) THEN maybe you guys could offer server merges??? Would love to hear a DEV's thoughts or speculations on this matter!
  8. BIOWARE make Server Merges happen RIGHT NOW! How can you continue to let this be a huge source of lost subscriptions. Same thing happened in Warhammer......When you can't get groups for heroic quests, flashpoints, then you might as well be playing a single player game. After 10 days of playing I'm ready to unsub because I can't find groups for anything.
  9. You can hate on the SWTOR all you want but the real truth is easy to see.... Your like a bunch of crack fiends that are jonsing hard!!! "ZOMG teh game is down for 2 hours! WHY GOD(Bioware) WHY!?! Tell me why you had to take my drug from me for a WHOLE 2 HOURS!!"
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