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Everything posted by Bronz

  1. because it doesnt matter how many shards you create they all sit on the same server. its like spliting up the segments of a orange to put it in simple terms
  2. there is also a NPC named Garrus in the Koribban starting area
  3. apologies for the double post but THIS! how long have we waited to get in?? ive been on these boards since '09 many since '08 it mates a 30 min queue look insignificant (to the power of the force)
  4. at the end of the day BW/EA are running a business enterprise the only way to combat queues imo would be to: Throttle current servers and stop people joining the , which would cause mass outrage as people couldnt play with friends etc. Invest and set up new servers which isnt a very cost effective to deal with a very brief issue. And can you honestly say you have never had to wait for anything in your life, never had to queue? never been held up... Yes you have purchased something with your hard earned cash but it doesnt give you a god given right to start stamping feet and making silly demands or ambitous expectations
  5. ahh kk so your lvl 50 , fully raid geared with BiS and cleared everything??
  6. LOL I have to go to the US just to go to this place, hell I need to live there , is it really pronounced how it is spelt?? never get tired of telling someone that.
  7. Anything that is now released in the mmo genre will always be compared to the market leader same as in any industry.. what people fail to glaze over (and im not bashing) is that many many many of WoW's features right now were not around at launch and were frankly copy pasted from other games. Graphics for me look great coming for a 7 year wow "vet" i think they are bright vibrant and detailed. Im level 12 at the mo so cant really comment on the freshness or content to come
  8. Well I wouldnt even bother paying for a subscription then mate I would quit now , there are going to be queues throughout the launch period.... as I said do you get mad at a theme park waiting to get on the rides?? you pay good money to get in the park?? I dont understanf how 45 mins is ridiculous?? 5 hours is ridiculous 45 mins is like "ok ill go watch a show , or tidy the house , or grab some food" its not a big deal in the grand scheme of things
  9. yup thats the upside of the queues there will be hustle and bustle and always fokls about
  10. Oh it went 2 days ago when some dude from NZ was apparently gonna instigate a nationwide lawsuit and bankrupt EA/BW for not letting him in EGA day one backed up with legal jargon and links to dodgy NZ trade regulations.... Icing on the cake
  11. sorry its an english (as in UK) term for a whiner
  12. Also the thought occured to me earlier... If BW didnt put out 8 waves today there would prolly be no queues at all (or very little) to get in game so no whinge.....but oh wait then we would have had an equal amount of threads complaining about waiting for EGA... seriously guys take a step back and tell me how the company can win?
  13. Firstly this isnt a whinge thread about whingers.... Just really disheartened to read so much negativity on the boards for this game... The latest outrage being a 20-45 server queue which is turning some people into little monsters, I think people need to take a step back and calm down and approach the issue with a little bit of logic. It is release week every single person who preordered (2mil+) wants to play asap I dont think it is unreasonable to have to wait a short time. A simple analogy I can put to this is something like going to your favorite theme park and you want to get on your favorite rollercoaster but guess what everyone else wants to go on said ride so an orderly queue is formed until its your turn.... we dont start rioting and threatening legal action against park owners for the queue or lambast the company for "destroying itself"... Just looking back at some of the mmo's ive previously experienced launch with WoW: 1 Hour+ queues even over a year after launch, hell on major patch days up to WOTLK there were 1-2 hour queues for the week. Lanch issues ranging from loot lag to server instability to not all features being available upon release Link to random forum thread from '08 http://vnboards.ign.com/world_of_warcraft_general_board/b19789/107608654/p1 Aion: MMMMMAAASSSSIIVVEE queues , and it was actually more expensive to play than swtor link to a random related article : http://biobreak.wordpress.com/2009/09/21/aion-the-tower-of-queues/ Rift: Now rift wasnt so bad aside from the massive queues 12+ and getting pwned by npcs in the starter area, but again it had no where near the numbers or launch scale swtor has to deal with right now. Not trying to sound like a fanboy here its just disheartening that the community seems like it is already dead in the water and peoples expectations are so so high that its gonna stop them enjoying what has been for me so far a fantastic game. Also regardless of what you may think we WANT new players to join the game and the community it helps with development and recognition scaring aware potential new members isnt going to help anyone. Lets adopt a broad shouldered atittude and at least give BW a few weeks after launch to get themselves up and running.
  14. mate quit with then pointless defensivness... I played wow on beta and release and it wasnt a smooth launch it just went un-noticed as there wasnt really any precendance for it.... Loot lag, starting zone lag, server crashes,massive queues do some research it was all there.....I can remember queueing for my server for an hour in late 2005 and not batting an eyelid, hell during Ulduar Patch in 2009 queues wher eup past the hour mark..... Aion and Rift had well documented queues of up to 14 hours again i can go find some evidence to back this up which i will and edit this post regarding WAR i cant comment i didnt bother with that garbage
  15. double facepalming at the dude whining about a 20 minute queue for a server on the most anticipated mmo of all time during launch week....... head on over to aion/rifts 12 -14 hour queues....... or WoW's hour long queues 1 year after launch just put your sense of entitlment to one side for 2 mins and approach the situation with logic and like a grown up, not like a scrawking toddler
  16. translating op's wall of whine - "WAAA WAAA WAAAAAAAA" Head back in time and check out these launches..... Rift - 12 hour queues , starting area load issues/bugs Aion - 14 hour queues and server instability WoW - Major server lag and instabilty 1 hour+ queues more than a year after launch. Put your dummy in and deal with it young man.
  17. you really are a glass half empty little fella arent ya, ofc its perfectly acceptable for them to perform some kind of maintenance the night before launch it makes perfect sense. Whining about a pre order benefit as I have thought over the last few day makes you look a right tool
  18. bah hopefully you will be in there this time tomorow
  19. In hope it does get deleted your desperate craving for attention deserves it
  20. ......and I can honestly say I a have not had such a laugh in game for a long long time. Ran it with 3 other random folks (2 maurader 2 sorc) and it was a laugh during each exposition conversation wondering who was going to get to speak and lol'ing at the responses. Also the instance didnt feel like a drag in the way it can in other games of the genre, i,e pull 6 packs then pull boss it actually felt like I had a objective and was working towards a goal with other people we were all learning our classes being lvl 11 so there was the added fun of getting to grips with our abilities etc. I know it sounds like im fawning fanboi style over the game i dunno maybe after 4 or 5 runs it might get old but thought it was worth posting something positive and a genuine good experience , im looking forward to whats to come.
  21. Im with you Gratus, I have done the whole hardcore raiding 4 nights a week for progression and thrown myself into a role. What I wanted to get out of swtor is a decent experience where I can take my time develop my character and focus more on the story driven elements in a more relaxed easy going way. So far my expectations have been surpassed. I just finished the BH instance before work and it was really refreshing to do an instance with a group of folks and it not be pull pack,pull pack pull boss there was a crisp and clear storyline where everyone had fun and interacted.
  22. why are we feeding the op's attention seeking need for drama?? even the vids he posted contain hardly any negative comments. mark my words by new year everyone will have forgot about EGA etc and forums will balance. The sooner ppl like the OP have their free month run out the better they bring nothing to the community just their own attention seeking disruptive need to make up for a lack of self esteem
  23. because those of us loyal enought to pre order very early on deserve to have a much greater length of time to enjoy the game befoer the stragglers can get in
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