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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by SuspectDown

  1. I've been 50 for a few weeks so as it pertains to me strictly dailies or heroic grps with companions.


    I gear Kira and we seem to finish things faster vs. doc when it comes to dailies, so I might stick with her and try to gear her better. Scourge is an interesting take, as well. I will have to try him out.

  2. I chose sorcerer and am about 20 so far. WZ's are actually really fun and I just sit there or run around throwing ranged DPS out. Leveling is really easy, too. I'm surprised how beast of a tank my first companion is as well. All in all I'm really liking the class so far!
  3. Doc seems to be the only viable pet for me and then all my heaing is done by a programed script instead of my choice of where and when to heal. Sad, if they would of included class heals for all classes, it might have made all the companions useful and gave players more choice to boot.


    I could see a balance issue with class heals, though. Unless you meant just you to pet.


    As a tank Guardian, I use Kira unless I'm doing a heroic or fighting a champion mob. Then I use Doc.


    Good point, sents vs. guards will have different tactics.

  4. Simple question, what companion do you use and why?


    I'm a sentinel and ever since I got Doc that's all I have ever used. For PVE dailies, is it worth it to gear up any of my other companions? I was thinking Kira, but I wasn't sure if geared her DPS was worth it.

  5. I personally like soc more then sin. It's just more fun to play to me.. As far as pvp goes, a well played tank sin in dps gear can take on any class in the game and usually win. But an average/badly played sin will get kited by me all day long until my dots eventually widdle him down and he falls over.


    I have a 50 sentinel and would like a ranged sorc, but every time I do PVP those 'light armor' assassins just kill me. Their survivability is nuts. Sorc's on the other hand are squishy .

  6. I've read other threads on this, but I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations and why as of today's updates.


    From what I understand, assassin is a close range tank (with light armor????) and sorcerer is long range dps and healing. Can anyone clarify on that and add your likes/dislikes? Thank you.

  7. If you caan, get the AMD FX-4100 Zambeezi instead. Rocket...


    The problem with the FX line is that you have to take whatever number of cores it says it has and divide it by two. That will give you the number of FPU's. A processor's floating point unit is integral to gaming. That’s why an “8 core” FX-8150 loses out to a quad core 2600K. In addition, Sandy Bridge CPU’s are faster clock for clock (second generation i3/i5/i7 CPU’s).

    That’s not to say don’t buy an FX CPU. It all just depends on the deal. I bought my 2500K+Gigabyte GA-Z68X-UD3H-B3 for $290 before tax @ Micro Center, but I also got an FX-4100+bottom of the barrel Asus board for $110 before taxes.

    It all depends on what you want to spend. If you are looking to spend $800+ on a complete system, there is no reason not to go for a true quad core CPU, however.

  8. AMD Pentium? Ir says AMD Phenom, and it is quite a good processor....


    He edited it. It originally said Pentium.


    I never said it wasn't a decent CPU, but for that PC, he is overcharging. For a gaming rig, assuming the limit is $200 for the CPU, the 2500K can't be beat.

  9. Looking at a new PC to run SWTOR what do you think?



    It's a rip off IMO. Not to mention, the specs they listed are incorrectly named such as "AMD Pentium".


    You're better off building your own PC from parts from Newegg. Alternatively, if you have a Micro Center by you, they offer extremely good CPU/motherboard deals.


    Intel's newest CPU's, Ivy Bridge, supposedly come out the last couple days of April if you want to wait.

  10. I joined Darth Sion because I thought it would keep lag down and have no player queue, but I didn't realize how empty it was. I'm only level 20, but I don't feel like re-rolling the same class on a higher population server. Next class I will, though.
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