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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×


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Posts posted by SuspectDown

  1. Just wondering what everyone thinks the etiquette of this is? What I mean is if you get into a group and someone does or does not want to do the bonus. Majority vote? Do you value the opinion of roles that take longer to fill (tank/heal) more?


    Maybe I have run into a string of bad luck, but it seems lately when I do not feel like doing the bonus then someone always tries to force it.

  2. Nah, from what I've seen this probably happens pretty often :p


    Yeah, had an embarrassing moment myself. Not that it's a correlation with actual skill, but 3,200 willpower sorc unable to keep group from wiping... Then someone told me about the cleanse and light bulb lol. So weird that that specific FP I had never done before as a healer. It just goes to show though, geared or not, proper mechanics mean everything.

  3. I haven't had any unusual, funny, cringeworthy, etc experiences in group finder even after doing them almost every day since the LFG tool went live. Most of my runs are pretty smooth and uneventful. Sometimes the tank/healer is new and doesn't know what to do like cleansing the laser on the first Hammer Station boss but a quick explanation fixes that right away. Aside from some disconnects I guess I've just been lucky


    You don't happen to be talking about something that just happened last week, do ya lol.

  4. Yeah, I have to agree with this as a tank for about.... 8-9 years (since WoW:BC when my Blood Elf Prot Paladin became my main). Think I'm a jerk if you want, but if DPS is constantly pulling (and especially if I've asked them not to, but really I shouldn't have to) I will let them die. Then, we go in kill the stuff, and res him. Then again I say "You pull it, you tank it." A lot of times when I do this, I get tells from healers supporting me, saying they won't heal DPS that pull either.!


    As a healer, I'll take your side 100% of the time. DPS shouldn't pull, nor should they instantly attack a spread out mob from a group the tank hasn't fully taunted yet. It's always irritating to see a DPS pull unexpectedly then blame me for dying.

  5. I think it's just about mechanics. If you don't know the 2-3 specific things you need to know each fight, then you are doomed, especially on the sandstorm boss. I'm a 3,200 willpower healer (not saying my actual skill is good, just saying I'm not in greens) and I've had groups where everyone is 2700+ main stat and we wipe constantly or I get blamed because they keep standing in circles and I've had groups where DPS is hovering around 2K main stat and we absolutely destroy the FP.


    It's all about everyone knowing their role in that particular FP.


    You've had bad luck with healers then.


    The other day I joined an in progress czerka meltdown run, just to see the last bits of healer-tank discussion. There was a wipe, healer got blamed, healer left.

    Few minutes later another healer joins. As sooon as he enters the fp, I get a whisper from the tank "for ****** sake, healer with ***** gear" Yeah, guy definetly was not in Kell Dragon. I checked, and it was mostly Rakata stuff , including weapons, plus a couple of 66s blues from Makeb drops. That was it.

    The most memorable thing for me from that fp, was the tank's whisper. Nothing else. We went there and killed the bosses. Nothing else happened.

  6. Generally, if someone isn't in at least 66 blues for HM I try to initiate a kick. Other day kicked a 55 sentinel with 1,6xx strength. Not even 5 minutes later we got a sentinel with 2,7xx strength.


    If you aren't properly geared, you shouldn't try to run 55 HM expecting to get carried so you can need on items for fights you didn't even really contribute to.


    SWTOR IMO has one of the best, if not the best group fidners around. Everything is tiered and super simple to understand. Fresh 55? Run 50 HM's or Czerka FP's.

  7. Hi all, I was wondering if any guilds are recruiting that raid during the time of 6AM - 3 PM Sat/Sun PST. I see most guilds do things at night but unfortunately that doesn't work for me and I really would like to try to do operations. I have the following:


    55 Sorc DPS 2500~ Willpower

    55 Sent DPS 2250~ Strength

    55 Merc Heal 2300~ Aim


    I'm working on getting the Sentinel 69 gear and have also started making augment kits to for the Sorc. If anyone is recruiting for SM groups to start please let me know.

  8. Just wondering, as everything repeatable that I used to do that rewarded planetary comms seems to provide classic and basic comms now.


    I just got treek, have no interest in raiding content and would like to get a set of makeb mods for her gear.


    ... I have a few hundred classic and basic comms just piling up doing nothing also.. Can I get mods (for less than 100's of these each) with the basic and classic comms?


    Thanks for any suggestions.


    My advice would be to A) use your basic/classic comms to outfit your companion then B) buy cheap blue 66 gear for the rest of the spots.

  9. I know people hate to hear this, but:


    This is one of the reasons why I don't build systems with SLI/Crossfire and don't recommend it to others unless they want to run multiple screens. As much as you want it to be normal, mainstream computing, the use of SLI or Crossfire drastically increases the chances that you stumble across bugs or un-optimized code in games. In order to support SLI/CF properly, there needs to be a decent amount of tuning between drivers and game code. In theory, this should be straight-forward, in practice its not.


    You don't need a bleeding edge video card to run at full detail on a single monitor in this game. My GTX-660 is plenty powerful. If you're running something better than that in SLI and don't get smooth performance, try it without SLI enabled.


    And before you whine about devs at Bioware, remember that SLI/CF support needs to start with the drivers, not the game. It's up to AMD/nVidia to create workable drivers and profiles before the devs at Bioware can optimize the game to handle it. And since the game is not a particularly high-profile showcase for video performance, nor does it attract the "must-have-110fps" shooter crowd, there isn't a lot of push for either of them to spend time tweaking their driver support for SWTOR.


    Once again, you are over-exaggerating the problems. Yes, SWTOR has issues with SLI/Crossfire... So?


    TONS of games don't. I game at 2560x1440 and without a 2nd card, that's not possible on newer titles unless you want to turn down the settings.


    Crysis 3, Max Payne 3, Hitman: Absolution, Far Cry 3, etc. These are all modern games that only a dual-GPU setup can play at max settings on resolutions above 1080P.

  10. 2. Yes without a doubt I can run atleast 6 copies of this game. The game only uses 1 thread much and the other threads hardly touches them at all..


    Granted, I run the game maxed out @ 2560x1440, but no way even on lower settings this game only uses "1 thread". Not to mention, that ignores the fact what is going to render it? You would need a separate video card for each one if you plan to keep the windows up and be able to play.

  11. So yeah, I'm currently levelling a merc heals and having the time of my life with her. (Just reached 40) Been into dozens of FPs abd even once with three Sins without any wipes. I actually prefers my merc heals over my scoundrel's due to the fun it provides me, and I can't help but to feel proud over just how good merc heals are once you understood the rotation.


    Until someone I know started talking bout how merc heals lose out to Ops and Sorcs in general. Things like merc heals wastes too much powerful heals and how "tank-only" heals a merc is. When I said things like how I assume mercs gonna make a great ops team with a Sorc due to our aoe increased heal plus sorcs powerful aoe heals, again I was wrote off saying ops makes a better partnership with sorcs rather than us mercs.


    Got me thinking though, is my faith in merc heals misplaced? Are they really as bad as others feel?


    As someone who recently got to 55 as heal spec, I will say this: things seemed to be a cakewalk until 55 HM's. Granted, I am NOT geared well (only 2,250~ aim), but heat management becomes SO important it's not even funny. The class, at least for me, became increasingly challenging but it's just a way to hone strategy.

  12. In my humble experience healing as a merc is more difficult than healing as either of the other two classes but purely owing to resource management. My merc has some Heat issues in extended fights, especially if lots of big heals are required after each other. I can get away with managing my resources as an operative or sorc without really paying attention but as a merc I always tend to watch my heat bar.


    The class is viable, no doubt about that, but it's probably the most difficult to master due to Heat considerations. But that's just my experience anyway, maybe others never have Heat issues.


    ^ This.


    SWTOR is my first MMO as a healer, and I went Merc. I really enjoy the class, but during 55 HM's I have a hard time keeping up in big, really long fights if more than one person is taking damage. I've learned Kolto Shell + free tech healing is key, but when the **** hits the fan and everyone is taking damage, kolto missle, some single heals, repeat really eats up the heat.

  13. You one?

    Don't type angry.


    Were these purple pants for your Class and AC?

    If not then you should not have rolled Need. If you did roll Need more than once on items that were not for your Class then it was a perfectly good reason to vote kick you. Sorry. Learn the social protocol before complaining about getting booted from a group.




    ^ This. Need rolling for something that is not your Class, AC, AND an upgrade over that current component you have is total grounds for kicking.

  14. I leveled my tank to 55 mainly through double XP, PvP, and Flashpoints. I am looking at the Arkanian relics on the vendor and they are 150 basic comms each. At level 55, how do you get basic comms? I see I can get 10 per day from the daily GF but where else can I get them (I currently have 80)?


    An easy progression for me was Makeb planetary comms/level 50 HM, then level 55 HM.

  15. Hi all,

    I'm thinking about little upgrade. Now I have Intel I5-2500 + Zotac GTX 550-TI, I want to replace my 550-ti with ASUS GTX 660-TI or Sapphire Radeon HD 7950.

    I have a question for owners of these cards, do you have any problems like a fps drops on max settings, or artifacts, or any other issues?


    A 7970 handles 2560x1440 for me with out zero issues. A 7950 @ 1080P or below would be excellent.

  16. ..and companions.


    I find this funny. I'm no prude. Two of my female toons have the relaxed uniform top, in fact, but jeez. I see less vitual flesh in Tera.


    I don't know if I really have a point or not, just sayin' and at least this isn't a BW/EA stole hurt my feelings post.


    Let's be honest in general: more and more games, especially AAA titles, are going the route of scantily clad or full out nude.


    Why? Who knows. I imagine going for that "we're a mature game, we're not for kids!" persona.


    Personally, I say keep it out.

  17. Wouldn't think it would be a long equation to figure out what caused it.. High Capacity and servers unable to cope? How many servers have been merged onto the Harbinger? 7-8? Didn't you just merge 2 or 3 APAC servers with it too?


    The issues run much deeper than that. Rarely is the answer to performance issues "throw some stronger hardware at it". Usually it involves much more time consuming game engine optimizations etc.

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