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Everything posted by Anonemous

  1. 1. How should I go about playing the game to get the best experience possible? 2. How do you get all that awesome unique gear I see people with. While I'm playing I only ever manage to get a hold of generic boring armor and weapons, yet I see all the people while watching videos or playing the game with awesome stuff? 3. The HUD, so I hate the default HUD arrangements, so I like to customize mine. How do you arrange your HUD. And I like to arrange my powers within the three power bars based on the type of power they are. So my question is, how would you classify the in-game powers, and how would you organize them in the bars for the best tactical advantage possible? I have the three power-bar-slot thing's positioned on top of each other in a row, currently I have offensive powers on top (for my Jedi Knight), but I'm lost as to which order I should place them all in tactically, or what would be considered offensive powers? And where to put and how to classify the rest of the powers? 4. Role-playing. I'm very intrigued by this idea and would like to do it. How would I go about doing this, and do you have any advice?
  2. So names are pretty important to me. I would like to roleplay and create cool names that fit my characters, are lore-friendly, and seem like Star Wars names. But I'm hopelessly lost when it comes to thinking of any. So I thought I would create this thread for people like me, who would like help naming there characters. So I will throw out the first one, but please do the same if you cant think of names for your characters either: So the character I'm currently trying to create is a Male Chiss, Imperial Agent. Hes deceptive, and enjoys to creatively take out his targets. His personality is clever, sarcastic, cold, and calculating. He is like a machine, and acts as if hes always thinking in numbers and weighing odds and stuff. To him everything in life is part of one big math equation, and people are just numbers part of that equation. He doesn't care for the personality's or emotions behind them. What should his name be? ( I'm sorry if there are already similar threads to this, I couldn't find any, or if I put this in the wrong category.)
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