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Everything posted by heechJunzi

  1. Sorta strange getting rid of the reactive shield buffs, and instead talenting cheaper cc, and the probe self-heal thing.... no? Does that boost your survival in pvp?
  2. I am primarily DPS assault, and I would recommend it as a starting point for anyone. It really teaches you to kite / LOS / escape, which are skills gunnery troopers don't get to use but medics SHOULD use. Escape until your shield is off CD, or you can supercharge. Throw kolto bombs to self-heal and slow pursuers. But I wanted to get more flexible, increase my usefulness in ranked. So, now on some maps I try to run half in assault and half in heals. Yesterday in Voidstar, I dd 280k on offense and 280k heals in defense. My goal is to work on both and get both 300k medals in the same match. I think that's something no other AC can bring to the table. I also have an op healer, and in pugs at least find myself putting up equally good heal numbers in my commando medic... often breaking 500k heals in a full match.
  3. I solo queue more often than not. Pubs dominate in the morning / early afternoon (especially this week.. it's been painfully boring). Usually imps come back at night. Although I gotta say, other than a couple premades doing alright last night, seemed like imps were getting blown out last night too.
  4. You can't judge a class based on its 1v1 utility. That said, if a sin gets the first blow, comes out of stealth and has cool downs, I'd bet on the sin beating the marauder.
  5. If you are one of those guys with 9 digit bank accounts, sure, why not. Otherwise.... battlemaster (and soon warhero) gear is like a weeks worth of pvp. Why bother augmenting your throw away recruit gear?
  6. Who cares? Still third most played MMO in the west, and soon to be 2nd as GW2 numbers continue to plunge.
  7. Just wanted to give a shout out to Top Gun. You guys are one of the most inclusive pvp guilds out there, and I think that's awesome. And you guys are always up for casual ranked pug too. So, yea, anyone on Harbinger pub side having a hard time finding folks to group with.... Go with top gun. I've been referring people to you guys in-game too.
  8. Personally... what I have been seeing on my server is, "I hear ABC might be queuing.... let's not." In other words, lack of transparency just means less queuing, period.
  9. Ranked simply doesn't happen unless you pre-arrange queues with another team. No one wants to sit in suspense waiting for a pop. I would strongly suggest: - a dashboard showing all currently queued teams, - or even simpler, an announcement to /pvp channels on fleet (and /general in all WZs).... Every time a team queues. "A team of 8 heroic warriors of the Republic, captained by <insert name> is waiting for challengers!"
  10. heechJunzi

    New Medal

    I'd like to see more healer related medals.... Something for rescuing someone with < 5% HP and healing all the back to 100% full health, for example. Tanks get an insane amount of medals right now, heals should have something similar.
  11. You eventually get a skill to exit combat and go into stealth. If you want single target DPS though, I think marauder or assassin would both be more your flavor. Just plan to get all the classes eventually.
  12. A lot of alts are reaching 50 with 6-7 WH pieces waiting for them. So, valor is pointless.
  13. Don't do it. You need every bit of expertise at this point. Save your credits, and wait until you have WH. I'd also caution you against min-maxing until you have your full WH set (or at least done the math on what the full WH set will look like).
  14. Only if someone is actually *paying* for the ads. I don't know about you, but it's probably been about 6 months since I've seen a SWTOR ad up until yesterday. So.... what does that mean? It means EA is budgeting for advertising. That's pretty conclusive proof the game isn't on "maintenance mode" at the moment.
  15. It's been a while since I've seen a SWTOR ad! Just saw this on the front page of my local newspaper portal: http://i.imgur.com/2AbE1.png
  16. I personally think pvp is a blast. I play 3-4 hours a day, and have never done an ops. The gear gap will also be closing dramatically with 1.6.... You can literally be in all war hero within a week of decent play. So, no time better than the preset to pick up your recruit gear and start banking comms (but don't buy battlemaster until your comms are max'ed).
  17. Think of it this way. Imagine your faction has 80 players queuing right now. 30 war hero, 50 recruits. On average, you will end up with 3 WH and 5 recruits. In practice, most of the WH will often form premades because they don't want to be stuck with 5 recruits. So, in some matches it will be 4 WH + 4 randomly filled spots (of which 1.5 on average will be WH)... For roughly 5.5 WH and 2.5 recruits. In other matches, it will be <2 WH and 6+ recruits. This is why match making is so important.
  18. Two thumbs up. I for one would be up for it both of the time slots mentioned on the 15th and 16th.
  19. I've argued for a long time even a basic matchmaking system would be hugely beneficial. It's just no fun going from blow out to blow out, on either side. Please, Bioware, take note of one thing: don't let people play games with gear. Don't let them queue with one set and play with another after entering the wz. Maybe the system should just track the highest gear level EVER worn by a toon for match making purposes, which would make the entire coding process much simpler as well.
  20. I can't say enough about the importance of tuning your rotation / learning your class. Sometimes even a subtle change can translate into huge results. For example.... I thought I was doing great on my op healer. I was usually around 620 hps = 450k healing in most full matches. I rarely died more than 1-2 times a match. I was basically on cruise control. But I stumbled across a post in the class forum that made me rethink how I manage my tactical advantage.... literally 2 days later, I'm regularly hitting 720 hps and 650k healing in full matches. Make sure you understand every one of your skills, and how they feed off of each other. Make sure you know which of your skills should be kept on the shelf and never used.
  21. That's strange. I logged on/off throughout the day on Sunday and never saw a queue. Also didn't see one tonight. What am I missing?
  22. Very different playing styles. If you like being on the top of the damage charts in pvp, go sniper. If you like playing objectively, go operative. But yes, healer is the obvious major difference between the two.
  23. Welcome! This definitely jibes with what xfire stats seem to show. Hours played has gone up by 3x in the last week. Another month or so, we might again pass gw2 as their numbers decline.
  24. What is stopping you from learning Russian? That.
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