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Everything posted by Warstorms

  1. Sorry, but i quite enjoyed playing dota for years. Same map every time. Hon is the same concept, AoC has the same pvp maps as well as WoW. I was in a ops group with 12 people world pvp'ing with a bunch of randoms yesterday. It was fun you should try gettting into these situations more often instead of complaining. You may actually enjoy yourself. BioWare have always created fantastic Rpg's - I'll commend them as long as they continue to impress me. In my opinions settings don't make a game. Even if i play the same maps over and over my oponants are different which keeps it interesting. I'm not after PvE endgame, i simply don't have the time which university, a mrs, gym and a drinking. To be completely honest end game pve material isnt relevant to this post at all, i can't help but feeling your just trying to flame me because well... i couldnt really give a damm. The game is great and ill give it props. If you dont like it im open to your opinion, but just because you think it doesnt necisarily make it right. Yes, i picked up my first console when i was young. Continuing throughout my childhood, adolescence and early adult life. It is my hoby, my passion which i enjoy because im good at it. I've had priceless moment playing videogames with Rl mates lanning and IG mates i've met. I don't see why thats worth demeaning somone. After all, YOU play games too.
  2. Mmm, agreed. 2v2 and 3v3 would ruin a lot. However I wouldn't mind 5v5 however
  3. Haha, for the reccord. Not trolling. Im serious when i say this games bloody terrific.
  4. Yeah, i fully understand. After all i think im in the exact same position as you are. Keep it up though, id rather fight for a win and feel like im earning my battle masters gear then just have it handed to me and button mash like i think some of the players do. Just think about how effective your going to be with your mates when you have full battle master gear. NO PAIN NO GAIN!
  5. Overcome these problems by co-ordinating your attacks with three other people in vent. We had the same problem in our games untill we realised we had to work at one coersive unit. Im a shadow and usually run with senti/ choice of ranged and a healer. We dont wreck players but in some games i still end up with 54-0 scores and 7 medals. Not to mention i can still take fair portion of health out of anyone with decent gear in a 1v1. I've been a hardcore pvper in everygame i've played. I enjoy not being able to wreck kids on the first go. It makes one think of different strategies to overcome an obsticle, whether it be a gear gap or environmental issue in hutball. You watch me stun someone in battlemaster gear in the fire for four secconds while i beat on you with ranged moves and dots. Gear or no gear, if i pull that off your a dead man. - War
  6. Warstorms

    PvP Perfection.

    I've been a gamer for 15 years, I picked up my super nintendo and played mario when i was 7. On my 22nd birthday I was amazed that an MMO finally had the business sense to give the austral asain market servers in which they can comfortably game. Consiquently, buying two copies for myself and my best mate who is also a gamer. Swtor. You have created a F*CKING FANTASTIC GAME. So far superior to any multiplayer game on the market. Your hard work and determination has made this game something i will spend years of my life invested in. Your pvp system is fluid and most of all, PERFECTLY balanced. I pride myself in my ability to pvp and god damm, im amazed at how you've put the classes together. For this, i salute you. Also, your warzones deserve comendation. They are perfect, dont ever change them. I love Hutball, there has never been anything like it. The coordination needed with friends to pull off successfull wins against a good team takes imennse consentration, positioning and intuition. Well done. Alderan is perfect, I also love it. But please. Why rob us of the lasers??? I love to three cap and watch the enemy ship being domed by a barrage of orange, blue and green. Nothing else can scream "I'm that much better then you, EAT IT" The voidstar, again. same deal. My point in all this is. This thread is full of kids who dont like the game because its hard. But im here to tell you to stick to your guns. Keep things as difcult and as competetive as they are. It's the reason you have this much success! Every online communuity has the qq, its unavoidable. But please know that there is a tremendous amount of unspoken satisfaction of the job your doing. Guildmaster Warstorms, speaking on behalf of his entire PvP guild. We approve of the decissions you make. We understand why you do it and adjust without having a tantrum. WE LOVE THIS GAME THE WAY IT IS, YET WELCOME CHANGE. We are the 99%
  7. Wrong. PvP and PvE are and should reamin completely different things. Reasons being. One is versing a NPC, one is versing a SKILLED PLAYER. One requres a completely different statistacal makeup from the other to keep both content interesting and competitive. You sir. Are just a little b*tch. Eat some concrete, and toughen the F up. Wow did not fail because of the introduction to resiliance, it added more depth and content to the game, apealed to a larger target market by giving the player base another avenue down its unlimited content. Which is, after all, the sole purpose of a MMO. *hands crybaby some concrete*
  8. Please allow us to be able to join queue for PvP with more than four players. Our guild feels like it is unfair that we cannot play together, segregating everyone into groups of four is just not social. Please mad Champion Bags that are purchased from the PvP vendor non unique, so players may acquire more then one at a time.
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