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Everything posted by kriegheld

  1. Dunno exactly. But they have 361K right now. What percentage increase is that from your day 1 number?
  2. Then just re-roll again, 5 months later. Big deal.
  3. Nope. Welcome to 2012. We already addressed this and decided. We said no, so that is that. End of story. Join us in 2012 or unsub.
  4. I don't know the numbers, so I'll take your word for it. A link would be nice though. However, I DO know why those people had quit and returned. CCP/EVE is different than any company/MMO I know. They screwed up despite what the players wanted, the players revolt. CCP apologizes and yet again at their fanfests and the players come back when the changes are announced. The important thing to remember here is that CCP didn't just let them go, they listened and the players came back immediately after.
  5. I never said that. Re-read what he said and how I replied to it, stopping him his tracks.
  6. Oh? What percent of players did they lose in the first 3 months after release?
  7. I think we are in a better position to define what and what isn't discrimination. In other words, we have the final say, not you.
  8. That's right. I joined after the Guild Summit. Can you guess why?
  9. I heard Ranked Warzones will be in 1.2
  10. Don't worry, I didn't literally expect you to take any responsibility. I was generally speaking.
  11. Because it's discrimination otherwise. And not being a "big deal" is hate.
  12. SGRAs have been asked for long before LFG or transfers. I better see, no, I demand that SGRA content be added in 1.3 in preparation for the 1.4 SGRA patch. Or else........
  13. Cute. Don't look now, but your game is dying........
  14. Isn't this thread suppose to be about blaming the droves of people leaving? Clearly long log-in queues are no longer an issue. Why is that?
  15. Nice stories here. But, for the most part, the answer is NO. AOC didn't return to release numbers, Vanguard didn't return to release numbers, STO didn't return to release numbers, SWG didn't return to release numbers, War didn't return to release numbers, Rift didn't return to release numbers, FFIV didn't return to release numbers, etc, etc. And surely none of you are thinking that any game has not only regained their release numbers, but have also increased beyond that. Please tell me nobody here thinks this.
  16. A MMO with the Star Wars IP and hundreds of millions in startup capital stated loudly for years that they were going to compete with WoW. The very least you could do if making such claims, is to include features already in WoW?
  17. At that point, the servers were full. Why don't you use those plump little sausage fingers of yours and explain to us all what happened? Your comments, your sig, all insults. I dare Bioware to stand by your nasty little attitude. I'm sure it will bring people in by the millions. Step out from behind the protection of the Bioware forums and post that nonsense anywhere else on the internet, tell me how it goes.
  18. If you're going to re-roll your main, you might as well roll one on an whole new game. Or, do you plan to re-roll every 5-6 months?
  19. This shouldn't be happening to an MMO with this IP and this kind of startup capital. You can't release a game in December of 2011 that is missing standard features from 2007. Look, in the beginning, this company wanted to compete with WoW. That's not going to happen if you can't even release a game with standard WoW features. It was better off doing something new.
  20. Are you suggesting that we should continue to support this game and company? Don't blame the smart ones that see the writing on the wall. MMO veterans know exactly what is happening.
  21. Really, if anyone is going to start over, they might as well do it in a better game that will still be around by the end of the year.
  22. Vangaurd, STO, and WAR. That's the roadmap.
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