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Everything posted by IIIGinoIII

  1. IIIGinoIII

    PVP and 1.4

    There's just one thing i would like to fix or improve: Que random teams as a more diversified team. I.E. When I play as Sorcerer, I have 6 sorcerers on my team and 2 Assassins. When I play as a Tank, I get no healers on my team. Obviously doesn't happen every game but usually twice a night to finish my daily. It would be nice to see the teams que to have different classes.
  2. If you want to win, you need to play early in the morning or in the afternoon. More disorganized players. Later in the evening I noticed I lose much more cause we are going up against organized guilds. I know most humans have a job and this is not possible. Just saying. If you play late in the evening I noticed my chances of winning are much slimmer. My suggestion play other characters on stories during night and do story. If I waited to late at night to try get my weekly done, it would take me the entire week to get the challenge completed. It is rough. My only other suggestion is to find a guild or start talking to team players and make your own group and play.
  3. 1. Others perceive this class as overpowered in PvP. It is no secret with most of the good PvP guilds turning to these Adv Classes on their guilds. 2. Playing multiple characters, this class is ridiculously overpowered. Can rip through anything. Why would anyone want to play a different class IDK.
  4. Here is a link that may help you. Please forward this to your mom and dad. I am concerned for your personal safety. http://www.rxlist.com/ritalin-drug-center.htm
  5. PvPer How others perceive us? High DPS output, forgotten about. I perceived snipers prior to my class to be useless/selffish do to lack movement. How I perceive my class? Pretty on par as far as damage and utility. We can't run around and run N' gun like most classes. Should be highest DPS do to being more difficult to utilize skills in PvP games that demand so much running around and movement. Like to see more range.
  6. PvP Healer 1. Others perceive our class as weak and an easy kill and automatically a healer. Once targeted as healer, I usually come out of box and get destroyed within 3 seconds by 2 Sentinels. 2. I perceive this class as second best healer compared to Operative. Too squishy. Not as powerful DPS as it should be compared to other DPS.
  7. Be nice guys he may get his mom and dad after you. Then you'll be in big trouble.
  8. I play as a healer and tank in PvP. as a Tank I ask if there are any healers and try guarding them. I usually get crappy healers that don't heal me so I can't guard anything. My gameplan is to get 3 or 4 enemies targeting me and blasting me. As a healer I either ask politely for a guard or start healing tanks rigorously till they get the idea. Communication. I notice matches that start off with little communication as far as gameplan have a higher failure rate.
  9. Let me try to translate this, cause this is total not my level of communication I assume this means let the barrier timing end. I learned what DoT means but have no idea what channeling FL means Seriously? I have no idea W T F this means. For Christ's sake explain this. I understand this What's a mara? Interupt channel?
  10. Agreed, I didn't know this but now will start doing this. Thanks again for the advice.
  11. You have nothing to complain about. I had two different types of augments at 20% I was REing and one took me 27 times the other took me 25 times. This was all the same night. I wished I recorded it. I was pretty heated that night. I have had times where I was REing 10% armor and got 3 pieces in a row reengineered. It really is dumb luck. I wonder if anyone can beat my 20% 27 times story. I wonder what the odds of having that bad luck are? Any mathmaticians?
  12. Priceless. Situational awareness. Organized Ambushes would be great on those worlds. Hmmmmmm..............
  13. DoT? I assume that means target? Whom do I target?
  14. Come play with me I only have a healer and tank I am currently leveling up in PvP. We can flip flop duties. End of discussion
  15. Sorry I am MMO noob. I seriously only understood one thing you said. Great at delaying Voidstar caps. Other than that I seriously have no idea what was said. I need a dictionary for this game.
  16. Step one: Make friends with a good tank. Step two: Make them your BFF and ensure they are protecting you. Step three: Keep them alive as long as possible during your match. Step four: Heal them fully before you die and give them barrier. Step five: Repeat steps 3-5 Yeah it sucks but your tank beaing last one alive will last longer than you being last alive and will help prevent caps of objectives
  17. Just started Agent to earn last buff. You learn so much about other classes when playing them that it will only help as a better PvP player knowing those class strengths and weaknesses. " Keep your friends close and your enemies closer."
  18. I have had backlash. I have had the crap beat out of me by many enemies and the flash does nothing. Is it only effective if you are attacked personally? Is there a range? Just want to know the parameters of it.
  19. /Signed I want to PvP other characters without grinding them through each character. I want to drink milk one day and orange juice another day. I don't want to milk the cow or squeeze the oranges.
  20. That's really too bad to see you leave. I appreciate the mature attitude and think you definitely serve as a role model on these forums with your insight and leadership. Take care
  21. These are usually the pros that don't want to be with people who have recruit gear. Or even worse PVE gear. Still average 1-2 people on my team with PVE gear.
  22. Yes no Bountiful or Rich besides Companion gifts. Abundant is pretty good though
  23. Wait? The blind fills our resolve bar or theirs? If it fills ours, this may be quite useful. If it fill theirs it made it the worst ability ever. As far as 3 sec 20% increase, I think it may get you 2 meters ahead. I would rather use my skill points to get the extra 100HP heal increase from my 5000 Crit Dark Infusions from Haunting Presence.
  24. Two great minds think alike. This is the one that I use. One difference is that I use rail loaders over Power Armor to get more DPS. But building the pefect tank makes me now consider Power Armor more.
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