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10 Good
  1. Ive tried it twice on both the pub side and imp side and got the bug. When I tried last night on GF the people had said it was still bugged so they had been bugged before recently so I know its happened to others as well. Ill give it another go and hope its just a random bug and hope it works.
  2. This is happening again, you can click the console and it will send the ship back but it still keeps shooting and increasing damage. Even saw the ship appear on the fighting floor for a moment. This is bad for those who still have to complete it for DVL event and its the only thing I have left to complete DVL.
  3. Funny how I can have the title, drive the Opus Vectron around, have about 80 gold certs, and everything else but no achieves, heeeeheeee. I just hope I did not lose Legacy points. Would be nice to have a word back on this bug.
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