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10 Good
  1. Im all for change your AC @ lv 20 after rolling a inq sorc i missed getting to use my lightsaber but after a while i started to really like being a ranged caster i mean who dosent like throwing bolts of lightning at ppl so in not being able to change i broadened my horizons also to all who say its like changing from <insert WoW class here> to <insert other generic RPG class here> i want you to insert foot into mouth and chew
  2. Lol @ Princess Leia up there I agree that a flashpoint finder is pretty much a nessesity these days and deserves the utmost attention but I don't think that it is, nor should it be, swtor's main priority at this point I'd rather play without it for a while than feel in any way like I quit wow to play it's spacey clone I eagerly await playing more flashpoints but I really can't wait for the legacy system and all the true RP elements it will introduce that bioware imo is so good at
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