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Posts posted by SpacePiglet

  1. . . .

    I work full time.

    I only have time to play a couple of hours during week nights if I don't finish work late.

    You understand that for each full sub day I paid, I only get one or two hours out of it.

    But I didn't mind as long as I get my one - two hours a day I'm pretty happy.


    Yesterday I've check my sub and it says 2 days remaining, was planning to renew it this weekend.

    I looked forward to play in the game last night but you had maintenance...

    Today the sub says I have 1 day remaining...

    Again I looked forward to play in the game tonight...

    And you do maintenance again...



  2. Im still in game.... lol as soon as I post that I get kicked out 20 seconds later.




    I guess....It's movie for me today...


    Sad because my guild members hardly have time together on the same night after work...

  3. Can someone please confirm if the servers are actually down or it's just down for a little bit and are back now or back soon?!


    I need to know because it affects my decision on whether I should interact with people in the real world/go watch a movie after work, or go home and meet my guild members online to do organised activies in game.


  4. So what exactly is the bug? that it stacks twice? or that the second stack costs no energy?


    While it may be an exploit, saving 15 energy isn't really something to write home about *shrug*


    Edit: I just checked the description and it explicitly states that you can stack it tiwce. I'm honestly not sure what your point is, if there even was one.


    It says it can stack twice.

    But while the stack is not finished, you can refresh the stack again by just spend one Slow-release Medpac.

    Is it not a bug that the tick timer goes back to the beginning again? Especially while the previous 2 stack effect just about to finish and you can exploit it by just cast Slow-release Medpac again just once.


    Get the 2 stack effect for the price of one is intended?

  5. Those kinda people cant even grasp that Thursday night prime time is when most Aussie guilds run their weekly Op's.


    Another patch rushed to live, another case of testers from the PTS ignored, another case of Bioware being unable to wait til next Tuesday to implement a fix, and yet another instance where the non-american swtor community is crapped on.


    Thanks for nothing.


    Just because your track record told us it was coming, doesn't make it acceptable.


    I must agree.

    My guild members had planned to do operation runs tonight and they are not very happy with the unscheduled maintenance today.

    Those guild members are all full time workers. They only have time to play 1 or 2 ops a week and they are not free every night. They need to spend time with their kids, family, or work in the evening.

    It was good to see that they have time tonight to do ops together.

    But I guess it's not going to happen >< because most of them need to get up early the next day for work and can't afford to stay up late...

  6. Hi,


    I play my Scoundrel healer at WZ every couple of days (depends on when I finish work). I am pretty much at the top 1 or 2 of every WZ heal scores. I couldn't help but notice a few things about this class.


    Particularly one of its healing skills - Slow-release Medpac.



    Slow-release Medpac:

    • Instant cast with no cooldown.
    • Heals X amount over 18 seconds.
    • Stacks up to 2 times.



    I pop my slow-release medpac on a few players twice.

    The slow-release medpac buff icon will have the number 2 on it, meaning it has stacked twice already. And the 18 seconds are ticking down.


    Then while the 18 seconds ticking down to, say about 2 seconds (though it can be any time you like before it goes to 0), I pop another slow-release medpac on that player, the icon still has the number 2 but the timer has gone back to the beginning - 18 seconds again.

    So I repeat the above steps.


    In conclusion I am able to perform 2 Slow-release Medpac's stack effect infinitely with the cost of just 1 Slow-release Medpac.


    Is this a logical design?


  7. Does your crafting include biochem?

    If it does then I agree with you.

    One of my chars has biochem and it does 0 - negative profit.

    I tried to sell the same medpac's for a month or more and no one buys them....Because no one needs them.

    Adrenal sells occasionally (if it's super cheap) but the time it took to get sold is way way way too long and the credit gained is way less than the credits spent to make them.

    Biochem (similar to alchemy, cooking, etc in other mmos) in this game is very weird. Because you can buy everything that biochem can make from the NPCs (with a little bit less stats and duration time).

    Other than you make and use them for yourself, hardly anyone would be bothered to buy them.

    So in regards to profit....Sure I do dailies...But that's a different topic. Anyyone can do dailies to get profit. But the topic is crafting is worthless.........So, what is the purpose of this crafting skill if it can't make credits then?

  8. I was misguided by the group finder previews.

    I thought it's a features for you to find players to do the same quests/activities together.

    After I logged on and had a play with it, I am quite disappointed.


    There aren't anything from my quest log showing in the group finder.

    Furthermore if you customise the group finder to fit the quest you want to do, you won't recieve any rewards (from the group finder), so why would players use this feature?


  9. Man...the first time I read the OP's post I thought he was joking. I thought it was a thank you post....


    More players on the server is always better! Our server is so quiet now...You have no idea how lucky you are!


    Some of the datacrons are quite fun to collect... I understand the falling and dying and doing it again can be very annoying. I get annoyed sometimes myself. I can't jump and aim very well. But in the end I still find it not that bad. (Aside from the bugs encountered during datacron collecting)



    I have two problems with SWToR as well:mad:

    First: It keeps me up late at night:mad:


    Second: It makes me really tired for work the next day:(

    Those are also my two problems at the moment :(

  10. When will the Sage/Sorc class get a boost from the glass water pistol they are now to the glass cannon they were intended to be?

    I don't think it will happen.

    Btw the sorc class is fine.


    And the heal spec might have even more nerfs coming.


    Because nowadays when I'm in a pre lvl 50 wz pvp. I can hardly find a sage (or a shadow) in the party. Most of the times in the pre lvl 50 wz party more than half of the members are scoundrels and the remaining are mostly gunslingers.

    I think players are giving up on the Consular class (espeically the sage advanced class). 5 wz last night and 5 scoundrel healers each time. lol.

    They all re rolled.

  11. 1.2 was a fail.

    Class balance was a fail. They made ok and playable classes retarded. So players quit.

    You think when you made the classes fail, players are all going to re-roll and spend more time grinding in the game? If your answer is yes, you need a life or a better brain.

    Legacy system was a fail. Why the heck would players level all those characters when they don't have the time to? Yet if they don't do that they are losing out from the benefits. So players quit.

    My in games friends went back to WOW. :( Even though I told them I like this game more.


    Now I am disappointed with the game too. I LOLed at some bugs 'fixes'. The sage 'bug' 'fix' turned my guild sages either not coming online or re-rolled scoundrels. I joined a few operations last week. And the operation leaders asked for commando healers or scoundrel healers. They prefer their heals instead of sages' because their heals are more efficient (according to people in the raid).


    Sound bug that was introduced since 1.2 is just annoying everyone left right centre...when just when can that be fixed? Doing quests with cut scenes it's like watching mime shows. Going into warzone, flashpoints, spaceship.... wow just pretty much everywhere the sound is just noise.... I know turn off the sound is an option but....players like to switch on the sound for many reasons...


    I'm on subcription...Therefore I am stil here...But everyday I thought to myself....damn...why did I paid for that subcription... ><

    I am only playing because of some in game friends now. Once they all quit (which they will once their subcriptions are over) I might consider quit too.


    BTW if SWTOR is F2P, I would not even consider playing at all in the first place. I run away from F2P MMOs...

  12. :confused:

    I don't understand why other healing classes' AOE heal is instant but sage's has a casting time. Scoundrel don't even have to stand still - such an easy life. And yet you want to ehmmm... lower the amount of what sage's AOE can heal?



    :eek: You've got to be kidding me right?!


    Because you haven't played other classes....You have no idea....

  13. :eek:

    No way!

    I love the space missions! They are so fun to do (though at times they can be very frustrating, but it's all part of the game)


    I've completed the first space mission with flying colours.

    The other ones needed a few tries to get there. But challenge is part of the fun (exclude the frustrations involved :D). I've completed 4 different missions without any starship upgrades.


    It's like a good break from the normal activities in the game, when you are not in the mood for quest (or whatever it is) then just do some shooting :p. When you get frustrated from shooting then just get back to the normal game. Awesome! Thanks BioWare!

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