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Everything posted by auroroavalor

  1. Our, you could leave the trash on Star Forge and join us memers on Hot Pocket.
  2. You're talking about a third party program here, Bioware are under no obligation to maintain it. Did you even check if any other parses worked? Oh, and the way you know if your group is doing enough damage to meet the DPS check is pretty simple, 1. the boss dies, 2. the boss phases, 3. the boss enrages.
  3. Nice to see you're bankrolling the biggest win trading, multi boxing pos's in Swtor. Let's not forget these clowns are the guys fly hacking through GftM leaking videos and pictures of the new bosses or how they're doxxing Swtor streamers on twitch and using IP grabbers so they can Ddos players. Yeah, great people you've chosen to endorse here Mero.
  4. Learning is all the fun isn't it? well finally killing it is pretty fun too. Ok, Learning is most of the fun, but actually progressing through it is kinda fun too. Well learning a new fight is a lot of fun and progressing through it is pretty fun too and killing it is even better. The point is learning is a lot fun. That being said a guildie of mine did a VoD review of one of our kills from a tank and healer PoV which you can see below.
  5. This will be a welcome change, good to see you walking back the negative QoL changes made this patch, I think we all accept this loophole needed to be closed hopefully the complaining won't drown out the thanks for acknowledging and promising a fix so quickly, even if the fix is good $$$
  6. Any updates on the Ranked PVP rewards Eric?
  7. Personally I feel no useful information regarding the fight should be gleamed from a promo video, last time they allowed raiders to release promo videos all it ended up being was a bunch of kill videos which I'm sure wasn't the developers intention when seeking player created promotional material. All that being said, surely the people best suited to promote any new content are those with the biggest following?
  8. Did you see a Titan 6 or Ancient Horror drop at all in 4.0?
  9. I'm not entirely sure why there's any 248 tokens dropping in MM/NiM as they're scaled for something like 236-240 gear and have no place dropping gear two tiers higher than that. Would it be more convenient to have NiM dropping 248's on every boss? Absolutely, but surely keeping the gear incentive on the newer bosses is important, besides, if we get a new gear tier with NiM GftM will it create an expectation then for the old operations to be dropping 254's? In my mind, there's no situation where having older or easier content being a better source of gear makes sense.
  10. Both options sound like an improvement, and if I had to pick I'd take option two. Was any thought given to adding tier 3 legendary tokens to the Master Mode operations loot table in place of the Prototype/Artifact shells currently dropping, I'd happily take the lower tier of gear and some unassembled components, knowing I could upgrade them to BiS in future. Just my two cents from a raider who pvp'ed my mains to BiS.
  11. Predominantly nightmare raiding, regular warzones with a few friends when noting else is happening. Been trying this whole ranked thing lately, don't have high hopes though.
  12. This thread has now gone almost a month without an update, might be time to call it a day. Fixing the title is the least you could do.
  13. Taking the time to get it right is far better then having the servers go up on time a mess, I appreciate the communication today.
  14. That's pretty much how we'd describe it.
  15. Over the last two weeks multiple members of my raid group have encountered significant lag localized to instances, this frequently occurs in Dread Palace and Tyth, however members have experienced it in Dread Fortress and some PVP instances as well. Interestingly this lag feels like frame rate lag and MS does not fluctuate but characters hit invisible walls and are unable to perform actions for notable periods of time. I'm wondering if other players/groups are experiencing this on other servers to Harbinger or if it is endemic to our server.
  16. Additional information, the Jedi Sage mirror utility "Swift Rejuvenation" is currently working correctly.
  17. As of patch 5.2 the legendary tier utility Galvanizing Cleanse does not proc. Pretty self explanatory really,
  18. What defines a 'real raid guild' these days?
  19. "LF3M HM DP 1 tank, 2 dps link chiev" or something similar
  20. Harbinger is pretty populated across all US timezones and even into APAC hours, most groups will form up on fleet opposed to using group finder though, but the server definitely has what you're looking for.
  21. A few more gear tiers and some NiM crystals and you won't need sales guilds for this stuff, it'll be 3.0 all over again.
  22. Musco, you mentioned during the live stream on the 27th that you were hoping to have Tyth on the PTS in "two weeks ish, week or two" Given that the two week mark would be tomorrow can you give us any indication of when we can expect acceptance/rejection of our PTS applications so we can plan out our raid nights accordingly. Cheers
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