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Everything posted by madcappah

  1. So this is the rated scene, eh? No thanks.
  2. Smash was nerfed in 2.0 If you want to go back to pre 2.0 smash I am all for 14k smashes on the regular. /endthread
  3. To those of you transferring to Pot5, we are looking for more! Come <Play>!
  4. Still happening to me, for like a MONTH now. This is game breaking for leapers. I will confirm also that this happens with my powertech's grapple. Some people I pull don't come all the way to me. FIX THIS NAO!!!
  5. Thanks for coming onboard, Hawk! Folks, the ranks of <Play> are growing. Come join while we are growing, we hope to have rateds going soon. <Play> with us!
  6. I only remember the one time, I counted 8. Just busting your chops and your "we beat this team a time or two so we must be better" logic. If they've played you since then, well, I don't know. I'm not with them anymore.
  7. Wait a minute, <Revan's Legacy> beat you.
  8. Welcome to our new recruits! We are growing quickly to run ranked but for now we slaughtered the opposition in regs with our 4-man premade last night. Come <Play>!
  9. I don't rage when I quit warzones. I sigh.
  10. That's cool, dude. I'm all for going back to pre 2.0! AND HERE COME 14K SMASHES YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Wow, that's a lot of words for a baddie who can't handle smashers. I'm impressed.
  12. Brilliant, I think that's enough said from you.
  13. YES, IT WAS NERFED. I used to have 30% increase in crit damage output. Now it's only 15%. How is that NOT a nerf? Oh, there's that MATH getting in the way of your perspective again.
  14. Smash was nerfed. Before smash was nerfed I could hit for 8k when most people had 20k health = 40% of one's HP After smash nerf I may get lucky and hit for 8-9k out of 30k health = 30% or less Deal with it.
  15. I was one of two DPS in a Ancient Hypergate yesterday. The others on my team were 3 tanks and 3 healers. We pwned the other team.
  16. BUMP I will keep this on the front page. COME ON, BIOWARE.
  17. This has been going on for over a week now and still silence from BW on here and no response to in-game ticket. I will bump this thread every day until it is fixed.
  18. Interceded to team mate across fire in huttball, stopped halfway IN THE FIRE. Died. This is BS, BW. That nearly cost us the game. This is GAME BREAKING.
  19. Interceded to team mate across fire in huttball, stopped halfway IN THE FIRE. Died. This is BS, Bioware. That nearly cost us the game. This bug is GAME BREAKING.
  20. I experience the same problems. I started a thread on the PVP forum that can be found here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=647263 There are others in that thread that confirm these reports.
  21. See this thread... http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=647263
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