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10 Good
  1. Count me among those who are happy the OP posted it. Sure, they could have searched it and found it, but then they'd have been less likely to want to "necro" the thread (since "everyone" saw it three months ago).
  2. Your point? What relevance does the level 50 income issue have to the discussion of cost while leveling? Sure, maybe you do need money sinks at level 50. Maybe they should come up with some that don't also impact the noob leveling their first toon? I already work a job and live within my means in the real world. Sure, everything beyond food/clothing/shelter is a luxury (things like MMO subscriptions). But that doesn't mean that it wouldn't purely chap my nethers if it cost 35k to get a driver's license. I don't think I'd be thrilled if changing channels on the TV cost $75 per click ($5000 per click for the premium channels). And finally, isn't this a game? What about fun? What about playing around a bit? Seeing the galaxy? Trying new things? If there is, as many, many people on this board seem convinced, a "right way" to play, and woe be unto the poor sap who isn't min/maxing their "play" time, then why put all of this other stuff in the game? Just make a pure grind fest with a rich and compelling end game. Don't waste money on developing stories and scripts, just put everyone in a room where they kill an endless stream of the same thing until they hit level elebenty and then they can all go and have fun!!! FWIW: - I loot & sell everything that I don't use - I no longer try to remove mods from my gear (wasteful as heck, but fine) - I craft (And RE or try to sell on the GTN pretty much anything that I make) - I haven't purchased more than half a dozen things on the GTN - I only buy stims I've only gotten two characters past level 25 so far, and I had to borrow in order to be able to buy a speeder license for both of them. (And both currently have skills that I haven't been able to afford to train). Seems a bit too far on the "work" side of the "work/play" spectrum. Just sayin.
  3. ^^^^ That is BROKEN. I tend to agree with the OP when it comes to the specific things they mentioned. Class skills/talents shouldn't be costing an arm and a leg. The training to use a better speeder? Shouldn't be costing an arm and a leg (especially given the atrocious selection available at level 1). GTN should be useful throughout the game. Crafting should be useful throughout the game. I'm not saying that you should have a gazillion space-bucks on your level 15 crafting toon with maxed crew skills, but it should be USEFUL to you (rather than requiring the choice of should I craft or should I train my skills). Also, the mechanic that you have to pay to swap out armor/mods on your gear? Totally fubar. No reason for this at all except to suck up funds.
  4. That actually sounds (and your mockup looks) pretty sweet.
  5. I'd love to see this as an unlockable title. Flirt with x number of NPCs, unlock the Snuggler title. "BRB, gonna level my Jugger-Snuggler for a bit."
  6. I had the problem with my Driod X, but after switching to a Nexus I haven't seen the problem (although I had to have Customer Service delete it from my account and then I had to re-add it per Acherom's description). I did find that exiting the app by backing all the way out rather than using the home key helped on the Driod though.
  7. As long as it is fluff, fine. I'd even be ok with being able to buy things that you can get in-game. For example, being able to buy the Custom-built Lightsaber schematic for $5 instead of waiting to find it in-game. Or if I wanted to buy a Gamorrean Guardsman's Chestguard for $2 because I just like the look of it, again don't really see a problem. I'd probably prefer it if the end-game stuff wasn't made available for purchase, but really as long as you can't buy gear/stuff that is better than what you can "earn" though normal play, then I don't see much of an issue.
  8. I would love to see an expansion to the Mission Crew Skills that would provide in-world options. Perhaps a few NPCs at each spaceport or on Fleet that would give small quests related to the respective skills. Or even nodes that would activate a minor quest. Perhaps something that requires travelling to multiple worlds to complete (thus incurring a cost). Or perhaps an appropriate bonus related to the skill (scaled by skill level)? - UT grants better buy/sell prices at NPC vendors - Investigation grants a bonus to RE crafting items or crafting crits - Diplomacy grants a bonus to LS/DS choices and companion affection interactions - Treasure Hunting has a chance to receive additional rewards from normal quests (extra comm/cash, choose two items instead of one, etc)
  9. Actually, they wouldn't really need to entrust someone with the source code. Bioware would just need to build an API to expose the desired functions (and only the desired functions) to external access. (Not to imply that this is a trivial undertaking, just pointing out that it doesn't require opening the source code to anyone else).
  10. Not to mention, the Security Key app doesn't actually have to interface with the game. It simply generates a key. That being said, I was wanting the app described in the OP just today.
  11. I'm not a huge fan of the GTN, but it actually does seem to work as you seem to desire. When I look for something, if I want to see everything, I select "Cheap" and it shows me everything. If I want Blue & Purple, I select "Prototype" and it shows me everything that level and above. (I agree that the "Any" option should do the same thing as selecting "Cheap").
  12. Nope. If I weren't working, I'd be playing right now. I'm having a blast so far (only been playing about 2 months).
  13. Only problem with that is that the final quest has to be run twice to get the full set. So they'd have to make it repeatable within the same day as well. Also, /signed. C'mon! I only need one extra day!
  14. I also think it would be great to extend it by a week. So far I'm having a lot of fun with this. I suppose if I were on a more populated server, where Fleet was choked with groups of infected or Tatooine was overrun with PvP griefers, I might have a different take on it. As it is, I heard about it, and figured I'd check it out when my Class Story took me to Tatooine, so I didn't exactly rush to get there, and now I find myself with maybe enough time to complete it. So it is kind of a short window, and an extension would be appreciated by some.
  15. Post from a couple of days ago basically saying that they are working on it. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=417608
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