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Everything posted by MaXarr

  1. The punishments given out left people with much of the things they stole. A valiant attempt by the game to punish exploiters but people still won in the end.
  2. Currently position 4. Friend is like 115. Server population says standard? Incoming server crash?
  3. Well your point about a neutral faction makes me think you didn't quite understand my point, the neutral part would only exist on Voss to make to limit the amount of content they needed to make. At the end of your "starter planet" story arch you would choose republic or empire. As far as starting at level 44, currently subscribers have 12x exp and can level so quickly that the gap between leveling with 1x exp from 44-50 and leveling at 12x from 1-50 wouldn't be as huge as you might think. Also, to your point about everyone wanting light whips, that's why you would roll the new class. Just like now if you want a double bladed lightsaber you need to be a Shadow/ Assassin if you wanted a light whip you'd need to roll a voss mystic. Lastly, the suggestion wasn't because I want it to happen on any specific timeline. It was mostly out of some hope (albeit likely misguided hope) that devs actually read this stuff and it might be a useful perspective for them at some point. I appreciate your response though,
  4. Other people have suggested a new class for the game but I feel these are often too lofty for the current amount of resources available to the game. I have had this thought for some time and decided to finally share it here. First, if someone has already suggested this then I just didn’t know so forgive my ignorance. Second, SWTOR is my first MMO so any ideas I have that seem to be poached from other MMOs I am unaware of – my intention isn’t to sound like genius it’s to offer a feasible way that a new class could be added to SWTOR. Also, I am not getting into why I think this would be a great addition to the game, I only want to give my suggestion as to how it could be added to the game successfully. My suggestion is to add the Voss as a class to the game. Voss would provide a new species but also a prime opportunity to add a new class and story content to the game without needed seemingly unlimited resources. The way it would be implemented is like this – when you choose to be a Voss you would start your Journey in SWTOR at level 44. On Voss you would NOT have a faction. Rather you would go through a GREY faction story quest that would take you from level 44-50. Before you begin questing, you would be asked to choose an advanced class as you do in the game now. You would either choose to be a Voss Commando Tech using class OR a Voss Mystic Force using class. These advanced classes would allow you to have an additional force and tech advanced class from one start point. The Voss Commando could use a techstaff as no class currently in game does so and the Voss Mystic could use a light whip – a known force weapon from the star wars Universe. Yea I know this likely violates some lore rule but it would be an amazing new weapon in game and if I understand correctly the Disney take over of star wars has made all extended universe non-canon anyway. I haven’t thought the different play styles through completely but the voss mystic as a mDPS and mHealer would be very cool. A healer that actually had abilities used in melee range would be very cool. I have a few ideas for unique abilities but I’ll leave it at that for now. The story from level 44-50 would be identical for all players which would limit the number of resources necessary for bioware to add the class. Then the story arch would culminate with a decision to join the Empire or Republic and at level 50 you would choose a faction in a similar fashion to how you choose an advanced class when leaving your starter planet with the current content. From level 50, you would go to Makeb and continue with the current content from 2.0 and 3.0 up to level 60. An expansion of this magnitude would only be possible with a 4.0/5.0 expansion but would provide a great expansion for those that enjoy questing and story and a new tech and force advanced class for those looking for a new dynamic in endgame PvE and PVP. I have more ideas related to this but wanted to keep this brief and focus on the core idea, which is a reasonable way a new class could be added to SWTOR with limited resources. Thanks for reading.
  5. Hey, I am looking for skilled raiders interested in joining HH. As I put in the title, we are 7/10 HM. Send me a PM if you're interested. Please include your in-game name, class, spec and experience (both pre and post 3.0). I am happy to talk with interested people with reasonable achievements in our TS to answer any questions you might have. Thank you
  6. http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/10189/0 Same Gear and Guild DPS: 5152.74
  7. <HH> Shediack DPS: 5066.22 Class: Gunslinger Spec: Sabo Gear: 198 min/max with 192 implants, ear MH: 192 OH: 198 http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/9608/4
  8. <HH> Shediack Gunslinger - Sab Gear - 192 SB, 198 Mod/ Enhancements, 6 198 Acc Enhancements + 1 Acc Aug http://swtor-parser.elasticbeanstalk.com/parser/view/8423 TTK - 304.685 seconds DPS - 4924.44
  9. *Sigh* Because this apparently has some people upset and making some odd assumptions… <HH> does NOT stand for Heil Hitler. It stands for Hogan's Heroes, a pun on the TV show and homage to my french bulldog puppy that was 3 months old when I started the guild.
  10. Want a VG or Guardian to buddy up with a Shadow tank. Would also consider interested healers and ranged DPS but not actively looking for them at this time. Group will run 7-10 Sunday nights. PM through SWTOR.com or in game whisper anyone in <HH> and ask for "Lax" and they'll tell you if I am around the name of my alt. Thanks for any interest people might have, Lax
  11. In this game, the only thing that has ever made me have less fun is when the population has dwindled. First, on ice breaker after launch and then on pub side of POTF. While I understand people being upset about the exploit and those that took advantage, I don't want any of those people gone from the game. Hold on to everyone we can. For the sake of FP queues, PUG Ops, general community raid skill, the feeling that when you're on a planet you're in an MMO not an offline game and maybe most of all because the money these likely subs spend on both subscription and cartel coins keeps the game we all love alive. I moved to Shadowlands in September from pub side POTF and on a server with an active sizable population, the game has new life and is so much more fun. I would rather see cool rewards for non-exploiters, cartel coins, gear, or a cool exclusive mount/ title/ pet - than bans for offenders. And if they make the rewards awesome enough, maybe people will choose not to push it with the next exploit in the hopes of getting a cool reward? Or maybe increase monthly cartel coin rewards for non-offenders and remove them from offenders for a period of time? Yes, the majority of players didn't do it, but if you're someone interested in lvl 60 ops then a much larger percent of your player base was involved. If people did not get so outraged and emotional, a decision focused on what is best for the game's viability could be made rather than the exploiters being rude daring bioware to take action and the non-exploiters having a riot because they think the eye-for-an-eye approach is the only way to have justice. The game now and in the future is what matters - not teaching lessons or antagonizing bioware to take an action that could have disastrous long term consequences. I hope that bioware can be courageous enough to protect the game's future and that if their decision has that focus - the entire player base whatever side of the fence they may be on - take a step back and put emotion aside to realize what is best for the game's future is what is best for all of us. What is done, is done - we cannot change what was or wasn't on PTS, what was or wasn't fixed over the holiday period, there is no benefit to pointing fingers - but what we can do is find a reasonable solution and get back to enjoying the game more than blasting the forums. Hoping for a long and prosperous future of SWTOR and Bioware, Maxarr
  12. I think that a reputation system associated with raiding would add another bonus to the raiding aspect of the game. While getting coms is great often people are dropping at the weekly because the majority of coms are gathered that way. Additionally, the incentive to run certain raids runs out after a while once the gear is out of date and the achievements accomplished. Adding a reputation would provide incentives for people to run many of the raids to explore more of the content. A few more points: 1) An individual raid could have its' own reputation vendor but raids with similar/continuous story lines could be lumped together (I wouldn't lump too many together however because the point is to encourage people to run lots of content) 2) Make each boss/ completing the story quest each week drop reputation tokens. Make the reputation tokens get larger with each boss, this will encourage people to finish raids and not just do the weekly and quit. 3) Adding a few items and a vendor with some legacy gear, a pet, or a few weapons would be minimal effort on bioware's part. They could even take some of the old gear, like rakata, and make legacy bound versions with a reputation vendor to encourage us to run classic raids. 4) this would also give people who don't win gear something else to go home with after spending hours raiding. These are just my initial thoughts and obviously it could be expanded upon/ made better. I just wanted to share the general idea with the community and see the feedback.
  13. I am trying to improve at MM sniper and I have been parsing a lot on my ship. I cannot break the 27-2800 range and dip into the high 2600s at times and I only broke 2800 once. I see so many people posting about how they're parsing 28-3k (people in 75s are up around 3.2k). My gear is full cunning/power 72s no A mods with 110 tech accuracy. I am full augmented with cunning augments. I have underworld implants and underworld SA/BA relics. I have an arkanian ear 98pwr/surge. I have not put any crit on my gear as has been suggested in most guides. One of my armorings is a 69 and I am running the 2 piece PVE and PVP set bonuses. I run the 36/3/7 spec which to my understanding is supposed to put out the most damage. I don't find energy management a problem. Generally my rotation is as follows: OPENER: Orbital strike -> shatter shot -> Corroside dart -> snipe -> FT -> SS ->SV ->SS -> snipe/snipe -> FT -> ambush --> explosive probe (mixed in there i reapply the dot and pop my laze target relic, adrenal and target acquired in the beginning) ROTATION: Then I generally do two snipes --> FT--> ambush--> FT --> SS (if off cool down) and I wait for orbital strike and SV to come back up then I cast orbital strike and basically do my rotation over again. I might just suck and I can accept that as I've been only doing this for about 2 weeks now but am I missing any major components of the spec or is this just a skill factor? Thanks to anyone who responds
  14. I would be fine with making it cheap. I just want it to exist.
  15. 1) A Legacy Locker in your ship - This is a very basic addition but I think players would really like it. Make it expensive and require like 3 level 50 characters but the means by which to share items (especially for crafting see idea 2) would make for a much better multi-character level 50 experience. 2) LEGACY CRAFTING - We can’t kill crafting, crafting is one of the biggest incentives for raising multiple characters. You want to have one that makes light sabers and one that makes armor (at least I do?). What I propose is this, make items that can be crafted by one character and then enhanced by another but only if both characters are from the same legacy. Make them as strong as lower and middle end game armor depending on how many level 50/400 crafters you have and how much you can enhance your gear. This way instead of repeating missions maybe someone says, “I’ll just make my own armor and raise another character.” TOP level endgame armor should still only be acquired via high level traditional group missions. The idea would be to incentivize players to raise other characters and do less repeatable missions. And players would still do those too but with limited endgame content this would open up the possibility of doing other characters to stay interested in new content while simultaneously facilitating your own future End Game aspirations for higher level armor/weapons. 3) LEGACY MISSIONS – create solo and group end game missions. These missions would require 2, 3, or 4 level 50 characters and allow you to take multiple of your characters on missions at the same time. You would be able to toggle between which character is your primary. You do so much to make these characters and you become so attached to them and then you can only use one at a time that makes the leveling grind feel pointless. There is no simultaneous advantage (other than buffs) of having multiple characters and you never see them on screen at the same time - even though my legacy says they're "allies". I think this would also allow another option for players to engage in end game content that they don’t need to constantly share loot for. OR need to find large groups for. Again, like crafting I think these missions should only provide lower/middle level end game gear with the highest gear requiring the traditional MMORPG group work. Obviously I don't think these ideas are PERFECT, just some things that came to me as ways to expand on existing content and encourage players to raise alts (which is what the game was designed for), keep crafting strong and add some unique features to TOR. Also, note that I have no programming background and therefore no concept on how impossible these ideas might be.
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