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Everything posted by Joran-Koon

  1. I believe the community has agreed the new one is better. The old one forces (increase to master strike / ravage) importance on a channel whereas the new one allows less of a penalty for not getting your channel off. Your mobility is important in this tier and I would want a set bonus that plays towards that. I'm sure there are other reasons but that was good enough for me.
  2. As Provectus has only just recently made the move to Harbinger, We are still in the process of re-establishing ourselves, especially on pub side as it is a side foreign to many of us. Although Pubvectus is our goal and we have taken steps to get it going, it isn't at a point right now where we feel comfortable doing sales on it just yet. The reason we haven't posted a sales thread on Harbinger yet is for this reason. When we "officially" open shop it will be for both sides. We don't want to do anyone a dis-service by not being prepared to accomplish all requests. When you see our sales thread go up, it will specify our prices and our availability on both Imp and Pub sides. But thank you for your inquiry, and once we are running at full steam we hope we can get you that title
  3. Well, considering those who have full clears did in their guild, why leave if the guild can clear it to join a new team? that leaves the latter portion of the population. Gotta realize spliz that the progression community has returned to a state of infancy lol. All the "established" peeps have moved on, it's time for the newbies to shine. You could be the arsenal of our little community. Train all the scrubs, deal with their wipes, and when they are good enough, sell them to the highest bidder to recoup the money spent on training them (ie. wipes) lol. Edit: The intended purpose of that was to make fun of arsenal fans (specifically Niner) not you splizz lol.
  4. No problem buddy, I'll see ya soon.
  5. haha, I thought I'd seen everything. Good luck on the Hawk. Lots of RP'ers looking for costumes, good market therefore smart move. Server pop is good too. You move, Bastion is relieved. You get better costumers. Everyone is happy.
  6. There are about as many guilds as there are people at this point lol. Starting a guild on a new server you just transfered to, with (i'm assuming) little to no previous connections on which to base your foundation in. With that said, I'll say good luck. As for your question, This server is the largest in Swtor and it runs around the clock as we have APAC players here as well. There are many many guilds who do both PvP and PvE. Few doing RP as we aren't an RP server but If you look hard enough I'm sure you will find some. And the word "best" of each category is subjective at this point as most of the established PvE'ers and PvP'ers are either in casual mode or left the game.
  7. Provectus does Wings for 20Mil. We can do either pub or Imp side. Fill This out and we'll schedule a time, can be as early as tonight.
  8. Don't sell yourself too hard lol. Almost don't know how to contain all that desire and positivity. Good luck on your....search lol.
  9. One tank the fight, bring another dps, it makes it easier Plant your tank on unit two and have him taunt unit 1 on cooldown, should be good to go.
  10. lol specifically only yavin and black hole? Not any other dailies lol? Ya man, for dailies and random leveling its not worth it. but if you ever go "more hardcore" spec into it, its easy damage.
  11. Some of us are experiencing the lushness of activity that Harb provides for the first time, and some of us are just glad to be home lol. But thank you for the welcome m8. We're glad to be here
  12. Close and personal is your "get points for showing up" skill. You do damage to enemies near you (and they are always near you as you technically are melee) when you take specific types of damage. For simple heroics or questing it isn't really important as nothing you face will survive long enough to justify you having close and personal active. However, should you chose to go into ops or even flashpoints, it is a great skill to have as it literally boosts your damage by just standing there. There are some fights in this game that close and personal will be my third highest damaging moving contributing 200k + damage to a boss. I pushed no button for that damage, just speced into it. So like I said, your "Points for showing up" skill.
  13. I don't know what I will do if we get to a point where we can solo an Operation lol. This game is meant to be played with others, it literally is in its nature. BW has done a good job in allowing a large portion of the game (especially expansions) to be done solo. Can't be pushing that to far now
  14. The transition to core is the harder parts to that fight. Naturally the easiest thing is have simply outstanding dps. Pushing Revan right after one set aberrations is ideal, any longer and you're in trouble (damage, mechanics or enrage will kill you). You are right, the Zorz guide times are a bit off i believe as the aberration timing is extended skewing how it was when those guides were written. I'm not sure how you're tanking him but you shouldn't have him cleaving the raid ever. One tank takes trail around leaving the tank with Revan while the aberrations go. If the group is at 6, you could stand at say 7 or 8. As long as you dont turn your back to him you can move (backpedal) so that the aberration order is always in front of you. Theoretically the only time you may be in danger of cleaving your group is if there are abs in like 11, 12 or 1 but if your off to the left of the group, you can still angle it right where you look at the abs and not show the group the conal. Words really don't do the movements justice, but I hope this kinda helps lol.
  15. Lol nice man. Now that Provectus moved to Harb, i'll probably dust off my jugg and go get it too lol. Our poor little community
  16. so you're leaving....what was the point of this?
  17. Many people have done 10/10 on an Op/Scoundrel. They are a different heals then they were before, but as long as the healing duo works towards each other's strengths, all content is healable with an Op. Don't give up on them man.
  18. lol I should rephrase my question: Which one of you swindled your raid group into carrying your jugg dps through first and third floor before the fight got easier? I do agree with you, saying that it matters a lot about who you play with and we could sit here all day and say "well if i had such and so on a team then I could get revanchist". You may be right. I could also say i could have created facebook, i just didn't surround myself with the right people/engineers or coders to get the job done....but I could have done it. As much as "you could do it", the real reality is many didn't. There is nothing wrong with staying on your tight group of friends, Some people choose that. I have several friends that I think are very talented but they choose to wipe to underlurker and torque night after night with their friends. Nothing wrong with that, I personally can't stand it, but my question is really, who did everything they needed to, to get a title. I mean I don't blame any one of our awesome juggers re-rolling this tier for their raid team. It's commendable. Regardless if you can put up the top numbers, we take more damage, have the least amount of viable utility and above all else, we're melee. We are an ancor to a raid team's progression...sooner or later. So bravo to those of us rolling other classes on our teams, but for those still fighting the good fight, who got it? who succeeded?
  19. *Ahem* Canadian. As there isn't much else to do, I just might lol. Nothing serious of coarse, but I like to chill. You guys main pub or imp most?
  20. If I level an alt on TOFN, will you accept cookies as form of payment?
  21. No i was more wondering if there were any others who got it prenerf. I mean even getting it now is still respectable but not like it was.
  22. [Edit] Manwe post removed, thank you BW. Moving on with a question to our lovely community: Other than kalameet, do we have any revanchist juggs? (prenerf & postnerf?)
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