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Posts posted by Oldsailor

  1. I just did the solo version of Boarding Party, but after completing it there appeared to be no way to leave the ship and I did not get the quest update for the final conversation with Malgus, the quest simply ended. I could only leave the ship by logging out. Bug?


    I guess you never tried the exit area on top of your minimap. That usually works for me.

  2. Um, sounds like you never did CZ-198 missions. Not that I'm knocking you, it is a side part of the game, and can be done without interference with the main storyline. I think it was introduced with RoTHC expansion so if you are new to the game then it's totally understandable.


    That said I think there is a mission you can get to send you to CZ-198 at fleet. Or you can skip it and just go to a Priority Transport Terminal (near your ship at fleet is one location) and just travel to CZ-198. Or worse case, fly there with your ship. (Although that cost credits.) Since you need Champion reputation with them, you will have to do a bunch of dailies, heroics, and/or weeklies to level that high.


    The reputation vendor is down the other corridor from the mission terminal on CZ-198. The sword is the last thing on the vendor list.


    Hope this helps.

  3. Whos bright idea was it to make Makeb now a lvl 51 to get the story? What was so wrong with 47?

    Now sitting here at lvl 49 with nowhere to go but Ilum, a pvp laggy hellhole. No thx!

    Awesome work BW! Just f**kin awesome! :mad:


    Since this is the start of the thread, I'm assuming you are arguing that your only option is Ilum. But as others pointed out, you can go back and run lower planet dailies, heroics, or content you skipped over for the xp now with planet sync. Or what you can do is run a solo flashpoint, and gain a full level. There are many options, so yes, getting to Makeb takes longer than it used to, but not like they left you only one alternative.

  4. I agree that before 4.0, gaining up to maximum affection, the fact that several companions did not have a "favorite" gift was a small bother. But now with influence going as high as 250K, it has become a real pain. I think because they have changed all companions to be little more than "cookie cutter" in abilities (tank/dps/healer) selecting a companion has more to do with what companion you like the looks of.


    With all the other changes they made, I would think that adding a "favorite" gift for the nine companions that don't have them (excluding romance options) would be a easy fix.


    If this isn't fixed, you will see a lot less of these nine companions, since getting them up to maximum influence really isn't worth the time/cost.

  5. Nope all use doublebladed lightsabers. (Mine are equipped with their original gear.) Cathar Warstaff is listed as an electrostaff. I think when they "redid" the comps they took out the other optional items they could use. (Probably why Xalek can't use it either.) Funny but my Jedi Sentinels doesn't have have electrostaffs as equipable, but they can use it.
  6. Can someone explain this to me.


    First they are changing the contents per pack, (which is fine...but)


    Two items per pack – Each pack now only has two items in it. One item will be from the bullet above, a mount or some other “bigger” item. The other item slot will be a Grade 5 rare or artifact level Companion gift.



    Then in another post they say:

    Affection is being changed to Influence to coincide with your Character's Alliance.

    ie Companion Affection Achievements in Fallen Empire thread


    So in affect BW is changing packs to include one item and one totally useless item. (If affection is going away, what is the use of companion gifts?)


    I don't understand how that works? Do the dev teams even speak to each other?

  7. I REALLY, REALLY don't understand this. First I read that they are making changes to Monthly Pack Content:


    Two items per pack – Each pack now only has two items in it. One item will be from the bullet above, a mount or some other “bigger” item. The other item slot will be a Grade 5 rare or artifact level Companion gift.



    Then I read this post.


    I'm beginning to wonder if the dev teams talk to each other.


    Is gained affection still important in this game? If not, why is in included in the new monthly pack content?


    Ouch, my head hurts!

  8. I'm cheap, so I've hunted for the part over twenty times personally. Also numerous times when I am on Hoth and someone asks for help looking for it. I've never spent more than an hour looking for it and it's usually in about a dozen places. I suggest asking for help on Hoth, in your guild, or when looking on another planet. (I've help folks find parts on multiple planets one after another.) This game usually has helpful folks that will lend you a hand when you need it.
  9. IDK


    I read the Dulfy page, and even though it's one little line, I read this:

    "Old planets will have no changes from KOTFE. It would be too much work."


    As I read this, I read it to mean that the changes are KOTFE specific. So all the old content, (crafting, datacrons, gear) will remain the same. Nodes that drop will not be adaptive on the old planets, so no problem getting stuff for conquest. Crafting recipes won't disappear. Basically all the stuff required to level to 60 will not change. It looks to me like the changes basically affect those getting the new expansion. (Remember although it is a free expansion you must subscribe to get it.)


    And it makes sense, it would take way too much work to change all the old stuff over, it keeps the old stuff still relevant, (ie not everyone will sub, there are a lot of f2p/pref players out there), and it's another way for BW to make money, to get more folks to sub.

  10. I know this is a little bit of "nit'picking", but my Yavin stronghold is the only one that doesn't really have a place to put a GTN "close" to where you zone in. I usually use my stronghold for mail, all three storage checking, item modification and GTN use. Just something small, about the size of the banks. Just makes it easier to use the Yavin stronghold.


    Thank you

  11. As an "owner" of over 80% of the available mounts in Collections I'd like to thank you for giving us such a wide and diverse variety of mounts in the game. I'm sure all those adding to this thread have at least a few that they love.


    That said I'd like you to consider some "fun" mounts. I love the horn from my Merium's, the snow blowing out of my Czerka LD-1 Celebrator, and the smoke coming out of my Hyroti Scapper (I only wish this was BoL instead of BoP).


    Some ideas might be a flashing "police type" bar on a mount, an "annoying" mount that keeps honking it's horn (not too annoying just every so often), or even a mount that lights off fireworks, has "steam" leaks or make backfiring sounds.


    Something that makes it fun to travel the vast expanses of Tatooine and Hoth.


    Thank you, and keep up the great work of giving us so many mounts to choose from.

  12. Thanks to all who have read and or commented on my post.


    But I like to emphasize the reasoning for my post. I want to balance both sides of the equation, the developers/EA and the players.


    And while there are a lot of post with some great ideas to the balancing of scrap drops, I'm afraid that EA would be in an unenviable position if they were to bring it back. The forums would be "aflame" again with folks complaining of either too many or too few drops. (Let's face it, you won't be able to satisfy everyone, and while the majority may agree it's balanced, you will have a vocal minority that will complain.)


    And while having one machine do every faction might be great for players, it wouldn't be that great for the developers/EA and serving as a credit sink and as extra market items to be sold.


    And really what is the purpose for gaining faction reputation? So players can buy the items from the reputation vendors. Since the majority of items are bound and cost certificates, I felt that keeping them linked meant folks would continue to play the machines to get these items for any of their characters that they might want to outfit. With a better drop rate (of faction certificates) it would keep players playing and also satisfy the credit sink part of the machines.


    I felt that this compromise would bring back an item that would be fun to play, be collectible as a set, and reward players with the items from the reputation vendors, all without complaints of drops affecting market prices.

  13. Reading various post from the developers and players I think this is what is desired by the community.


    1) A fun item to play. Which also leads to socialization of players as they gather to use them.

    2) Drops of reputation, For a lot of folks that want/need to boost reputation with factions.

    3) Something that doesn't interfere with the market price of items on the GTN.


    So here is my idea. Restore the first slot machine to the original drop rates. BUT..


    1) Keep the current drops for reputation items.

    Don't try to fix this, since it's fine.


    2) Replace scrap with credit drops.

    There are already a multitude of credits boxes/booms that are already in the game and this should be easily implemented. Folks like to play to win things (the fun part) and credits don't interfere with the market the way drops of Jawa Junk did. This helps lower level players gather some additional credits to use to spend on items available in the game. The developers can also "fine tune" this to keep it on the border of a "cash dispenser" and a total credit sink (which it is now in it's present form). And while green and blue scrap is nice to have, the items garnered from it are fairly easy to get via gathering or missions. (And by keeping scrap out, it make those that really desire it either to buy packs for the drops or to participate in Conquest to get them as rewards.)


    3) Replace cartel certificates with faction specific certificates.

    This is probably the hardest thing to do. It would require a lot of work to make/slot the certificates and change all the faction vendors to accept a specific certificate. The reason I say to do this, is almost all the certificate items from the faction vendors are bound. So it doesn't matter how many you get, you can only use it for yourself and not upset the market for Twi'lek dancers. (I would keep the cartel certificate vendors - the ones in the Stronghold and Crew Skills section -just the way they presently are.) I would also have a vendor that could change cartel certificates to faction specific ones (but most importantly not the other way around). The reason for this is cartel certificates are only dropped in packs and it would allow those that gather them to spend them as they please. And by not making them exchangeable the other way keeps these freely dropped faction certificates from having any market effect. Also by linking the specific slot machine to specific vendor certificates, players/guilds may want to purchase/play each individual slot machine for the specific rewards associated with that faction's vendors.


    Please consider this suggestion. I think it brings about changes that I feel the entire community will find suitable, while bringing back an item that allows for fun and socialization. It helps newer player gather reputation and low level players a chance to gather some credits. It also will easily provide for all a way to gather additional gear, mounts and toys, while not interfering with the market. (And more gear to use with the new Outfit Designer.)


    Thank you for your consideration

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