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Everything posted by ajanu

  1. I have 29 days of sub left. After that im not resubing. Bye swtor.
  2. SWTOR is the last EA/Bioware game im buying. There is enough free games on torrents.
  3. The reason there are less players per server in SWTOR is because SWTOR engine cant support great number of players. For example, i can play battlefield 2 bad company with 32 players on map without problems and get lags on alderan pvp with 16 players on the map. That shows you how bad SWTOR engine is. Further, less players on server leads to ghost servers. In one month playing as level 50 i didnt play a single operation cuz it is impossible to find 8 players for it unless you are in clan full of level 50 (my clan has 2).
  4. Good job. Good job. That is the purpose of grinding. To keep you in game as much as possible to pay monthly sub while you are doing repeatable, copy/paste content.
  5. NOW YOU SEE WHAT ARE THIS IDIOTS DOING WHO ARE PAYED BY YOUR MONTHLY SUB. Instead fixing game and adding new content, they still have time to program and record stupid movies of robots washing windows.
  6. After reading PvP notes for update 1.2. i can say im really disappointed. (1) Queue time longer: I need to wait 2-5 mins (at prime time) and 10 mins (off hours) on average for warzone to start. That is because of small server population on my server (max 60 people on fleet at prime time on average). After patch, those level 50 players will split among ranked and normal warzones which will make queue time longer. (2) Copy pasting is bad game development: Single player games will get negative scores when devs are copy pasting levels to lengthen gameplay time. Bioware devs are doing that with gear. We had already 3 sets, now there will be 5 sets. Marketing trick to keep players in game to pay monthly sub. (3) Stuck on the server Warzones wont be cross server. That means no shorter queue times due to the larger queue pool. Faction imbalances will still affect warzones. On my server Imp outnumbers us heavily and is reflected in warzones. Out of 21 played warzones as level 50 i had only 4 wins. (4) Open world PvP is dead No Ilum updates in this patch. Other planets have to small population for any PvP. By the way Ilum was destroyed by players who created facion imbalance, and not by Bioware. Proof: (5) No mass multiplayer warzones New Battlefiel supports up to 64 players on one map in multiplayer. We are stuck with 16. I do think we will never move from 8vs8 player do to the problems with SWTOR engine (which is crap). I can play Battlefield 2 Bad Company on high with 32 players on map with no problems, but sometimes i have lags in Alderan with 16 players. (6) Copy pasting is bad game development v2: New warzone is pretty much same as Alderan as far i saw on youtube. Cant you be more creative ffs. Make warzone where we: 1st have battle in space to take control of landing ports on ship 2ns have battle in ship to take control of ship and land on planet 3rd have battle on planet in those giant mech robot from SW movies 4th have battle in under ground facility with teams split in 2 groups of 4 people to finish separate task and take control of facility. (7) Better statistics Only plus i see is improved statistics with new medals.
  7. You only need accuracy if you plan on being tank slayer, ie focusing tanks 1st.
  8. NO. Ilum was not killed by devs. Ilum was killed by Imp players. Players, and not devs, created faction imbalance.
  9. ajanu

    Will pvp die?

    PvP in SWTOR has already died. Ilum is back on drawing board as devs told. So, no open world pvp on Ilum. Servers are empty or at least on Rep side. So, no pvp on toher planets. Warzones have queue of 10 min. Also, third of warzones end by shutdown sequence. Who is to blame for that? Only players who created Rep/Imp imbalance. You have videos on youtube what imp did on Ilum. Of course Rep players will quit and that will create even more imbalance.
  10. Hardcore players? They post class builds? They post videos of ops? They are the ones casual players turn to? I thought this game wont be played by 12 year old kids cuz its not F2P, but i was wrong. This isnt chess or c++ programming so you dont need class builds, videos and other stuff. You have 300+ pages books of chess tactics; this is just a stupid game. Lol. As for gear. Do you know why do you need so much gear? So that people would stay in game for as long as possible and pay monthly sub. No other reason. I have played Skyrim and the gear there is so much easier to acquire and craft. But you know what? Game is is really fun and still better than in every term than swtor.
  11. ajanu

    PvP for what?

    Done 2 warzones today (im rep side). First was huttball and defeat. Second was Alderan. Imps captured all 3 turrrets. Then 2 players left and warzone shutdown sequence started which eventually ended warzone. They expect me to pay €15 /month for this piece of crap game???
  12. Im writing this post so that people that play this game for free wont be tricked by actually buying this game (at least cuz of pvp). This is a constructive post not qq. I hit level 50 on my char (jedi shadow) yesterday. Bought 6 champion bags with coms i saved when i was pre 50. Got enought coms to buy 2 pieces of centurion gear. Done 8 warzones. What is the conclusion? Level 50 warzones only change to worst. This is what happen in practice. (1) 8 warzones - 0 wins, 8 losses. Had my 1st defeat 0-6 in huttball ever. (2) Im put vs players who have on average 15-16k hp. I have 12k hp. I will die in seconds if focused by an enemy group. (3) Damage that im doing to them is a joke. (4) Teammates still focus tanks (like they did in 10-49 group), still dont call inc for doors in voidstar (like they didnt in 10-49 group), still dont care for ball in huttball (like they didnt in 10-49 group), still there are matches without healers and tanks (like it was in 10-49 group), still go 1-2 vs 6 in alderan (like they did in 10-49 group). What am i to do? Buy battlemaster gear. Yes, i will. I will grind my way to bm gear like a noob. (1) Only attack i will use is double strike. Why to use any other when my damage is useless anyway. Standing in front of enemy and pushing one button requires least effort. (2) I dont use cc anymore. Like its gonna change something. (3) I wont interupt enemy actions anymore. After 4 sec they will repeat again, so no point in doing that. Will that ruin game for my teammates? It will but dont really care cuz i have to grind. Did other people care they will ruin game for republic when they created unbalance of rep/imp? To free players. This is the state of pvp in SWTOR. My friendly advise to you is not to buy this game if you want to pvp. One more thing. After i got level 45 i stopped killing level 13,14 players. If they attacked me, i stuned them and went on my way. They are just so weak its too easy to kill them. I really find no satisfaction in killing weak oponents. Probably, same thing will happen when i get bm gear; i willl have 18k hp and will be put vs players with 12k hp. Im wondering what is the point of pvp? Fun isnt cuz it is not fun to play unbalanced game. Competition is not cuz you dont need skill to kill lvl 13 player when you are lvl 45. I belive only point of pvp is to make you stay in game by giving you some sort of achievement for collecting gear.
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