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Posts posted by Xedry

  1. It's ironic that you make this sort of hyperbolic statement when the person you quoted listed out all of the many forms of solo content that exists in this game, and only asked "Please leave Ops as they are."




    I don't want them to take away OPS for group content but I would like a Solo version of OPS so I can enjoy the story at in my own way... I don't want my cake and to eat it too... I want everyone to have cake and to be able to eat it to. The People who like to group will always group but people who don't like other people... Cause I pretty much hate everyone it's how I am. Are not but we all pay so I'd like us all to get what we want. there is no reason we can have it all

  2. Let me Also point out that I don't like Decorations my Strong Hold has 5 things in it GTN, Storage, Legacy Storage, Mailbox, and the shop chick. I care about story, I care about my looks and that's about it. With that said I want there to be a Solo mode for everything... but I also wish there was a Nightmare mode for everything I want BW to cater to both the Solo and the OPS runners. I don't like to group I don't like OPS because of Group but I'd love to run all my Companions through an OPS. But Let the OPS have there OPS. See what I'm saying here?
  3. This is an MMO, solo players have plenty of things they can do in this game. 1-60 is solo, dailies are solo, crafting is solo, they even gave you 6 Flashpoints you can do Solo in SoR, and are adding 8 more solo FP's in the expansion (rehashed ones true, but you don't need a group for them). The Operations don't affect any story. Revan has a solo quest that you can do to complete the story, just don't choose the Operation option for it if your a solo player. Please leave Ops as they are. Simply it is meant to be group Content, and should stay that way.


    Just so you know MMORPG does not mean Must Make Other Require Play Group... it Is Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game... Meaning that there is Many People playing the same game... it doesn't say you have to group or that you are not entitled to things if you don't group that is the flaw in your claiming it is an MMO. that means nothing other than what I said that many people play and of those people some group some don't. Now as for solo content I think that they should get Gear... NOT Raid STATED gear. But vanity stuff is fine, SOLO Gear is fine hell even ORANGE Gear with no mods would be freaking Great cause I care more about what my character looks like than how hard he hits. But Vanity stuff like decorations there are some people who make beautiful strong holds but maybe they don't enjoy raids, but they enjoy decorating so what do you suggest is they don't get to do what they like?

  4. Why hasn't anyone mentioned the Greatest flaw of all.... If you don't group to begin with, this scaling isn't going to magically make people group! I did my first ever Raid 2 days ago. Eternity Vault and I was bored out of my mind. Granted I was over leveled but I was trying to get into it solo didn't realize you had to be in a group. Well a Group was there and their leader saw I had Ziost Gear and invited me to help them. Even if it was at my level I would have been board out of my mind! I'm okay with group content of maybe me and one other person. maybe of 2 other people for a group of 3 but that is pushing it. But yeah this group of raiders invited me to do the operations with them and it was no fun. And it wasn't their fault it wasn't fun. Group content isn't my cup of tea. I'd enjoy a Solo mode yes but I do not expect them to give us any. I digress the problem is going to be those who hate group content will not group, Rescaled or not.
  5. Honestly im desperately hoping that Old Republic will get its own separate continuity. Thats basically what we have now. But I mean officially its own thing. Bane, Vader, Katarn and whatnot are cool and all but I like the future, even the distant future, to be unkown.


    Technically Bane is part of the Old Republic time line, the book says it takes place during the time of the old republic but after TOR

  6. To adapt. When half of the players play this game solo, it is the smart thing as a business to satisfy them. Maybe originally the game was intended to play as a MMO. But the fact is there are probably more players who play this game solo than there are MMO players (or at least a large amount). And let's be honest, one of the main reasons they made this game a MMORPG rather than KOTOR 3 is because MMO's make a lot more money. But there are clearly more people who just want to play this game solo as if it's KOTOR 3. And BioWare knows this that's why they made 95% of the content to be solo-able which makes this game more of a RPG with MMO elements rather than a pure MMORPG.


    Just because something was intended to function a certain way does not mean it cannot change. If things stay forever as they were first intended, then new inventions would never exist. Things evolve and grow because there's a demand. Sure if today there's only 5% people wanting to see Operations having a solo mode then that's not much demand to warrant a change. BioWare can just ignore it. But looking through the forums and all the previous threads, there is a significant demand for this all the way dating back to 2012. There have been many, many threads where people ask to be able to play Operations solo. And within those threads it's always half of the people agreeing and another half arguing against it. So it's not only a small minority of people wanting it. There is a significant demand. Of course that does not mean BioWare HAS to add this feature. But I think it would be a smart move considering how many people have been asking for it for years now. It will make A LOT of their fans happy.


    As for your FPS comment, that's because there's no demand for it. If there's a large amount of Call of Duty fans (let's say 30%) wanting to see a 3rd person mode, wouldn't you say it'd be smart for them to add this feature? Or at least consider adding it? Of course it would. It all depends on if there is a demand or not.


    actually call of duty modern warfare 2 had a 3rd person mode online that used to play! I agree I would probably play COD if they would add a 3rd person in all modes

  7. First time posting ever, started playing at launch. Got back into it with 12XP. I was playing a JK and beat the story then started talking to my companions after maxing them out. Notable with Scourge and The Commando. We started talking and immediately mention the emperor falling at my hand. Anyone else notice the dialogue changing depending on story progress?
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