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Posts posted by Xedry

  1. 2 hours ago, Tiffanitte said:

    Yeah, I traded something to someone yesterday and wowzers the tax was steep. I won't be trading to other players ever again. 

    Just OUCH.

    I traded a cartel market armor I got from seasons I already owned too my gf, it cost 170k to gift it to her I feel your pain.


    But at the same time to the Hutt guy not samcu but the general. The fee is for what the avg value it goes for. The only reason stuff goes so high is cause of all the credits that came out of nowhere. People lost there minds and started going higher and higher with prices.

    Nothing in the game should cost more than 500 mill and even that is steep. As the credits disappear everything will go down in price to reasonable demands. 

    I do lament the trading fee but at the same time when I can buy darth revans armor for my gf at around 500 mill or less I'll know it worked.

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  2. 7 hours ago, Kristallia said:

    I would like to see old galactic seasons to be introduced back to game as some form of paid DLC, either something you can buy with real money or cartel coins.

    They always offer content that keeps me busy for months! They also always come with nice rewards from the track, and a new reputation and companion with some small story, all unobtainable later :(

    I think it would be very nice if they would stay on game as a paid DLC instead of just being removed, removing them and not make anyone able to play them anymore feels a bit like waste of dev time, I think this would fix it :)

    I personally missed pretty much whole season 2, I did not get the Fen Zeil companion but I did get some reputation to the Shadow Syndicate, but since I dont have that companion and its not obtainable anymore, my Shadow Syndicate reputation is stuck forever half completed and it annoys me having uncompletable reputation😆 I contacted customer support about it but they could not really help me getting the Fen Zeil companion (even though they were very helpful and friendly and explained the system very well)

    I would love to buy the season 2 that i missed as a DLC!

    I mean the collector's edition and most other exclusive stuff are now on cartel market. You have my vote I've already been through it so I don't mind.

  3. 1 hour ago, krackcommando said:

    it died slowly. first they killed rated WZs (after collecting a boatload of money from guilds transferring to the same server). then they created rated arenas with leader boards and tiers that applied to everyone on every server and maintained faction separation, so everyone naturally cheated the system (legally; it was a horribly planned system) and farmed bad players by swapping factions or only playing tank when the bad tank was online. they also allowed hybrid classes so players could queue as dps when they were perfectly capable healers. of course they were treated as 100% dps. it was a mess.

    over time, ppl stopped queuing rated arenas. server populations shrunk (fwiw: pvp wasn't the only thing shrinking; this game has no end game!).

    meanwhile, there were two queues: 1) rated and 2) regs. regs were 90% WZs and 10% arenas. for a short time, they popped equally, but ppl complained, so BW designed arenas only to pop when there weren't enough ppl to pop a WZ. rated limped along, but of course arenas never popped. so ppl never learned to play arenas or practice them. at the same time, WZs were meaningless b/c there was no place to go after learning them. there was nothing, and contrary to what other players have said to you, rewards do matter. making WZs meaningless caused players to ignore the win conditions of the maps. who cares? all you win is a daily or weekly. for 5+ years, WZs have been a joke. half the ppl ignore the win conditions, and the other hand are so incompetent that they don't know how to actually win them.

    but yeah. pvp would still exist without rewards. sort of. I mean...game was dying. servers were closing and merging and merging and serious games were only available at certain times and were ignored and the seasons never ended. I mean....yeah. iunno. iunno what your point was in asking that question. would you pve without rewards? I would. but not if it's bad story. not if the "end game" is just re-running the same stupid "quests" I did in 2012. 🤔

    No I appreciate your answer, I guess it actually makes me hate the idea of pvp seasons, instead of fixing the problem the solution is to bring in non pvpers to artificially boost population and say look pvp is working! That is more childish than of us on the forums.

    I don't know if this will give you insight into me or not.

    But I don't do endgame content unless it's solo. Before the level sync (which I hated) I would grind out my levels till I could solo every heroic and flash point. The reward for that at the time was orange gear. My oldest toon still has some of those old Flashpoint gear. But my point is I'm just really here for story and making my character look cool, not for others to see, but for myself. If I could have a private server of this game I'd have a blast all to myself.

    They should remove cosmetics from pvp, and instead freaking fix it and make it fun again instead of trying to get more participants. 


    @bioware/EA "If you build it, they will come..."

  4. 14 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

    my friend, there haven't been any cosmetic rewards or rewards of any kind for generic pvp ever. well...maybe the valor gear from like 1.x.

    only rated. and up until 5.x(?) nothing grindable in rated.

    but there's never been anything grindable in the mixed queue before.

    So how did pvp last so long? 

  5. 12 minutes ago, VegaMist said:

    Right now, everyone gets the same stuff from PVP season (the only difference is sub status). What krack proposed is: tier A rewards - everyone can get by grinding (same as now), tier B rewards (require extra effort), tier C rewards (require substantial extra effort), and some D rewards (require exceptional effort). So, some people would get just A (grinders), some A + B, some A + B + C, and some A + B + C + D. That way, noone's efforts are wasted, and there are clear insentives to git gud for those who're willing (essentially, every tier is insentivised). Your response made it sound like you would leave if you could only achieve tier A, if tiers B,C, and D became available.

    I wouldn't try for the harder stuff, I don't have the skill and I don't want to make a dedicated pvp toon.

    • Haha 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

    because you still want the stuff that you can get by grinding?

    edit: don't get me wrong. i understand you not playing if it's something you think you can't get. I understand you not grinding if you don't like the stuff you can get by grinding. I don't understand you not grinding the stuff you do want and can get by grinding just because other ppl can get stuff that you cannot (whether you want that other stuff or not)

    It's more like I see pvp going back to the old way it was. You had to win to get gear they provide. Nothing inherently wrong with that but basically come down to why bother imo I'm not a pvper, I'm not top 10٪ and my mindset is kind of on arena where I die so fast I don't even earn medals. I suppose WZ  is different cause I can win those with a decent team.

    But again you still get rewarded for being a skilled player here. You get through the pvp seasons faster, you get through the weekly faster, and when your done with that you can still pvp.

    My reward for being here is wasting my time, dealing with negativity and finally when I get my 1,000 points I get a respite from pvp till next week.

  7. 1 minute ago, VegaMist said:

    It's OK to hate the mode. It's weird to make demands regarding the rewards from the mode you hate. There are plenty of people who love the said mode and exceed in it. It would be nice if their efforts were rewarded at a higher scale than those who grudgingly grind through it. Yet you are stomping your feet over it (not even it's happening, but a mere proposal) - that's entitlement.

    Read my all my posts again please... I'm getting so tired of repeating myself. I have said it numerous times. Skilled players SHOULD be rewarded. I even said they should get gear fully modded or it upgrades it self and that the participants should just get empty shells of the gear.


    However krack said that if there was gated things behind pvp that me leaving doesn't make sense. If I cannot get something based on my skills why would I bother?? That's is not entitlement! I'm saying it not worth the effort for me. Can you tell the difference?? If not please tell me what part is not clear?  


    Oh and just to remind you yes skill should be rewarded but I'm sure I'll have to remind you again.

  8. 5 minutes ago, krackcommando said:

    lol. you don't understand what I'm saying. that's the only possible reason for this. really. it hast to be.

    this stuff was never offered before.

    but just to be clear, what you're saying is that if pvp was broken into tiers, let's say 1st (best), 2nd, 3rd, and everybody else

    1st gets something special

    2nd gets something special

    3rd gets something special

    everyone else get's nothing special but they can "grind" their way to (e.g.) a set of pvp armor (that isn't exactly what any of the top 3 tiers got).

    you're saying you would not grind out the grindable gear (assuming it looked good and you liked it) because it's possible for other people to get gear because they earned it by being better than you. not pissing on you or trolling you...just being better? that would prevent you from grinding out the gear you could get? I mean. ok. I'm not you. please confirm this one more time. I know it's asking a lot. I really cannot fathom it. humor me, please.

    Depends is it all re-color armor each tier or is it separate cosmetics?

    If it is separate cosmetics I'd leave.

    If it is the same but different colors then I'd stay.

    I don't enjoy pvp that has been established.

  9. Just now, krackcommando said:

    nothing you said there makes any kind of sense.

    you're saying you would not do exactly what you're doing to get exactly the prizes you're getting, simply because there are other, additional prizes, that you cannot get because you're not good enough to get them? B. S.

    Not b.s. you are not me, don't pretend you are I didn't pvp until these new seasons. That's not bs

  10. 6 hours ago, krackcommando said:

    so let me get this straight, if you could get two sets of armor (that you apparently like) a couple decos, a flag, a mount, by simply completing participation thresholds that you're doing right now, you wouldn't do it if there were also other things like flairs, different skins of the same mount, different armors that could only be attained by merit. yeah. I'm gonna call BS on that. but w/e.

    you seem to be under the impression that exclusive rewards preclude participation rewards. participation rewards are fine and good. it keeps the flood of ppl (such as yourself) bolstering the queues. exclusive rewards keep good players in the game and fosters the drive to get better. iunno why you think these things need to be mutually exclusive. I never once said get rid of participation trophies. I find it extremely difficult to believe that you wouldn't grind out participation trophies (assuming you like them) just because there are also skill-/merit- based rewards.

    If something is gated then yes I wouldn't do it? Why do you think i am all of a sudden doing pvp?? It's not rocket science if they set the bar to the point where if you absolutely have to be good or better at pvp to get exclusive rewards I would leave. I put in my time and deal with toxic aholes only because I can get something out of it. But if I have to do all that and also get so close to getting items only to find that I am not skilled enough to get them. I'd stop playing. There are limits to everybody's skill level. Not everyone can get the gold. Give rewards to skilled player but not exclusive cosmetic rewards.

  11. 3 hours ago, Whykara said:

    By that logic I should've quit this game years ago because I most likely will never get the Wings of the Architect. Of course you can get merit based rewards, you just have to git gud. What you're saying is you don't want to put in effort for rewards. Which is a mentality that MMO devs honestly should not cater to. 

    You're confusing what I said. I didn't say if I cannot have it by just by showing up I'd leave... I said If I cannot get it, implying that my skill level wouldn't allow me to finish the season like krackcommando implied. I would leave most people would. Have I once said in my posts that skill should not be rewarded?

    Let me ask you something did everyone in swtor participate in ranked pvp?? Do you think over half the population did?? How many would you say did ranked pvp?? And why do you think they don't have it anymore.... by your logic ranked pvp should not only still be here but should be booming.

    Which do you think the devs are chasing right now? Your logic or mine?

  12. 3 hours ago, krackcommando said:

    nah. you would still bang your head against a wall to get your nice new gear. you just wouldn't get access to all the sets, decos, etc. that comes out for each season. or maybe not all of the skins for the mounts. that sort of thing.

    No if I cannot get something I'd leave. Most people would

  13. I have also been around since 2011, got the founder title to prove it. The exclusivity will bring down the population. This isn't the Olympics, this isn't real life, this is a video game. Olympics is full of people who want to be the best and strive to get the gold. This more like hey you want to go play basket ball in the park? Bioware is going to follow the money and pvp isn't where the money comes in. Cartel market first subs second. I don't think that should be right but that is how it goes. The people most likely to buy CM items are casuals. Bioware is not going to go for skill based or win based cause they would rather loose a hardcore then a potential CM buyer. Just my theory 

  14. 10 hours ago, mesamonster said:

    Vote kick required at least 50% of the people to vote 'yes' before it would kick a person. The vote had a timer so one person could not spam vote kick if the previous vote failed.

    The vote was automatically canceled if the person entered combat or was gaining pvp points like defending, attacking and healing.

    Vote kick only worked on players refusing to enter combat and players who did not stay near objectives. How much help to a team are you being if you don't enter combat, don't heal, don't guard, don't stay near objectives, and aren't being attacked?

    Vote kick was very useful in ranked pvp, aka arena, because players who would stealth and refuse to attack and let the match time out would immediately be kicked. Players who were waiting down their timers was fine, but players who would troll their team, refuse to fight, and sit in a corner stealthed while harassing everyone and let the match time out never lasted more than a couple minutes.

    I was around when SWTOR first released. Those of you that think the ability to abandon any game at any time with no penalty will fix the issues are wrong. Back in release we had more pvp games happening than any other point in SWTOR history and we had issues with people constantly abandoning games at the first sign that the other team was going to win. Sometimes we would have half the team abandon a match after the opposing team scored their first huttball. We would then back fill replacements, those players would notice the game was going to lose and also leave the game. It became impossible to win a match when your team was constantly lacking people and the new people took time to figure out what was going on and abandon the game as well.

    Now with even less players and less pvp matches, your chance at being backfill to a losing game or waiting 10-15 minutes for a new match will be much higher.

    Serial abandoning matches was so common people started to complain on the official forums about always backfilling losing games. It won't be any different now except we have less pvp games going on than we did at SWTORs release.

    You want to fix AFKing? Remove the reason why people queue up and AFK. Do not let AFKers finish the dailies and weeklies. Right now an AFKer who does nothing for their team will gain the same 1 point as the person who played, defended, and attacked. Change the dailies and weeklies from counting wins and losses to counting participation in the games. The only people who gain from the current system of win and loss are people who refuse to play objectives and players who want to go AFK.

    Vote kick worked but it was very difficult to kick anyone but real AFKers. Currently anyone can go afk and they won't get kicked unless they don't leave the spawn room in time.

    The problem with that is in Arena's if you die to fast you get no medals, as if you didn't participate. Plus if you get no medals in any pvp match you get no season points as if you didn'tparticipate,  you only get progess on you once a week objectives. And I don't think you can force them to put in more effort than they already are. I don't AFK, I don't use stealth character's either. Not sure if there the only ones who afk. The best solution I can think of is how to attract pvpers and not attract non-pvpers. I'm already regretting having to pvp today to get my points. 


    And for @krackcommando the emoji is a shrug

    • Thanks 1
  15. 6 hours ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    I’m not suggesting making the rewards unattainable. The rewards would still be the same. The difference with the medals system I propose is the more medals you get, the more seasonal currency you would get.

    The less medals would mean less currency. You’d still be able to grind away to get the things you want. But it might take a bit longer than for someone who gets more medals.

    The only thing that BioWare might need to do is add a couple extra items to the season rewards track. So that you wouldn’t be able to get all the rewards in one season unless you earn enough currency. That can happen by playing a lot more PvP or by earning more medals. 

    The more you play the better you usually get. Which means the more medals you earn. And the more rewards you’ll ultimately be able to get per season. But at the same time it rewards skill & improvement. 

    Of course someone could still just play a lot more to grind out the rewards, but it would be a lot more than you have to now. 

    I'm confused... are you not aware that if you don't get a single medal you don't get points for season? It's why I only door arena 24 times a week... to get the weekly done and 100 points for season objective. But beyond that you need one medal to get 2 points if you lose. 2 points our of 1,000 for the week. In arena unless you do enough damage or kill someone or your team wins both rounds you don't get any medals at all.

  16. 1 hour ago, TrixxieTriss said:

    I agree that all rewards should be accessible for new or lower skilled pvpers. But there needs to be an incentive to get better & to play to win & not AFK in the corner. Currently, the system gives everyone exactly the same rewards for queuing, regardless of skill or AFKing in the corner. 

    Linking the reward currency to medals & making the medal system work & adjusting it so the more medals you get, the more rewards you receive, would be a good way to incentivise people to play & improve. It would also address the situation of people AFKing in the corner. 

    The base participation rewards should not be linked to skill & should only be PvP gear & it should be easy & fast to acquire. This way new players gear up properly & fast. 

    I'm not AFKer myself, but I get the mindset, 65-70% of them I would suspect are just like me: Pvp is not fun and not what I want to do. Difference being I will participate (poorly). There is nothing they could do to incentivise me to get better beyond gearing to 332. I'll click my flashies and bubble at the last minute (though some how there is some kind of control that prevents it sometimes). 

    My suspicion (again only what I think not for sure the truth) is that they aren't going to change the system to skill base because we will leave, then the pops will stop happening frequently enough to where you won't be able pvp enough to get the rewards (again just my guess) I think bioware is stuck between populated pvp (with casuals and afk) or baren pvp where they'll get yelled for pvp popping once or twice and hour (or more). 

  17. I don't disagree, there defiantly NEEDS to be rewards for pvpers and skilled pvpers. But I think bioware did seasons on purpose this way to get casuals in pvp to boost population. I would have never queued for a single match if it weren't for these pvp seasons. I think one thing they could do for skilled people is give them the cosmetic armor fully stated out. I have an idea for pvp armor that upgrades itself based on level  and discipline, it could be improved wins or medal or something. And the filthy casuals (aka participators) like me get that same armor only it is empty shell that you upgrade the normal way mods.  

  18. 2 hours ago, VegaMist said:

    Two people is not "everyone". And considering you are not even pvp-ing, by your own admission, it's kind of hard to take your opinion seriously on anything pvp related.

    If it can be abused in normal, in can be abused anywhere. I was running FP with my girlfriend and told them to slow down she wasn't familiar with the FP. I got kicked for speaking up and they put it as AFK. I understand your mad but don't let emotions cloud your judgment. People are aholes if you give them any chance to abuse something they will. There is only one instance where it would never be abused and that is in a perfect world... I know this world isn't perfect cause we still have level synch, So I can't solo everything I want.

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