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Everything posted by Gomex

  1. Originally posted this in another thread, just wanted to hear thoughts from the community on the ideas. Perhaps a rep can come in and share his thoughts? Healing Tree 1. Force Regen- I would love an explanation from BW for making the squishiest class in the game have the worst resource management by a LONG SHOT. Not only does every other healing class have ways to refund their resources after casting, but give the class with highest survivability/hps the best regeneration. On top of that, the only way to "regen" as a sorc is to sacrifice a couple of talents so you don't end up with 2/3 of your health for only small portion of force back equivalent to 2 dark heals that require procs to crit for about 5k-5.6k. I won't even be greedy and bring up fixing degeneration that's in the game for whatever idiotic reason a dev thought it was good idea to further nerf the class with the worst survivability and highest cost on heals. Ok, enough with the rant on that... Solution: Adding a simple you gain X amount when polarity shift is used or some kind of 2 min cd that gives a percentage of total pool back. I bring up polarity shift because any sorc/sage healer will waste 40%+ of his total pool during that time if he's maximizing the globals on healing. This creates a snowball effect and eventually lose regen simply because you made the best of a crucial cd that keeps your teammates up...I noticed this especially after doing arenas where my ap tank was opened on with me being double flashed and I had to catch up quickly on heals...(bubble/rejuv/innervate/salvation when he was stunned and dark heal spams with innervate/bubble on cd.....by the time polarity shift ended I was down to 40% just to top off my teammates....with 4+ mins to go. Perhaps asking some kind of force back on broken bubbles is asking too much? 2. Fix useless talents in the tree- BW talks about preventing hybrids from being the stronger specs in the game...yet they add in useless talents such as 10% slow on affliction...OH WAIT 2 POINTS AND IT'S 20%??!?!?!. I would love another explanation as to why this talent in still in this tree. The only thing I can think of us lowbie idiots who quest as a healer trying to kite "strong" npcs. Solution: Change the talent entirely, if you want to give some kind of offensive talent in the healing tree then bring back instant whirlwind with 50%/100% reduce cast time. I believe this would create much more balance among sorc healer vs op healer comps...would make much more sense that sorcs have the stun debuff and one instant range cc while ops have reduce cd on stun and their close ranged aoe cc. I would bring up my ideas for the dps trees, but...this is more enough text for me today.
  2. HOW TO FIX SORCS In order to fix something you must first address the problem in the first place. Adding in a talent from a different class isn't going to "balance" and possibly the worst thing the game can do at this point. Healing Tree 1. Force Regen- I would love an explanation from BW for making the squishiest class in the game have the worst resource management by a LONG SHOT. Not only does every other healing class have ways to refund their resources after casting, but give the class with highest survivability/hps the best regeneration. On top of that, the only way to "regen" as a sorc is to sacrifice a couple of talents so you don't end up with 2/3 of your health for only small portion of force back equivalent to 2 dark heals that require procs to crit for about 5k-5.6k. I won't even be greedy and bring up fixing degeneration that's in the game for whatever idiotic reason a dev thought it was good idea to further nerf the class with the worst survivability and highest cost on heals. Ok, enough with the rant on that... Solution: Adding a simple you gain X amount when polarity shift is used or some kind of 2 min cd that gives a percentage of total pool back. I bring up polarity shift because any sorc/sage healer will waste 40%+ of his total pool during that time if he's maximizing the globals on healing. This creates a snowball effect and eventually lose regen simply because you made the best of a crucial cd that keeps your teammates up...I noticed this especially after doing arenas where my ap tank was opened on with me being double flashed and I had to catch up quickly on heals...(bubble/rejuv/innervate/salvation when he was stunned and dark heal spams with innervate/bubble on cd.....by the time polarity shift ended I was down to 40% just to top off my teammates....with 4+ mins to go. Perhaps asking some kind of force back on broken bubbles is asking too much? 2. Fix useless talents in the tree- BW talks about preventing hybrids from being the stronger specs in the game...yet they add in useless talents such as 10% slow on affliction...OH WAIT 2 POINTS AND IT'S 20%??!?!?!. I would love another explanation as to why this talent in still in this tree. The only thing I can think of is lowbie idiots who quest as a healer trying to kite "strong" npcs. Solution: Change the talent entirely, if you want to give some kind of offensive talent in the healing tree then bring back instant whirlwind with 50%/100% reduce cast time. I believe this would create much more balance among sorc healer vs op healer comps...would make much more sense that sorcs have the stun debuff and one instant range cc while ops have reduce cd on stun and their close ranged aoe cc. I would bring up my ideas for the dps trees, but...this is more enough text for me today.
  3. I'm glad BW version of fixing sorc is buffing madness by adding protected dots.... When really all they're doing is nerfing the same class but in a different tree. For those who think sorc dps isn't viable...just give up on lightning for now unless you had arcane mage arena experience with teammates who understand how your class works. If you still can't come closer to winning games as madness....do more research, watch higher rated sorcs or reroll/unsub to prevent further tears.
  4. Shockey you got nothing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5xyvJj8ENw
  5. Come at me bro. I'm wearing the tubes, come at me, see what happens
  6. Have people figured out a counter to caveman cleave that's been dominating the lower intelligence on this server yet?
  7. Don't be sorry, it wasn't an attempt to be "good" at anything here. Just stating it's nice to see them transfer off Bastion to play more at their own level.
  8. I've been wondering where the Brazilian players went after being pooed on. Enjoy pot5! They'll fit right in with the rest of the server
  9. Might as well add in 5v5 while you're at it, cause like you said...nobody can survive 3 dd!
  10. This is too good of an idea for bioware to accept. If any bone is given to us it's the fact that leaderboards is being created...there goes the budget.
  11. True true, no complaints there, some backs are stronger than others.
  12. Or it could also mean you left the match.
  13. Shout out to players who don't blame their losses on lag.
  14. I like how BW acts like they just noticed it now like it was never on the pts to begin with.
  15. "Whose laughing now *****, ha ha ha" Couldn't have ended that any better lol
  16. Would making highlights on twitch and sending links to you help? Sounds like a fun idea!
  17. Didn't get the memo with the results of your petition eh?
  18. Just like I never said they were badly hurt by this nerf. You're just dramatizing over it and putting words into my mouth.
  19. Because you're too much of an idiot to realize lethality isn't gimped. It's a L2P issue I guess.
  20. You corrected me on saying mercs/commandos were never viable. I simply stated their whole class has barely been viable and need a desperate buff to compete as a whole class rather than spec So to prove your statement wrong, I had to bring up the top rated comps in RWZ. Also I brought up how your guild even thought lethality was gimped. Only to be proven wrong and embarrassed on stream after blaming lag. So yeah, it's easy to pick and choose what's relevant, just like you think on your ability to play scrapper. Once again, back to the topic, scrapper were never viable at all, this dent to their spec is a better balance to the overall class If anything, op lethality was hit the hardest. If you're going to cry about the spec, at least be aware of other classes in the game and their current state before you ask for "balance"
  21. Or so you believe as the only person backing your statements...just like how your petition worked out. "Underlined part, well, whatever it is can't be worse than having 2k+ people watching you embarrass yourself on these forums." Yes, the embarrassment of trying to reason with somebody who believes cover completely gimps a class. "Technically, both specs weren't viable at all in RWZ so my point still stands." What point is that? MVP and DP has used this class in RWZ(main set up as well) because it actually has potential. Your point of scrapper being viable in the past is....when they could one shot everyone? Or when regstars could solo warriors at offnodes with ease? "Absolutely not, but don't assume that you know everything when it's obvious you don't." The irony
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